Thief blur animation when dodge rolling?
Just the animation for dodge on human/sylvari (and maybe char/norn? not sure). Doesnt do anything special, it’s purely visual.
i don’t thing its just a limited race. ability its in spvp,can’t be racial.
bump anyone please help
Its jsut a class visual ability. Create a thief and u can have it when u roll.
i don’t thing its just a limited race. ability its in spvp,can’t be racial.
It is racial, I have an asuran thief and he does a flippy jump thing when he dodges. I’m not sure about norn or char as I rarely see char or norn thieves, let alone watch their dodge. I do know it happens to humans and sylvari.
It isn’t an ability, it’s just a visual effect when a thief dodges.
its only visual
I have an Ash Legion Thief and can confirm that they do get the blur affect as well. Just wondering, why aren’t there many norn/charr thieves? Model too large and sticks out? That’s what we have stealth and steal for.
Yeah, I think Norn/Charr thieves are pretty rare because they are large and bulky, not exactly the spitting image of what most think of for a thief class.
I play a Norn Thief (“Svardenblarg”, Jade Quarry). We get the blur-role as well.
It’s the dodge on Flanking Strike. Happens all the time and I play an asura theif
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