Thieves qq vs gurdians

Thieves qq vs gurdians

in PvP

Posted by: Zipzo.6753


Lol…I love the people that say “I rolled a thief outta nowhere and specced whatever the heck and didn’t know anything about it and I destroyed people!”.

You’re lying, you did not destroy people. You probably hobbled around putting people in downstate spamming heartseeker in big un-organized group fights, likely dying shortly after in half a second.

You probably didn’t win a 1v1 against a player without down syndrome to save your life.

Thieves qq vs gurdians

in PvP

Posted by: hackks.3687


Easiest time I had killing any class was a Guardian with my Necro. Ironically enough that was pretty much the only class I was good at killing with my Necro. I’d just wait for them to load up on boons and then pop Corrupt Boon and watch them melt miserably. Had to find some giggles somewhere…

I’ve stayed at this party entirely too long

Thieves qq vs gurdians

in PvP

Posted by: BobF.3509


ITT: thieves calling for guardian nerfs because they cant 222222222222 them with ease.

Truly, these are tears of sympathy I have for the thief class —> !_!

Thieves qq vs gurdians

in PvP

Posted by: Sharpclaw.7510


One of those classes was a thief. I went right into the HoTM, picked 2 daggers and 2 pistols and stuck a random sigil and runes in the pre-made armour, barely scratched the surface in what I could spec and just put all my points in damage.

I never buy stories like this, I’m sorry. They always reek of exaggeration. Mostly because there’s so many different ways to really run a thief (or any class) for that matter than the notion of randomly picking your Sigils and Runes (alongside what might be the worst one of the class’ weapon sets, I.E double pistols) is just absurd. Either you were playing against a bunch of derps (which is likely since I assume you hotjoined) or you’re a player with strong instincts.

But this “I picked a random set of crud and slotted it and dominated” oozes faux machismo bull more than anything I’ve read in a while. Just like anybody who says it about any other class.

Default build, a subpar offset, and random runes/sigils? And I’m supposed to believe what you’re saying? You’ll have an easier time convincing me that you are a hyper intelligent housecat typing on a game forum than you will of convincing me that you dominated under those circumstances.

(edited by Sharpclaw.7510)

Thieves qq vs gurdians

in PvP

Posted by: Izziee.8392


One of those classes was a thief. I went right into the HoTM, picked 2 daggers and 2 pistols and stuck a random sigil and runes in the pre-made armour, barely scratched the surface in what I could spec and just put all my points in damage.

I never buy stories like this, I’m sorry. They always reek of exaggeration. Mostly because there’s so many different ways to really run a thief (or any class) for that matter than the notion of randomly picking your Sigils and Runes (alongside what might be the worst one of the class’ weapon sets, I.E double pistols) is just absurd. Either you were playing against a bunch of derps (which is likely since I assume you hotjoined) or you’re a player with strong instincts.

But this “I picked a random set of crud and slotted it and dominated” oozes faux machismo bull more than anything I’ve read in a while. Just like anybody who says it about any other class.

Default build, a subpar offset, and random runes/sigils? And I’m supposed to believe what you’re saying? You’ll have an easier time convincing me that you are a hyper intelligent housecat typing on a game forum than you will of convincing me that you dominated under those circumstances.

The good news is that whether you believe it or not, doesn’t matter in the slightest to whether it happened or not. I know for a fact it did, and thus, is all that counts. I encourage everyone to go try it and see for themselves.

Some random on the forum believing me or not certainly won’t change the facts sorry to say. Apparently though, thieves seem to think that the absolute majority have no warrant to what they say. You get the “dodge this dodge that” argument, but the exact same can be said for every other class. When people from numerous class’s state something, there’s a reason for it. When the class in defence tries to deny it it has zero merit to it, why? because it’s their own class and either don’t want to admit it for obvious reasons (which there are many, all bad reasons). Claiming your own class isn’t or is something just doesn’t wash. So, as I said, I encourage others, especially some of the weaker class’s, to go right ahead and try it and see for themselves, like I did.

(edited by Izziee.8392)

Thieves qq vs gurdians

in PvP

Posted by: Zipzo.6753


It actually does matter, because it completely defeats the purpose of you even mentioning or telling us your little story if everybody thinks you’re full of kitten.

Which you are.

Thieves qq vs gurdians

in PvP

Posted by: Izziee.8392


I guess the truth hurts phrase speaks volumes then in your case.

Just because you can’t do it, doesn’t mean other’s can’t.

That’s exactly why I suggest everyone else goes ahead and tries it for themselves, just like I did. It’s THAT simple.

Thieves qq vs gurdians

in PvP

Posted by: Javious.4912


Play with stability, problem solved /yawns

And I’m not meaning to play with daggerstorm but to play as a group thief. If you re seriously chargin a SW guard as a thief they are some braincells not workin .

Well i like it that you come from a neutral stand point but sir if you havnt tried the thief class and esp fighting a gurdian 1v1 its very hard to explain how ridiculous is the situation right now in the 1v1 state

Every class should have her NEMESIS. Ever was, ever is, ever will be the case, can’t be more simple.

LOL you call a CLASS counter a fair game??? a Spec( BUILD) counter would be fair but a class that CANNOT build another class no matter what spec is just stupid and should not ever be there.
And have u even played tourneys? Yea let the gurdian be on the point for 20 secs so he can gain more points thus letting my team down LOL seriously u cant be kidding on your post right? Or trolling?

Yeah I have pretty high high amount of matches won as a guardian, same goes for kills in general.

I’m also playin Guard / Mesmer / Engineer.

As a Guard my direct nemesis is the engie, as a mesmer it’s the elementalist or a well played guard, and as an engie it’s the ranger

And well yeah Im findin it absolutely normal that you can’t beat all the classes on your own or with the build you’re currently runnin.

Back to the fact : why the hell would you want to CHARGE a guardian that is runnin 2 OR 3 WEAPONS SIMULTANEOUSLY.

You can perfectly annoy the hell out of him by not chargin and playin with bow as a sin while you do your best to avoid stomps of hammer, by playin with your tools you know.

Ho and btw, the direct nemesis of Mesmer is the guardian. I’ve encountered some really, really good ones and they couldn’t do much against my guard

actually a mesmers nemesis is a bow thief fynnu but true
and why would I charge a guard ? well u seen when the points are ticking and u as a Roemer have to backcap points u see Mr gurDian over there with no SW but as u engages he summons it out what do u do? run? than he will take the point . that’s what I was trying to say although bow seems like a decent option

ps sorry for bad spelling my iPhones autocorrect is just fed up

(edited by Javious.4912)

Thieves qq vs gurdians

in PvP

Posted by: Sharpclaw.7510


The good news is that whether you believe it or not, doesn’t matter in the slightest to whether it happened or not. I know for a fact it did, and thus, is all that counts.

Strange argument. I could flip it on it’s head, you know. “The good news is that whehter I believe it or not doesn’t matter to me in the slightest. I don’t know for a fact that it did. This is all that matters.”

See how that works? All I have to before me is your fairly dubious story and your (and I know you’ll protest this label; protest all you want) irritation that I don’t accept it at face value. Neither really sways. So, you can talk about not caring if I believe. But if that was the case, you wouldn’t have replied to my first post at all, now would you?


Thieves qq vs gurdians

in PvP

Posted by: Javious.4912


Well i have to totally agree with zipzo on this one, FYI just randomly getting a class to level 2 and going to pvp, playing a few games face rolling in sPVP dosnt mean you KNOW the class( thus i said many people havnt tried so to speak at a level of decent experience) and my concern here is the 1v1 meta game of thief and gurdian not how NEWBIES feel about the class like how u described yourself, playing a thief, picking up random runes and BARELY Touched the specs(triats) and own yourkitten of with EASE.
Well either your just a pro player or just a everyday average qq joe, who does not even know the specifics of the class WELL and i repeat WELL and just blabber off talking **** all day and spamming QQ QQ, and also what makes YOU ASSUME that you can do it while others cant? Your just an average joe arnt you?
And the way you speak just says that you don’t actually care about what others think but your stuck in your own mindset.
And the fact that you said gurdians were average WITHOUT any SPECIFICS on how is it balanced like what i stated in my orginal post is just irrelevant.
And what makes you think i havnt tried, when i played thief from glory level 1 to glory level 18 unlike you which just played a few games and blabbering here in the forums?
Please…. get yourself in the right mindset before you troll around.