So I have noticed a LOT of trolls lately in PvP making games 4v5. Why do I say trolls you might ask? People that enjoy ranked but don’t care at all for LB’s. Now I don’t care at all for them either, but still makes playing frustrating. Very large amount of 4v5’s lately after new season starts. Also you get those players that leave the match 60 seconds before loosing on the enemy team. They know they are going to take -3 pts but do not care. Then everyone doesn’t gain any points on the winning team due to said person leaving. OR as soon as you fall 50 pts behind, someone on your team bails… I thought there was going to be dishonor. We were told it was fixed and going to be re-implemented; but it has not. Is there an update on when that will be, so we can stop these 4v5’s? We want competitive matches while we play. We don’t want 4v5’s and there is nothing stopping people from doing it. In unranked there is no consequence. In ranked, they just loose LB points. Can we get dishonor rolling yet or not?