Thieves...working as intended?

Thieves...working as intended?

in PvP

Posted by: Sharpclaw.7510


lol fine sharp tell me what other class gets that much burst from one button…still waiting

Nothing about the way you died was one button.

Thieves...working as intended?

in PvP

Posted by: Jeskimo.5903


it’s all explained in this post how to do the burst backstab for insane damage.

Thieves...working as intended?

in PvP

Posted by: Knyx.5926


If you avoid them propperly they will waste alot of (what ever their ressource is called); and be fairly weak after that, but again, if they catch you off guard you’ll die.

I’m starting to agree with whomever said it should be a bannable offense to post negatively about a class you don’t even understand.

A. If you rolled a thief to see how it works, you would KNOW what the resource system was called.

B. If you took 10 seconds, you would see the name of the resource system stated multiple times in this thread.

So because I forgot it was called initiative im an idiot who should be banned? Really dude?

I suggest you get your head out of yourkitten an stop being so overly defensive. Theifs are over the top on burst capabilities and it’d be foolish to assume that the avg. Joe will be able to avoid such a nuke that’d kill a class in 2-5 sec.

Be a little critical of your own class instead of feeling like the worl is out to get you.

Critical about my own class? I don’t only play thief
What about my post is defensive? please do explain.

All I see is banter, an attempt to make an excuse for ignorance. You just set yourself at the bottom with the rest. Crying about a class, ability, or mechanic without understanding even the name, without even testing it out yourself. It is really pitiful.

By the way, so far as I don’t see any skill changes so far in the notes that only effect mists, just making a diff class for lvl 2 then mists only NO LONGER suffices.
Even doing 100 games in Spvp will still not get you the understanding of half the class. You have to try PVE and wvwvw, since they seem intent on making sweeping changes.

Lets say X class seems overpowered in spvp, but in PVE every other class exceeds that X class in all roles. Lets say you played X class, got it to 80 and did SPVP as well as WVWVW. How would you feel if Anet started the sweeping nerf trend because a minority of whiners who haven’t even tested the class to 50% of its strengths and weaknesses.

Thieves...working as intended?

in PvP

Posted by: Pimpslapper.2047


That steal damage is insane. That is what I took from your pic. Learning to counter them is the best way to keep from dying.

Thieves...working as intended?

in PvP

Posted by: Chocolate.1487


mmm you can smell the experienced players trying to give advice, and the little ragers not listening lol. if u have 10hp and towel armor ,you don’t know how to look around you, and have 0 defensive skills, you’re gona have a bad day no matter what attacks you.

Thieves...working as intended?

in PvP

Posted by: Tricky.8537


I don’t mean to be rude OP, really.. this has happened to me.

But if you have significantly <20K health, a glass cannon thief will do this…

It’s the gamble that you chose to take, by having <20K.

That Thief won’t last seconds if your with a group… I am one and I have played with these builds.

Imagine you have 21K+, he/she will burst out and have nothing in backup… It’s a Glass cannon: It’s a gamble!

Thieves...working as intended?

in PvP

Posted by: Arcane.4950


Ele dps vs thief

No wait, ele can’t play dps because this happens.


Thieves...working as intended?

in PvP

Posted by: Proeliator.8740


Thieves will be broken in every game I play it seems. They were stupid OP in WOW and it looks like they will be stupid OP in this game as well. Of course the people that play them will say l2p and how easy they are to counter but we all know better. Theives are for noobs who need a crutch they always have been and always will be. Combining the highest damage in the game with some of the best mobility, stealth and escape mechanics is just a bad idea and it always will be.

I’d love to take a poll of how many of the people who play theives in this game played rogues in WOW

Thieves...working as intended?

in PvP

Posted by: milo.6942


Arcane, you only have 13k health?

Thieves...working as intended?

in PvP

Posted by: IDICERI.4268


When you spec yourself to be a glass cannon and go up against another glass cannon the first one to hit wins.

Imagination is more important than knowledge. Knowledge is limited. Imagination encircles the world.

Thieves...working as intended?

in PvP

Posted by: Wolfe.3097


When you spec yourself to be a glass cannon and go up against another glass cannon the first one to hit wins.


for a thief to get a backstab that high they have to spec glass cannon (ive seen as high as 20k but that had stacked group buffs as well)

the real problem is elementalist base hp, they should not have 10k hp as galss cannon build, maybe 15k hp.

and even then….the quote above me explains it nicely, first one to hit as galss cannon usually is hte wi8nner

Thieves...working as intended?

in PvP

Posted by: Beef.3072


13k hp is actually pretty standard on a ele glass spec. i dont know how much toughness he has but if the thief crits his entire hp bar then maybe he has very little. Toughness is most of the time better then HP if you want to survive. Still tho, 13k crit for one ability is rather ridiculous if you ask me

Thieves...working as intended?

in PvP

Posted by: Lewk.8359


We don’t need an explanation of how to fight a thief. We are just fine at that. What i want an explanation of us is WHY do thieves have HIGHER DAMAGE OUTPUT that not only hits harder HIT FOR HIT, but is also SPAMMABLE, LEAPS TO TARGET, and gives BONUS DAMAGE when the target’s health gets lower.

Thieves...working as intended?

in PvP

Posted by: Jonny.9370


We don’t need an explanation of how to fight a thief. We are just fine at that. What i want an explanation of us is WHY do thieves have HIGHER DAMAGE OUTPUT that not only hits harder HIT FOR HIT, but is also SPAMMABLE, LEAPS TO TARGET, and gives BONUS DAMAGE when the target’s health gets lower.

What I am seeing in the pics here is Back Stab, which does nothing that you stated… Backstab and the other stealth attacks actually the only thief weapon attack that can be said to have a “cooldown”.(u cant restealth for 3 seconds after breaking stealth)

Another thing, the guy who got 1 shotted for 13k? Supposedly the glass cannon spec? Idk for sure but if this is true, then I’d say its working as intended. You give up all toughness for damage and got rolled on… try another tactic. I’ve played against an Ele who stood in a rock shield as 4 people pounded on him.. He nearly killed me and nearly got away.

Don’t get me wrong, Thief does feel OP 1v1 which is what the description SAYS IT SHOULD. If I can get my Spider Venom, Devour, and Haste up I can burst most pubs down to death 1v1. But now my combo is on a 30 second CD(60 if i want haste again) and im all out of initiative, meaning anyone who gets to me right then is going to have a much easier time killing me.

Something else I am seeing is that most of the people complaining about thieves seem to be using caster/light armor professions… coincidence? Or do they just want the WoW mage that can 1v2 people with 1 button?

(edited by Jonny.9370)

Thieves...working as intended?

in PvP

Posted by: Zatria.5783


lol fine sharp tell me what other class gets that much burst from one button…still waiting

Nothing about the way you died was one button.

Hmmm. Too bad you don’t know about the youtube video going around that shows a thief dominating everyone and never needing to use 2, 3, 4, and sometimes the 5 skill on his bar.

So yeah, 1 button is all it really takes.

Thieves...working as intended?

in PvP

Posted by: Beef.3072


We don’t need an explanation of how to fight a thief. We are just fine at that. What i want an explanation of us is WHY do thieves have HIGHER DAMAGE OUTPUT that not only hits harder HIT FOR HIT, but is also SPAMMABLE, LEAPS TO TARGET, and gives BONUS DAMAGE when the target’s health gets lower.

What I am seeing in the pics here is Back Stab, which does nothing that you stated… Backstab and the other stealth attacks actually the only thief weapon attack that can be said to have a “cooldown”.(u cant restealth for 3 seconds after breaking stealth)

Another thing, the guy who got 1 shotted for 13k? Supposedly the glass cannon spec? Idk for sure but if this is true, then I’d say its working as intended. You give up all toughness for damage and got rolled on… try another tactic. I’ve played against an Ele who stood in a rock shield as 4 people pounded on him.. He nearly killed me and nearly got away.

Don’t get me wrong, Thief does feel OP 1v1 which is what the description SAYS IT SHOULD. If I can get my Spider Venom, Devour, and Haste up I can burst most pubs down to death 1v1. But now my combo is on a 30 second CD(60 if i want haste again) and im all out of initiative, meaning anyone who gets to me right then is going to have a much easier time killing me.

Something else I am seeing is that most of the people complaining about thieves seem to be using caster/light armor professions… coincidence? Or do they just want the WoW mage that can 1v2 people with 1 button?

You dont always have to give up toughness to go glass. as a ele you can actually achieve a really good amount of toughness while sacrificing only a little bit of damage. and that rock shield is a CD for 33% damage reduc so lets not use that as an example :P. even with my 1600 toughness as glass cannon i have from time to time gotten 2-3 shot by thieves that know what they are doing to some degree, and they can easily stealth and reset the fight if they dont kill you in that initial burst.

Thieves...working as intended?

in PvP

Posted by: Jonny.9370


lol fine sharp tell me what other class gets that much burst from one button…still waiting

Nothing about the way you died was one button.

Hmmm. Too bad you don’t know about the youtube video going around that shows a thief dominating everyone and never needing to use 2, 3, 4, and sometimes the 5 skill on his bar.

So yeah, 1 button is all it really takes.

I’ll admit I’ve never seen this video, but how is he going to stealth if he’s only using 1 button? What other part of the set up are you missing? The default thief(the build u r given when you first enter spvp) barely breaks 4k with a plain backstab on the heavy target dummies and 5k on the light so this guy obviously isnt Joe Schmoe, just picked up the game 5 minutes ago. He’s researched it(google or otherwise lol), and practiced the profession. And who is he playing against? I creamed a ranger who stood completely still as I tore into him while he attacked with a bow. Didn’t even bother to get out of melee range. That doesn’t make me a pro though :P

I bet there will be warrior, mesmer, necro, etc. videos of people doing the same thing some time in the future and those will rally cries of OP and petitions for nerfs.

(edited by Jonny.9370)

Thieves...working as intended?

in PvP

Posted by: Cursed.4329


Im playing a backstabb thief and my hp is 14k with no investments in toughness or vitality.
I die really really really really quick if I dont get the guy I fight.
I kill other class cannons really easy since my backstabbs can do up to 15k depending on their toughness.

Its high risk, high reward.

Thieves...working as intended?

in PvP

Posted by: Knyx.5926


without any investment in vitality im wondering how you get 14k hp. How do you make a backstab build (which relies on stealth) without investment into toughness?

Thieves...working as intended?

in PvP

Posted by: Animosity.5231


Well, I didn’t want to believe all the “thief is op” posts, but I saw something that is starting to make me believe that they are. Was playing with my condition necro stacking conditions etc. and suddenly an asura thief comes up behind me and I get shot down to downed state and killed in about 2-3 seconds. I can usually hold my own against most classes, provided it’s not 2v1 or something like that and seeing this I was left staring at the screen in awe.

Now thats kitten up

low risk / high reward build. even though it takes a bit more skill to land it directly from behind, it’s still op as kitten

The difficulty can be mitigated with proper ability usage, actually. Activate Cloak and Dagger followed immediately by Steal. The Steal shadowstep happens before C&D finishes, so you’re almost guaranteed to hit C&D, then backstabbing is easy from there.

Thieves...working as intended?

in PvP

Posted by: Chocolate.1487


i should make a vid of how easy it is to kill a HS thief with any class without taking traits even, but im too lazy you guys have fun not being able to kill weakest build in the game lol.-chocolate out

Thieves...working as intended?

in PvP

Posted by: pericles.3286


Instant kills should never exist … Its not fun when you die instant and its not fun when you are not able to react because he is in stealth …
Burst should be nerfed from all abilities and then we will all be happy …

Thieves...working as intended?

in PvP

Posted by: EoNxBoNx.9213


A full glass cannon thief has 15k health at most, 1050 toughness at most, even less toughness if he goes for a higher health pool(acrobatics). If he goes for a higher health pool he won’t be able to stealth more than 3 secs. He can’t stealth for 3 seconds when he revealed after stealth. He is playing high risk high reward. If at any point in time he is snared he is done for.

Snaring forces 1 of 3 things: stun break(shadow-step removes condition and stun breaks, every good thief uses it), heal, stealth which cost initiative (he needs you to hit you for this) or the use of a stealth utility skill with a 60 second cool down. It is very very difficult in my case to land a back-stab while my opponent is moving backwards(dodge to increase distance) and turning in a circle away from the closest angle which my opponent sees me(this should cut the thief’s damage is half as thieves do more damage from behind or the sides). When the Thief reveals himself go from 1-5. He should be around 25% health or dead. Switch weapon set repeat process.

This is meant for whoever is having a hard time against back-stab thieves. I am not ignoring the fact that it does high damage which it does do. It is however easy to counter in tournaments because everyone carries some type off cc. I hope this was helpful and informative.

Pretty much this. A thief that is critting for more than 12k backstab, has low toughness, and a low healthpool, is killable, and quite easily. Depending on how they use their stealth set up, you should never been near a thief when he is in stealth, because that will happen 9 times out of 10.

EDIT: And I knew that once they nerfed HS, the real QQ would start about BS. HS, was never the real damage of a good thief anyways.

“You’re either a Noob or a Pro your entire life, that’s life”
IGN – Kinjax // World – Anvil Rock
IGN – InTheseDays // World – Anvil Rock

Thieves...working as intended?

in PvP

Posted by: Irishbrewed.6537


Theives are fine : said the Warhammer wielding warrior

Thieves...working as intended?

in PvP

Posted by: Wolfe.3097


13k hp is actually pretty standard on a ele glass spec. i dont know how much toughness he has but if the thief crits his entire hp bar then maybe he has very little. Toughness is most of the time better then HP if you want to survive. Still tho, 13k crit for one ability is rather ridiculous if you ask me

firstly i think ele needs more base hp

secondly dont nerf backstab, i drather you nerf assassins signet (150% more damage on next attack) or the signet trait (grants 5 stacks of might when you activate a signet).

the problem isnt backstab, backstab in a basic build without trying to stack for that one backstab crit is pretty balanced.

the problem is the scaling/ability to stack damage multipliers so high

backstab is a high risk high reward skill, requiring us to burn ini/Ccd to enter stealth, then we have to get behind them (and if anyone sees us stealth next to them they should…i dunno…MOVE).

Thieves...working as intended?

in PvP

Posted by: Wolfe.3097


Instant kills should never exist … Its not fun when you die instant and its not fun when you are not able to react because he is in stealth …
Burst should be nerfed from all abilities and then we will all be happy …

whats funny is it wont, will just make new forms of QQ

i think the way ablities stack for damage, at least in pvp, should be nerfed.

honestly as a thief youc an spec so you get 6 stacks of might (maybe more), fury, and 150% more damage on next attack, and if target is below 50% have it deal 20% more damage, not too mention many of the minor traits give us a 10% damage boost under certain circumstances.

then if you factor in any group buffs, its really not surprising

Thieves...working as intended?

in PvP

Posted by: Krustydog.1043


Vanilla rogues. Everyone and their mother rolled one for a reason. No one rolled one because they were “balanced.” That is all.

(edited by Krustydog.1043)