The whining about unlocks
The amount of skills that needed to be unlocked was around what, 1300-ish? It was justified, it was progression, and account wide. Not to mention that many PvE mechanics translated over to PvP, as in PvE enemies used player skills. There was consistency. PvE and PvP tied into each other pretty well, you WANTED to PvE before you did any PvP because it -had- a learning purpose.
With the vastly inferior amount of skills in Guild Wars 2, it’s not progression, it’s gating. And back to mechanics; PvE is vastly different to PvP. Oh and skill unlocks are not account wide in this case. Which is dumbfounding. There literally is no justification.
So it goes against EVERY virtue that players were informed that Guild Wars 2 was supposed to based upon, and no new skills being account bound as unlocks.
I apologise if this post is a mess of thoughts and frustration, but the very idea its-self is a mess so it’s hella’ warranted.
So I’ve to admit, I never actually played GW1, but what I heared is, that in GW1, PvP was a MAJOR part of the game, while in GW2 pvp is a niche?
I don’t understand: why is this a problem here, when in GW1 it was exactly the same situation? You play pvp THEN you can unlock a skill THAT will give you more possibilities.
Because this is not GW1. Must be very hard to understand that? If you want to unlock a lot of things to feel rewarded, go play GW1 then. I bought GW2 because I thought you could create a new char and hop in the mists with all the gear/traits/runes etc. available for me to test out.
Also we whine because we got lied to:
The addition of new skills and traits on a regular basis will of course mean expanded variety of abilities, builds, and tactics in PvP as well. As these additional skills and traits are added, they’ll be automatically unlocked and available for competitive PvP just like all existing skills/traits work today.
Much competitive, such lies, so wrong.
Why destroy “no grind, everyone equal in pvp” policy just for minor annoyance?
Will having to unlock trait make you feel like you`ve accomplished something in game?
You want to make new traits to feel like progression? Ok fine make them require rank 60 and cost 50 gold!
But no it will be super easy to get them so i really dont see any reason why just throw major bonus of gw2 PVP away.
Did new heals costing skill points make you feel better when you unlock them? No they just annoy you if you want to try them out on new character.
Only bonus to these unlocks ive heard so far is that their gonna stop newbies from quing up for games without any pvp experience…
I am quite sure that if these new traits are required for meta specs, instead of no newbies we will get newbies that arent even playing meta spec.
It just makes no sense because these unlocks are removing QoL and thats it.
It’s quite clear that this is just a business move. PvP playerbase don’t spend as much cash on the gems as PvE players do. I guess Anet doesn’t like it that you are able to just create and delete characters as you want. With this change you have to invest time/currency to unlock everything. Naturally this means you will be more “attached” to the character and will hesitate to delete it so easily. Sounds like a perfect plan to make PvP players buy more character slots if they want to test out new professions.
I never played GW1. I play GW2 in the mists and I am afraid of leaving the Mists.