The worst PvP player NA, Thank You Anet

The worst PvP player NA, Thank You Anet

in PvP

Posted by: Albaraa.1635


In the last leaderboard I had over 200 games played. 95% of those games I was solo queue. My win ratio was at 56-58%.

Now the new leaderboard:
Wins 0 Losses 6 (btw I somehow have 2 points which puts me in the 38% now)

Apparently I am the worst PvP player NA, but here is a little insight on how the past 6 games have gone.

The first 2 games I played were pugs vs premade, and if I remember correctly there wasn’t even a duo queue on my team.

I belive the 3 game was pugs vs pugs…hey I lost it happens.

3rd game pugs (2 were duo queue on my team) vs premade.

4-6th games – 1 of them were pugs vs premade. One of those games I went far point at the start held 2 people there, but hey I also had a thief who loves getting creatures constantly throughout the match including the start, so even though I tried to give my other points the opportunity for a 4v3, but hey every once in a while you will get a bad player on the team?…

I am not sure what changes Anet made to matchmaking but apparently it made me the worst player NA.

Thank you Anet, much appreciated!

Keep up the hard work! After 2 and 1/2 years of getting better and better matchmaking we are back to square one? But hey forget all of that, at least you guys are trying!

Thank you Anet,

Thank you,


Your very best worst NA player,

The worst PvP player NA, Thank You Anet

in PvP

Posted by: Drennon.7190


You’re not alone. My matchmaking has been terrible the past few days. They had to change something.


The worst PvP player NA, Thank You Anet

in PvP

Posted by: Laraley.7695


I’m sorry how your games have been going for you, trust me I had the same happening to me. However, you can’t really make any assumptions by playing just 6 games. Yes, it’s very frustrating and I don’t wonder it puts people off pvp but I’m pretty sure if you played like 50 games, the win ratio would be around 50%.

I must say, though. Lots of my friends I know and consider them good players have had the same start as you. Losing all the games before getting to some decent winrate. It’s quite odd.

I do agree with you, though, we need a better matchmaking.

The worst PvP player NA, Thank You Anet

in PvP

Posted by: Nyx.7342


Same experience here with bad matchmaking. Sure some pug games its just luck whether you win or lose but some games are just messed up lol. Its really discouraging since i started off in the 300s on the leaderboard and now im ridiculously low. I fear queueing ranked solo anymore

The worst PvP player NA, Thank You Anet

in PvP

Posted by: Albaraa.1635


I’m sorry how your games have been going for you, trust me I had the same happening to me. However, you can’t really make any assumptions by playing just 6 games. Yes, it’s very frustrating and I don’t wonder it puts people off pvp but I’m pretty sure if you played like 50 games, the win ratio would be around 50%.

I must say, though. Lots of my friends I know and consider them good players have had the same start as you. Losing all the games before getting to some decent winrate. It’s quite odd.

I do agree with you, though, we need a better matchmaking.

So I am not the worst PvP player NA, but rather the unluckiest PvP player NA? I am going to keep playing and seeing how many losses I can get before getting my first win! Hey being unlucky can also mean you are lucky as well? Am I right?

The worst PvP player NA, Thank You Anet

in PvP

Posted by: Laraley.7695


I’m sorry how your games have been going for you, trust me I had the same happening to me. However, you can’t really make any assumptions by playing just 6 games. Yes, it’s very frustrating and I don’t wonder it puts people off pvp but I’m pretty sure if you played like 50 games, the win ratio would be around 50%.

I must say, though. Lots of my friends I know and consider them good players have had the same start as you. Losing all the games before getting to some decent winrate. It’s quite odd.

I do agree with you, though, we need a better matchmaking.

So I am not the worst PvP player NA, but rather the unluckiest PvP player NA? I am going to keep playing and seeing how many losses I can get before getting my first win! Hey being unlucky can also mean you are lucky as well? Am I right?

I honestly have no idea why this is happening. It happened to me, too. I started with a horrible winrate and had to climb to 50% at least, I didn’t play many games, tho. Exams and stuff. (So far 32 games).

I didn’t have that many losses but no I don’t think it has to do anything with being lucky/unlucky. There had to be something that was changed, as I’ve seen this pattern several times.

The worst PvP player NA, Thank You Anet

in PvP

Posted by: Albaraa.1635


Same experience here with bad matchmaking. Sure some pug games its just luck whether you win or lose but some games are just messed up lol. Its really discouraging since i started off in the 300s on the leaderboard and now im ridiculously low. I fear queueing ranked solo anymore

“I fear queueing ranked solo anymore”

Sums it up pretty much.

I am right now as I am typing this being queued up in a premade team…BRING IT ON SOLO QUEUERS!

The worst PvP player NA, Thank You Anet

in PvP

Posted by: Albaraa.1635


Same experience here with bad matchmaking. Sure some pug games its just luck whether you win or lose but some games are just messed up lol. Its really discouraging since i started off in the 300s on the leaderboard and now im ridiculously low. I fear queueing ranked solo anymore

“I fear queueing ranked solo anymore”

Sums it up pretty much.

I am right now as I am typing this being queued up in a premade team…BRING IT ON SOLO QUEUERS!

Well as a premade we went up another premade…hey well apparently I am even unlucky in this aspect HAHAHA.

#stillworstpvpplayerna – current score 0 wins 7 losses

The worst PvP player NA, Thank You Anet

in PvP

Posted by: DeWolfe.2174


Meh, just fought a premade with our random team of 2 Ranger’s, 2 Mesmer’s and a thief. We just barely lost to them. I even said in map chat that, as a premade they needed some work. Usually you’d expect to be building a team comp outside of ranked but, as the leaderboards work, I can’t blame them for spamming matches.

[AwM] of Jade Quarry.

The worst PvP player NA, Thank You Anet

in PvP

Posted by: SoPP.7034


You’re not alone. My matchmaking has been terrible the past few days. They had to change something.

The first few games i had yesterday were complete blow outs, one finishing 500-41 or there abouts.

A warrior, a guardian, and an elementalist walk into an open field…
The Warrior turns to the guardian and says, “Did you hear something?”
Guardian replies, “No, but how’d the elementalist die?”

The worst PvP player NA, Thank You Anet

in PvP

Posted by: style.6173


Matchmaking has been horrible since they updated the algorithm. I really hope this is being looked at for the expansion. It is just embarrassing right now.

I also wish that ANET would remove specific class wins from the daily. It causes too many people to queue who have no idea how to play the class. It makes a bad matchmaking system even worse.

The worst PvP player NA, Thank You Anet

in PvP

Posted by: RusShiro.9241


I am the worst player…planet earth!!!!!

The worst PvP player NA, Thank You Anet

in PvP

Posted by: Thz.7569


It’s mind boggling that this game still allows pre-made groups to match-up with people who solo queue. What’s the issue in allowing duos, but nothing further?

The worst PvP player NA, Thank You Anet

in PvP

Posted by: Panites.6798


Dont forget every game you lose, 5 others win. Someone has to lose for others to win.

The worst PvP player NA, Thank You Anet

in PvP

Posted by: Kyban.4031


Dont forget every game you lose, 5 others win. Someone has to lose for others to win.

Exactly! Who is hoarding all of these wins!? :P

The worst PvP player NA, Thank You Anet

in PvP

Posted by: Pixels.6532


worst state of pvp in a long time… which is funny because balance is ok. it’s amazing how much work it took for them to make the game this bad.

Sanctum of Rall

The worst PvP player NA, Thank You Anet

in PvP

Posted by: jportell.2197


worst state of pvp in a long time… which is funny because balance is ok. it’s amazing how much work it took for them to make the game this bad.

Balance is still horrendous. Meta is boring and stale. But it is only overshadowed by the absolutely absurd matchmaking.

Johnny The Gray
GASM’s Bunker Mesmer

The worst PvP player NA, Thank You Anet

in PvP

Posted by: SobeSoul.6910


I been sick and haven’t played. Went 8-4 on new leaderboards with I believe 7 to 8 of those games ending with scores for both teams above 400.

Yeah, the worse state of pvp Kappa

The worst PvP player NA, Thank You Anet

in PvP

Posted by: gin.7158


Nah, I’m worst. I’m a noob turret engi and sitting at #1 even though I don’t want to. Anet must be crazy

The worst PvP player NA, Thank You Anet

in PvP

Posted by: Laraley.7695


I been sick and haven’t played. Went 8-4 on new leaderboards with I believe 7 to 8 of those games ending with scores for both teams above 400.

Yeah, the worse state of pvp Kappa

Well, the fact you’ve experienced this doesn’t mean all other players do.

The worst PvP player NA, Thank You Anet

in PvP

Posted by: jportell.2197


I been sick and haven’t played. Went 8-4 on new leaderboards with I believe 7 to 8 of those games ending with scores for both teams above 400.

Yeah, the worse state of pvp Kappa

Well, the fact you’ve experienced this doesn’t mean all other players do.

Maybe mot all but enough for us to scratch our heads and say “wtf matchmaking?”

Johnny The Gray
GASM’s Bunker Mesmer

The worst PvP player NA, Thank You Anet

in PvP

Posted by: Panites.6798


PvP is great at the moment. Complainers gonna complain.

The worst PvP player NA, Thank You Anet

in PvP

Posted by: Tao.5096


Because Leaderboards reflect skill of players alone and it’ srs bsns.
Some people should be prohibited from creating threads.

Did I ever tell you, the definition, of Insanity?

The worst PvP player NA, Thank You Anet

in PvP

Posted by: Albaraa.1635


Because Leaderboards reflect skill of players alone and it’ srs bsns.
Some people should be prohibited from creating threads.

Because it completely makes sense that I had a 57% win ratio last leaderboard and now it is this bad. Yes it completely reflects skill of players alone #worstplayerNA.

There is absolutely nothing wrong with pug vs premade. Completely an acceptable matchmaking from Anet.

I just don’t understand what Anet is doing? Premade should only go against other premades. Just because the pvp player base isn’t high enough (which Anet apparently keeps stating that it has increased dramatically or w/e) doesn’t mean you should have such an unbalanced match making. Just stop trying to justify any reasoning behind pairing up pugs vs. premade.

Premades should only vs premades it is simple just program it to where if their are 5 people premade they can only vs other 5 team premade.

bool lookForFullPremade;
if(party == 5){
lookForFullPremade = true;
} else {
lookForFullPremade = false;

There you go I wrote the code for you Anet. You can use it for free!

Pvp will always have unbalance from one profession to another, THIS IS understandable. But I don’t understand how 2.5 years later (and who knows how much work was done before the game launched) that matchmaking can still be this bad.

I just hope that this gets fixed, because there is only so much patience that players can have.

(edited by Albaraa.1635)

The worst PvP player NA, Thank You Anet

in PvP

Posted by: Arikyali.5804


I can relate. Matchmaking for soloq is just plain awful. I found that out in the early stages of the leaderboard reset. Had a 50% win/loss ratio before, then it dropped down to something like 23%. Now at least it’s back up to 40%. (still working to get back to what it was before)

The only way around it is to get one or two reliable teammates and queue together. It doesn’t need to be a full party. Just friends you can rely on.

The worst PvP player NA, Thank You Anet

in PvP

Posted by: Arvin.3124


You guys seem to not realise that if you’re up against a full premade as a bunch of solo queuers, even getting a decent amount of points at the end of the match causes you to gain Leaderboard points. Which is why I actually prefer solo-queuing over playing with a team right now. Also, if you lose all your games you might have to take a look at what you yourself can do to improve, because you’re certainly not helping your team win at the moment. Are you just complaining all match about the rest of your team instead of being constructive? Go in 1v2 or keep going back to points you get owned at? Maybe you’re so frustrated your mindset became play to lose instead of play to win and you need a break from spvp for a bit?

Sure it can be frustrating having to deal with full premades while solo-queuing or being put in with a team of 4 who have no clue what they’re doing but this should balance out to about 50%/50% of matches. if you lose 100% you have to seriously look at you not being part of the problem instead of the solution to your team losing.

The worst PvP player NA, Thank You Anet

in PvP

Posted by: Zethyrius.8692


Sample size. You said yourself that you played over 200 games in the old season to get your 50-60% win rate, and only 6 games now for a 0%. Anything can happen in 6 games. I’ve seen people complain about 20-or-so game loss streaks. Until you get to the hundreds of games, your win rate means almost nothing. Stop trying to make this issue have a reason other than sample size.

I have a somewhat low number of games in this season, and my win rate is through the roof (compared to normal). It doesn’t mean too much.

The worst PvP player NA, Thank You Anet

in PvP

Posted by: Czerny.6530


I started out playing sPvP less than a month ago but matchmaking seems fine to me, if not skewed in my favor. Played about 11 unranked games before realizing nobody in unranked actually knows how to play (multiple games with 2+ people standing on home at the start), and courtyard and skyhammer being the worst PvP experiences I’ve ever had in a videogaame. Play only ranked now and I’ve had maybe 1 or 2 losses due to major team imbalance, with most coming from premades on my team that are way out of their league. The majority of my games end with the teams within ~150 points of each other.

The worst PvP player NA, Thank You Anet

in PvP

Posted by: Basket of Boxes.1976

Basket of Boxes.1976

People shouldn’t always assume that premade = better. If you are matched against a full premade and you have other solo queuers on your team around your skill level you have a decent chance to win. The matchmaking system is supposed to take into account that a premade group should have a little better chance to win and only matches lower skilled premades against full solos.

That being said the biggest disadvantage a full solo has against a premade is team composition. Communication hurts too but sometimes you get a team of all bunkers or all zerkers because builds aren’t taken into account for matchmaking.

I have only solo queued this season and I think only two or three of my losses this ladder season came against teams with more grouped players than mine.

The worst PvP player NA, Thank You Anet

in PvP

Posted by: brannigan.9831


The matchmaking is far from perfect but you can’t complain about a 6 game losing streak that is going to happen eventually if you solo queue. Under a better system it would happen eventually. That’s just not a lot of games.

The worst PvP player NA, Thank You Anet

in PvP

Posted by: Basket of Boxes.1976

Basket of Boxes.1976

The matchmaking is far from perfect but you can’t complain about a 6 game losing streak that is going to happen eventually if you solo queue. Under a better system it would happen eventually. That’s just not a lot of games.

That’s very true, when solo queueing I fully expect to win one then lose one. If I get on too big of a win streak I stop playing for the day because I know I am bound to lose the next batch of matches if I keep playing.

The worst PvP player NA, Thank You Anet

in PvP

Posted by: kirito.4138


int lookForFullPremade;
if(party = 5){
lookForFullPremade = true;
} else {
lookForFullPremade = false;

Anet does use it. but encapsulated with a

While (ElapsedQueueTime < 300 seconds){
The only exclusive skyhammer stream

The worst PvP player NA, Thank You Anet

in PvP

Posted by: Lydell.8713


Well you have to live with it for now. Matchmaking in solo queue is just random. I’ve had streaks of 10 wins, often followed by streaks of 10 losses, most of the time it just evens itself out. It’s like coin tossing, though, the more you play, the more you approach a 50% average. Kinda sucks, I guess. Also there’s not that many premades out there right now, anyway.


The worst PvP player NA, Thank You Anet

in PvP

Posted by: Albaraa.1635


Sample size. You said yourself that you played over 200 games in the old season to get your 50-60% win rate, and only 6 games now for a 0%. Anything can happen in 6 games. I’ve seen people complain about 20-or-so game loss streaks. Until you get to the hundreds of games, your win rate means almost nothing. Stop trying to make this issue have a reason other than sample size.

I have a somewhat low number of games in this season, and my win rate is through the roof (compared to normal). It doesn’t mean too much.

I guess we will see what happens with a higher sample size.

The worst PvP player NA, Thank You Anet

in PvP

Posted by: Albaraa.1635


People shouldn’t always assume that premade = better. If you are matched against a full premade and you have other solo queuers on your team around your skill level you have a decent chance to win. The matchmaking system is supposed to take into account that a premade group should have a little better chance to win and only matches lower skilled premades against full solos.

That being said the biggest disadvantage a full solo has against a premade is team composition. Communication hurts too but sometimes you get a team of all bunkers or all zerkers because builds aren’t taken into account for matchmaking.

I have only solo queued this season and I think only two or three of my losses this ladder season came against teams with more grouped players than mine.

Actually people should always assume that premade groups are better. I don’t know what logic you are using my friend. Premades will have a better comp, will have better communications which will result in better targeting, better rotations, better stomps, better reseructions, and would have most likely played with each other more than once.

Whereas in soloq, you will get players that might be completely new (because new players tend to start up in soloq), you will have players that have completely different strategies and not one is willing to give up their strat, you will have players going for creatures at the start an throughout the game even though you don’t have 2 points capped, your only communication will be through typing which you won’t be able to communicate at all during fights.

Being soloq is fine but being soloq w/pugs and going up against a premade is ludicrous.

But hey what do I know I am #theworstpvpplayerNA.

The worst PvP player NA, Thank You Anet

in PvP

Posted by: Albaraa.1635


int lookForFullPremade;
if(party = 5){
lookForFullPremade = true;
} else {
lookForFullPremade = false;

Anet does use it. but encapsulated with a

While (ElapsedQueueTime < 300 seconds){

Well Kirito, that means it is easier than I thought…All they have to do is delete code!

The worst PvP player NA, Thank You Anet

in PvP

Posted by: Albaraa.1635


I started out playing sPvP less than a month ago but matchmaking seems fine to me, if not skewed in my favor. Played about 11 unranked games before realizing nobody in unranked actually knows how to play (multiple games with 2+ people standing on home at the start), and courtyard and skyhammer being the worst PvP experiences I’ve ever had in a videogaame. Play only ranked now and I’ve had maybe 1 or 2 losses due to major team imbalance, with most coming from premades on my team that are way out of their league. The majority of my games end with the teams within ~150 points of each other.

I am glad that you are having great matches, maybe I am just unlucky. But the “unlucky” factor should not go as far as being in pugs vs premade! The unlucky factor should be you are pugs vs pugs but your pugs are just worst than their pugs. You understand where I am going with this?

But hey what do I know I am #theworstpvpplayerNA

The worst PvP player NA, Thank You Anet

in PvP

Posted by: RoRo.8270


solo queue players are only there for premades to farm

The worst PvP player NA, Thank You Anet

in PvP

Posted by: Albaraa.1635


You guys seem to not realise that if you’re up against a full premade as a bunch of solo queuers, even getting a decent amount of points at the end of the match causes you to gain Leaderboard points. Which is why I actually prefer solo-queuing over playing with a team right now. Also, if you lose all your games you might have to take a look at what you yourself can do to improve, because you’re certainly not helping your team win at the moment. Are you just complaining all match about the rest of your team instead of being constructive? Go in 1v2 or keep going back to points you get owned at? Maybe you’re so frustrated your mindset became play to lose instead of play to win and you need a break from spvp for a bit?

Sure it can be frustrating having to deal with full premades while solo-queuing or being put in with a team of 4 who have no clue what they’re doing but this should balance out to about 50%/50% of matches. if you lose 100% you have to seriously look at you not being part of the problem instead of the solution to your team losing.

I actually do not complain at the beginning of my matches and usually just laugh off the fact that we are playing against a premade. I always go for the win, and I am ALWAYS one to try to strategies with pugs before a match starts. I am always the person who starts a conversation by simply saying:

“Is there someone willing to get home? If not I can”
“What kind of strat do you guys want to do?”
“How about a simple 1-4 strat”
“I can escort you home to make sure you are fine then head mid”
I even mention things like the following:
“Please try to fight on points unless it will kill you”
“Please SKIP CREATURES, mid is much more important to get in the beginning”

Some people have even nicknamed me the person who is trying to teach pvp.
I have even queued up with people who are better than me and before I realize who they are, they laugh at the fact that I am telling them to skip creatures and so on.

Also my individual skill is fine for the most part, I tend to work and theory craft as much as possible. I also try to run decent meta builds and theory craft beyond that as well.

Currently I run a cele rifle engi build and even though the skill cap is a bit higher on this than most other builds, I have practiced it enough and watched pro players enough to where I think I am decent.

But the apparent “unlucky” me who has in the soloqs gone up against a great amount of premades, I can’t carry. Do I really have to increase my skill level to the point where you want me to win against premades? I am not a pro player, I am sorry if I am unable to win most matches against premades. This should not be a requirement of a player.

But hey what do I know I am #theworstpvpplayerNA

(edited by Albaraa.1635)

The worst PvP player NA, Thank You Anet

in PvP

Posted by: TainoFuerte.8136


My experience is pretty horrendous as well. Not just in play quality, but in personality as well. I’ve had more 4v5 ragequits than before, too. The ride never ends. Had a game with a 4 man premade that didn’t care about capping home and when they did they capped as a group. The things you see in this game…

(edited by TainoFuerte.8136)

The worst PvP player NA, Thank You Anet

in PvP

Posted by: jim.5380


int lookForFullPremade;
if(party = 5){
lookForFullPremade = true;
} else {
lookForFullPremade = false;

sorry to ruin it for you but the code u provided was wrong… xD
u assign boolean value to an integer that u declared so the right one is
boolean lookForFullPremade;
if(party = 5){
lookForFullPremade = true;
} else {
lookForFullPremade = false;
jokes aside same reason i stopped queuing last season…

Jim Battlemaster

The worst PvP player NA, Thank You Anet

in PvP

Posted by: Aylpse.6280


Oh boy do I have a story for you.
I did a game Q’d up solo and got stuck on a four man premade.
“Dont kill beast they have a thief.”
Obviously, a good thief can SB over and steal it. So in my defense I was just being careful.
“lol ignore the noob kill beast”
The Thief was condi, and went mid rather then steal. So they started trash talking me, more focused on how I was wrong then the actual game, they wiped at mid and then kept going in mid one by one rather then rallying, even if I had far most of the time and rotated the entire game. I’ll be honest, Im glad it was a lose. They were really rude.

Taking the higher moral ground since 1993.

(edited by Aylpse.6280)

The worst PvP player NA, Thank You Anet

in PvP

Posted by: Sadrien.3470


When i first queued on the new matchmaking system i had the same result. If I queued solo without exception I got a premade team as a enemy with a full pug team this happened only for the first week since every change in the matchmaking system. After about that period of time it finally decides I have lost enough games I can get pug vs pug matchups and my winrate climbs back up to 60+% on the leaderboards, my total wins in all games is just under 3 wins for every loss… mabye it pulls your matching from that because it would explain why I get put vs premades as a solo que player lol. Also i have won about 50% of premade vs pug matchs… apparently pugs think they just have to join a party and que together to win ????

  • edit fixed typos
Have fun. Be Alive. K Thnx Bye.

(edited by Sadrien.3470)

The worst PvP player NA, Thank You Anet

in PvP

Posted by: Sadrien.3470


Without exception people who had a high win rate previous to the last 2 balance patches got stuck against tons of premades for their first 10-20 matchups as far as i am aware. Most of the people new to pvp had great matchups after the pvp UI change and match making change patch.

Have fun. Be Alive. K Thnx Bye.

(edited by Sadrien.3470)

The worst PvP player NA, Thank You Anet

in PvP

Posted by: avalanche.2795


Yeah ill join that club i have 230 games on the old one. This matchup im at 20 games with 2 wins.

The worst PvP player NA, Thank You Anet

in PvP

Posted by: Albaraa.1635


int lookForFullPremade;
if(party = 5){
lookForFullPremade = true;
} else {
lookForFullPremade = false;

sorry to ruin it for you but the code u provided was wrong… xD
u assign boolean value to an integer that u declared so the right one is
boolean lookForFullPremade;
if(party = 5){
lookForFullPremade = true;
} else {
lookForFullPremade = false;
jokes aside same reason i stopped queuing last season…

Hahaha yeah I was coding it as an int to start but then I changed it to a bool…but forgot to change its declaration to a bool lmao.

The worst PvP player NA, Thank You Anet

in PvP

Posted by: Arikyali.5804


Reading all of this, I don’t wanna risk Soloq ever again…

I’m just gonna mill around until one of my guildies/pvp friends are up for a few matches.

The worst PvP player NA, Thank You Anet

in PvP

Posted by: Shinoobi.1259


It’s all a coin flip, really.

So Butter So Fly – Mesmer
Bossy B – Elementalist
Pocket Rot- Necro

The worst PvP player NA, Thank You Anet

in PvP

Posted by: kirito.4138


int lookForFullPremade;
if(party = 5){
lookForFullPremade = true;
} else {
lookForFullPremade = false;

sorry to ruin it for you but the code u provided was wrong… xD
u assign boolean value to an integer that u declared so the right one is
boolean lookForFullPremade;
if(party = 5){
lookForFullPremade = true;
} else {
lookForFullPremade = false;
jokes aside same reason i stopped queuing last season…

Hahaha yeah I was coding it as an int to start but then I changed it to a bool…but forgot to change its declaration to a bool lmao.

Should probably use assembly language, you wouldn’t have that problem as much.

But depending what language you choose party =5 should be party == 5. If not, party would be assigned the value 5 and the if statement would always be true.
The only exclusive skyhammer stream

The worst PvP player NA, Thank You Anet

in PvP

Posted by: Basket of Boxes.1976

Basket of Boxes.1976

People shouldn’t always assume that premade = better. If you are matched against a full premade and you have other solo queuers on your team around your skill level you have a decent chance to win. The matchmaking system is supposed to take into account that a premade group should have a little better chance to win and only matches lower skilled premades against full solos.

That being said the biggest disadvantage a full solo has against a premade is team composition. Communication hurts too but sometimes you get a team of all bunkers or all zerkers because builds aren’t taken into account for matchmaking.

I have only solo queued this season and I think only two or three of my losses this ladder season came against teams with more grouped players than mine.

Actually people should always assume that premade groups are better. I don’t know what logic you are using my friend. Premades will have a better comp, will have better communications which will result in better targeting, better rotations, better stomps, better reseructions, and would have most likely played with each other more than once.

Whereas in soloq, you will get players that might be completely new (because new players tend to start up in soloq), you will have players that have completely different strategies and not one is willing to give up their strat, you will have players going for creatures at the start an throughout the game even though you don’t have 2 points capped, your only communication will be through typing which you won’t be able to communicate at all during fights.

Being soloq is fine but being soloq w/pugs and going up against a premade is ludicrous.

But hey what do I know I am #theworstpvpplayerNA.

I don’t what what game you are playing but there are tons of bad premades out there. Lots of the time its just friends grouped together who aren’t even pvpers. Or people that won a match together while solo queueing so they all group up. I said usually they will have better comps but that doesn’t mean they automatically win.