So first let me say i understand the thief counter argument to many of these complaints I have. I will try to say some possibly good changes to their class, but I feel like I need to get this rant out.
1. Where they fit. In this game a class that does high single target damage and has a ton of non counterable escapes is really poor. Shadow refugee is one of their main draws for teams in tpvp and in zergs. I feel like a thief should specialize in applying to both AoEs and single target conditions and debuffs that make them easier to kill for everyone. These include vulnerabliity, possibly a new debuff that increases condition damage taken. Things like that. This could greatly improve their draw in bigger group fights.
2. Defense is reliant on stealth. Thieves are very squishy and without stealth they are dead. I feel like having them rely on things like evades and stealths, both of which are impossible to counter unless you stunlock or chain CC (both of which I feel are very bad things in a MMO pvp, very simplistic and boring). I feel like they should have defensive mechanisms at their dispolal that are good, but also counterable. Right now their only counterable defense mechanism is shadow refugee, and not all classes can do that with their meta builds. I’ve fought thieves run into entire 20+ zergs, attack some people, then go stealth and escape. I feel like that if a player is so confiden in his classes ability that he would gladly charge into the middle of players in an attempt to kill one of them and escape, there’s a problem. I’m not sure how to fix this because there are A LOT of non counterable skills in the game, especially defensive ones.
3. Insanely Large single target damage- The problem with this is that if you have 2-3 thieves in a group in WvW or even spvp, they can coordinate their attacks and down one person instantly and easily escape, chaining together shadow refugees and what not. They have many skills that can crit and be spammed if desired that can crit well over 8k. I think this is a bit much. I feel like the amount of skills that can do this should be decreased, possibly only one.
4. Little to no AoE damage. In a game where mass zerging is considered good or where point control with AoEs is very important, having a class that doesn’t do a whole lot of AoE damage seems bad. Right now calatrops is their major AoE build and its really only usable on Points in spvp. Players can easily move away from the calatrops making them useless, or using the massive condi removal that is in the game.
5. Stealth downing/rezzing. They are amazing at picking up and downing targets. With stealthing having no counter, it is amazing that stealths can sit in the middle of players while they swing widely hoping to hit them while they down a friend.
I just feel like the way thieves are designed, they don’t fit into the game very well at all. Both their Pros and their cons.