This game needs a surrender function.
Instant new game mode: Red Resign
Instant new game mode: Red Resign
The wiki makes it sound like Anet got rid of hero battles in order to stop red resigning.. is that so? (if yes: that’s hilarious and sad at the same time!)
No-one was playing it except on Red Resign days. They didn’t have to kill the whole game mode, they could have just stopped the Zaishen quest. But scads of people were doing it.
Give /resign a week and half the PvE population would be farming it.
I don’t think that’s a bad idea, everyone in the team would have to agree though.
i agree with op
but this game needs a class ban function too
However, if someone leaves the team, would a function like this then accept a full resign if the remaining 4 resigned?
Afaik, HB was removed predominantely because of the imbalances that supposedly could not be fixed – a lot of them had to do with AI (ab)use.
(Translation: lack of will and resources to balance it, given most of those have already been transferred to GW2).
Instant new game mode: Red Resign
The wiki makes it sound like Anet got rid of hero battles in order to stop red resigning.. is that so? (if yes: that’s hilarious and sad at the same time!)
I see a pattern in their actions
Also at least in solo-q I don’t think we’d see anything like red resign, because the entire team would need to be pve’ers wanting to finish fast for that to work
I guess if you gave dishonor for resigning… I just think its too easily exploitable with custom arenas. Then you’ve got everyone wanting to resign when they get 10 points down and raging at the guy who’s trying to play. Not worth it.
Can’t really imagine playing random arenas on GW1 without it..or any pvp format, for that matter.
Different PvP though. In RA, you get faction for kills and more rank for win streaks, so coordinated resigning doesn’t achieve anything. It was only really viable in HB for the Zaishen quest.