There is nothing wrong with PvP but Cele

There is nothing wrong with PvP but Cele

in PvP

Posted by: Slininstien.7546


That is all. And it sums up most complaints in this forum.

There is nothing wrong with PvP but Cele

in PvP

Posted by: Phil.8901


People will always complain.

For me it’s the best meta this game has ever had, probably people forgot the hambow/spirit ranger/guardian bunker/thief god s/D or necro dhuumfire + spirit ranger.

Or decap engi days, engi turret days etc.

What do u want, only zerk amulet? Fine, give to every class teleport stealth and super nice mobility and i’m ok with that.

There is nothing wrong with PvP but Cele

in PvP

Posted by: Slininstien.7546


I’m not saying that, but the hambow days were actually fine with me, might stacking meta was very fun to play in as a s/d thief or really anything. It took skill to play nearly anything except hambow at that point. Some things simply couldnt 1v1 another class cause it couldnt do everything and that’s how i want it again.

Additionally, the fact that the meta hasnt changed in ages is frustrating. Every major patch with nerfs/buffs used to change things immensly but celestial warrior/engi/ele has been around for almost a year. Only thing that changes are the classes that are pointless to have as a celestial.

There is nothing wrong with PvP but Cele

in PvP

Posted by: Spirigo.2897


And matchmaking, conquest, meta, ladders, premades, maps. Basically everything is wrong with it.

I actually miss the days of old bunker meta, that’s how bad it is atm.

There is nothing wrong with PvP but Cele

in PvP

Posted by: google.3709


NO! the real issue is being trapped in the mist doing NOTHING, wondering how many cele you’re gonna fight for 4-15 mins everytime.

There is nothing wrong with PvP but Cele

in PvP

Posted by: Jekkt.6045


people crying about celestial when many teams run 3 berserk and 2 celestial. makes sense.

Ex player of PeanutButterJellyTime, Heavenly Annoying and Visceral Gaming.

There is nothing wrong with PvP but Cele

in PvP

Posted by: Sneakier.9460


The problem right now is why aren’t the other amulets viable choices.
If we go to Metabattle we can cleary see that berseker and celestial are leading the top charts and most builds trend around this amulets.

For Defensive/condi/hybrid builds, the misture of stats that Celestial amulets give pretty much overpowers the following amulets:

-Carrion, celestial gives more DPS while giving the same amount of survival
-Cleric, same has above, more DPS while giving the same amount of survival
-Knight, More dps and MORE Survival
-Rabid, Alot more survival for a small loss of DPS
-Settler, alot more DPS for slighty less survival
-Soldier, same survival but more dps

You have to notice that all this amulets that underpowered for Defensive/condi/hybrid builds have 3 stats distribution.

For Phisical Builds, Berseker is the best choice, why:

-Assasin amulet is only better if you benefit ALOT more from Precision than Power and zerker gives the so helpfull Vitality
-Barbarian Lacks Ferocity…. and we need to crit hard…
-Valkyre lacks Precision… and we need to crit…

So… unless you build your character to be 100% condi damage or manage to circuvent the side backs of the phisical amulets, Berseker and celestial are the best choices.

That being said, the following amulets are only viable in certain builds:

-Carrion if you go pure Condition Build and rely almost entirely in your conditions
-Rabid or Rampager if you go pure Condition Glass Cannon (being Rabid slighty more tanky)
-Valkyre/Barbarian if you can get your Precision/Ferocity from other sources (100% crit chance in stealth by example)

I can propose some fix that in time could somehow fix a bit the current metagame.

If we see the trend in what’s the best choice, we can see couple trends.

-The best amulets give 4 types of stats or more (celestial, Berseker and Rampager)
-The best amulets give more stats than the others.(4 stats amulets give 2364 while 3 stats only give 2232, Celestial gives 3066…)
-Some stats are alot more viable than others and if a amulet loses a much needed stat (Precision or Ferocity for phisical builds and Precision/Vitality for condition builds)

So the fixes i suggest are the following:
-Give 3 stats amulets 4 stats, this should improve the metagame in the long term
-The extra stat should be helpfull for that amulet playstyle ((Precision or Ferocity for phisical builds and Precision/Vitality for condition builds))
-Dont steal the main stat to give it to the 4th stat…
-Tone down the average stats the Celestial gives by 38 per stat, at end we get 2800 stats of the celestial

Gunnars Hold= Tuga Land

(edited by Sneakier.9460)

There is nothing wrong with PvP but Cele

in PvP

Posted by: MyPuppy.8970


I agree with your analysis, and your suggestions. Also, some classes are too dependent on celestial to have basic survivability, making other amulets underperform in most cases and thus limiting their choices.

Lily Bertine [NG]/[GiRL]
Nerfentalist of Augury Rock

There is nothing wrong with PvP but Cele

in PvP

Posted by: BlackTruth.6813


The real cancer that destroys PvP are the balance devs from day 1 tbh. Hopefully Robert Gee can correct the mistakes of Karl Mclain, he is like the hero that we need atm.
Schwahrheit, #1 Fuhrer NA, Just your everyday typical rager

There is nothing wrong with PvP but Cele

in PvP

Posted by: Jelzouki.4128


Cele ele and engi are a lot easier to kill than a shoutbow that has 27k HP and ridiculous cleansing. Queue for PvP from any map. Vote Here. Zojoel [ASAP Zerg]

There is nothing wrong with PvP but Cele

in PvP

Posted by: Sneakier.9460


Cele ele and engi are a lot easier to kill than a shoutbow that has 27k HP and ridiculous cleansing.

Shoutbow uses celestial…

Gunnars Hold= Tuga Land

There is nothing wrong with PvP but Cele

in PvP

Posted by: Arken.3725


Disagree, Cele accentuates the problem but isn’t the main issue at hand. It’s the professions who can use them efficiently.

There is nothing wrong with PvP but Cele

in PvP

Posted by: Abazigal.3679


What do u want, only zerk amulet? Fine, give to every class teleport stealth and super nice mobility and i’m ok with that.

I think there will be 50/50 opinions on this. Zerker meta would promote watching map carefully, dodging key skills, not engaging some 1v1’s,… Actual meta is slower, but builds are too forgiving. Shoutbow is unlikely going to die to any burst in 3 seconds( even if, endure pain is here), and there is no risk 1v1’ing any build

I personnaly only believes that there should be " easier counters " , since right now there is too few skill difference between an " average " shoutbow/d/d ele/… and a regular tournament player one

There is nothing wrong with PvP but Cele

in PvP

Posted by: Jekkt.6045


What do u want, only zerk amulet? Fine, give to every class teleport stealth and super nice mobility and i’m ok with that.

I think there will be 50/50 opinions on this. Zerker meta would promote watching map carefully, dodging key skills, not engaging some 1v1’s,… Actual meta is slower, but builds are too forgiving. Shoutbow is unlikely going to die to any burst in 3 seconds( even if, endure pain is here), and there is no risk 1v1’ing any build

I personnaly only believes that there should be " easier counters " , since right now there is too few skill difference between an " average " shoutbow/d/d ele/… and a regular tournament player one

don’t make me laugh, the gap between average d/d and shoutbow and top ones is huge… idk how many times i have said this on the forums but people still don’t get that it’s not enough if you don’t die on the point, your job is to not let your allies die and to give them what they need in the right moment.

Ex player of PeanutButterJellyTime, Heavenly Annoying and Visceral Gaming.

There is nothing wrong with PvP but Cele

in PvP

Posted by: zinkz.7045


Disagree, Cele accentuates the problem but isn’t the main issue at hand. It’s the professions who can use them efficiently.

Not really, those professions at different times in this game have struggled, for the months before cele / might runes patch for example ele was the least played class in teams, for much of the time before hambow there were long periods when warrior was poorly represented in teams, for most of the game engy has been between a nice option and below average, cele patch is the first time it has been a default pick in the way many other builds like spirit ranger, bunker guard, hambow warrior, thief (d/p, s/d) , etc have been for long periods throughout the game.

That certain classes can use cele more efficiently is no different to other classes & amulets, zerker for instance, for most of the game, thief/mes have been able to use it far more efficiently than other classes (now medi guard also), compare to say engy, where zerker may as well not exist for engies for all the use a static discharge engy is.

(edited by zinkz.7045)

There is nothing wrong with PvP but Cele

in PvP

Posted by: Arken.3725


Again Zinkz, not saying Celestial didn’t push them over just the main problem was the skills/traits involved with the top 3.

Warrior: Having amazing sustain, burst heals, mobility and decent damage output while clearing the most conditions in the game.

Ele: Amazing sustain, decent dmg output while also having significant condition clearing(not as good as Warriors.

Engie: Again, solid sustain, mobility, unavoidable strong skills(Slick shoes, rifle kb, IP) and solid dmg.

(edited by Arken.3725)

There is nothing wrong with PvP but Cele

in PvP

Posted by: zinkz.7045


Again Zinkz, not saying Celestial didn’t push them over just the main problem was the skills/traits involved with the top 3.

There is no problem, your assertion does not match the reality of what has happened over three years, if these professions and their amazing traits/skills were so strong, then they would of been strong regardless, yet for long periods they have been between mediocre and weak, to the point of being virtually non-existent for months in the case of eles pre-cele patch, whilst bunker guard was in every single team for virtually 2 years and now we have medi guards, thief has been in nearly every decent team for the entire game, etc.

(edited by zinkz.7045)

There is nothing wrong with PvP but Cele

in PvP

Posted by: Jekkt.6045


engi and warrior have never been weak after kit engi and hambow became popular, d/d was played prior to the big nerfs and became popular again after they undid the nerfs. ele was even stronger back then even without celestial, just in a different way.

it’s not the amulet that is strong but the synergy between the classes and the amulet. try and play a celestial mesmer or a celestial necro and tell me how op it is.

celestial used to be a very weak amulet before they increased the stats on it.

might stacking already got nerfed and they will further nerf celestial by 10%. there’s a limit somewhere.

rather than just bashing that amulet they should maybe try and make other amulets interesting or add new interesting ones, after all that’s how celestial amulet came into play. it’s possible to add new stat combos that don’t exist in the game yet or to buff stuff like rampagers or to add stuff like sinister. best case would be to add rings and accessories to increase build diversity.

Ex player of PeanutButterJellyTime, Heavenly Annoying and Visceral Gaming.

There is nothing wrong with PvP but Cele

in PvP

Posted by: Supreme.3164


Again Zinkz, not saying Celestial didn’t push them over just the main problem was the skills/traits involved with the top 3.

There is no problem, your assertion does not match the reality of what has happened over three years, if these professions and their amazing traits/skills were so strong, then they would of been strong regardless, yet for long periods they have been between mediocre and weak, to the point of being virtually non-existent for months in the case of eles pre-cele patch, whilst bunker guard was in every single team for virtually 2 years and now we have medi guards, thief has been in nearly every decent team for the entire game, etc.


There is nothing wrong with PvP but Cele

in PvP

Posted by: Exedore.6320


Sneakier.9460’s analysis is spot-on, but I think the better solution is to divide the amulet into multiple items which use the current stat combos so that players can mix-and-match according to the needs of their build.

Again Zinkz, not saying Celestial didn’t push them over just the main problem was the skills/traits involved with the top 3.

There is no problem, your assertion does not match the reality of what has happened over three years, if these professions and their amazing traits/skills were so strong, then they would of been strong regardless, yet for long periods they have been between mediocre and weak, to the point of being virtually non-existent for months in the case of eles pre-cele patch, whilst bunker guard was in every single team for virtually 2 years and now we have medi guards, thief has been in nearly every decent team for the entire game, etc.

This assertion ignores the buffs that happened at the same time asthe celestial amulet was buffed. Signet of Restoration for elementalist was un-nerfed. d/d ele was popular long ago until ANet nerfed that heal skill in PvP by 50%. Sigils no longer shared cooldowns, which benefits elementalist, engineer, and warrior most and the double-burst sigils benefit some damage builds.

Also, the celestial amulet wasn’t viable before it was buffed, so builds which could avoid the downside of low power with celestial (might stackers or power trait line) still had to stick with other amulet choices.

Kirrena Rosenkreutz

There is nothing wrong with PvP but Cele

in PvP

Posted by: Supreme.3164


The question is what’s the difference between those who can use zerker amulet and those who can’t?

This is my version: Those who can use zerker amulet have access to healing skills that require zero investment in healing power, thus the profession can reach max offensive potential while retaining the benefits otherwise given by a bunker amulet that include healing power.

Meditation Guardian= They sport a set of 5 × 2k+healing skills ranging from 20s CD up to a maximum of 72s CD, on top of that add a virtue of resolve (1.6k healing every 46s CD), 10s regeneration on 30s CD average….all this healing with zero investment in healing power

Thief = Mug offer 2k healing every 21s on average, 4.5k healing every 15s, you may add “pain response” – 1.3k healing regen every 30s. I won’t add the sustain obtained by stolen items/boons……all this healing with zero investment in healing power

Then there would be also : mesmer, power necro and ranger longbow, all of them benefit from healing skills that don’t require huge investment in healing power.

Since launch the elementalist has been stuck on builds that require heal burst, this in every aspect of the game, healing and boons are the only defensive mechanisms of the ele, both heavily rely on healing power to reach a viable level.

In the end people complain about celestial, because they can..if I would change : meditation skills to scale with healing power, reduce base healing of withdraw and similar skills…then people would surely change opinion

There is nothing wrong with PvP but Cele

in PvP

Posted by: Jelzouki.4128


Cele ele and engi are a lot easier to kill than a shoutbow that has 27k HP and ridiculous cleansing.

Shoutbow uses celestial…

Yes I know.

This is my way of saying that celestial isn’t the problem, because when zerker classes coordinate they can take out a cele class, but the most difficult to take down is the shoutbow. Why? The warrior class with this particular build has a ridiculous amount of HP for the amount of utility and toughness it receives. The base vitality of warriors needs to be toned down. There toughness should stay the same because they are a heavy class, but the high health pool is just ridiculous when a class has as much utility as the shoutbow does. Queue for PvP from any map. Vote Here. Zojoel [ASAP Zerg]

There is nothing wrong with PvP but Cele

in PvP

Posted by: OneKlicKill.4285


Lets just bring back the rings/accesory/aumlets to allow for combo building stats and solve all the problems. Or better yet just give each templet X stats to spend wherever they want.

I also think War’s HP could be toned down. It’s far to strong with the base toughness bonus they receive. Its a larger effective HP pool then say Necro with the same Vitality (although I think they could use an HP tone down as well. personally I think they should just standardize the HP pools and leave the armor there.)

Please skill/trait split and give control to the PvP team. Karl is fucking killing us

There is nothing wrong with PvP but Cele

in PvP

Posted by: Dralor.3701


All the cele builds are kitten, lets people make infinite mistakes while still doing decent damage. I don’t see how people can complain about berserker when there is actual risk vs reward involved.

There is nothing wrong with PvP but Cele

in PvP

Posted by: Supreme.3164


Looking at the current meta, all the builds that use a zerker have the lowest amount of risk involved among all possible zerker specs in the game.

Med Guardian= outsustain all zerker builds in the game

Thief= highest disengage, engage potential, highest single target spike dmg, stealth etc etc

Mesmer= a thief – 2.0

Ranger=…press RF.

If celestial is a problem then delete it, but then add stealth to all professions or meditation like skills

But I bet those who want to delete/nerf celestial don’t want an equal playing field to start with…ha the irony

Talking about amulet differences when there is not base equality among professions, it’s pointless and only shows people personal agendas

There is nothing wrong with PvP but Cele

in PvP

Posted by: Spirigo.2897


Cele should have its stats toned down, Zerk shouldnt give HP, current meta should be nerfed to reduce the total amount of CC removal flying around.

There is nothing wrong with PvP but Cele

in PvP

Posted by: Dralor.3701


Looking at the current meta, all the builds that use a zerker have the lowest amount of risk involved among all possible zerker specs in the game.

Med Guardian= outsustain all zerker builds in the game

Thief= highest disengage, engage potential, highest single target spike dmg, stealth etc etc

Mesmer= a thief – 2.0

Ranger=…press RF.

If celestial is a problem then delete it, but then add stealth to all professions or meditation like skills

But I bet those who want to delete/nerf celestial don’t want an equal playing field to start with…ha the irony

Talking about amulet differences when there is not base equality among professions, it’s pointless and only shows people personal agendas

I think you are missing the point. Before cele was the go to amulet for some builds we had bunkers. They were hard to kill but their damage output with minimal, this is the issue with celestial is that it is not balanced since it excels at everything.

There is nothing wrong with PvP but Cele

in PvP

Posted by: Aktium.9506


power necro benefit from healing skills that don’t require huge investment in healing power.


There is nothing wrong with PvP but Cele

in PvP

Posted by: Spirigo.2897


Pewpew Ranger is like pewpew Necro just better in every way. Lich is dope though.

There is nothing wrong with PvP but Cele

in PvP

Posted by: zapv.8051


Cele players be like

Zerker players be like

everyone else be like
“I’d like to be able to play the game with at least some chance of winning.”

I personally don’t think either of these amulets are op. I just think most of the other amulets are set up poorly. Instead of nerfing all the things that actually work, maybe emulate them. For instance, amulets with three stats could get a fourth mixed in. Amulets like rampagers just need a rebalance(precision main stat with 300 power lol). Also, nerfing cele to the ground wouldn’t do anything. People would run a soldiers variant of shoutbow, or a bunker guard and a zerker classes. Condition builds would still be terrible because all of the meta-builds have enough condition removal to minimize the damage just enough to win out in the long run.

Instead of always looking to nerf everything, like most people do on this forum, consider buffing the counters to the same power level (AKA not power creep). For instance, currently cele bunkers dominate because they outsustain everyone, have passive defense, and have sustained damage. The counter to this would be condition builds that can nullify your passive defense, and have better sustained damage.

Necros don’t have reflects, invulns, vigor, blocks,
extra dodges, real stability, mobility skills,
burst skills, sustain, or good support. GG ANET.

There is nothing wrong with PvP but Cele

in PvP

Posted by: Vapour.7348


I don’t have a problem with celestial. I use it on warrior and engie but use zerk on ele, necro, guard and mesmer. Zerk mesmer, zerk guard and rabid ranger is fine for countering the celestials. I think it’s fine where it is.

power necros needs a buff tho, for real no joke.

Mini Unagi – Iuther – Iiq – Trend – lancaster

There is nothing wrong with PvP but Cele

in PvP

Posted by: ronpierce.2760


I want an amulet like this:
932 power, 650 toughness 451 ferocity and 331 precision. Give me that and you can do whatever you want with the rest.

Just alter Valkyrie. No body’s shooting for the moon on 331 Healing Power.

High Warlord Sikari (80 Reaper) / Lord Siekron (80 DH)
Warlord Sikari (80 Scrapper)

There is nothing wrong with PvP but Cele

in PvP

Posted by: StickerHappy.8052


The issue here is not Cele Amy Per Se, it’s those 3 classes that can maximize its effect because of their class design.

Champion Illusionist Champion Hunter Champion Phantom Champion Magus

There is nothing wrong with PvP but Cele

in PvP

Posted by: ronpierce.2760


The issue here is not Cele Amy Per Se, it’s those 3 classes that can maximize its effect because of their class design.

Wish people could realize this… Shoutbow and Ele can be tanky regardless of the cele ammy. The only reason cele is best for them is it allows them to do damage as well as survive well because their base has a lot of healing and defenses (boons/shouts) and they both deal with hybrid attacks on most of their attacks, so they get a lot of benefit from stacking might and having a pure mix of stats. Celestial is a symptom, not a cause of imbalance, and there is a very big difference…

If Cele was REALLY broken every class would have a strong means to use it, but generally speaking it’s not optimal for Necro/Ranger/Thief/Mesmer, though they can get some use out of it, they’re not problematic.

Remember, Celestial was buffed because it got no use, a very small percent. Now they’re wanting to nerf it by a larger percent than they previously buffed it because Shout healing, Elementalists and Engineers were buffed along the way. It should be fairly obvious that the issue isn’t an amulet’s weak balance of stats, but that certain classes were made to get too much benefit from stat mixing.

High Warlord Sikari (80 Reaper) / Lord Siekron (80 DH)
Warlord Sikari (80 Scrapper)

There is nothing wrong with PvP but Cele

in PvP

Posted by: Exciton.8942


TBH, other zerker spec that didn’t make it into meta are actually not that bad and are playable in non-highest level play.

Medi guard is really the best zerker in terms of fight due to their high sustain
Thief combines high mobility and high burst.
Mesmer is decent in 1v1 anything, more importantly they have portal.

If you take other zerker spec, they just don’t provide something special compared to these. But power necro, ranger, engi, warrior and ele are not bad at all. They can all 1v1 and team fight decent but just lacks something special to make into meta.

There is nothing wrong with PvP but Cele

in PvP

Posted by: Jim Hunter.6821

Jim Hunter.6821

Pewpew Ranger is like pewpew Necro just better in every way. Lich is dope though.

Sure, better in every way…. as long as you don’t include the massive AoE spike damage, boon removal (that is extremely important in the cele meta), the “I win” elite, teleport, multiple condi transfer, and stun break + stability on a 7 second cooldown.

Also known as Puck when my account isn’t suspended

There is nothing wrong with PvP but Cele

in PvP

Posted by: Spirigo.2897


Rangers are basically “I win” elite with 2300 Range.

There is nothing wrong with PvP but Cele

in PvP

Posted by: Jim Hunter.6821

Jim Hunter.6821

Rangers are basically “I win” elite with 2300 Range.

Only against terrible players like ^

Also known as Puck when my account isn’t suspended

There is nothing wrong with PvP but Cele

in PvP

Posted by: Spirigo.2897


Woo the terrible player argument. Can’t argue against the other poster? Np just get mad & flame.

Good riddance!

There is nothing wrong with PvP but Cele

in PvP

Posted by: Jim Hunter.6821

Jim Hunter.6821

Woo the terrible player argument. Can’t argue against the other poster? Np just get mad & flame.

Good riddance!

You popped into a thread about cele specs to complain about longbow rangers. 2 possible reasons for this, you are getting your kitten handed to you on such a regular basis by longbow rangers that you feel the need to cry in threads unrelated to them, or you were beaten by a cele longbow ranger which would just be embarrassing, either way you must be bad.

Also known as Puck when my account isn’t suspended

There is nothing wrong with PvP but Cele

in PvP

Posted by: Supreme.3164


Cele players be like

Zerker players be like

everyone else be like
“I’d like to be able to play the game with at least some chance of winning.”

I personally don’t think either of these amulets are op. I just think most of the other amulets are set up poorly. Instead of nerfing all the things that actually work, maybe emulate them. For instance, amulets with three stats could get a fourth mixed in. Amulets like rampagers just need a rebalance(precision main stat with 300 power lol). Also, nerfing cele to the ground wouldn’t do anything. People would run a soldiers variant of shoutbow, or a bunker guard and a zerker classes. Condition builds would still be terrible because all of the meta-builds have enough condition removal to minimize the damage just enough to win out in the long run.

Instead of always looking to nerf everything, like most people do on this forum, consider buffing the counters to the same power level (AKA not power creep). For instance, currently cele bunkers dominate because they outsustain everyone, have passive defense, and have sustained damage. The counter to this would be condition builds that can nullify your passive defense, and have better sustained damage.

That’s what it is always, people asking to nerf builds that survive theirs.

I’m not saying that, but the hambow days were actually fine with me, might stacking meta was very fun to play in as a s/d thief

The OP is a s/d thief who always had an easy time against hambow and ele was non existent so ofc he will complain about current meta, as I have always stated, almost every nerf request is done with a personal agenda in mind and not certainly for the love of a fair balance

I can guarantee you that whenever you see a “QQ nerf celestial”, the OP of the thread will be a thief (most of the time) or a med guardian and I have already explained why they complain and how they would not complain if things about their builds would be changed.

The sustain of thieves and med guardian has been buffed to level where the class can strive in a celestial meta, so would celestial be taken out the game, the next step would be to reduce that sustain of thief and med guardian

It’s naive to think that things would be left alone in case celestial would be gone, that sustain that med guardian currently enjoy in particular, would become the topic of major discussions…too much sustain for a zerker spec with zero investment in healing power

-edit- I wish meta zerker build would have not access to stealth, perma dodges, 2k healing skills on short CD. Then they would realize what playing a glass spec truly means, not like now with builds that have huge damage and sustain without speccing into it, then go around complaining about specs that actually have to invest pts in sustain to survive

If I’d be a dev I would normalize defense mechanisms across all professions then real talk about amulets could start

(edited by Supreme.3164)

There is nothing wrong with PvP but Cele

in PvP

Posted by: choovanski.5462


I want an amulet like this:
932 power, 650 toughness 451 ferocity and 331 precision. Give me that and you can do whatever you want with the rest.

Just alter Valkyrie. No body’s shooting for the moon on 331 Healing Power.

if you think cele shout warrior is hard to take down you should try 00662 with valk. its utter beef mode. beast machine. terror from the east. eat 100 rapid fires and never fall.

on the cele meta? eh, rabid 2 kit eats all of the cele builds alive. slick shoes the shoutbow.

. Engi & Warr . Beta > 2017 Death of PvP
currently a Boyfriend main :P
Waiting To ReRoll Mystic & Forget About Tyria

(edited by choovanski.5462)

There is nothing wrong with PvP but Cele

in PvP

Posted by: Exciton.8942


Rangers are basically “I win” elite with 2300 Range.

Only against terrible players like ^

Not really. The annoying part of ranger on a popular map like foefire is that it can easily carry bad player to kill good players with ease. You can go check some of the ESL guys stream and see how often they even get wrecked by rangers from faraway distanceYou essentially can 1 from 1500 range away. That’s the strength of power ranger.

However, ranger, similar to necro is not very capable of escaping from 2+ players’ focus fire which renders them quite hard to play against a good team. However, in pug groups, they tend to have minimal fire focus on them and survive just fine. The class actually has pretty good passive defense.

Overall, it is one of the easiest while still effective build but just can’t carry u to the highest level of play.

There is nothing wrong with PvP but Cele

in PvP

Posted by: Supreme.3164


The issue here is not Cele Amy Per Se, it’s those 3 classes that can maximize its effect because of their class design.

Wish people could realize this… Shoutbow and Ele can be tanky regardless of the cele ammy. The only reason cele is best for them is it allows them to do damage as well as survive well because their base has a lot of healing and defenses (boons/shouts) and they both deal with hybrid attacks on most of their attacks, so they get a lot of benefit from stacking might and having a pure mix of stats. Celestial is a symptom, not a cause of imbalance, and there is a very big difference…

If Cele was REALLY broken every class would have a strong means to use it, but generally speaking it’s not optimal for Necro/Ranger/Thief/Mesmer, though they can get some use out of it, they’re not problematic.

Remember, Celestial was buffed because it got no use, a very small percent. Now they’re wanting to nerf it by a larger percent than they previously buffed it because Shout healing, Elementalists and Engineers were buffed along the way. It should be fairly obvious that the issue isn’t an amulet’s weak balance of stats, but that certain classes were made to get too much benefit from stat mixing.

Don’t forget that thieves/guardians got buffed along the way : Mug now heals- meditations, s/d weapon set ect etc

There is nothing wrong with PvP but Cele

in PvP

Posted by: Spirigo.2897


Rangers are basically “I win” elite with 2300 Range.

Only against terrible players like ^

Not really. The annoying part of ranger on a popular map like foefire is that it can easily carry bad player to kill good players with ease. You can go check some of the ESL guys stream and see how often they even get wrecked by rangers from faraway distanceYou essentially can 1 from 1500 range away. That’s the strength of power ranger.

However, ranger, similar to necro is not very capable of escaping from 2+ players’ focus fire which renders them quite hard to play against a good team. However, in pug groups, they tend to have minimal fire focus on them and survive just fine. The class actually has pretty good passive defense.

Overall, it is one of the easiest while still effective build but just can’t carry u to the highest level of play.

Basically this.

There is nothing wrong with PvP but Cele

in PvP

Posted by: Zetsumei.4975


Pewpew Ranger is like pewpew Necro just better in every way. Lich is dope though.

Sure, better in every way…. as long as you don’t include the massive AoE spike damage, boon removal (that is extremely important in the cele meta), the “I win” elite, teleport, multiple condi transfer, and stun break + stability on a 7 second cooldown.

Always hilarious to see someone who can’t play necro call it a 7 second cool down. But sure if you want to sacrifice your profession mechanic and in doing so lose your sustained single target dps, lose 50% crit chance for your ‘massive aoe spike damage’ and your only means of damage mitigation by all means go ahead and call it a 7 second cool down.

Kurodaraku – Necromancer | Kuroshikon – Ranger
Officer of [DEX] Deus Ex Machina Eu and [Fus] Fus Ro Dâh
Ruins of Surmia

(edited by Zetsumei.4975)

There is nothing wrong with PvP but Cele

in PvP

Posted by: Jim Hunter.6821

Jim Hunter.6821

Pewpew Ranger is like pewpew Necro just better in every way. Lich is dope though.

Sure, better in every way…. as long as you don’t include the massive AoE spike damage, boon removal (that is extremely important in the cele meta), the “I win” elite, teleport, multiple condi transfer, and stun break + stability on a 7 second cooldown.

Always hilarious to see someone who can’t play necro call it a 7 second cool down. But sure if you want to sacrifice your profession mechanic and in doing so lose your sustained single target dps, lose 50% crit chance for your ‘massive aoe spike damage’ and your only means of damage mitigation by all means go ahead and call it a 7 second cool down.

Oh I was just using the same 6,6,6,6,6 build with access to all traits, utilities, weapons, an elites that spirigo has access to for his salt filled ranger complaints.

I was in no way trying to say necro’s are OP or anything, like several of the classes they have to make big sacrifices to be effective. One thing that would really help would be starting them off with at least 50% death shroud (hint hint anet).

Also known as Puck when my account isn’t suspended

There is nothing wrong with PvP but Cele

in PvP

Posted by: Vapour.7348


No doubt power rangers live up to their name unlike power necros. At the start of a match, if the power necro is forced to take home coz no one in the team would, if he is rushed by a power ranger, the necro has very little defense from getting downed in a few seconds.

I rolled a condi ranger to counter the power build. It’s brings me satisfaction seeing them run around like chickens with their heads cut-off in panic of the hard DOT hitting them.

Mini Unagi – Iuther – Iiq – Trend – lancaster

There is nothing wrong with PvP but Cele

in PvP

Posted by: abclemons.7093


I’ve held home as a power necro just fine. However, it depends on terrain (map) as to whether the 1v1 is a stalemate or not. Send two my way, and I’m basically crying for help. Necro is 1v1(or 2) <=600 range. Pairing it against ranger on a flat field is a foregone conclusion.

Koffix (ele) | Koffix Sprockets (engi ) | Koffix Shadows (teef) | Koffix Clones (mes) |
Koffix [xxx] (all the rest)
[Phnx] Phoenix Rises from the Ashes | Crystal Desert

There is nothing wrong with PvP but Cele

in PvP

Posted by: Benjamin.8237


I’m not defending it or anything but most top teams are no longer running full cele, I know the team I’m forming works pretty well with three zerkers too.

P R I N C E | Best Renger EU
You can find me in PvP | I normally answer PMs