Thief unfair advantage
Why don’t you try to do what he did, see if you have an unfair advantage.
Thief is in a quite bad spot at the moment and is not even meta.
The problem with thief is that he is strong against bad/new players and weak against good/experienced players. How would you balance that?
If u can’t hit a thief together with another teammate in game where pulsing and channeld attacks are a thing combined with AOE. Then u are not average.
you got beat in a 2v1 against a thief.. Im sorry but either you 2 are really bad or that thief is above average.
Thief is easy to kill and should be even easier in a 2v1, you drop aoes, condi and force it to play against you, your problem you tried to play on its terms by letting it dodge around and evade.
lets say its a d/d thief spamming 3, well you would simply evade, or interupt when it tries to cnd off you, that shuts down about 1/2 its skills, then you would simply counter it with aoe or burst when it lands.
Staff thief is even easier, Vault is a MASSIVE telegraph, many classes can either block, evade, dodge or drop aoe where its gona land so its forced to move again blowing a dodge.
The fact it beat you 1v2 to you, means you and your teamates failed to recognize the counters, and focus an area/ lock it down, a thief should almost never win a 1v2 let alone as you described a 1v3 in your advantage if im understanding what you are trying to describe.
You and the other two players on your team just played exceptionally badly. You may not be a bad player, but you’re clearly clueless as to why you lost (lack of knowledge, extremely bad play).
The last ~1/4s of Vault isn’t even an evade frame. Try timing your CC.
This thread reminds me so much of dh whine threads
If i could ban you from the forums Kuya.
Difference here above average players get rekt by DHs -.-
Above average? Like who? You?
If i could ban you from the forums Kuya.
Difference here above average players get rekt by DHs -.-
Above average players get rekt by DH??
I have to agree with Kuya
I’ve played a thief with this build style. I completely agree it’s fairly unfair.
When I go up to a 1v1 I have 99% confidence that I will win. And about 50% with 1v2’s.
First of all, condition damage does not work on this build, every time a thief evades an attack they shed a condition, and they are forever evading because they have full endurance regain if you die, or if you stun them, plus on every steal, one of the utility skills and on their heal.
They also have skill 3 on D/D with a full initiative regain utility skill.
Hit a shot or two off on them? Too bad they get 200 health every time they use 1 initiative. They use 4 initiative on skill 3 (800 health on activation).
Think that you can stun them to death? They have 4 stun breaks good luck.
Well it’s a good thing that you can’t pair that much survivability with damage right? Wrong.
When specked with condition damage, you will have at least 10 bleed stacks on you at all times, the only way to survive that much condition damage is if you have lots of condi clear(lots)
If you have none, good luck with those 50 stacks of bleeding bud.
Too bad thief is in a bad place right now so this will never get nerf’d
All the dodge!
I’ve played a thief with this build style. I completely agree it’s fairly unfair.
When I go up to a 1v1 I have 99% confidence that I will win. And about 50% with 1v2’s.First of all, condition damage does not work on this build, every time a thief evades an attack they shed a condition, and they are forever evading because they have full endurance regain if you die, or if you stun them, plus on every steal, one of the utility skills and on their heal.
They also have skill 3 on D/D with a full initiative regain utility skill.
Hit a shot or two off on them? Too bad they get 200 health every time they use 1 initiative. They use 4 initiative on skill 3 (800 health on activation).
Think that you can stun them to death? They have 4 stun breaks good luck.
Well it’s a good thing that you can’t pair that much survivability with damage right? Wrong.
When specked with condition damage, you will have at least 10 bleed stacks on you at all times, the only way to survive that much condition damage is if you have lots of condi clear(lots)
If you have none, good luck with those 50 stacks of bleeding bud.Too bad thief is in a bad place right now so this will never get nerf’d
Dang you Must be playing one of those 30/30/30/30/30 thief builds
Well there is that one condi build that sits in evade frames for 7 years. The amount of times thief can evade is ridiculous, paired with stealth is just too much, outside of a DH, Scrapper and good Druids, you can kill pretty much anyone. I’d suggest changing Signet of agility to grant vigor instead of 100 Endurance refill. And stealing should give 25 endurance only. That’ll make them tolerable.
I’m not a bad player. I would say I’m average; each season so far I’ve generally stopped around end of Sapphire/start of Ruby depending on how much time I want to dedicate. Myself and two others on my team were just beat by a single thief by him dodging repeatedly. He would occasionally use his staff leap skill but, he was literally dodge jumping almost the whole time. We barely hit him and he would just heal anyway. I realize I have every opportunity to play my thief the same way but, it doesn’t make it right. The amount of evade they have now is just irresponsibly unbalanced. Please reduce it.
You and your teammate were beaten by about worst class you could pick to engage any fights in pvp atm. What part of it is average/not bad?
I’ve played a thief with this build style. I completely agree it’s fairly unfair.
When I go up to a 1v1 I have 99% confidence that I will win. And about 50% with 1v2’s.First of all, condition damage does not work on this build, every time a thief evades an attack they shed a condition, and they are forever evading because they have full endurance regain if you die, or if you stun them, plus on every steal, one of the utility skills and on their heal.
They also have skill 3 on D/D with a full initiative regain utility skill.
Hit a shot or two off on them? Too bad they get 200 health every time they use 1 initiative. They use 4 initiative on skill 3 (800 health on activation).
Think that you can stun them to death? They have 4 stun breaks good luck.
Well it’s a good thing that you can’t pair that much survivability with damage right? Wrong.
When specked with condition damage, you will have at least 10 bleed stacks on you at all times, the only way to survive that much condition damage is if you have lots of condi clear(lots)
If you have none, good luck with those 50 stacks of bleeding bud.Too bad thief is in a bad place right now so this will never get nerf’d
Please post that magic build so we can all ride the OP train. Too bad that every d/d condi thief so far i saw in this season was absolutely useless since they couldn’t really kill anyone and got murdered by 1 stun. Then again i haven’t seen amber/emerald in 2 seasons now, condi thieves are kind of extinct in legend for some reason :P
Well there is that one condi build that sits in evade frames for 7 years. The amount of times thief can evade is ridiculous, paired with stealth is just too much, outside of a DH, Scrapper and good Druids, you can kill pretty much anyone. I’d suggest changing Signet of agility to grant vigor instead of 100 Endurance refill. And stealing should give 25 endurance only. That’ll make them tolerable.
Hit them between dodges, they do not have 7 years evade frame actually. Also those thieves don’t kill anyone with half brain. That build also doesn’t really have that much access to stealth~
P.S. i do not play d/d condi and if i see one it means my team has really good chance to win~
[Teef] guild :>
(edited by Cynz.9437)
This thread reminds me so much of dh whine threads
Simply buff thieves with some QoL things that give them more build options, and then you have the recreated DH whine threads, but with thief, or they’ll turn into warriors and say everything is fine, once they get something outrageous. Like true one shot backstabs.
Redgen Furyblaze – Charr Guardian – [SHD]Shade Warband – Tarnished Coast
Lerious Warhowl – Charr Warrior – [SHD] Shade Warband – Tarnished Coast
I’m not a bad player. I would say I’m average; each season so far I’ve generally stopped around end of Sapphire/start of Ruby depending on how much time I want to dedicate. Myself and two others on my team were just beat by a single thief by him dodging repeatedly. He would occasionally use his staff leap skill but, he was literally dodge jumping almost the whole time. We barely hit him and he would just heal anyway. I realize I have every opportunity to play my thief the same way but, it doesn’t make it right. The amount of evade they have now is just irresponsibly unbalanced. Please reduce it.
You and your teammate were beaten by about worst class you could pick to engage any fights in pvp atm. What part of it is average/not bad?
I’ve played a thief with this build style. I completely agree it’s fairly unfair.
When I go up to a 1v1 I have 99% confidence that I will win. And about 50% with 1v2’s.First of all, condition damage does not work on this build, every time a thief evades an attack they shed a condition, and they are forever evading because they have full endurance regain if you die, or if you stun them, plus on every steal, one of the utility skills and on their heal.
They also have skill 3 on D/D with a full initiative regain utility skill.
Hit a shot or two off on them? Too bad they get 200 health every time they use 1 initiative. They use 4 initiative on skill 3 (800 health on activation).
Think that you can stun them to death? They have 4 stun breaks good luck.
Well it’s a good thing that you can’t pair that much survivability with damage right? Wrong.
When specked with condition damage, you will have at least 10 bleed stacks on you at all times, the only way to survive that much condition damage is if you have lots of condi clear(lots)
If you have none, good luck with those 50 stacks of bleeding bud.Too bad thief is in a bad place right now so this will never get nerf’d
Please post that magic build so we can all ride the OP train. Too bad that every d/d condi thief so far i saw in this season was absolutely useless since they couldn’t really kill anyone and got murdered by 1 stun. Then again i haven’t seen amber/emerald in 2 seasons now, condi thieves are kind of extinct in legend for some reason :P
Well there is that one condi build that sits in evade frames for 7 years. The amount of times thief can evade is ridiculous, paired with stealth is just too much, outside of a DH, Scrapper and good Druids, you can kill pretty much anyone. I’d suggest changing Signet of agility to grant vigor instead of 100 Endurance refill. And stealing should give 25 endurance only. That’ll make them tolerable.
Hit them between dodges, they do not have 7 years evade frame actually. Also those thieves don’t kill anyone with half brain. That build also doesn’t really have that much access to stealth~
P.S. i do not play d/d condi and if i see one it means my team has really good chance to win~
That condi thief build sits in evades for almost 100% of the fight. Death blossom spam. and dodge. What you’re saying is to hit them after a dodge, despite the fact my own skills have cast times too which just leads it to being evaded again, especially when it’s on a small point. Outside of condi thief, it’s still dumb that a class can evade several different times, and drop targeting with stealths, and teleports. That’s why i think Signet of Agility needs a change, and stealing for endurance should be halved.
I’m not a bad player. I would say I’m average; each season so far I’ve generally stopped around end of Sapphire/start of Ruby depending on how much time I want to dedicate. Myself and two others on my team were just beat by a single thief by him dodging repeatedly. He would occasionally use his staff leap skill but, he was literally dodge jumping almost the whole time. We barely hit him and he would just heal anyway. I realize I have every opportunity to play my thief the same way but, it doesn’t make it right. The amount of evade they have now is just irresponsibly unbalanced. Please reduce it.
You are right, dont let any of the noobs above tell you otherwise. ANET HAS TO NERF THAT build. it require no skill and all the thief has to do is evade whislt spamming condi. Thanks for bringing this back..
THE Build require zero skill, like zero. Anet has to nerf that build!!!
(edited by Fivedawgs.4267)
I’m not a bad player. I would say I’m average; each season so far I’ve generally stopped around end of Sapphire/start of Ruby depending on how much time I want to dedicate. Myself and two others on my team were just beat by a single thief by him dodging repeatedly. He would occasionally use his staff leap skill but, he was literally dodge jumping almost the whole time. We barely hit him and he would just heal anyway. I realize I have every opportunity to play my thief the same way but, it doesn’t make it right. The amount of evade they have now is just irresponsibly unbalanced. Please reduce it.
You and your teammate were beaten by about worst class you could pick to engage any fights in pvp atm. What part of it is average/not bad?
I’ve played a thief with this build style. I completely agree it’s fairly unfair.
When I go up to a 1v1 I have 99% confidence that I will win. And about 50% with 1v2’s.First of all, condition damage does not work on this build, every time a thief evades an attack they shed a condition, and they are forever evading because they have full endurance regain if you die, or if you stun them, plus on every steal, one of the utility skills and on their heal.
They also have skill 3 on D/D with a full initiative regain utility skill.
Hit a shot or two off on them? Too bad they get 200 health every time they use 1 initiative. They use 4 initiative on skill 3 (800 health on activation).
Think that you can stun them to death? They have 4 stun breaks good luck.
Well it’s a good thing that you can’t pair that much survivability with damage right? Wrong.
When specked with condition damage, you will have at least 10 bleed stacks on you at all times, the only way to survive that much condition damage is if you have lots of condi clear(lots)
If you have none, good luck with those 50 stacks of bleeding bud.Too bad thief is in a bad place right now so this will never get nerf’d
Please post that magic build so we can all ride the OP train. Too bad that every d/d condi thief so far i saw in this season was absolutely useless since they couldn’t really kill anyone and got murdered by 1 stun. Then again i haven’t seen amber/emerald in 2 seasons now, condi thieves are kind of extinct in legend for some reason :P
Well there is that one condi build that sits in evade frames for 7 years. The amount of times thief can evade is ridiculous, paired with stealth is just too much, outside of a DH, Scrapper and good Druids, you can kill pretty much anyone. I’d suggest changing Signet of agility to grant vigor instead of 100 Endurance refill. And stealing should give 25 endurance only. That’ll make them tolerable.
Hit them between dodges, they do not have 7 years evade frame actually. Also those thieves don’t kill anyone with half brain. That build also doesn’t really have that much access to stealth~
P.S. i do not play d/d condi and if i see one it means my team has really good chance to win~
That condi thief build sits in evades for almost 100% of the fight. Death blossom spam. and dodge. What you’re saying is to hit them after a dodge, despite the fact my own skills have cast times too which just leads it to being evaded again, especially when it’s on a small point. Outside of condi thief, it’s still dumb that a class can evade several different times, and drop targeting with stealths, and teleports. That’s why i think Signet of Agility needs a change, and stealing for endurance should be halved.
Sorry but the you clearly don’t know how the mechanics of Thief evades work both DB and Vault have half of the animation not provide evades you can hit them in that time. If you get them with an Immob or stun it is even easier to do. It only beats Bads that can’t time attacks to hit during the non evade frames of those attack animations. And the D/D Condi thief has one main access to stealth but won’t use it since it takes 1/3 of their initiative.
That condi thief build sits in evades for almost 100% of the fight. Death blossom spam. and dodge. What you’re saying is to hit them after a dodge, despite the fact my own skills have cast times too which just leads it to being evaded again, especially when it’s on a small point. Outside of condi thief, it’s still dumb that a class can evade several different times, and drop targeting with stealths, and teleports. That’s why i think Signet of Agility needs a change, and stealing for endurance should be halved.
I just want to point out that your own cast times have nothing to do with being able to hit them between dodges. Aka, start casting while they’re in their dodge frame to time it out of their dodge frame.
Sure, they are annoying, but all of their attacks are dodge/blockable for the most part. They are annoying, and sometimes deadly, but once you are prepared they have nothing.
get on a druid and drop a trap on point and leave. the thief will run thinking hes safe if he didnt see you drop the trap and it will one hit him every time.
I kill thieves even when I don’t even know they are around. OP sucks
but they’re a lot stronger
than they will be next year!
It’s just another annoying build. The evades have spots you can actually hit. Interrupting them at the end of their evade will royally screw up any average or below thief. Most above average thieves will run something more fun.
We have so much faceroll stupid play now. I know it shouldn’t annoy me but I hate seeing people get wrecked by stupid stuff. On the other hand, I’ve run most of it myself at times so I can’t really fault people for running it.
I’m not a bad player. I would say I’m average; each season so far I’ve generally stopped around end of Sapphire/start of Ruby depending on how much time I want to dedicate. Myself and two others on my team were just beat by a single thief by him dodging repeatedly. He would occasionally use his staff leap skill but, he was literally dodge jumping almost the whole time. We barely hit him and he would just heal anyway. I realize I have every opportunity to play my thief the same way but, it doesn’t make it right. The amount of evade they have now is just irresponsibly unbalanced. Please reduce it.
You are right, dont let any of the noobs above tell you otherwise. ANET HAS TO NERF THAT build. it require no skill and all the thief has to do is evade whislt spamming condi. Thanks for bringing this back..
THE Build require zero skill, like zero. Anet has to nerf that build!!!
OP is complaining about maradeur staff thief lol~
Noobs? Talk about yourself, ty.
[Teef] guild :>
Condi and Staff Thieves in PvP? All i have been seeing are D/P or sometimes P/P Thieves. Very rarely i see d/d condi, Sw/x or staff builds. Let me guess why
d/d is only strong vs certain professions and builds, while d/p works vs almost everything. Staff Thieves? Do they exist in PvP?
I kill thieves even when I don’t even know they are around. OP sucks
This is always funny
I couldn’t care less about what the OP is complaining about, but the condi-evade build needs to be nerfed.
exhibit number 1 = No break in dodges
I think this is what they use. Basically they spam dagger 3 and evades, while maintaining endurance from the heal and signet.
Pretty close. provides more upkeep on initiative, evades and endurance and is likely the build being used.
This needs looked at by Anet. It not being widespread until just now and other classes having potentially overpowered builds does not excuse this.
Exhibit 2: the insane survavility of the build
I hope you uderstand its hard to take a clicker seriously when talking about balancing issues.
As for the build, it just requires CC lock timing/kiting when 1v1ing or literally ignoring it on teamfights
If they take the 12 sec CD block they fixed their cc problem instead of the skill 9 taken in the video skill 8 also breaks cc a passive is active on this thief that breaks cc. CC will not kill this thief. It can literally tank a point longer than a guardian in 1 vs 5. I haven’t even touched on the thieves that abuse this with SA to hold a point then swap to d/p and run to the next point.
since when can you hold point while being in stealth xD ?I know your trolling but I’ll interpret English for you.
1. The thief evades not stealth on point okay? If you understand this….
2. The thief can’t hold the point indefinitely so at low hp escapes the 1 vs 3 or 1 vs 5 Using stealth ? Understand yet?
3. Then the thief decaps another point and contests it as his teams or neutral repeating after a few minutes of 1 vs 3 or 1 vs 5.This is why you read in context my friend.
Exhibit 3: The build is insane with condi
The problem is that they dont need use #2 – #5 skills. Evades and aa do all job. They can kill but cant be hitted or killed.
Wrong. They use skill 3 to evade as well, and maybe occassionally use the AA. They don’t use 2, 4, 5 because those are all power skills with no condition damage.
Works better with conditions, but power specs also spamm evades as a kind of invul.
Anet, it’s time to look at this build. Way Way too cheesy, it;s bad for the aorta.
If u can’t hit a thief together with another teammate in game where pulsing and channeld attacks are a thing combined with AOE. Then u are not average.
P sure those will both heal the thief.
I couldn’t care less about what the OP is complaining about, but the condi-evade build needs to be nerfed.
exhibit number 1 = No break in dodges
I think this is what they use. Basically they spam dagger 3 and evades, while maintaining endurance from the heal and signet.
Pretty close. provides more upkeep on initiative, evades and endurance and is likely the build being used.
This needs looked at by Anet. It not being widespread until just now and other classes having potentially overpowered builds does not excuse this.
Exhibit 2: the insane survavility of the build
I hope you uderstand its hard to take a clicker seriously when talking about balancing issues.
As for the build, it just requires CC lock timing/kiting when 1v1ing or literally ignoring it on teamfights
If they take the 12 sec CD block they fixed their cc problem instead of the skill 9 taken in the video skill 8 also breaks cc a passive is active on this thief that breaks cc. CC will not kill this thief. It can literally tank a point longer than a guardian in 1 vs 5. I haven’t even touched on the thieves that abuse this with SA to hold a point then swap to d/p and run to the next point.
since when can you hold point while being in stealth xD ?I know your trolling but I’ll interpret English for you.
1. The thief evades not stealth on point okay? If you understand this….
2. The thief can’t hold the point indefinitely so at low hp escapes the 1 vs 3 or 1 vs 5 Using stealth ? Understand yet?
3. Then the thief decaps another point and contests it as his teams or neutral repeating after a few minutes of 1 vs 3 or 1 vs 5.This is why you read in context my friend.
Exhibit 3: The build is insane with condi
The problem is that they dont need use #2 – #5 skills. Evades and aa do all job. They can kill but cant be hitted or killed.
Wrong. They use skill 3 to evade as well, and maybe occassionally use the AA. They don’t use 2, 4, 5 because those are all power skills with no condition damage.
Works better with conditions, but power specs also spamm evades as a kind of invul.
Anet, it’s time to look at this build. Way Way too cheesy, it;s bad for the aorta.
I like how you quoted my post w/o posting the post i quoted. If i recall correctly the post mentioned that thieves are OP because of stealth.
Yes condi DD d/d is braindead but it is also useful only in lower tiers where people are incapable of timing spells and rotating properly. In higher divisions d/d thief means it is 4v5 for the team that has that thief.
Should we balance around complete noobs? Anet already did with HoT and see what happened – most of classes are pretty much on auto-pilot now and pvp became skillless and boring.
[Teef] guild :>
(edited by Cynz.9437)
It’s applies 3 damaging conditions that are easily, cleansed there are build in breaks in between evades used from DB can be easily interrupted especially with all the Cc in game, easiest way to kill it is Immob or stun which are abundant in this meta.
Fivedawgs I know you main War which is grossly more OP than this thief build so don’t try to claim Condi op on an easily intteruptible build especially with the amount of Cc and Condi applications warriors have on top of sustain.
This guy said he ends in sapphire/beginning of ruby but expects himself to be credible…
Sorry, but if you’re getting beat by a thief in PvP when there’s two of you, the two of you are just playing very poorly.
This guy said he ends in sapphire/beginning of ruby but expects himself to be credible…
Sorry, but if you’re getting beat by a thief in PvP when there’s two of you, the two of you are just playing very poorly.
It’s even better there were 3 of them, as the Op said
“Myself and two others on my team were just beat by a single thief”
You know what is the worst part: Anet as always will listen to noobs and nerf every single thief build like they did last patch /faceplam. Gotta beat dat dead horse.
[Teef] guild :>
It’s applies 3 damaging conditions that are easily, cleansed there are build in breaks in between evades used from DB can be easily interrupted especially with all the Cc in game, easiest way to kill it is Immob or stun which are abundant in this meta.
Fivedawgs I know you main War which is grossly more OP than this thief build so don’t try to claim Condi op on an easily intteruptible build especially with the amount of Cc and Condi applications warriors have on top of sustain.
I main Power Warrior which is not OP, and my power build is not even meta. Most peopel rather run GS/ axe + shield then GS/ Mace + shield which i run, because it;s easily countered by stab. I said it again and again, the condi warrior build needs to be adjusted.
But you guys are acting as if the OP was an imbecile.
Should we balance around complete noobs? Anet already did with HoT and see what happened – most of classes are pretty much on auto-pilot now and pvp became skillless and boring.
Using this logic, we shouldn’t adjust DH at all. Since, Frosty bobbles or other high tier revs have managed to beat Mo/obs?? right? They can kill the build without killing the class, it has been done for Killshot warrior (the piercing was tone down, etc..)
(edited by Fivedawgs.4267)
It’s applies 3 damaging conditions that are easily, cleansed there are build in breaks in between evades used from DB can be easily interrupted especially with all the Cc in game, easiest way to kill it is Immob or stun which are abundant in this meta.
Fivedawgs I know you main War which is grossly more OP than this thief build so don’t try to claim Condi op on an easily intteruptible build especially with the amount of Cc and Condi applications warriors have on top of sustain.
I main Power Warrior which is not OP, and my power build is not even meta. Most peopel rather run GS/ axe + shield then GS/ Mace + shield which i run, because it;s easily countered by stab. I said it again and again, the condi warrior build needs to be adjusted.
But you guys are acting as if the OP was an imbecile.
Should we balance around complete noobs? Anet already did with HoT and see what happened – most of classes are pretty much on auto-pilot now and pvp became skillless and boring.
Using this logic, we shouldn’t adjust DH at all. Since, Frosty bobbles or other high tier revs have managed to beat Mo/obs?? right? They can kill the build without killing the class, it has been done for Killshot warrior (the piercing was tone down, etc..)
OP complains about dying in 2/3vs1 situation vs marauder staff thief…..l2read.
When was last time Anet killed thief build w/o killing whole class? They ALWAYS made it worse for everyone because there is not a single Anet employee that actually plays that class (besides RPing in DR and using it as bank character). You honestly trust them not mess up this time? After 4 years of garbage patches?
Also, i find it funny you bring DHs in discussion considering higher tiers are flooded with them atm (there is literary up to 6 of them per match, i don’t see 6 d/d thieves tho – i wonder why~). They are also reason why we have players with terrible rotations/map awareness etc. in legend/diamond – the class is carrying them. I haven’t seen a single d/d thief in all 4 seasons that could carry alone with the build like DHs do atm. DHs are easiest and most effective class to drool your way to legend in this season, period.
[Teef] guild :>
(edited by Cynz.9437)
It’s applies 3 damaging conditions that are easily, cleansed there are build in breaks in between evades used from DB can be easily interrupted especially with all the Cc in game, easiest way to kill it is Immob or stun which are abundant in this meta.
Fivedawgs I know you main War which is grossly more OP than this thief build so don’t try to claim Condi op on an easily intteruptible build especially with the amount of Cc and Condi applications warriors have on top of sustain.
I main Power Warrior which is not OP, and my power build is not even meta. Most peopel rather run GS/ axe + shield then GS/ Mace + shield which i run, because it;s easily countered by stab. I said it again and again, the condi warrior build needs to be adjusted.
But you guys are acting as if the OP was an imbecile.
Should we balance around complete noobs? Anet already did with HoT and see what happened – most of classes are pretty much on auto-pilot now and pvp became skillless and boring.
Using this logic, we shouldn’t adjust DH at all. Since, Frosty bobbles or other high tier revs have managed to beat Mo/obs?? right? They can kill the build without killing the class, it has been done for Killshot warrior (the piercing was tone down, etc..)
The fact that 3 died to him shows how low skilled the op and the others in that fight are. If there is more than 1 competent person then the thief would have died. So yes do I think the OP and the 2 teammates of his are low skilled by that fact, especially since I do know how easily countered evade spam thieves are
This is such a typical thief thread. OP posts that thieves are OP. Thieves come in and defend, claiming that they are OP in absolutely no way.
News flash! Everyone is OP! Including thieves. Just because you’re “weaker” than everyone else does not mean that you are not OP and that you’re build doesn’t have faceroll skills. Condi thief is absolutely the most unskilled build in the game. However, D/P is still more versatile for conquest and is therefore a better build overall. It also happens to take more skill to play. In fact, I think it’s one of the most skill based builds in the game. The contrast between power and condi thief is mind blowing. One is the hardest and one is the easiest.
So dear thieves, quit acting like you’re weak. Just like you’re telling everyone else to L2P, tell yourself that. Of course you’re going to have a hard time against good players. Good players tend to do that.
This is such a typical thief thread. OP posts that thieves are OP. Thieves come in and defend, claiming that they are OP in absolutely no way.
News flash! Everyone is OP! Including thieves. Just because you’re “weaker” than everyone else does not mean that you are not OP and that you’re build doesn’t have faceroll skills. Condi thief is absolutely the most unskilled build in the game. However, D/P is still more versatile for conquest and is therefore a better build overall. It also happens to take more skill to play. In fact, I think it’s one of the most skill based builds in the game. The contrast between power and condi thief is mind blowing. One is the hardest and one is the easiest.
So dear thieves, quit acting like you’re weak. Just like you’re telling everyone else to L2P, tell yourself that. Of course you’re going to have a hard time against good players. Good players tend to do that.
So pretty much like every single class that defends their class from stupid nerf threads?
Look at all threads about nerfing classes, look how vehemently that guards defend their low skill floor build, Condi Wars, and Mesmers all defend tooth and nail from stupid nerf threads and their answer is always L2P. Nice try though
This is such a typical thief thread. OP posts that thieves are OP. Thieves come in and defend, claiming that they are OP in absolutely no way.
News flash! Everyone is OP! Including thieves. Just because you’re “weaker” than everyone else does not mean that you are not OP and that you’re build doesn’t have faceroll skills. Condi thief is absolutely the most unskilled build in the game. However, D/P is still more versatile for conquest and is therefore a better build overall. It also happens to take more skill to play. In fact, I think it’s one of the most skill based builds in the game. The contrast between power and condi thief is mind blowing. One is the hardest and one is the easiest.
So dear thieves, quit acting like you’re weak. Just like you’re telling everyone else to L2P, tell yourself that. Of course you’re going to have a hard time against good players. Good players tend to do that.
OP complains about power staff build, not condi. Reading is hard.
You know how tired what is left of thief community is of watching the class getting nerfed over and over and over again because some keyboard turner and clicker got killed by a thief? You know how tired the remaining thief community is of being harassed on daily basis for playing the class because teams they get want anything but a thief?
Yes, i am all for nerfing all HoT specs across the board but based on changes devs made in 4 years of this game it just going to be another middle finger to entire thief community and not actual balance. And we have to thank players like OP for it.
[Teef] guild :>
(edited by Cynz.9437)
The one thing nobody here asked is: What were you both playing?
Why does this matter? Well if they were beaten as 2 trap DHs then oh boy was it a L2P issue. If however they were playing zerk staff ele, well then, you brought a butter knife to a nuclear war.
However, D/P is still more versatile for conquest and is therefore a better build overall. It also happens to take more skill to play. In fact, I think it’s one of the most skill based builds in the game. The contrast between power and condi thief is mind blowing. One is the hardest and one is the easiest.
How can condi be easier than power? If i play condi i have like zero survivability out of melee fighting: rotation might be easy but not very effective compared to d/p or p/p.
For me d/p is much more effective and friendly for new players. The easiest one is probably p/p. The hardest in my hands is Sw/d.
For OP I would say go to the wiki and check for the skills description and try to understand what a 3/4s evade frame represent on dodge animations and vault.
Cynz and BlaqueFyre don’t get too heated up, there is definetly a skill gap between the OP and you.
I wonder what the Op and his friend were playing, except on a vanilla build there is way too much confort out there to get downed by a thief on a 2v1 situation.
Otherwise, they may have better luck on DH. Just be careful not to mess with F3, the elite skill and weapon swap for focus or shield. This can be tricky because all the keys are not perfectly aligned on the keyboard so you can miss the 90% block uptime.
Pick warrior, mash stun during their vault. Press 1,1,1,1,1,1,1,1,1. Win point.
This is such a typical thief thread. OP posts that thieves are OP. Thieves come in and defend, claiming that they are OP in absolutely no way.
News flash! Everyone is OP! Including thieves. Just because you’re “weaker” than everyone else does not mean that you are not OP and that you’re build doesn’t have faceroll skills. Condi thief is absolutely the most unskilled build in the game. However, D/P is still more versatile for conquest and is therefore a better build overall. It also happens to take more skill to play. In fact, I think it’s one of the most skill based builds in the game. The contrast between power and condi thief is mind blowing. One is the hardest and one is the easiest.
So dear thieves, quit acting like you’re weak. Just like you’re telling everyone else to L2P, tell yourself that. Of course you’re going to have a hard time against good players. Good players tend to do that.
So pretty much like every single class that defends their class from stupid nerf threads?
Look at all threads about nerfing classes, look how vehemently that guards defend their low skill floor build, Condi Wars, and Mesmers all defend tooth and nail from stupid nerf threads and their answer is always L2P. Nice try though
Then no idea why people will throw L2P at other people against their class, but gets salty when they get thrown a L2P comment themselves.
Redgen Furyblaze – Charr Guardian – [SHD]Shade Warband – Tarnished Coast
Lerious Warhowl – Charr Warrior – [SHD] Shade Warband – Tarnished Coast