This game is Schwahrheit's favorite phrase

This game is Schwahrheit's favorite phrase

in PvP

Posted by: BryBry.8409


Below I will list some components of the game that I have some comments on:

Leaderboards – These were kitten, decay is non existent, and in fact the logarithms intended for player decay have actually caused many players that didn’t/haven’t touched pvp in months to climb in their “leaderboard rank”. It is in my personal opinion that if you have not yet not given a kitten about the leaderboards than you probably should start not giving a kitten.

Soloque – This feature was added with good intent, but has some flaws/misdirection with it. First of all, I would advise people not too take solo que seriously, and that it is more or less there for you to mess around with some fun builds. As alluded to earlier, there is no reason to even take the leaderboards seriously, both in team arena and solo que, eliminating a purpose to take solo que seriously. Furthermore, it is also in my belief that players should not be getting angry over solo que, while losing isn’t fun, you shouldn’t be getting mad at your 4 random teammates, at least in the current solo que environment in place. That being said, I believe that Anet should openly state what their intentions are for solo que, whether it is supposed to be the “playground” to mess around in which is currently is, or if their intent was to make solo que a feature that would allow players to acclimate themselves with competitive pvp, which would lead them to form teams, which would equate to a better competitive scene. If their intent was indeed to acclimate players to competitive pvp they would need to remove skyhammer and spirit watch from the map rotation. That being said, I have no clue what arena net’s intent is for the direction of soloque.

Current meta – The current meta is absolute kitten, that all is to be said.

TP/TC Leaving – Tis dark days for the guild wars 2 community, Tp/Tc was really the only noteworthy team that I can think of that has been around since the beta weekend events. They were important figureheads for the community and will be missed. They were screwed over because Anet was apparently unable to get some legal issues fixed or some BS like that. Alas, thank you TP for what you did over the course of one year in gw2.

Moderation over the forums – I agree with the people that have stated that Arena net is quick to act to sensor or delete particular forum material, but is slow to act in actual relevant topics. I can recall a time in which a thread which I believe ostrich posted, which concerned a huge issue due a patch, that had prevented players from queing up for tourneys. It took at least 4 days for arena net to even respond to this thread with 50+ posts from players that were negatively affected due to a problem caused by arena net. In the mean time you have devs/mods posting quirky comments essentially making fun of their own kittenty meta in their own kittenty pvp.

This game is Schwahrheit's favorite phrase

in PvP

Posted by: BryBry.8409


Now for my take on the current state of warrior:
As probably none of you know, I have played warrior since the betas , I am not a big name player nor am I good player, but I, as anyone else can see, that right now warrior is an absolute disgrace to any pvp balance. Now, I understand that many warriors probably feel justified in their buff, as demonstrated by the countless warrior QQ threads for months, and now that the warrior has not only been buffed to “viability in their minds” but mind blowing ridiculousness, those original warrior QQ thread posters have disappeared. I believe that those players that have now disappeared from the forums are an absolute disgrace, as now that they have their little broken face roll joke of balance they no longer provide their “insightful constructive comments” that was ever prevalent in their crusade for “warrior viability”. Instead, those players that once ran rampant with QQ on the forums disappear and now allow a broken warrior to rampant in pvp.

Personally, I believed that warrior was completely fine before Arena net started breaking the class a month or two ago. Warrior was countered heavily by conditions, which was completely fine, there were alternatives to this for a warrior to take. A warrior could use several methods to deal with conditions, such as melandru runes or signet of stamina, yes these would decrease the damage output in trade for more anti condition survivability. This was completely balanced though, as you trade damage for more survivability, a very simple concept to understand. Then cleansing ire was implemented, allowing warriors to clear condis via burst skills, once again you would sacrifice damage for survivability. Up to this point warriors were completely fine, they had very viable ways to sacrifice damage for more survivability, aka balance.

Now what we have in the current state of warriors is an absolute joke. With the buff to healing signet, granting warriors a passive base heal of 400 per second, it gave warriors huge sustain especially in 1v1s. Add that on with the fact that 90% warriors are probably running that with triple stance, is this not so similar to the old school triple cantrip eles. In three stances you get 2 stun breaks, 8 base seconds of stab, 4 seconds of immunity to physical damage, and 8 seconds of immunity to condition damage. It is very easy to argue that triple stance and healing signet is even more broken than triple cantrip eles. But not only do warriors have access to all this, they are also allowed to run cleansing ire, hammer cd reduction, a passive stab proc, melandru runes/lyssa runes, and burst mastery, essentially making warriors so tanky that they can run a zerker ammy and still be tanky. But wait, lets not forget about the fact that warriors can run soldiers amulet, making them even more tanky, and still does insane amounts of damage due to the 10 point trait of unsuspecting foe. So essentially, what you have is a warrior that can do 10+ k damage in one hammer combo while their enemy is stunned the entire time, or a warrior that had a 4 second stun skull crack with no animation on an 8 second cool down. Now I highly doubt anyone is actually enjoying playing against this, I mean like come on the guy is just whiffing all his stuns but has so much sustain that he is going to kill you eventually. And as far as playing a 3x stance, healing signet warrior, I don’t know how you could actually enjoy just running around demolishing people while not even outplaying them.

As a result of all this what you have is Schwahrheit’s favorite phrase, “Pathetic Trash.”

I would now like to conclude with some quotes:

“Superior … superior … superior” – Hiba

“c’est la vie” – Ostrich

“I’m an idiot” – pandaaz (stobes)

“some day i’ll be king” – Symbaaaaa

“brb walking 20 miles at disney” Sataa

This game is Schwahrheit's favorite phrase

in PvP

Posted by: Asomal.6453


“I’m Batman!” – Batman

This game is Schwahrheit's favorite phrase

in PvP

Posted by: stobes.9254


im an idiot. /15char


This game is Schwahrheit's favorite phrase

in PvP

Posted by: saVdoom.2067



+1 Bry, completely agree.

This game is Schwahrheit's favorite phrase

in PvP

Posted by: Merlin Dyfed Avalon.5046

Merlin Dyfed Avalon.5046

“Wir haben es night gewusst” – A-net.

54 infractions and counting because a moderator doesn’t understand a joke when he/she sees it.