The positive thread
7. Decap engi is a tactical build which requires superior positioning skills.
8. New Balance Patches as promised every 5 months.
9: Hambow Warrior is new and exciting.
9. Sometimes those balance patches dont make everyone quit.
10.Pistol whip thief is very hard to use and entertaining to watch and shadow refuge is really balanced and requires surgeon like placement to be used properly.
11. The meta buids like spirit ranger and hambow are high risk high reward and require a large amount of technical skills to play at high tier.
“I’m so hard right now” – Ozie, in solo queue.
no fun when u get 6k dmg from thief during shield of wrath
12. There is lots of cool skins to customize your character.
13. Quaggan tonics are useable in HOTM.
18. eSports is our future
[url=https://] [/url]
19: Forums related to pvp are filled with positive, constructive comments.
20. It is fairly easy to make a female character look like a HOPA, in any weight of armors.
21. Allie Murdock is awesome
22. The pvp community is so nice and friendly. People like Davinci always make my day end in a smile.
“I’m so hard right now” – Ozie, in solo queue.
4, No level grind – lower barrier to entry should keep the game alive
I was going to use my mesmer in PvP and test out the new signet heal but I needed to waste 25 skill points just for it. That is not ‘no level grind’ anymore.
23. I love to play portal bot builds. They are very fun and i feel very competitive.
24. Elementalist is totally fun to play when against decent organised teams.
24. Once you hit rock bottom, things can only get better.
Now let us observe how GW2 proves the opposite.
(edited by KarlaGrey.5903)
25. Actively reacting to passives is a great mechanic.
december patch they removed snow in pvp
march patch they remove glory in pvp
Spirit Ranger Yilvina Darnus
Bunker Guardian Morwenna Darnus
I applaud the original poster for trying to insert positivity
The guys being sarcastic well, thats their issue let them vent.
Ill not put a number but ill put this:
(number), Anyone in the pvp community thats still positive and helping to support the scene. They are out there and they are doing great things to help the community grow, thankyou!
26. Skyhammer is the best map! So fun! (to troll people)
The only exclusive skyhammer stream
27. I like 4v5 !! I ve never played such a wonderful game that makes you play at a huge disadvantage . What a cool challenge !
(edited by a t s e.9614)
28. Due to an awesome randomness, anyone can be rank 1 solo leaderboards!
Sorry, I had to.
29. No p2w items in shop :P
tho I would like to see more fancy gear remodels, weapon remodels
I applaud the original poster for trying to insert positivity
The guys being sarcastic well, thats their issue let them vent
Ill not put a number but ill put this:
(number), Anyone in the pvp community thats still positive and helping to support the scene. They are out there and they are doing great things to help the community grow, thankyou!
lol the irony, you should of seen his post a mere few hours ago. I’m glad to see the change of heart though.
Haha, i admire the OP’s genuine attempt to create a positive thread but it was only ever going to end badly.
Right from the first reply onwards the trolling started (and rightly so, there are so many things wrong with the pvp in this game) :P
9: The jump puzzles in HOTM are so fun Always keeps me entertained while i wait 10 minutes for a 4v5.
– 7772 games played, 5274 games won.
“Nuke or be Nuked” – Said every mesmer ever
lol I have to be positive. The powers that me are cracking down on me on these forums. One of my accounts has been suspended and others are under threat so I thought lets go positive !
Balance entirely aside, the combat in this game is the most fun, fluid and responsive I’ve ever seen from an MMO.
30. I played a mesmer for the first time and beat builds people had been running for over a year. WOOT WOOT #Mesmer4life #Mesmer4LifeClone #Mesmer4Lifecloneofclone #Mesmer4lifeCloneofcloneofclone #Shatter
you know i was going to post some kitten about circles but then i realiced that even if u make fun of them they wont change kitten, so im just not going to.
I’m curious why threads that simply point out negative aspects of sPvP are closed for being “unconstructive”, yet threads that simply point out the positive aspects (like this one) are not.
I applaud the original poster for trying to insert positivity
The guys being sarcastic well, thats their issue let them vent
Ill not put a number but ill put this:
(number), Anyone in the pvp community thats still positive and helping to support the scene. They are out there and they are doing great things to help the community grow, thankyou!
^^ I came to this thread expecting people to actually be positive. Isn’t that what we need in the midst of all the QQ? Here are some of the things I like about sPvP.
-You have fun whether you’re winning or losing.
-No snowballing (thank god. Kittening mobas.)
-It’s a much more fun way to level than PvE.
-You can make a little gold.
I’m curious why threads that simply point out negative aspects of sPvP are closed for being “unconstructive”, yet threads that simply point out the positive aspects (like this one) are not.
The negative threads tend to devolve into name-calling, personal attacks, and trolling. That is why they get closed. Which is the reason this one might, so let’s help bring this back on-topic to the original post.
Which is the reason this one might
It’s the internet. There will always be trolls, as evidenced by this very thread.
But whatever, I’ll leave it at that so we can get back to ‘being constructive’.
31. All the coordinators are well qualified and familiar with the game….
32. Constructive criticism on the forum is dealt with in a professional manner rather than being deleted without a good reason.
31. All the coordinators are well qualified and familiar with the game….
32. Constructive criticism on the forum is dealt with in a professional manner rather than being deleted without a good reason.
If only.
33.Beserker stance,diamond skin and automated response are well balanced and raise skill level
^kitten messed me up!
34. The Arena Net team actively listen and consider the feedback from the GW2 sPvP community, and use their suggestions to balance the game. Their monthly CDI threads are their way of reaching out to the community that makes it feel like combined effort of Arenanet and the players in furthering the depth of the game.
35. The Balance team reacts quickly to apply hotfixes to bugs and regularly implement excellent patches every 2 months that introduce minor changes to the game that provide an excellent impact to the game.
36. The GW2 Community are always positively lively and brimming with excitement in reaction to new balance patches.
37. Build diversity is extremely deep and the meta is constantly changing.
38. The development – especially the balance team – has a perfect overview of the game itself and improved the already perfect balance with every patch.
38. Cashprize on this game are awesome. This game is totally eSports !
I’m curious why threads that simply point out negative aspects of sPvP are closed for being “unconstructive”, yet threads that simply point out the positive aspects (like this one) are not.
The negative threads tend to devolve into name-calling, personal attacks, and trolling. That is why they get closed. Which is the reason this one might, so let’s help bring this back on-topic to the original post.
Except what you consider “name calling” is so absurdly ridiculous that anything but the wettest butt smooching is considered an offense. I called someone “dishonest” for taking my post out of context and moderation gave me an infraction.
It’s no wonder the PVP is in such a poor state because ANET cannot handle or listen to criticism. I happen to enjoy the PVP enough to care to want to improve it but it’s hard to give criticism when you guys are so sensitive.
39. Arenanet does a great job helping the tournament scene to grow.
40. This game is fair. If you get disconnect on a tournament event, admin will pause the game few minutes until you come back.
41. These forums, the best place to gather information, has a search engine -the best tool to find said information- that’s been broken forever.
It’s forced me to use google… More google is a good thing, right?
Learn 2 Play Mesmer Here! || Lookit! Gots me a youtube!
Mesmer Personality Quiz! Exclamation Points!
42. There are just so many top teams playing against each other all the time and never queue dodging.
Let’s hope something good will come up from that CDI thread and there won’t be any need for sarcastic posts.
44. Pvp updates are TOO frequent. I wish they would slow down so the meta could settle.