Thief: 1, Helseth: 0

Thief: 1, Helseth: 0

in PvP

Posted by: Miku Lawrence.6329

Miku Lawrence.6329

Wow wow wow! Stop this kitten! Leave mesmers alone and just l2p. This is not what the tread was meant for.

Snow Crows [SC]

Thief: 1, Helseth: 0

in PvP

Posted by: OGDeadHead.8326


But surely this kind of burst is one of the main reasons why the above-average PvP population is so low, since most people trying PvP rage quit after being threated with bursts of this kind for 3-4 times.

This. Just this.

Fun as hell when you’re the one dealing out the insane burst, but for the overall health of pvp in this game, this needs to go.

Win10 pro | Xeon 5650 @ 4 GHz | R9 280x toxic | 24 Gig Ram | Process Lasso user

Thief: 1, Helseth: 0

in PvP

Posted by: Mrbig.8019


Illusionary persona is meant to give you the ability to use a shatter without needing illusions up. The effect is rather small considering that the shatters get better with more illusions but it is by no means OP. Thieves get the most stealth in the game. Ele’s get mist form. Guardians get other invulns plus a ton of blocks. Warriors get endure pain and engis have 3 blocks. Plus rangers have a ton of evades. This is working as intended and if you are pressuring the mesmer to waste their longest cooldown shatter and not have any illusions up then they prolly wont last much longer anyways. nerfing/changing illusionary persona would destroy the mesmer class (i know this has been said about other changes) but almost every viable mesmer build heavily and I mean HEAVILY relies on illusionary persona to be viable.

That’s not my point.

The description says otherwise.

A mesmer should not be allowed to shatter without any illusion up, illusionary persona or not.

illusionary persona should trigger ONLY when you’re effectively shattering an illusion.

maybe this is not the case for thieves ( a thief can literally oneshot a mesmer), but via distortion a mesmer could be able to nullify any other burst ( engie, war, mesmer etc) even with all his stubreakers off CD and without a single clone up.

this is not fine and should be fixed, or i’d like to know from devs if it’s working as intended.

Here you go pulled straight from the wiki with 0 bugs listed. If it was a bug it would have been noted/dealt with in the whole shattered strength fiasco. But straight from the horses mouth:

“This trait makes you count as an additional illusion for shatter skills effects.”
So in essence the trait does only trigger when you are shattering an illusion because the system reads you as an illusion.

Wiki is written by people. This is all empirical evidence, there’s no word from a dev into this.

And the trait description says otherwise: when shattering an illusion you reproduce the shatter effect as well.

No illusions, no illusionary persona.

If i should account all thief bugs ( and things supposed to be working as intended, like the “no destealth when hitting an invulnerable target” when they actually are not) i would have to kinda redo the whole thief wiki.

As i said, it’s never an issue for me, since i play thief ( aka: mesmers gets oneshotted without noticing and GG, even more since i play D/P instead of the noob trap D/D), BM hybrid ranger ( where only phase retreat “and my pets suddenly lose aggro somehow and start attacking random clones when they should stick on the real mesmer till he goes stealthed” is an issue, and it’s another bug favouring the mesmer) and HGH engie ( LOL mesmers).

But this can be gamebreaking for all other burst classes.

Thief: 1, Helseth: 0

in PvP

Posted by: Interpret Interrupt.3824

Interpret Interrupt.3824

It’s kittening stupid how you can be rewarded for missing abilities in stealth. Stealth openers should never be guaranteed. If you hit someone invulnerable/blocking/blinding while in stealth, you should be de-stealthed.

I’d love if my Fire Grab was refunded to me if it were to miss or hit an invulnerable target. Ditto for shatters and 100b.

+1 for this idea

K Pop
The Warrior, The Necro, The F1 Connoisseur

Thief: 1, Helseth: 0

in PvP

Posted by: jportell.2197


Illusionary persona is meant to give you the ability to use a shatter without needing illusions up. The effect is rather small considering that the shatters get better with more illusions but it is by no means OP. Thieves get the most stealth in the game. Ele’s get mist form. Guardians get other invulns plus a ton of blocks. Warriors get endure pain and engis have 3 blocks. Plus rangers have a ton of evades. This is working as intended and if you are pressuring the mesmer to waste their longest cooldown shatter and not have any illusions up then they prolly wont last much longer anyways. nerfing/changing illusionary persona would destroy the mesmer class (i know this has been said about other changes) but almost every viable mesmer build heavily and I mean HEAVILY relies on illusionary persona to be viable.

That’s not my point.

The description says otherwise.

A mesmer should not be allowed to shatter without any illusion up, illusionary persona or not.

illusionary persona should trigger ONLY when you’re effectively shattering an illusion.

maybe this is not the case for thieves ( a thief can literally oneshot a mesmer), but via distortion a mesmer could be able to nullify any other burst ( engie, war, mesmer etc) even with all his stubreakers off CD and without a single clone up.

this is not fine and should be fixed, or i’d like to know from devs if it’s working as intended.

Here you go pulled straight from the wiki with 0 bugs listed. If it was a bug it would have been noted/dealt with in the whole shattered strength fiasco. But straight from the horses mouth:

“This trait makes you count as an additional illusion for shatter skills effects.”
So in essence the trait does only trigger when you are shattering an illusion because the system reads you as an illusion.

Wiki is written by people. This is all empirical evidence, there’s no word from a dev into this.

And the trait description says otherwise: when shattering an illusion you reproduce the shatter effect as well.

No illusions, no illusionary persona.

If i should account all thief bugs ( and things supposed to be working as intended, like the “no destealth when hitting an invulnerable target” when they actually are not) i would have to kinda redo the whole thief wiki.

As i said, it’s never an issue for me, since i play thief ( aka: mesmers gets oneshotted without noticing and GG, even more since i play D/P instead of the noob trap D/D), BM hybrid ranger ( where only phase retreat “and my pets suddenly lose aggro somehow and start attacking random clones when they should stick on the real mesmer till he goes stealthed” is an issue, and it’s another bug favouring the mesmer) and HGH engie ( LOL mesmers).

But this can be gamebreaking for all other burst classes.

Whether or not YOU think it is working as intended is irrelevant. If it was such a HUGE gamebreaking issue then it would have been addressed when they addressed the shattered strength bug. This is one of the few things that has not been nerfed on mesmers and also one of the few things that actually works for us 100% of the time. So just because you think it is gamebreaking (everyone else is concerned with timewarp/portal/ etc) does not mean that it is. And also on the whole burst classes thing. Boo freaking hoo. So mesmers make you work a little bit to land your burst. Too bad. Illusionary persona requires us to go all the way into the grand master tree to get so its effects should be available even with no illusions considering that we only have one or two oh*kitten* buttons available via weapon sets to begin with.

Johnny The Gray
GASM’s Bunker Mesmer

Thief: 1, Helseth: 0

in PvP

Posted by: Zoose.6257


enjoying your s/d zoose?

No -! I despise s/d bunker, so now I am playing warrior WOOHOO!

Thief: 1, Helseth: 0

in PvP

Posted by: offence.4726


NA skillz haha , mesmer is so “hard” to play these days.

play hard , go pro.

Thief: 1, Helseth: 0

in PvP

Posted by: nerva.7940


kitten like this just cant be in game. it’s like having headshots with no skill requirement. reason #500 why GW2 cant and wont be a competitive pvp game.

Ikiro – 80 Ranger
Umie – 80 Guardian

Thief: 1, Helseth: 0

in PvP

Posted by: Darnis.4056


What are you talking about nerva?.. 11,532 backstab crit+2.5kProc is pure skill.
What’s ridiculous here is the fact that the thief Dazed for 1.5 seconds while putting out all that damage.
Feels like they ninja-rollbacked changes to the thief…
Backstab went through while everything was at 0.3 global cooldown.. The fight lasted 1.2 Seconds.

So the only real option was Diversion, or a change to Staff and retreat into diversion into a Protection/Chaos Storm, into death most probably..

I don’t usually qq about thieves but that was ridiculous and should never happen..

Will the Real Pink Puma Please stand up?

(edited by Darnis.4056)

Thief: 1, Helseth: 0

in PvP

Posted by: VictorTroska.3725


i’m beating a dead horse here but going to link a video that explains this core issue

Good video. Guy in video who got oneshotted though asked for it. I mean when you turn into stone out of nowhere you should know that inc thief burst and break it or immune it or you die. My problem with these things and also reason why I dont play Gw2 much anymore is that how easy some classes can setup their burst and rewarded highly for that compared to players who have skill to avoid it. Which in my eyes is poor game design. If you give some class ultimate oneshot ability, failing to land it should have big impact on guy who attempting burst. Instead in Gw2 as thief you just stealth and is fine.

Lets take example of glass cannon warrior and 100B. If you fail to land that to kill someone, it is high chance that you will die. Now that is good mechanic because with high reward comes high risk. Unfortunatelly some classes, like thieves are immune to that and thus making game just big waste of time.

(edited by VictorTroska.3725)

Thief: 1, Helseth: 0

in PvP

Posted by: ilJumperMT.4871


Sorry to burst your bubble, but you’re a horrible mesmer.
I seen rank 20 mesmers who play better then you. Miku Lawrence in this thread alone is a better mesmer then you can ever be.

Nothing to see move along, L2P Issue. He doesnt even know that Mirror Images is a Stun Breaker

Play tera tbh it’s how most people expected GW2 to turn out. 3s/Ranked BGs + proper ability avoidance and spell/attack targeting with a crosshair + No downed state (after playing WoW/Tera again for awhile i finally realized how stupid downstate in MMO PvP is, it has 0 place in a game like GW2 or any MMO for that matter. Kind of pointless even logging on GW2 at this point unless for idk super casual play with the state it’s in and i doubt some “magic” feb patch will change anything tbh.

TERA is gear over skill. The best player in T13 cannot even hope to beat a T14 person.

PS. Nice exploiting on Temple of Silent Storm map on meditation bro. Typical cheater team. Pity great players like Lowell joined you over Chieftain Ninjas

(edited by ilJumperMT.4871)

Thief: 1, Helseth: 0

in PvP

Posted by: Mrbig.8019


Whether or not YOU think it is working as intended is irrelevant. If it was such a HUGE gamebreaking issue then it would have been addressed when they addressed the shattered strength bug. This is one of the few things that has not been nerfed on mesmers and also one of the few things that actually works for us 100% of the time. So just because you think it is gamebreaking (everyone else is concerned with timewarp/portal/ etc) does not mean that it is. And also on the whole burst classes thing. Boo freaking hoo. So mesmers make you work a little bit to land your burst. Too bad. Illusionary persona requires us to go all the way into the grand master tree to get so its effects should be available even with no illusions considering that we only have one or two oh*kitten* buttons available via weapon sets to begin with.

You’re SUPPOSING, and whining.

“boo hoo i spent 30 trait points into illusions, it needs to AT LEAST trigger without illusions”.

No. The description says otherwise.

Every class has tons of bugs, a bouncing projectile makes the thief to be destealthed when he’s hit within shadow refuge area, and this is happening from culling changes in december ( 2 months ago).

This is gamebreaking for a thief, yet it still haven’t been fixed.

Shattered might was TEN TIMES more gambreaking than this, since you could not only macro shatter for double damage, you could also do it with 25 stacks of might on, for quadruple double damage ( 14k shatter every 10 secs ?).

And LOL, are you really saying you have few escaping abilities ?

Do you know you have the cheapest stunbreaker CD ( blink) and are the class with the greatest number of low CD stunbreakers in the whole game ?

Do you know you are THE ONLY class with a stunbreaker INCORPORATED into you weapon skills ( along with the thief, on a not-pvp viable-weapon), and it’s on a 8 secs CD with a mere 5 trait point investment ( aka phase retreat) ?

inb4 “phase retreat is not a stunbreaker, it doesn’t break stun”.

It actually works even better. If you decoy after basilisk ( or any other stun-before-burst) you’ll still be hit: phase retreat teleports you away, basically nullifying the whole burst; it’s A LOT BETTER than a stunbreak.

And it also, after SIX MONTHS, still makes my pets to lose aggro, when it really shouldn’t.

Should i go on ?

thanks god the staff is subpar in teamfights so mesmers prefer to roll with GS for max team utility.

(edited by Mrbig.8019)

Thief: 1, Helseth: 0

in PvP

Posted by: ilJumperMT.4871


Whether or not YOU think it is working as intended is irrelevant. If it was such a HUGE gamebreaking issue then it would have been addressed when they addressed the shattered strength bug. This is one of the few things that has not been nerfed on mesmers and also one of the few things that actually works for us 100% of the time. So just because you think it is gamebreaking (everyone else is concerned with timewarp/portal/ etc) does not mean that it is. And also on the whole burst classes thing. Boo freaking hoo. So mesmers make you work a little bit to land your burst. Too bad. Illusionary persona requires us to go all the way into the grand master tree to get so its effects should be available even with no illusions considering that we only have one or two oh*kitten* buttons available via weapon sets to begin with.

You’re SUPPOSING, and whining.

“boo hoo i spent 30 trait points into illusions, it needs to AT LEAST trigger without illusions”.

No. The description says otherwise.

Every class has tons of bugs, a bouncing projectile makes the thief to be destealthed when he’s hit within shadow refuge area, and this is happening from culling changes in december ( 2 months ago).

This is gamebreaking for a thief, yet it still haven’t been fixed.

Shattered might was TEN TIMES more gambreaking than this, since you could not only macro shatter for double damage, you could also do it with 25 stacks of might on, for quadruple double damage ( 14k shatter every 10 secs ?).

And LOL, are you really saying you have few escaping abilities ?

Do you know you have the cheapest stunbreaker CD ( blink) and are the class with the greatest number of low CD stunbreakers in the whole game ?

Do you know you are THE ONLY class with a stunbreaker INCORPORATED into you weapon skills ( along with the thief, on a not-pvp viable-weapon), and it’s on a 8 secs CD with a mere 5 trait point investment ( aka phase retreat) ?

inb4 “phase retreat is not a stunbreaker, it doesn’t break stun”.

It actually works even better. If you decoy after basilisk ( or any other stun-before-burst) you’ll still be hit: phase retreat teleports you away, basically nullifying the whole burst; it’s A LOT BETTER than a stunbreak.

And it also, after SIX MONTHS, still makes my pets to lose aggro, when it really shouldn’t.

Should i go on ?

thanks god the staff is subpar in teamfights so mesmers prefer to roll with GS for max team utility.

Amazing how people take GS over a Staff as mesmer. Yes greatsword has more damage, way more, however staff gives way more surviblity.
Being a shatter mesmer, a fart kills you. You NEED Phase Retreat, which breaks stun and works better then stun breakers even on knockdowns. Chaos Armor is a plus for more defense.

Ideally you would switch between staff and gs depends on need, however they blocked that so now just run staff all time due to the danger that you will be bursted.

Amazing how people QQ when going glass cannon builds with no escape skills. Of course a thief or warrior is gonna kill you if you have no escape as glass cannon. You except to sit inside a full burst and staying alive? Due to this reason Blink > Decoy. You can still get bursted while in stealth, on the other hand you can just blink away.

(edited by ilJumperMT.4871)

Thief: 1, Helseth: 0

in PvP

Posted by: Ezrael.6859


Talking of bugs then.

Thieves shooting at a single person on a point with Trick Shot will often see the arrow bounce off an invisible place on the point and hit the target again.

Making each Trick Shot hit twice.

As in double damage.

As in massively broken.

Thief: 1, Helseth: 0

in PvP

Posted by: Mrbig.8019


Talking of bugs then.

Thieves shooting at a single person on a point with Trick Shot will often see the arrow bounce off an invisible place on the point and hit the target again.

Making each Trick Shot hit twice.

As in double damage.

As in massively broken.

This has already been talked about long time ago.

Still no fix.

As a thief i agree it’s broken, since my trick shot can crit for 2 k damage, with full bloodlust, on a squishy ( often side node mesmers) and i can get them to 25% health with a couple of auto-attacks and a cluster bomb. Sometime i can kill them without even jumping in, by simply shortbowing them.

Thief: 1, Helseth: 0

in PvP

Posted by: Med.6150


Nothing to see move along, L2P Issue. He doesnt even know that Mirror Images is a Stun Breaker

Not that I think he played it well (he admitted to that already) or that he’s a good player, as it’s hard to tell in GW2 (nor is it required), but you should learn how skills work before you flame somebody. He couldn’t have used Mirror Images to break the stun.

Thief: 1, Helseth: 0

in PvP

Posted by: ilJumperMT.4871


Nothing to see move along, L2P Issue. He doesnt even know that Mirror Images is a Stun Breaker

Not that I think he played it well (he admitted to that already) or that he’s a good player, as it’s hard to tell in GW2 (nor is it required), but you should learn how skills work before you flame somebody. He couldn’t have used Mirror Images to break the stun.

You can use MI to break Basilisk Venom

Thief: 1, Helseth: 0

in PvP

Posted by: Oni.5429


I think he is talking about the fact that you need a target for mirror images to work, clever one.

Crs Helseth, Mesmer for Team Curse

Thief: 1, Helseth: 0

in PvP

Posted by: Shukran.4851


mirror image+ dodge = no more pro thief killing him

or just use blink

Thief: 1, Helseth: 0

in PvP

Posted by: jportell.2197


Whether or not YOU think it is working as intended is irrelevant. If it was such a HUGE gamebreaking issue then it would have been addressed when they addressed the shattered strength bug. This is one of the few things that has not been nerfed on mesmers and also one of the few things that actually works for us 100% of the time. So just because you think it is gamebreaking (everyone else is concerned with timewarp/portal/ etc) does not mean that it is. And also on the whole burst classes thing. Boo freaking hoo. So mesmers make you work a little bit to land your burst. Too bad. Illusionary persona requires us to go all the way into the grand master tree to get so its effects should be available even with no illusions considering that we only have one or two oh*kitten* buttons available via weapon sets to begin with.

You’re SUPPOSING, and whining.

“boo hoo i spent 30 trait points into illusions, it needs to AT LEAST trigger without illusions”.

No. The description says otherwise.

Every class has tons of bugs, a bouncing projectile makes the thief to be destealthed when he’s hit within shadow refuge area, and this is happening from culling changes in december ( 2 months ago).

This is gamebreaking for a thief, yet it still haven’t been fixed.

Shattered might was TEN TIMES more gambreaking than this, since you could not only macro shatter for double damage, you could also do it with 25 stacks of might on, for quadruple double damage ( 14k shatter every 10 secs ?).

And LOL, are you really saying you have few escaping abilities ?

Do you know you have the cheapest stunbreaker CD ( blink) and are the class with the greatest number of low CD stunbreakers in the whole game ?

Do you know you are THE ONLY class with a stunbreaker INCORPORATED into you weapon skills ( along with the thief, on a not-pvp viable-weapon), and it’s on a 8 secs CD with a mere 5 trait point investment ( aka phase retreat) ?

inb4 “phase retreat is not a stunbreaker, it doesn’t break stun”.

It actually works even better. If you decoy after basilisk ( or any other stun-before-burst) you’ll still be hit: phase retreat teleports you away, basically nullifying the whole burst; it’s A LOT BETTER than a stunbreak.

And it also, after SIX MONTHS, still makes my pets to lose aggro, when it really shouldn’t.

Should i go on ?

thanks god the staff is subpar in teamfights so mesmers prefer to roll with GS for max team utility.

Stunbreakers sure we got those. We have 3 in our skills just like every other class (ele cantrips, thieves shadow step, Rangers lightning reflexes and so on.) But for actually escaping? We have blink….phase retreat and maybe focus 4 but. But we are still one of the slowest classes. Us and warriors are the only burst classes without a guaranteed 25% speed increase and any thief, d/d ele, trap ranger or warrior of any type can catch us REALLY quick. Have you confirmed that it shouldn’t make your pets lose agro? What about the bug in rangers where their conditions get transferred to their pets every 10 seconds but instead of being transferred all conditions just “poof” gone. Illusionary persona being used without any illusions is not a bug nor is it game breaking. And if the description saying otherwise is really that big of a deal to you guess what ANet will prolly do? Change the description. Because that is way more simple than changing coding and they have a history of doing it on things for mesmers that are already broken(cough Portal Duration cough).People have been using it since beta and it has never been changed or touched. You are simply reaching. That is all.
Edit: Also not every Mesmer uses staff or GS some actually use scepter (shocker) because scepter and offhand sword are the greatest clone generating potential. Too bad confusion got nerfed in PvP. I loved just killing people by them doing stuff.

Johnny The Gray
GASM’s Bunker Mesmer

(edited by jportell.2197)

Thief: 1, Helseth: 0

in PvP

Posted by: ilJumperMT.4871


I think he is talking about the fact that you need a target for mirror images to work, clever one.

You had a target to react. You saw him coming head on with burst. The thief was bad who didnt even burst fast. You had even more time to use use other stun breakers to get out.

Like I said, you run without Staff or Blink then whine about burst. L2p baddie.

Thief: 1, Helseth: 0

in PvP

Posted by: ensoriki.5789


Breackable or not it was rather obscene undoubtably.
Back stab hit for 14k. Could’ve run D/P and come up from behind and it would’ve been unpredictable.

The great forum duppy.