The top 10 things you want to see changed.

The top 10 things you want to see changed.

in PvP

Posted by: Furajir.3815


Ready, and, go!

Tupro-Ranger- “The Great White Hype”
Yak’s Bend(TWIN) Racist against Sylvari
RRR Ranger and Warrior videos:

The top 10 things you want to see changed.

in PvP

Posted by: EchenSketch.9142


Obviously, there are more than 10 things that need to be added, but off the top of my head…

1. More game modes
2. Separate balancing for PvE/sPvP/WvW
3. Availability of all trinkets to allow for more varied builds
4. Better telegraphed skills and animations
5. PvP Teams separate from guilds
6. More Game Modes
7. More features for casters (Replay feature, live statistics, etc.)
8. PvE/WvW rewards for sPvP (cosmetics, titles, mini’s, etc)
9. Better PvP lobby
10. In-game leaderboards, and more informative leaderboard statistics. Also, the ability to search rank by name, so I can rub my rank in people’s faces

Falkriiii – Elementalist

(edited by EchenSketch.9142)

The top 10 things you want to see changed.

in PvP

Posted by: Xista.7391


Coming from a newish player to sPvP (but very experienced in other game’s PvP)

1.) Normalized height. Would love to view everyone as humans.
2.) More emphasis on winning hot-joins than doing your own thing to rack up points, not contributing to the team.

In-game opinions of Skyhammer:

The top 10 things you want to see changed.

in PvP

Posted by: Nuka Cola.8520

Nuka Cola.8520

1- Drop a nuke on Conquest game mode
10- Drop a nuke on Conquest game mode.

But seriously the main things i want in spvp and until i get them, i don’t see myself in spvp more than 2h per week is.

Let me use all exotic trinkets available to pve, i don’t like to be forced using your stupid Amulet pre sets.

Give us free allocation of traits -minor AND major-

I want to use my pve skins in servers made for people who brings their pve gear inside (ascended gear will be downgraded to exotic level)

I want an attack/defend kind of game mode (please just copy/paste FA in gw1…)

The changes i want won’t happen anytime soon (2+ year) and i’ll be long gone when/if its added. So my hopes are,,,,, inside mystic toilet.

Fact: every Thief tells you to “l2p” when the subject is to nerf stealth.

The top 10 things you want to see changed.

in PvP

Posted by: defragger.2483


1. PvP MapEditor
2. More Game Modes
3. Better Balance
4. Lower AoE DMG
5. Better telegraphed skills and animations

The top 10 things you want to see changed.

in PvP

Posted by: butch.8136


This is not in order of importance, but here goes:

1. Soloq matchmaking fixed. Use the system as is but add one last step: Taking the 10 people and make two random teams based on that pool of 10 people.

2. Leaderboards polished. Add a proper decay and make the team leaderboard… a TEAM leaderboard.

3. A good reward overhaul. We know it’s coming, but as you refuse to say anything about it… I hope it’ll be good.

4. AUTOMATED TOURNAMENTS. Daily, weekly, monthly, yearly with tangible rewards (cfr. point 3). This is needed for so many reasons, I can’t understand why you tought in the transition from gw1 pvp to gw2 pvp to not add this. It’s needed for natural team creation and creates a dynamic/consistent competitive feel.

5. I’d rather have hotjoins removed just to educate people to the fun part that Tpvp can be. But this will never happen. Workaround: Make Tpvp much more rewarding then Hotjoins (again cfr. 3.). Rewards should go from low (hotjoin), medium (soloq), high (teamqueue), highest (Automated tournaments).

6. Observer mode. I know you want to go esports and boost twitch viewership but that isn’t really working now. Give us observer mode and tie it win the matches played in daily/weekly/monthly tournaments. This way everyone who plays gw2 can enjoy them and maybe even be tempted to play?! Again…why hasn’t this been transitioned from gw1pvp?

7. Replay mode. Make it possible to save and replay matches. Add this functionality to observer mode matches (thus the daily, weeklies, etc.) and to custom arena’s who are used for player-run tournaments.

8. Risk/reward and skill ceiling balancing/retuning. Risk/reward is skewed with many builds. A low skill floor is fine and actually good for new players but the reward shouldn’t be that high. Skill ceiling should be way higher on every class. Revamp traits/sigils/cast/animations and the like to leave room for reactionary gameplay. Implement more fun skills who allow different but fun (thus not perma stunlock, chain fears, etc) gameplay. Find a solution for condi meta (DR on condis?, etc) so that condi/burst/balanced is all viable.

9. Build templates. Again a feature from gw1 that wasn’t necessary for you? :/
Anyway, we know it’s coming (kinda).

10. New gametypes (more crazy conquest maps is fine for me).

- These are the ten out of the top of my head. So there’s clearly a lot stuff missing (imo).
- This more QQ but can’t help it: So much features we had didn’t make gw2. I mean, you clearly wanted this to be an esport long before launch (GW1 was competitive so why not the sequel?, pre-launch hype, etc.). It’s really sad to see that pvp got the shaft and that you lured so many people in with hyperbole.

Razor xxxx (Desolation ; Off)
Bring back: ‘Gamer’ title + MAT’s!
Throw out: Hotjoin!

The top 10 things you want to see changed.

in PvP

Posted by: Nuka Cola.8520

Nuka Cola.8520

1. PvP MapEditor
2. More Game Modes
3. Better Balance
4. Lower AoE DMG
5. Better telegraphed skills and animations

What you mean is telegraphed skills… right now there’s like three animations for all classes lmao

Fact: every Thief tells you to “l2p” when the subject is to nerf stealth.

The top 10 things you want to see changed.

in PvP

Posted by: Lady Sara Goldheart.2764

Lady Sara Goldheart.2764

These are my top 10:

1. Unrated tournaments. Either keeping Hot-Join in, making it 5vs5 or taking it out of the game.

2. Different rank/reward-system. As mentioned in one of the posts before me, having rank points be rewarded for winning a match is a good solution. Alternatively, give special rewards to rank points and make the current armor just glory-based.

3. Proper Balance-Split of PvP from PvE/WvW. We are not the only ones who do not like this all-in-one-balacing though. I have heard that it limits all types. Involves Point 7 too.

4. Proper decay on leader-boards. Right now, the decay is way too low and people just do not play, making the leader-boards less authentic than they can be.

5. Filling in matches with 3vs5 and 4vs5. Punishment gotta be hard for leaving or being uncooperative. Make the bans gradually higher until one reaches a ban of like 72 hours for leaving 5 times.

6. What has been said in the post above this. Observer mode. Make it though that friends in a friendlist can only watch VoDs, no actual live match footage.

7. Update on sigils and runes. Remove some, change some. Can we get our own ones maybe ?

8. Templates. Makes it much easier to prepare for an upcoming match.

9. More game modes: Death-match, Capture The Flag, etc.. Make fun-modes which do not necessarily need any perfect balancing. To avoid any farm status though, let them give less rank points than the rated matches. Maybe even make it just a fun-mode without any kind of rank points. (I am not sure how to make other game modes a lot of fun and not be abused)

10. Clearer animations and and fairer use of race models.

The most important changes I consider for now are the first 3. We definately need a better infrastructure for newer players. The veterans under us are also kind of burnt out of the current meta. The other 7 points are somewhat unorganized by priority, but any kind of punishment for 3vs5/4vs5 and making it 5vs5 in rated matches is the most important point after the first 3.

P.S.: I may update this post later and add or change stuff.

0. PTR. I know it requires a lot of resources, but it is very important for the health of the game. Right now, I feel most things are too chaotic and requires way more testers.

The top 10 things you want to see changed.

in PvP

Posted by: Furajir.3815


Seems like everyone is on the same page with both animations/cast bars and skills, and different game modes. Good stuff keep it comin.

Tupro-Ranger- “The Great White Hype”
Yak’s Bend(TWIN) Racist against Sylvari
RRR Ranger and Warrior videos:

The top 10 things you want to see changed.

in PvP

Posted by: EchenSketch.9142


More gamemodes

More gamemodes

More gamemodes

Falkriiii – Elementalist

The top 10 things you want to see changed.

in PvP

Posted by: Nukk.3492


1. Reduce the effectiveness of AoE skills in 1 v 1 situations.
2. Demote passive play and builds that succeed due to effective skill rotations or reliance on AI / Summons rather than judicial reactive play.
3. Stop promoting grieving builds like evade or blind overloading, stun locking, abusive bunkering etc.
4. Have a separate keybind for TAB cycling solely through player targets (exception for clones).
5. A fixed ladder and match making system.

The top 10 things you want to see changed.

in PvP

Posted by: Arganthium.5638


1. More builds
2. Spells requiring more skill, i.e. in-battle Infi Arrow or Line of Warding
3. More builds
4. Spells requiring more skill, i.e. in-battle Infi Arrow or Line of Warding
5. More builds
6. Spells requiring more skill, i.e. in-battle Infi Arrow or Line of Warding
7. More builds
8. Spells requiring more skill, i.e. in-battle Infi Arrow or Line of Warding
9. More builds
10. Spells requiring more skill, i.e. in-battle Infi Arrow or Line of Warding


The top 10 things you want to see changed.

in PvP

Posted by: Mrbig.8019


1. the community


The top 10 things you want to see changed.

in PvP

Posted by: Ulalume.9584


What I want:

1. Three viable builds for each class
2. Solo queue match making fixed
3. Team ratings (leaderboards listing teams not individual players)
4. Option to report players for afk
5. Harsher and more immediate punishment for leaving or idling at spawn in tournaments
6. Weekly/monthly in game tournaments with titles/rewards
7. Faster leaderboard decay… (minimum of 50 matches played to enter leaderboards)
8. Option to save builds and templates
9. Remove hotjoin and replace it with unranked tournaments
10. Provide incentive for new people to play tpvp (overhaul glory rewards, pvp achievement points, and advertise tournaments in game)

The top 10 things you want to see changed.

in PvP

Posted by: AydenStar.4216


1. Improve targeting system

The top 10 things you want to see changed.

in PvP

Posted by: Darnis.4056


1. Nerf Auto attack; ALL auto attacks. There’s too many auto-attacks which grant too much efficiency; Mesmer Greatsword Ranger Shortbow Necro Scepter Thief shortbow Come to mind.

2. Nerf Spam… cooldowns, cooldowns everywhere…
Increased initiative costs for those of us who don’t have cooldowns..

3. Nerf AutoHealing. Regen warriors too crazy. Regen spirit beasts too crazy.

4. Nerf Pet HP.. All pets take a nerf to HP.
ALL pets even phantasms.

5. Nerf Block/Invuln Durations. Condition Immunity Durations.

Will the Real Pink Puma Please stand up?