Thief OPness vs. other OPness

Thief OPness vs. other OPness

in PvP

Posted by: Dee Jay.2460

Dee Jay.2460

I will preface this argument by stating that most classes have, what can be generally considered, and overpowered build.

Guardian Bunkers a nigh unkillable by single players,
Elementalist D/D builds have extreme survivability and mobility,
Mesmers could/can deal incredible burst damage and have the best support abilities,
Warriors have their Stun + 100 Blades combo,
etc. etc.

Granted, not all are equally OP but I dare say every profession has something (except Rangers) that makes them seem/feel overpowered in certain situations.

And yet despite that, the Thief professions receives by far the most complaints.

Incidentally high-rated players will probably tell you that Thieves probably aren’t the pinnacle of OPness, unlike what the forums might suggest.

I think the crucial difference as to why Thieves receive so much more complaints than all other professions combined is because they simply aren’t fun to play against

While a Bunker Guardian may be unbeatable and an Elementalist uncatchable both professions will give the other player the option to fight back. There may even be a little too and fro giving the contender at least the impression he has a real chance.

With Thieves however, especially the Backstab builds, things are over so quickly it doesn’t leave much room for combat dynamics to evolve. There’s no too and fro, no exchange of abilities. Instead the situation is very binary 90% of the time. Either your survived the opening burst and drove away the Thief or you didn’t and died.

That’s the crucial difference. And that’s also the reason why P/D Stealth builds receive less hate than the burst builds, despite being arguably more powerful than those. Because at least P/D Thieves give you combat choices and a chance to fight back.

I believe the solution to the Thief balancing issue is finding a way to make Thieves more fun to play against.

Thief OPness vs. other OPness

in PvP

Posted by: NaturalPortman.9562


Yes I agree thief is boring to fight but there’s nothing more satisfying when you know you killed a stealthed thief just to have him destealthed on the ground.

I’d rather have bunker guardians nerfed opposed to thieves, I don’t like the idea that they can just pop 1 cool down and sit in a bubble while still considered to be contesting the point and survive for a good few seconds.

(im a girl btw)

Thief OPness vs. other OPness

in PvP

Posted by: Archaon.6245


Incidentally high-rated players will probably tell you that Thieves probably aren’t the pinnacle of OPness, unlike what the forums might suggest.

Pretty much everyone knows that guardian is the most op class hands down (I play both, but when i go bunker I feel like like god compared to my thief, and btw i don’t play zerky crap with it…with guardian you just…don’t care, you rush into groups making a mess not giving a kitten bout dmg taken or whatever, you can mitigate almost everything) and guardian is probably followed by mesmer…infact those are the only 2 classes always present in tpvp teams, you can swap others…but bunker guardians and portal mesmers are the must have, and it’s not so hard to understand why. period

(edited by Archaon.6245)

Thief OPness vs. other OPness

in PvP

Posted by: SteepledHat.1345


Mesmer doesn’t deal incredible burst damage anymore. We’re just about meh when it comes to damage. (For those of us that didn’t use the “exploit” we were always meh.) I fight in dungeons with my wife who plays a guard and watch as her auto attack nearly equals my mw at 9 might stacks. Just saying.

Anyway, game is super unbalanced. Either adapt or go play one of the classes that everyone feels are uber.

“Failure to remain calm is the sign of a weak mind.”

Thief OPness vs. other OPness

in PvP

Posted by: Seether.7285


Mesmer doesn’t deal incredible burst damage anymore. We’re just about meh when it comes to damage. (For those of us that didn’t use the “exploit” we were always meh.) I fight in dungeons with my wife who plays a guard and watch as her auto attack nearly equals my mw at 9 might stacks. Just saying.

Anyway, game is super unbalanced. Either adapt or go play one of the classes that everyone feels are uber.

This is bs. Mesmers have done great burst damage with their shatters since pretty much release in PvP.


Thief OPness vs. other OPness

in PvP

Posted by: SteepledHat.1345


You done? That caps was unnecessary. Mesmer burst is meh when you compare it to a warrior, guardian, and thief. I don’t see how my auto attack vs the auto attack of a guardian in knight’s rares would be a poor basis. If anything, it shows that the damage is probably higher in SPvP. I used it as an example because it’s the only person I’ve had the chance to stare at the screen while they play. She doesn’t SPvP because of people that yell in all caps and act silly. Can’t say I blame her.

“Failure to remain calm is the sign of a weak mind.”

Thief OPness vs. other OPness

in PvP

Posted by: NaturalPortman.9562


You done? That caps was unnecessary. Mesmer burst is meh when you compare it to a warrior, guardian, and thief. I don’t see how my auto attack vs the auto attack of a guardian in knight’s rares would be a poor basis. If anything, it shows that the damage is probably higher in SPvP. I used it as an example because it’s the only person I’ve had the chance to stare at the screen while they play. She doesn’t SPvP because of people that yell in all caps and act silly. Can’t say I blame her.

Mesmer burst is crap compared to guardians? Wat

(im a girl btw)

Thief OPness vs. other OPness

in PvP

Posted by: D Is For Daggers.8741

D Is For Daggers.8741

Ok that’s a joke. If you’re running a decent shatter build you know that your burst is crazy. A good shatter mesmer can’t lose in a 1v1 unless he gets hard outplayed. Besides, mesmer portal lets you 5v4 at mid while still holding backpoint and time warp is a teamfight autowin. While I like the place mesmer is at right now (although portal and timewarp could use some small nerfing) it’s awful to suggest that mesmer is in any way underpowered.

The whole debate has very little to do with the thread though.

Thief OPness vs. other OPness

in PvP

Posted by: NaturalPortman.9562


Ok that’s a joke. If you’re running a decent shatter build you know that your burst is crazy. A good shatter mesmer can’t lose in a 1v1 unless he gets hard outplayed. Besides, mesmer portal lets you 5v4 at mid while still holding backpoint and time warp is a teamfight autowin. While I like the place mesmer is at right now (although portal and timewarp could use some small nerfing) it’s awful to suggest that mesmer is in any way underpowered.

The whole debate has very little to do with the thread though.

Mesmer would still be on teams even if they did literally 0 damage.

(im a girl btw)

Thief OPness vs. other OPness

in PvP

Posted by: Seether.7285


You done? That caps was unnecessary. Mesmer burst is meh when you compare it to a warrior, guardian, and thief. I don’t see how my auto attack vs the auto attack of a guardian in knight’s rares would be a poor basis. If anything, it shows that the damage is probably higher in SPvP. I used it as an example because it’s the only person I’ve had the chance to stare at the screen while they play. She doesn’t SPvP because of people that yell in all caps and act silly. Can’t say I blame her.

Look, you are in the Structured PvP forum, you are then using your knowledge from PvE to take part in a discussion on balance in PvP. You obviously are not aware of the many other considerations that come into play during PvP which affects the potential DPS output of other classes. For example, you mention warrior burst, warrior burst in PvP is considered strong but extremely situational. While some teams run warriors, many do not because good players are able to respond to warrior burst fairly well. Mesmers can put together very strong combos that allow them to easily burst their opponent on relatively short cooldowns.

Comparing auto attack damage as a basis for damage output between a guardian and a mesmer is even more laughable. You really don’t have the depth of knowledge to be contributing to a balance thread for PvP.

Thief OPness vs. other OPness

in PvP

Posted by: Lavexis.5360


ranger trap build and pet build can be pretty op.

Thief OPness vs. other OPness

in PvP

Posted by: NaturalPortman.9562


ranger trap build and pet build can be pretty op.

Nah, just op on treb. But that’s only because of the landscape, you are basically forced to fight on the traps.

(im a girl btw)

Thief OPness vs. other OPness

in PvP

Posted by: jportell.2197


Mesmer doesn’t deal incredible burst damage anymore. We’re just about meh when it comes to damage. (For those of us that didn’t use the “exploit” we were always meh.) I fight in dungeons with my wife who plays a guard and watch as her auto attack nearly equals my mw at 9 might stacks. Just saying.

Anyway, game is super unbalanced. Either adapt or go play one of the classes that everyone feels are uber.

We still can… We may just have to change up our shatters a little bit… using diversion which when traited for it adds 5 stacks vuln per daze on a foe… coupled with a GS that can be 25 insta stacks of vuln… then u pop some phants or more clones followed by mindwrack… still JUST as powerful.

Johnny The Gray
GASM’s Bunker Mesmer

Thief OPness vs. other OPness

in PvP

Posted by: NaturalPortman.9562


Mesmer doesn’t deal incredible burst damage anymore. We’re just about meh when it comes to damage. (For those of us that didn’t use the “exploit” we were always meh.) I fight in dungeons with my wife who plays a guard and watch as her auto attack nearly equals my mw at 9 might stacks. Just saying.

Anyway, game is super unbalanced. Either adapt or go play one of the classes that everyone feels are uber.

We still can… We may just have to change up our shatters a little bit… using diversion which when traited for it adds 5 stacks vuln per daze on a foe… coupled with a GS that can be 25 insta stacks of vuln… then u pop some phants or more clones followed by mindwrack… still JUST as powerful.

In other words, mesmers can’t instantly kill people now.

(im a girl btw)

Thief OPness vs. other OPness

in PvP

Posted by: jportell.2197


Ok that’s a joke. If you’re running a decent shatter build you know that your burst is crazy. A good shatter mesmer can’t lose in a 1v1 unless he gets hard outplayed. Besides, mesmer portal lets you 5v4 at mid while still holding backpoint and time warp is a teamfight autowin. While I like the place mesmer is at right now (although portal and timewarp could use some small nerfing) it’s awful to suggest that mesmer is in any way underpowered.

The whole debate has very little to do with the thread though.

Portal has been nerfed (limit # of uses to prevent entire zergs from using it in WvW). And as a mesmer I think that a lot too about timewarp… cuz I am just sitting there auto attacking and the radius of the circle is HUGE! plus it stacks confusion… Im not asking for it but I can see them taking the duration down some.

Johnny The Gray
GASM’s Bunker Mesmer

Thief OPness vs. other OPness

in PvP

Posted by: NaturalPortman.9562


Ok that’s a joke. If you’re running a decent shatter build you know that your burst is crazy. A good shatter mesmer can’t lose in a 1v1 unless he gets hard outplayed. Besides, mesmer portal lets you 5v4 at mid while still holding backpoint and time warp is a teamfight autowin. While I like the place mesmer is at right now (although portal and timewarp could use some small nerfing) it’s awful to suggest that mesmer is in any way underpowered.

The whole debate has very little to do with the thread though.

Portal has been nerfed (limit # of uses to prevent entire zergs from using it in WvW). And as a mesmer I think that a lot too about timewarp… cuz I am just sitting there auto attacking and the radius of the circle is HUGE! plus it stacks confusion… Im not asking for it but I can see them taking the duration down some.

That nerf doesn’t really apply in sPVP

(im a girl btw)

Thief OPness vs. other OPness

in PvP

Posted by: urinfamousr.7631


I will preface this argument by stating that most classes have, what can be generally considered, and overpowered build.

Guardian Bunkers a nigh unkillable by single players,
Elementalist D/D builds have extreme survivability and mobility,
Mesmers could/can deal incredible burst damage and have the best support abilities,
Warriors have their Stun + 100 Blades combo,
etc. etc.

Granted, not all are equally OP but I dare say every profession has something (except Rangers) that makes them seem/feel overpowered in certain situations.

And yet despite that, the Thief professions receives by far the most complaints.

Incidentally high-rated players will probably tell you that Thieves probably aren’t the pinnacle of OPness, unlike what the forums might suggest.

I think the crucial difference as to why Thieves receive so much more complaints than all other professions combined is because they simply aren’t fun to play against

While a Bunker Guardian may be unbeatable and an Elementalist uncatchable both professions will give the other player the option to fight back. There may even be a little too and fro giving the contender at least the impression he has a real chance.

With Thieves however, especially the Backstab builds, things are over so quickly it doesn’t leave much room for combat dynamics to evolve. There’s no too and fro, no exchange of abilities. Instead the situation is very binary 90% of the time. Either your survived the opening burst and drove away the Thief or you didn’t and died.

That’s the crucial difference. And that’s also the reason why P/D Stealth builds receive less hate than the burst builds, despite being arguably more powerful than those. Because at least P/D Thieves give you combat choices and a chance to fight back.

I believe the solution to the Thief balancing issue is finding a way to make Thieves more fun to play against.

just make it so he cant go stealth when ever they want and that would fix everything, its not that they deal so much dmg is that it all happens while they r invis which is the big problem..

Thief OPness vs. other OPness

in PvP

Posted by: jportell.2197


Ok that’s a joke. If you’re running a decent shatter build you know that your burst is crazy. A good shatter mesmer can’t lose in a 1v1 unless he gets hard outplayed. Besides, mesmer portal lets you 5v4 at mid while still holding backpoint and time warp is a teamfight autowin. While I like the place mesmer is at right now (although portal and timewarp could use some small nerfing) it’s awful to suggest that mesmer is in any way underpowered.

The whole debate has very little to do with the thread though.

Portal has been nerfed (limit # of uses to prevent entire zergs from using it in WvW). And as a mesmer I think that a lot too about timewarp… cuz I am just sitting there auto attacking and the radius of the circle is HUGE! plus it stacks confusion… Im not asking for it but I can see them taking the duration down some.

That nerf doesn’t really apply in sPVP

It may not… but i am just saying that yes it has been nerfed… Maybe not how YOU specifically want it but it is there….

Johnny The Gray
GASM’s Bunker Mesmer

Thief OPness vs. other OPness

in PvP

Posted by: NaturalPortman.9562


Ok that’s a joke. If you’re running a decent shatter build you know that your burst is crazy. A good shatter mesmer can’t lose in a 1v1 unless he gets hard outplayed. Besides, mesmer portal lets you 5v4 at mid while still holding backpoint and time warp is a teamfight autowin. While I like the place mesmer is at right now (although portal and timewarp could use some small nerfing) it’s awful to suggest that mesmer is in any way underpowered.

The whole debate has very little to do with the thread though.

Portal has been nerfed (limit # of uses to prevent entire zergs from using it in WvW). And as a mesmer I think that a lot too about timewarp… cuz I am just sitting there auto attacking and the radius of the circle is HUGE! plus it stacks confusion… Im not asking for it but I can see them taking the duration down some.

That nerf doesn’t really apply in sPVP

It may not… but i am just saying that yes it has been nerfed… Maybe not how YOU specifically want it but it is there….

Which is why skills should work differently in pvp and in pve

(im a girl btw)

Thief OPness vs. other OPness

in PvP

Posted by: D Is For Daggers.8741

D Is For Daggers.8741

Ok that’s a joke. If you’re running a decent shatter build you know that your burst is crazy. A good shatter mesmer can’t lose in a 1v1 unless he gets hard outplayed. Besides, mesmer portal lets you 5v4 at mid while still holding backpoint and time warp is a teamfight autowin. While I like the place mesmer is at right now (although portal and timewarp could use some small nerfing) it’s awful to suggest that mesmer is in any way underpowered.

The whole debate has very little to do with the thread though.

Portal has been nerfed (limit # of uses to prevent entire zergs from using it in WvW). And as a mesmer I think that a lot too about timewarp… cuz I am just sitting there auto attacking and the radius of the circle is HUGE! plus it stacks confusion… Im not asking for it but I can see them taking the duration down some.

That nerf doesn’t really apply in sPVP

It may not… but i am just saying that yes it has been nerfed… Maybe not how YOU specifically want it but it is there….

why even bring it up then? We’re talking about spvp, and for spvp’ers portal is the same as ever

Thief OPness vs. other OPness

in PvP

Posted by: D Is For Daggers.8741

D Is For Daggers.8741

I will preface this argument by stating that most classes have, what can be generally considered, and overpowered build.

Guardian Bunkers a nigh unkillable by single players,
Elementalist D/D builds have extreme survivability and mobility,
Mesmers could/can deal incredible burst damage and have the best support abilities,
Warriors have their Stun + 100 Blades combo,
etc. etc.

Granted, not all are equally OP but I dare say every profession has something (except Rangers) that makes them seem/feel overpowered in certain situations.

And yet despite that, the Thief professions receives by far the most complaints.

Incidentally high-rated players will probably tell you that Thieves probably aren’t the pinnacle of OPness, unlike what the forums might suggest.

I think the crucial difference as to why Thieves receive so much more complaints than all other professions combined is because they simply aren’t fun to play against

While a Bunker Guardian may be unbeatable and an Elementalist uncatchable both professions will give the other player the option to fight back. There may even be a little too and fro giving the contender at least the impression he has a real chance.

With Thieves however, especially the Backstab builds, things are over so quickly it doesn’t leave much room for combat dynamics to evolve. There’s no too and fro, no exchange of abilities. Instead the situation is very binary 90% of the time. Either your survived the opening burst and drove away the Thief or you didn’t and died.

That’s the crucial difference. And that’s also the reason why P/D Stealth builds receive less hate than the burst builds, despite being arguably more powerful than those. Because at least P/D Thieves give you combat choices and a chance to fight back.

I believe the solution to the Thief balancing issue is finding a way to make Thieves more fun to play against.

just make it so he cant go stealth when ever they want and that would fix everything, its not that they deal so much dmg is that it all happens while they r invis which is the big problem..

Stop QQ’ing about thieves — they’re pretty balanced atm

Thief OPness vs. other OPness

in PvP

Posted by: SteepledHat.1345


You done? That caps was unnecessary. Mesmer burst is meh when you compare it to a warrior, guardian, and thief. I don’t see how my auto attack vs the auto attack of a guardian in knight’s rares would be a poor basis. If anything, it shows that the damage is probably higher in SPvP. I used it as an example because it’s the only person I’ve had the chance to stare at the screen while they play. She doesn’t SPvP because of people that yell in all caps and act silly. Can’t say I blame her.

Look, you are in the Structured PvP forum, you are then using your knowledge from PvE to take part in a discussion on balance in PvP. You obviously are not aware of the many other considerations that come into play during PvP which affects the potential DPS output of other classes. For example, you mention warrior burst, warrior burst in PvP is considered strong but extremely situational. While some teams run warriors, many do not because good players are able to respond to warrior burst fairly well. Mesmers can put together very strong combos that allow them to easily burst their opponent on relatively short cooldowns.

Comparing auto attack damage as a basis for damage output between a guardian and a mesmer is even more laughable. You really don’t have the depth of knowledge to be contributing to a balance thread for PvP.

I appreciate your dismissive and condescending tone! My point was that the GS auto attack on and under geared guard can match the damage of mes “burst”. That’s the point of my remark. Have fun feeling superior.

“Failure to remain calm is the sign of a weak mind.”

(edited by SteepledHat.1345)

Thief OPness vs. other OPness

in PvP

Posted by: Walorx.5129


Slick shoes needs an immediate nerf. It’s incredibly OP

Vöz – “Stand in the red circles, they heal you”

Thief OPness vs. other OPness

in PvP

Posted by: NaturalPortman.9562


Slick shoes needs an immediate nerf. It’s incredibly OP

It’s only op when a pro engineer named Natural Anguswrench uses it

(im a girl btw)

Thief OPness vs. other OPness

in PvP

Posted by: Walorx.5129


Slick shoes needs an immediate nerf. It’s incredibly OP

It’s only op when a pro engineer named Natural Anguswrench uses it

I heard he was banned for claiming he was better than me. ANet don’t accept no liers here!

Vöz – “Stand in the red circles, they heal you”

Thief OPness vs. other OPness

in PvP

Posted by: NaturalPortman.9562


Slick shoes needs an immediate nerf. It’s incredibly OP

It’s only op when a pro engineer named Natural Anguswrench uses it

I heard he was banned for claiming he was better than me. ANet don’t accept no liers here!

I heard him and his brother Natural Zoo Keeper are both number 1 players in NA AUS CH kitten GER and even since tonight they took for AFR

(im a girl btw)

Thief OPness vs. other OPness

in PvP

Posted by: Navzar.2938


ommaigawd another thief thread.

the solution every thief hater would like to find is make thief useless so everyone can kill them just pressing 2 keys.

thief receive so much complains because opponents doens’t want to improve themselves.

tl:dr: ommaigawd qqthief thread, l2p pl0x

You realize he didn’t say anything about nerfing thieves right?
I for one agree with him, people just don’t have have fighting thieves. Not fun=qq, which I think is valid considering this is a game, making fun the main purpose/goal.

Thief OPness vs. other OPness

in PvP

Posted by: leman.7682


Guys, please stop bashing this PvE guys for stating that guardian’s burst is stronger than mesmer’s. I mean… he obviously has no idea about PvP and just came here to complain about his hard time as a mesmer in PvE.

@ that guy:
guardian is the n1 PvE profession. It is the easiest, the strongest, and most faceroll, but with that said, I’d take a good mesmer over guardian anytime in PvE just for his Time Warp utility and clones kittenting on PvE AI.


(edited by leman.7682)

Thief OPness vs. other OPness

in PvP

Posted by: Stin.9781


I Would agree. playing versus thief is less fun then playing against other classes and vice versa.

2day did few paid tourneys. 20-30% of game i had daggers equipted and bursting/finishing someone. 70% of game i had shortbow equipted running like mad not to get cought in real combat as i could not take it while my burst/utlitys are down.

Its no fun when i burst someone down, nor is it fun to wait for cooldowns and avoid fighting.

I would love if thief had build like d/d ele. But we wont. Not unless class is remade as we have no stability or protection uptime from traits or skills.

Former Devils Inside Thief R43

Thief OPness vs. other OPness

in PvP

Posted by: Rainu.6871


I agree that thieves are probably the most boring class to fight. It would be great if it was closer to how GW1 handled things, no stealth and instead relying on mobility to avoid damage. I son’t think it’s the burst numbers as much as the not seeing the burst that annoys people.

Thief OPness vs. other OPness

in PvP

Posted by: Shukran.4851


i don’t understand. thief is the class with less HP . and max burst do you not feel the adrenaline rising while battling a thief, one wrong move and you are “dead”, as well as the thief.
then try to fight a guardian/ele: damage, damage, damage oh healing!, moar damage, oh moar healing. 15 mins later you are still there.
when i face another thief i feel the challenging to see who is smarter; ofc im testing new stuff for my thief so i usually don’t have shadow refuge&simila.
do you want agonism? play against a thief…. or we are talking about pve? because pvp = player vs player = brain vs brain.


Thief OPness vs. other OPness

in PvP

Posted by: Sorrin.8209


ommaigawd another thief thread.

the solution every thief hater would like to find is make thief useless so everyone can kill them just pressing 2 keys.

thief receive so much complains because opponents doens’t want to improve themselves.

tl:dr: ommaigawd qqthief thread, l2p pl0x

Man you literally missed the point of the entire thread.

Thief OPness vs. other OPness

in PvP

Posted by: Shukran.4851


ommaigawd another thief thread.

the solution every thief hater would like to find is make thief useless so everyone can kill them just pressing 2 keys.

thief receive so much complains because opponents doens’t want to improve themselves.

tl:dr: ommaigawd qqthief thread, l2p pl0x

Man you literally missed the point of the entire thread.

only 6hours late. too lazy to read all the thread?

Thief OPness vs. other OPness

in PvP

Posted by: Bastionhawk.7120


I agree Dee. I think this is the exact reason thieves get more attention than other classes.

This guy vvv

ommaigawd another thief thread.

the solution every thief hater would like to find is make thief useless so everyone can kill them just pressing 2 keys.

thief receive so much complains because opponents doens’t want to improve themselves.

tl:dr: ommaigawd qqthief thread, l2p pl0x

Was so quick to defend his class and be rude while doing it, he completely missed the point of discussion.

Aauryn | Sylvari Ranger
EJS I | Human Guardian
Tarnished Coast

Thief OPness vs. other OPness

in PvP

Posted by: Volrath.1473


I play a thief as main and I have been all over the place, as in I have played A variety of builds and weapon sets, although ppl still think that BS is op they have seen nothing yet! xD

Although Arena Net’s devs say they do not want a game dominated by bunkers nor glass canons, so far bunkers DO dominate. No decent tournament team queues without at least 3 bunker build players.

Although the thieves do not have a bunker spec and due to stealth are bad point holders I decided to go as tanky as I could sacrificing a lot of dmg in the process.
I was the best thing I ever did! I can take the thieves BS+HS dmg and survive to stomp his face a few seconds later! I have managed to win multiple 2v1 and even 3v1 with the help of thieves guild (no thenks to they’re dmg but disruption that saved me from a lot of dmg) some professions like guardian bunkers and necro bunkers some times takes 2-3 minutes of combat but I still win. As for ele bunkers it’s a draw since we can fight each other for ever… This normally ends with the arrival of other players or with one of us giving us and just move away.

I love fighting other thieves, I very rarely lose and when I do is because I got outplayed and a /w complimanting them is in order or because I was cought with low HP cool downs and low on initiative. Btw the only thiefe spec that has any chance is the condition dmg thief (with d/d or p/d) thoughts are damgerouse! The others are free kills.

My advice is try various aspects of your profession and do s/t PvP up to rank 20, then you will see that the mith that BS thieves are op and warriors with HB are op and so on is false, with training and time you (like myself) will leard to predict what your opine t is going to do next and act accordingly.

Edit: this was the biggest post I have ever made on an iPhone keyboard o.O’

(edited by Volrath.1473)

Thief OPness vs. other OPness

in PvP

Posted by: Kline.9561


Yes I agree thief is boring to fight but there’s nothing more satisfying when you know you killed a stealthed thief just to have him destealthed on the ground.

I’d rather have bunker guardians nerfed opposed to thieves, I don’t like the idea that they can just pop 1 cool down and sit in a bubble while still considered to be contesting the point and survive for a good few seconds.

I also would like to see certain bunkers toned down but I also
don’t like the idea that I wont even get a chance to retaliate with some of my classes/builds half the time due to the extreme burst one trick thieves can pull off.

I don’t like how almost every hotjoin is full of 90% thieves when I want to goof around before a turny que

I don’t like how people defend backstab so narrow minded saying l2p or dodge when in pvp there are to many variables to keep into account not everything is 1v1 and you wont always have defensive ability’s up when you need them.

I don’t like how all the other builds are cheese or worthless and it feels like i’m pigeon holed into backstab to feel competitive on my thief.

I don’t like how backstab thief is just poor counter-play by design

if so many people are complaining about backstab combo then yes I think it might be worth looking into or to change, things need to be balanced for the top players and the casuals because without the casuals we have that much smaller of a player base, and spvp needs a better playerbase.

in short the backstab combo (not the build the setup and dmg) is just not fun to fight against like other classes are.

And before says my build doesn’t work, when Ele’s get nerfed it will be -Schwahrheit

Thief OPness vs. other OPness

in PvP

Posted by: Volrath.1473


I do not play BS thief and I have no problem killing them but I do see your point but you need to understand it is a trade off. High bust -> low survivability if the bust is to get nefed then mor survivability would have to be implemented to make up for the loss of dmg. Since shadow arts and acrobatics thieves are already very difficult to kill, with more survivability they would become like the immortal elementalists we currently have in meta atm.

What do you prefer? High bust and easy kill thief or an immortal one?

Thief OPness vs. other OPness

in PvP

Posted by: Hammerheart.1426


Thieves are not OP.

They are, simply put, the most frustrating profession to get killed by in hotjoins.

In a tournament setting they die just like everything else.

Thief OPness vs. other OPness

in PvP

Posted by: Rezzet.3614


I do not play BS thief and I have no problem killing them but I do see your point but you need to understand it is a trade off. High bust -> low survivability if the bust is to get nefed then mor survivability would have to be implemented to make up for the loss of dmg. Since shadow arts and acrobatics thieves are already very difficult to kill, with more survivability they would become like the immortal elementalists we currently have in meta atm.

What do you prefer? High bust and easy kill thief or an immortal one?

problem is both choices are pretty much an immortal one 1 vs 1 as thiefs will just stealth spam and shadowstep you all day while dishing massive bursts.

Thief OPness vs. other OPness

in PvP

Posted by: ensoriki.5789


I play a thief as main and I have been all over the place, as in I have played A variety of builds and weapon sets, although ppl still think that BS is op they have seen nothing yet! xD

Although Arena Net’s devs say they do not want a game dominated by bunkers nor glass canons, so far bunkers DO dominate. No decent tournament team queues without at least 3 bunker build players.

Although the thieves do not have a bunker spec and due to stealth are bad point holders I decided to go as tanky as I could sacrificing a lot of dmg in the process.
I was the best thing I ever did! I can take the thieves BS+HS dmg and survive to stomp his face a few seconds later! I have managed to win multiple 2v1 and even 3v1 with the help of thieves guild (no thenks to they’re dmg but disruption that saved me from a lot of dmg) some professions like guardian bunkers and necro bunkers some times takes 2-3 minutes of combat but I still win. As for ele bunkers it’s a draw since we can fight each other for ever… This normally ends with the arrival of other players or with one of us giving us and just move away.

I love fighting other thieves, I very rarely lose and when I do is because I got outplayed and a /w complimanting them is in order or because I was cought with low HP cool downs and low on initiative. Btw the only thiefe spec that has any chance is the condition dmg thief (with d/d or p/d) thoughts are damgerouse! The others are free kills.

My advice is try various aspects of your profession and do s/t PvP up to rank 20, then you will see that the mith that BS thieves are op and warriors with HB are op and so on is false, with training and time you (like myself) will leard to predict what your opine t is going to do next and act accordingly.

Edit: this was the biggest post I have ever made on an iPhone keyboard o.O’

Tanky thieves can eat other thieves without issue, but they still can’t hold a point at the end of the day and are getting forced off it by your friendly neighborhood Guardian.

After playing Planetside 2, I got a better picture of my thief. Dude’s a sniper, gets blown apart by farts in a firefight, and stealth is overrated to hell and back as a defensive tool. Shadow return like Shadow walk or Shadow of Haste+ dash in gw1 lets you completely ignore the idea of “I messed up” you just press 1 or 7 depending on set and leave.
Backstab is one of the harder things to survive in.

The great forum duppy.

(edited by ensoriki.5789)

Thief OPness vs. other OPness

in PvP

Posted by: Braxxus.2904


I think the crucial difference as to why Thieves receive so much more complaints than all other professions combined is because they simply aren’t fun to play against

This is really all it is, and has been with rogues/sins/etc from other MMO’s too. They’re just un-fun annoying little prats. Doesn’t matter at all what their damage is, could be 1 point per ability, doesn’t matter how OP or UP they actually are. The mechanics are just ‘lame’ and ‘un-fun’.

Blackwater Vanguard
Yaks Bend

Thief OPness vs. other OPness

in PvP

Posted by: NaturalPortman.9562


I think the crucial difference as to why Thieves receive so much more complaints than all other professions combined is because they simply aren’t fun to play against

This is really all it is, and has been with rogues/sins/etc from other MMO’s too. They’re just un-fun annoying little prats. Doesn’t matter at all what their damage is, could be 1 point per ability, doesn’t matter how OP or UP they actually are. The mechanics are just ‘lame’ and ‘un-fun’.

I’d rather fight a thief than a mesmer tbh.

(im a girl btw)

Thief OPness vs. other OPness

in PvP

Posted by: faeral.7120


i find fighting thieves to be fun.

but the fight against a thief doesn’t start when he opens on you, it starts when the gate drops.

Thief OPness vs. other OPness

in PvP

Posted by: Moderator.6837



There is already a dedicated thread to speak about the thief gameplay here : The thief and its gameplay – Your feedback.

Therefore this one is now closed, thank you for your understanding.