The positive side of sPvP
Besides all the issues it has, its still somewhat…fun.
I really enjoy pvp. It is pretty much all I have been playing since the start of the year due to the complete lack of any sort of new content in pve and because I like having the legendary division badge next to my name. I think I like it because it is the only game mode that it really matters how good you are in. Yes, your team can carry you to a certain extent but it does really help you improve as a player and allows you to learn new classes. I also like it because of the strategy/rotational play you need to think about.
PvE- Grolex (Warrior)
PvP rank: 20 Rating: 1864 (season 7)
What I enjoy the most is playing with friends on some vocal server. Sometimes we do some unranked games, and I enjoy playing Conquest, coordinating and trying to snowball the game, as well as fighting people of my level. Sometimes, we simply want to brawl and go to hotjoin – being pitted against one another, taunting on teamspeak, fighting to our heart’s content, dancing on each other’s corpses, having a great time…
If you don’t enjoy the game anymore, just have a break and try something else! Unless you have pro-like objectives, it’s still just a game, you should definitely enjoy it and not end up frustrated about it. You can always come back when you wish.
because gear is all standardised and ignoring team comp for a moment, shows how good you really are.
I like going to custom arenas and duelling my guildies to get practice. Then pvp matches to put my skill against others
“Buff my main class, nerf everything else. "