This game starts be Mesmers vs Guardian

This game starts be Mesmers vs Guardian

in PvP

Posted by: Kaim.7125


Keep it going, and little more u can call this game MvsG2. Did someone from “UP” look sometime how sPvP starts look like? Today sPvP 8vs8 – opose team 5 guardian, my team 6 mesmers… JUST GREAT GAME. 1 hour later I find answer why all players roll guard/mesm… 3 vs 1 guard and all fight looks like
“shielded-shielded-shielded”x 15, then BAM! Great push off/fast hp regen and agin same bullkitten. 3 players who make CC,DoT,Nuke wasynt enable kill that OP (plz without nonsens L2P) class in less than minute. In the end, he push us all when laydown at gorund- and his mates come to help.

Mesmers are for now just one big joke. When u fight with 6 mesmers- from a secound u got 21 characters at objective- oh and good luck with finish him off at ground

Srsly I TRY HARD, but still dont understand one thing- why the hell dont give SAME SKILLS to ALL CLASSES when they at ground? Couse its “more esport, and tactical”?

Sorry but this is bullkitten- for now GW2 can only DREAM abut esports, sPvP is broken with guardians/mesmers (thief mayby got huge dmg… but in what cost? 13k hp…), underwater fight is just… oh, no word how to call this random chaos- better just make this underwater objective at SHIP. Everyone PvP player waiting for this sPvP blog, and hope it will be worth of this time.

This game starts be Mesmers vs Guardian

in PvP

Posted by: GankSinatra.2653


Dodge more

Burst harder

learn to see the mesmer

learn to play

Are some of the things you’ll hear. Cant disagree that the game feels a tad faceroll-ey at the moment though.

This game starts be Mesmers vs Guardian

in PvP

Posted by: Kaim.7125


Ok i can see 1 who copy to 4, but when 2-3 starts runing around? 12 characters? Burst harder? Everyone at healthy brain know thats rip off HP over POWER is mistake. 18K HP is absolutly minimum for sPvP. And man… shielded shielded shielded? Guy is imortal for 4-5s so burst give nothing.

This game starts be Mesmers vs Guardian

in PvP

Posted by: UptheIronz.6732


We Know We Know They Are Overpowered , nothing is being done cause Anet wants to fix the classes bug first , but this is huge mistakes load of people are loosing interest , guardians and mesmers both needs a look at to be less appealing atm they are really way strong

This game starts be Mesmers vs Guardian

in PvP

Posted by: Strongfort.2451


Thesmerian Wars 2

This game starts be Mesmers vs Guardian

in PvP

Posted by: GankSinatra.2653


dodge more is thief defense

burst harder is guardian defense

learn to see mesmer is mesmer defense

The argument or situation used has no bearing on these statements.

Learn to play is something everyone uses in defense. but ofcourse that only includes thiefs, mesmers and guardians. It also appears more when the person in question just killed some newbies in 8v8 and still feels a little excited both up- and downstairs.

(edited by GankSinatra.2653)

This game starts be Mesmers vs Guardian

in PvP

Posted by: Effusion.4831


Burst smarter, not harder.


This game starts be Mesmers vs Guardian

in PvP

Posted by: Elevated.9752


I love when i get barated and harassed in game when I mention that mesmers/guardians are the best tournament professions. I can’t stand getting attacked when mentioning facts.

This game starts be Mesmers vs Guardian

in PvP

Posted by: Kaim.7125


Hard burst something what is shielded over 5s+ and make pushes (IMHO this only ruin game. 1s fly 1s land 2s standing… no way to use signet to accelerate this proces, its more potencial than stun) + heal like crazy. Dodge? Ok 2 dodge then what? escape? ruining around like chicken ? Even if u take him ground (with almost no HP) first u got agin “rocket fuellkitten kick” and fly intro nearest wall, then he just drain off ur HP with atack.

This game starts be Mesmers vs Guardian

in PvP

Posted by: Chris.7653


Ok i can see 1 who copy to 4, but when 2-3 starts runing around? 12 characters? Burst harder? Everyone at healthy brain know thats rip off HP over POWER is mistake. 18K HP is absolutly minimum for sPvP. And man… shielded shielded shielded? Guy is imortal for 4-5s so burst give nothing.

Before making yet ANOTHER thread on this, I suggest reading the forums and contributing to those threads.

As far as a lot of what you say, yes there are balance issues an ANet has come out and said that they want to fix the bugs and then address these issue (probably will be doing both at the same time)

One thing though that your post screams, is that you haven’t tried a lot of strategy when going against these classes. Both are fairly simple to counter and is handled differently by each class.

Guardians if they are tank specced are basically there to survive long enough to hold a point until back up arrives. If they are offensive then they are left with 13/14k HP and die very quickly unless they are good at bouncing in and out of the fight which is true with all classes.

Mesmer is easier, just look for the only one moving like it’s not a computer player, target them and put a bullseye above their head, now you are easily tracking the real one.

So please before you further contribute to the forums degradation please think of strategies and view other threads.

This game starts be Mesmers vs Guardian

in PvP

Posted by: Kaim.7125


Still, it dont answer- why sPvP players reroll to those 2 classes. For me answer is easy and clear- they just OP, and dont need such skill like at glass-canon thief/ele or ranger.
For you guard/mesm are still “easy to counter”, and at this logic 50% sPvP players take easy to counter class like guard/mesm? Sorry but no

This game starts be Mesmers vs Guardian

in PvP

Posted by: Coolant.9732


Still, it dont answer- why sPvP players reroll to those 2 classes. For me answer is easy and clear- they just OP, and dont need such skill like at glass-canon thief/ele or ranger.
For you guard/mesm are still “easy to counter”, and at this logic 50% sPvP players take easy to counter class like guard/mesm? Sorry but no

You make little to no sense and seem to be crying.

Coolant/Toolant – Team Fixation

This game starts be Mesmers vs Guardian

in PvP

Posted by: UptheIronz.6732


well his concerns are legit though , can we deny that ? not really

This game starts be Mesmers vs Guardian

in PvP

Posted by: Coolant.9732


His concerns really aren’t based on much other than he sees a lot of x class in a hot join match. Just because he has issues killing something 1v1 doesn’t mean that it is imbalanced.

Coolant/Toolant – Team Fixation

This game starts be Mesmers vs Guardian

in PvP

Posted by: hauskamies.9683


Hot join is sadly hot join. Roll an engineer and you will have a field day with guardians.

This game starts be Mesmers vs Guardian

in PvP

Posted by: Kaim.7125


Just showin one thing- there is 8 classes in game, and in sPvP (at torunmanet even worst) only 2. People buy this game for all 8 playable characters not 2. I can be a jerk and take that OP class then start nerding around (oh those sweet “L2P”) that game is balanced and everything is fine. But its not. Srsly one-two mouths and there will be only 2 class at PvP if admins dont FIX IT FAST.

This game starts be Mesmers vs Guardian

in PvP

Posted by: hauskamies.9683


Just showin one thing- there is 8 classes in game, and in sPvP (at torunmanet even worst) only 2.

Have you ever even played a tpvp match? In tpvp you see much more profession variety than you see in spvp.

This game starts be Mesmers vs Guardian

in PvP

Posted by: aydenunited.5729


What hauskamies said.

Kaim has no more played any organized tPvP than I am a giraffe. The best teams in sPvP have a variety of profs, with no more than 2 of the same typically of any class.

Jumzi (Ranger), Tarnished Coast

This game starts be Mesmers vs Guardian

in PvP

Posted by: Aether McLoud.1975

Aether McLoud.1975

I’m starting to lose interest fast in the game. 90% of pvp is made up of Guardian/Mesmer/Thief/Warrior. You don’t even see other classes anymore in sPVP because everyone rolled one of the only 4 viable ones.

This game starts be Mesmers vs Guardian

in PvP

Posted by: Xaximbo.2763


People has not learnt to fight against a mesmer and in fact it’skittensimple:

-Skip illusions (those who are exactly like the retail mesmer)
-See those purple colored phantoms? Go kill them , they hurt a lot and 50% of the damage output from a mesmer comes here.
If you have a massive aoe skill like the “0” skill from thieves that dances throwing daggers use it you’ll kill all the illusions and damage the mesmer, without illusions his damage it’s minimal, receives more damage etc…

It’s relatively easy to know which is the real one: If it has chaos armor it’s the real one, if it moves while ataccking is the real one, if uses anything else than the “1” skill is the real one. When mesmers switch weapons in fact you can see 3 clones hitting you but almost without damage on melee range and another throwing you bolts far, evidence of which one is real is clear.

Another thing about mesmers is that they don’t have a proper spamable snare so getting to where they are shouldn’t be hard, if they are using torch they can go stealth, kill the ilusions in the meantime (if he has no illusions the distraction is minimal) and roll (V) after 4 seconds because it’s going to open you with a combo most likely if he is using swords (or to flee)

Downed state¿? Hit previously to check their life and use TAB to discover where he landed after cloning.

Mesmer is not OP, people are underpowered because they are lazy and don’t know the mechanics of each class, go play them to discover their weakness…

When people start knowing these you won’t see that much OP classes, noobs play what is fashionable at the moment, specially if it’s easy (thats why you have seen so much warriors and thieves at the start) now, people seem to don’t know how to deal with mesmers and thats why you see so much rerolling.

(edited by Xaximbo.2763)

This game starts be Mesmers vs Guardian

in PvP

Posted by: Gelrod.1295


I’m starting to lose interest fast in the game. 90% of pvp is made up of Guardian/Mesmer/Thief/Warrior. You don’t even see other classes anymore in sPVP because everyone rolled one of the only 4 viable ones.

These are just the easiest classes to pubstomp with. In tournaments you see every class (though some more often than others).

This game starts be Mesmers vs Guardian

in PvP

Posted by: Kalar Meadia.8439

Kalar Meadia.8439

You know, I see thieves more than any other of the classes. Mesmers are pretty high population too, I’ll admit. Guardians, they’re on Par with Warriors.

Problem is, the classes that are starting to stomp players now? Necromancers, Engineers, Rangers (You darn Condition Rangers, I swear!). Players are learning and adapting to the Meta already and rolling counter-builds to the popular ones.

This game starts be Mesmers vs Guardian

in PvP

Posted by: Spicyhash.7605


Killing phantasms might actually be viable except don’t mesmers have some trait that spawns another when they dodge?


This game starts be Mesmers vs Guardian

in PvP

Posted by: Danicco.3568


Someone’s mad for losing to Mesmers and Guardians lol

Let me tell you a secret… when a Guardian’s blocking, FLASH NEWS, he’s not damaging you! So you lost a long lasting match against a Guardian because you’re full stacked on damage and none on protection/health sustain?

Same for Mesmers. You can’t decide which one to attack, even though there’s 4 or 8 or 12, all the while they hitting you for their hardest ubbersome ultimate… 400 damage? Oh but you have the lowest health probably with the lowest toughness so it’s probably a little more than that…

I don’t even know why I post in these threads, it’s always the same crap. Next time I get killed from a Warrior that chain stuns me with whatever 2 skills they have that locks me and 100 Blades me down to 0%, I’ll write in the forums about it!
Or when I face a Thief that chain stealths/dazes/stuns sequentially so perfectly timed that makes me feel I barely touched him when I’m dead.
Or when that Ranger turns on that 200 Arrows thing for 10k+ damage when I’m out of ranged defensive options…
Or when that Elementalist combo one of their awesome, but crappy (because it kills me) skills for 10k+ damage with stuns and immobilizes…

I think the only professions that I kill with ease are ok. That’d be Necromancers and Guardians.

So, to ArenaNet, please remove all professions except for these two because they’re the only ones balanced.


This game starts be Mesmers vs Guardian

in PvP

Posted by: Freakiie.8940


That’s a clone, not a phantasm. Also if you see the Mesmer dodge = real deal.

Mesmers generally have 2 Phantasms (one on each weaponset) that do damage. There are utility phantasms, however these are utility and don’t do very high damage. Also since there’s a 3 illusions maximum, 3 phantasms means no clones.

The clones have some easy tells. They use no offhand, they don’t have buffs like Chaos Armor, they barely move unless their target moves out of range, they only auto atk and they do barely any dmg.

Against heavy AoE it quite often happens my phantasms die before they can really get their atk up and I’m left with barely any damage.

This game starts be Mesmers vs Guardian

in PvP

Posted by: urdriel.8496


Or when that Ranger turns on that 200 Arrows thing for 10k+ damage when I’m out of ranged defensive options…

ranged defensive option?? <-Use wasd to avoid arrows…

Rangers have a skill that hit you for 10k fast?? really?? <—sry but, a thief with bow have skills that deals more damage than all Rangers skills (and he can SPAM 3-4 each time)…