Thief sPVP

Thief sPVP

in PvP

Posted by: andyMak.6985


Hey all

i’m new to sPVP and want to get into tPVP and looking for a viable Thief build

from what i gather thiefs in sPVP are there to roam and kill the people taking the base being defended by the bunker.. we go in kill and head to next base

so i gather i should go a 30/30/10 or something for D/D

but is D/D still any good for sPvP?, i come across alot of D/P thief, so still not sure what to use

Any tips or help would be great thanks

Thief sPVP

in PvP

Posted by: ahuba.6430


build is 25/30/0/0/15 i think with the aoe stealth (for rezzes), shadowstep as utilities and basilisks venom as elite.
you can either run d/d or d/p. i prefer d/p it adds to your utility to the team, because you can lay the pistol 5 blind so someone from your team can stomp. and you can also stealth if you use heartseeker inside the blackfield from pistol 5.
As a thief you dont want to be in the middle of a teamfight, you kinda just spam clusterbomb until you can lock a target that you think you can down quickly and get out, like an hgh engie that already burned his stunbreak, or the enemys thief if you can get the jump on him. Thieves are not really good at 1v1 so pick your small fights carefully, thieves are better at what you said, “go in kill and head to next base”.
you dont seem like you played d/p much so the burst rotation goes pistol5→heartseeker→steal(before heartseeker lands)→backstab(you get stealth from heartseeking from inside the dark field). You can also just use heartseeker→steal if the target is running away at low hp, or backstab→steal if you’re already in stealth etc etc.

Thief sPVP

in PvP

Posted by: Stealth.9324


Hello,welcome to the world of PvP. For a new comer, I would only suggest that D/P will be suitable for you. You can easily access stealth by using skill 5 to create smoke field and HS through it. Note, Stealth duration stack,so if you HS back and forth the smoke field, you have more stealth duration while remain stealth as long as you re not dealing any dams. The very first thing I would suggest you to learn is how to manage your initiative. It is vital for a thief to use his skill and survive. The build right now, I see most of thief use is berserk build which is 25/30/0/0/15. As for second set, SB is a good choice if you are not confident in your skill or P/P if you want to Win or Dies situation.

D/D requires much more skill than D/P because it is harder to access to stealth with skill 5. It need to be hit to get you stealth and whether you hit or to, you still have to spend 6 initiative to execute the skill. If it hit, good for you.If not, you just wasted 6 initiative for a miss which is a lot of sacrifice.

Conclusion: Try to play around with thief to see what weapon is best for you. Then start with build and combo. If you are in NA, pm me Kaane Moka , my else or Nightfang Runeghost, my thief, I will gladly to help you out.


Kaane Moka – Champion Magus. Loola Illuma – Champion Genius.
Proud player of : team [uA] – team [TGI]. Australia base, now recruiting.

Thief sPVP

in PvP

Posted by: andyMak.6985


cheers i was trying to use D/D full zerker with divinity runes
i could get in and use
Ballisk (or whatever it is) > spider venom > signet that give extra damage > CnD > steal > Backstab > HS

i saw other thiefs hitting alot harder than i was hittting, i was wunning 30/30/0/10/0

will try the D/P and 25/30/0/0/15

thanks heaps, after playing i see how the thief works, come in do a rotation and get out, if my team mate is there it burst him down or kills and never really stomp, leave it for someone else

So i like Sahdow refuge, Shadowstep and usually signet to move faster and Ballisk for elite

Thief sPVP

in PvP

Posted by: Nettle.9025


The D/P advice here is good. I actually found D/D to be slightly easier to burst with but the offhand pistol utility is just too good to pass up.

The D/P burst combo is black powder (5), assassin’s sig if you are running it, heartseeker (2) followed immediately by steal, then backstab (1). This will allow you mug without breaking stealth, so you can backstab. You can also basilisk before the burst if you want.

D/D burst is prebuffs (basilisk, signet), cloak and dagger (5) immediately followed by steal, then backstab (1).

For this kind of build, you should run SB and use it generously. Until you’re more experienced you should only use your dagger set to burst or finish off a single opponent. Otherwise stay off points and support from range with poison and clusterbombs. Difference between a good and bad thief is positioning and knowing when to go for the burst.

As a burst thief, never engage in 1v2s and never get into the middle of a team fight. You will go down too fast. Use your mobility to backcap whenever possible, and support allies by dropping targets quickly and then getting out. Thieves are all about creating favorable opportunities. We aren’t always optimal in “fair” fights.

Badding up tourneys since 2012
NA tPvP – Elementalist – Thief

Thief sPVP

in PvP

Posted by: Atherakhia.4086


No one suggests the condition build with p/d and sb?

Thief sPVP

in PvP

Posted by: Stof.9584


No one suggests the condition build with p/d and sb?

Can you point us in the right direction? With a link, maybe?

It seems more forgiving for new players than D/P burst, because of its survivability and stealth duration.

Desolation EU – Necromancer / Thief
Top 100 Solo Q for a full minute

Thief sPVP

in PvP

Posted by: swinsk.6410


I think 0/20/30/20/0 would be easier for a new player using D/P.

It’s not a burst build but its got high survivability, 2-3 stun breaks if you count shadow return, high init regen…

It’s a very forgiving build and designed to take on multiple opponents at once…

Just another noob thief…

Thief sPVP

in PvP

Posted by: Nettle.9025


Since we’re talking builds now…

If you want D/P and feel initiative starved, but don’t want to give up too much burst, try something like this:

I actually prefer it over the standard 25/30/0/0/15. It’s a pinch more defensive with a lot more ini regen, without losing too much offensive kick.

No one suggests the condition build with p/d and sb?

That build was nerfed with the revealed and caltrops nerf. It’s also (IMO) one of the most boring builds in the game to play, since it mostly revolves around 2 abilities and a utility. It can still work, but it’s not as strong as it was.

Here’s an example that can be modified in a lot of little ways:

Badding up tourneys since 2012
NA tPvP – Elementalist – Thief

Thief sPVP

in PvP

Posted by: russia.9057


Hey all

i’m new to sPVP and want to get into tPVP and looking for a viable Thief build

from what i gather thiefs in sPVP are there to roam and kill the people taking the base being defended by the bunker.. we go in kill and head to next base

so i gather i should go a 30/30/10 or something for D/D

but is D/D still any good for sPvP?, i come across alot of D/P thief, so still not sure what to use

Any tips or help would be great thanks

Everything depends on play style. You can’t have other people tell you what the best spec because it’s not the same for everyone. A lot of things like reaction time, aggressiveness and experience come into play. Just try them all.

I prefer to run P/D but mostly main Shortbow because it has the utility to negate most glass cannon builds.


Thief sPVP

in PvP

Posted by: rmBossa.4621


I still prefer D/D to D/P, but Im just starting to get back into tpvp. I remember D/P becoming popular just as I went on “hiatus” but back then it was def just a fad. With the slight buff to D/P since then I can accept that it could be viable.

Remember with D/D to run Infiltrator’s signet as the third utility. Most theives never learn to get off of the Shadow Signet crutch. But with shortbow you have all the mobility you need.

The biggest thing to learn would be how to use short bow 5 skill to truly be mobile. As in the z-axis map shortcuts. I think theres a youtube out there. It was made with just the old maps but when you learn it its easy enough to find the new ones yourself.

Thief sPVP

in PvP

Posted by: andyMak.6985


Thanks all

I won’t use p/d condition. I used it once. It was fun for a bit but I found I was using only 2 skills and took too long to kill

I have been running perma stealth 0/20/30/20/0 in wvwvw since last patch so I kknow about the 3x hs in powder much fun

Didn’t think would be viable in spvp as it serms a different game

Played a bunch of games last night.. would get our butt handed to us sometimes but then found they were lvl 40s in,pvp and organized. But then sometimes We would win

I would run ftom windmill to clock tower. Burst enemy down then see mate struggling on windmill so would go there just as they scream help in teamspeak t then bam rotation. Enemy down back to tower

*on mobile phone. Sorry for spelling

Whoever said to add them.. totally will tonight thanks