Thief needs more evades
You’re trolling. Please tell me you are.
Add evade to autoattack.
Even better: add evade to movement.
because he doesn’t know it himself
Troll attempts are normally somewhat humorous, this though..
This just made me sadface.
Add evade to autoattack.
Even better: add evade to movement.
maybe this work with pistol auto i do not know
1. Add evade to clusterbomb while it is in air
Holy Kittens, Batman! That would be the longest evade ever! Do you know how slow that projectile is? You can fire it at max range and then out RUN it with swiftness on! It’s so slow that you regen initiative faster at the base rate than you can burn it shooting cluster bombs to max range because you have to wait for it to land before you can cast another. Like, when I read about the new Ranger grandmaster trait, I though to myself, “Man, if thieves had that trait for shortbows, maybe our cluster bombs would finally be able to arrive at their destination faster than Domino’s can get a pizza to my house.”.
This sounds even more ridiculous than adding a blast finisher to a warriors autoattack on hammer
I second the OP. Thieves desperately need a buff.
“The jealous are troublesome to others, but certainly a torment to themselves.”
Agreed. And what the hell with all the thief nerfs anet? Why do you hate thief so much? That time you lowered EVERY thief cooldown by 33% was just not enough. I demand you buff thief because we are hated. fml
Necromancer/Casual Warrior
[Team] Best WvW guild of all time. EASILY.
Agreed. And what the hell with all the thief nerfs anet? Why do you hate thief so much? That time you lowered EVERY thief cooldown by 33% was just not enough. I demand you buff thief because we are hated. fml
i personaly agree, this 33% buff still isnt good enough because thieves have no surviability
LMAO get good at the game and learn when to dodge correctly and not just spam it like every other theif does and NO thief does NOT need anymore evades look at shortbow 4 and pistol whip spammer.. LOL your kidding me this is NOT going too happen you have the MOST mobility out of ANY class in the game and stop comaplaining cause you play full glass and die almost instantly…
(edited by Duece.5607)
LMAO get good at the game and learn when to dodge correctly and not just spam it like every other theif does and NO thief does NOT need anymore evades look at shortbow 4 and pistol whip spammer.. LOL your kidding me this is NOT going too happen you have the MOST mobility out of ANY class in the game and stop comaplaining cause you play full glass and die almost instantly…
Someone got trolled
senseless post…
“yes gogo remove evades from thief an let him die oneshot to every other dps class…”
besides dodge and stealth, the evade on shortbow, sword and heal is the only thing making thief viable in pvp.
Riverside [DE]
LMAO get good at the game and learn when to dodge correctly and not just spam it like every other theif does and NO thief does NOT need anymore evades look at shortbow 4 and pistol whip spammer.. LOL your kidding me this is NOT going too happen you have the MOST mobility out of ANY class in the game and stop comaplaining cause you play full glass and die almost instantly…
Does this confirm that sb4 is getting an evade as well now? Would be a nice addition to sb3 that already evades and is 100% projectile finisher with the poison field on sb4 which will now also evade?
Nice knowledge of the game bro, gg.
110k WvW kills | Champion Legionnaire, Paragon |
Can’t we make backstab a 1500 range attack aswell? And make it do just as much damage when in front of the enemy while you’re at it?
Cred to Latinkuro
Gw2 is a masterpiece at it’s foundation. Content-wise however…
LMAO get good at the game and learn when to dodge correctly and not just spam it like every other theif does and NO thief does NOT need anymore evades look at shortbow 4 and pistol whip spammer.. LOL your kidding me this is NOT going too happen you have the MOST mobility out of ANY class in the game and stop comaplaining cause you play full glass and die almost instantly…
HA even if mesmer or ele go full glass they still have invulnerability ; cloudform and distortion
if thief is to keep up with invulns like this we need more evade skills on all weaponsets. the solution is clear.
senseless post…
“yes gogo remove evades from thief an let him die oneshot to every other dps class…”besides dodge and stealth, the evade on shortbow, sword and heal is the only thing making thief viable in pvp.
I agree, my suggestions adds evade to heartseeker so now dagger thief can be viable and not just sword thiefs
Nice to see someone with a brain who agree with my suggestions
LMAO get good at the game and learn when to dodge correctly and not just spam it like every other theif does and NO thief does NOT need anymore evades look at shortbow 4 and pistol whip spammer.. LOL your kidding me this is NOT going too happen you have the MOST mobility out of ANY class in the game and stop comaplaining cause you play full glass and die almost instantly…
HA even if mesmer or ele go full glass they still have invulnerability ; cloudform and distortion
if thief is to keep up with invulns like this we need more evade skills on all weaponsets. the solution is clear.
Are you really trying to say that an ele has it easier than a thief?! HA!
Can I have some of what he’s having please it must be some good drugs!
when I’m playing my thief, I troll and…
Fixed for you:)
LMAO get good at the game and learn when to dodge correctly and not just spam it like every other theif does and NO thief does NOT need anymore evades look at shortbow 4 and pistol whip spammer.. LOL your kidding me this is NOT going too happen you have the MOST mobility out of ANY class in the game and stop comaplaining cause you play full glass and die almost instantly…
HA even if mesmer or ele go full glass they still have invulnerability ; cloudform and distortion
if thief is to keep up with invulns like this we need more evade skills on all weaponsets. the solution is clear.
Are you really trying to say that an ele has it easier than a thief?! HA!
Ha nice sig bunker mesmer. GG
LMAO get good at the game and learn when to dodge correctly and not just spam it like every other theif does and NO thief does NOT need anymore evades look at shortbow 4 and pistol whip spammer.. LOL your kidding me this is NOT going too happen you have the MOST mobility out of ANY class in the game and stop comaplaining cause you play full glass and die almost instantly…
HA even if mesmer or ele go full glass they still have invulnerability ; cloudform and distortion
if thief is to keep up with invulns like this we need more evade skills on all weaponsets. the solution is clear.
Are you really trying to say that an ele has it easier than a thief?! HA!
Ha nice sig bunker mesmer. GG
I stopped playing that spec long ago. I was using PU in wvw before it was cool. I have 4 champ titles and can guarantee you that if you are griping about thief survivability when compared to a mesmer or ele also built full glass you are smoking something. Or just really that bad at thief.
Thief is by far the better choice when compared to ele or mesmer. Ele and mesmer have to play a keyboard concerto perfectly to accomplish what a thief has to do with 2 or 3 button presses. Thief is low/medium risk very high reward.
Ele and mesmer are very high risk to medium low reward.
You sir are either really trolly or really bad at thief specs.
when I’m playing my thief, I try and to play a dif spec than pistol whip. But all the other specs are bad because they dont have enough evades. So my suggestions is this:
1. Add evade to clusterbomb while it is in air
2. Add evade to heartseeker
3. Add evade to cloak and dagger
4. Add evade to unloadin this way these specs are now viable like pistolwhip and so everyone can play them. Now all thieve builds hav a way to burst withot getting damage too much
Haha, a good joke.
-Charr Thief-
It’s good to be bad!