(edited by bhagwad.4281)
This happens when you Don't Communicate
Im afraid theres no solution to human behavior that can be coded. The best thing u can try and do is to form a team and run premades. As someone who solo ques for the bulk of my games, I can relate to this pain.
And now look at the glory ranks…
This is not only because of the communication. Experienced players look at the mini map and know where to go.
But I don’t think rank 1 or 3 are experienced.
I have about 50 percent wins and 50 percent loses and there is never communication and I also have seen wins with 500 to 1xx with no communication sometimes even if glory ranks(hopefully they get that new rating somehow into numbers and display it somewhere in game in the future) were lower on the own team… a bit higher at 10+ I think it is possible.
But rank 1 or 3… they are new they might not even know the map that well and just play tournament because they want more reward(the chest you can get).
Ya they were prolly wondering why the highest rank member on the team was asking them for a strategy
Lol does anyone think that high ranking members are gods or something? . That’s a polite way of saying “let’s collaborate and hammer out a strategy”. It’s more polite than “This is what you have to do”.
(edited by bhagwad.4281)
And now look at the glory ranks…
This is not only because of the communication. Experienced players look at the mini map and know where to go.But I don’t think rank 1 or 3 are experienced.
I have about 50 percent wins and 50 percent loses and there is never communication and I also have seen wins with 500 to 1xx with no communication sometimes even if glory ranks(hopefully they get that new rating somehow into numbers and display it somewhere in game in the future) were lower on the own team… a bit higher at 10+ I think it is possible.
But rank 1 or 3… they are new they might not even know the map that well and just play tournament because they want more reward(the chest you can get).
I can understand if someone doesn’t know the map. That’s cool. In which case you need to just ask “Where do I go?”. If they don’t know the points I can simply say “Follow xyz person”.
Any of that is better than just keeping quiet and hoping you’ll win the match by magic.
I agree you were nice about it and didn’t know their ranks at the start so don’t take me the wrong way but they may have liked some guidance.
Many people don’t outright like being told what to do. I want to work with people not boss them around. So I indicate that I’m willing to talk and if people would like some help I can provide them with support…
But without that it’s not nice for one person to impose themselves onto a group of others no matter how low their rank is.
Even if I knew they were all r1, I would still have said the same thing…
From the looks of it you had children on the team and you was the only adult lols, but yeah I know your pain. It is sad when everyone who enters in Tpvp atmosphere treat it like a regular hotjoin instead of adapting.
I won some rounds because half of my opponent’s team was chasing me down while my team back capped their nodes. I guess they never seen a bunker regen warrior before and not that they heal much either because the banner of tactics burst heal is bugged, but its a rare sight to see that build often.
Lol. Had just some guy… that tried to communicate… some kitten
He was guardian and said “I go temple 1 come with me and def. Stop running around.”
We were running around… but capturing other stuff and we were winning 400 to 250 it was and he said again we should go to def with him or he would go afk then he said “ok afk” and went afk…
There really should be more options to report not only botting, name and stuff. He obviously did not like that we did not do what he wanted and still won(but made it a bit harder for us at the end). And then saying “please win for me” and with 45 points on the score list at the bottom.
Then better no communication lol. That guy probably would have ignored all the buffs letting others get tranquility AND stillness.
I just keep talking. Can’t resist. :p Wether they answer or not. But i agree, it can cause frustration. But nothing that’ll fix that. It’s not even ’cus of low rank.
Bring back: ‘Gamer’ title + MAT’s!
Throw out: Hotjoin!
An in game VOIP function that would allow ppl int the same tournament to join it?
Wouldn’t it be awesome?
Must not be easy to implement thoug…
You had a rank 1 and 3, a 3v5 won’t really ever turn out well for you while pugging.
It’s because you don’t know how to talk to them brah.
It’s more like this
“Ranger go alter, 3 of you to gate while I roll my face on keyboard”.
Strategy in this game is very fluid. Any plan that you try to set at the beginning is going to go right out the window after the first minute of play.
If you can’t do arithmetic on the fly or don’t have the stones to run around the map like it’s mario kart, then you might want to check out a different game.
I fight people, sometimes they kill me, sometimes I kill them. Fun is had by all. [/quote]
Strategy in this game is very fluid. Any plan that you try to set at the beginning is going to go right out the window after the first minute of play.
If you can’t do arithmetic on the fly or don’t have the stones to run around the map like it’s mario kart, then you might want to check out a different game.
Defining roles is very important. It’s not as simple as “you go here, you go there”. Proper strategy beforehand can last for the whole game.
Btw this is also not to minimize the importance of the first minute. The momentum gained in the first few minutes can have a lasting impact on the remainder. So don’t underestimate that either.
You had a rank 1 and 3, a 3v5 won’t really ever turn out well for you while pugging.
No matter how outmatched, I like to put up a good fight. By not communicating we ruined whatever little chance we had in the first place.
I would refuse to lay down and die even if every other person on the team was r1.
Ya they were prolly wondering why the highest rank member on the team was asking them for a strategy
Lol does anyone think that high ranking members are gods or something?
. That’s a polite way of saying “let’s collaborate and hammer out a strategy”. It’s more polite than “This is what you have to do”.
I’m all for collaboration but there is a point there. A lot of people don’t really want to think about things but don’t mind if you ask them to do something. Saying “can ranger get altar, and rest go mid?” in team chat is sometimes your best option.
Off topic
Scepter/Sword Moa..cond dmg? No portal? wtf? u.u
(edited by Archaon.6245)
You had a rank 1 and 3, a 3v5 won’t really ever turn out well for you while pugging.
No matter how outmatched, I like to put up a good fight. By not communicating we ruined whatever little chance we had in the first place.
I would refuse to lay down and die even if every other person on the team was r1.
Sure, who doesn’t like to put up a good fight.
But this a clear case of failed matchmaking, for the most part irrelevant from your pre-game plan QQ.
Yes working out a general strat is nice in a pug match, no it is not necessary most of the time to have a good game (at least that I have noticed).
(edited by garethh.3518)
You had a rank 1 and 3, a 3v5 won’t really ever turn out well for you while pugging.
By not communicating we ruined whatever little chance we had in the first place.
Dw, you had none to start with.
(edited by KarlaGrey.5903)
Is it possible to bind a text ? I like to chat during the fight. But have not time during fight to write: “Temple 3 enemies. Need help”. Is it possible to bind stuff like that ?
i actually come from the opposite end. i’m relatively new to tPvP, learning all the maps and how to play. i can say i am comfortable with most of them now, though probably shortcuts i still don’t know about / strategies.
and if not in a pre-made, i’ll ask or let people know what i’ll be up to or how we want to approach this but most of the time, i get nothing back either. and it is sort of a maybe 60/40 chance that we’ll lose when that happens. so i guess, more often than not to a certain degree. though i will always have fun. when your teammates leave match beacuse you’re doing poorly but do nothing to try to make a difference though.. that’s a different story in itself i guess though.
Akaigi | Warrior Made of Wood
[CDS] – Sanctum of Rall
Bhagwad, look at the ranks of your team and then look back at your post.
By now you should know that your post has no sense or anything of that nature.
Bhagwad, look at the ranks of your team and then look back at your post.
By now you should know that your post has no sense or anything of that nature.
Low ranks are not stupid. Neither does it mean they can’t put up a good fight. I don’t mind losing. I mind losing when we could have easily done much better.
Worst thing that can happen:
Point is under attack
A player thinks: kitten it’s under attack! What should i do? They may need my help! I could ask, but they won’t be able to tell: they are fighting! I’m sitting here doing nothing. What if no one goes? If I don’t go, and the enemy takes it, it will be my fault! I better go!
Problem: everyone thought the same thing… and now you have your entire team zerging the point. XD
Maybe we should be able to see the enemies our allies are fighting against: this way we would be able to know how bad is a fight before diciding whether to join it or not. Something all premades with voice chat can do.
Another thing: as of now, each time you try to defend a point being captured you are taking a guess: what if there are 3 people there? You have no way to go, except maybe doing a survey on your teammates, asking how many are they fighting.
If it was only one player capping the point, going in more than one could be a bad idea: you could make the team exposed somewhere else.
because he doesn’t know it himself
(edited by redslion.9675)
Bhagwad, look at the ranks of your team and then look back at your post.
By now you should know that your post has no sense or anything of that nature.Low ranks are not stupid. Neither does it mean they can’t put up a good fight. I don’t mind losing. I mind losing when we could have easily done much better.
No Bhagwad why argue with him when he doesn’t realize sometimes high ranks players can be playing on low ranks accounts. That’s not rocket science…that’s playing subtle so no one knows who you truly are :P.
It can be beta players as well.
maybe they dont talk/understand english(i know a lot ppl which know only few english words and play games fine) or maybe they dont care about winning, i always want win and get some reward, but thats my problem and some ppl just play game for fun(when i asked some ppl about sPVP and that it seems unrewarding for me they told me that i missing fun to play)
well you have no limit per day for tournament(i know games which have, but for rewards you can buy things which make you stronger) so you can do it all day
Bhagwad, look at the ranks of your team and then look back at your post.
By now you should know that your post has no sense or anything of that nature.Low ranks are not stupid. Neither does it mean they can’t put up a good fight. I don’t mind losing. I mind losing when we could have easily done much better.
No Bhagwad why argue with him when he doesn’t realize sometimes high ranks players can be playing on low ranks accounts. That’s not rocket science…that’s playing subtle so no one knows who you truly are :P.
It can be beta players as well.
It’s more likely that a high rank players is playing a new class and then playing like a noob than having experienced players at low rank. Why would a beta player just start now to play or some high rank player play on low rank account? I know it from another game that was free… people liked to make it unbalanced to win because there team was really stronger but the system did now know that because they had a new account.
Of course it still is possible in Guild Wars 2 that this is happening. But I don’t think it is very likely. Especially not for 2 low ranks in 1 team.
Worst thing that can happen:
Maybe we should be able to see the enemies our allies are fighting against: this way we would be able to know how bad is a fight before diciding whether to join it or not. Something all premades with voice chat can do.
A better map would solve all the problems.
Being more clear, being able to easily ping and put an arrow to where you are heading allong with it showing enemy players would do wonders.
Right now it is terrible, your own players are in like a light green circle or something like that that is an utter pain to spot off the fly… and that’s it.
Being able to customize UI would be cool too… to enlarge the map itself, maybe move it to a different corner.
(edited by garethh.3518)
Yeah. That would be nice. Also someone suggested voice commands. Even some text chat only macros would help and buttons and hotkeys for them…
especially on Maps like the Temple of the Silent Storm which is in tournament at the moment where you also have buffs you need to watch and maybe want others to remind but can’t type because you are in a fight.
I have had luck just stating a strategy when entering the map. Usually at least one will respond, and the rest follow the 2 that are on the same page, so it works (kinda, its not like a premade with voice).
Rank is meaningless. I have beaten premades with a 4 players all under rank 10 on my team. Some guys get it, some don’t, and the number of matches you’ve played isn’t always the best indicator of understanding. Is more experience better? Of course, but it isn’t the only thing.
People who PvP successfully are generally abrupt in their statements, not because they are rude, but because time is a factor. Try being more direct, because asking tends to burn that precious time that you have before the match starts, which is the best time to get people on the same page.
Personally, I reached rank 20 testing so many different builds, I got proficiency with none. Except with engi bunker.
And again: maybe a low rank may be a veteran in WvW and he knows how to fight.
because he doesn’t know it himself
Due to not having a team for now I played around 50 games of solo Q and I did learn some important lessons.
ANet are not likely to update the game to cater for solo Q any time soon so hopefully I can help you guys deal with the problem. Of course I fully understand that players are never going be guarrenteed to listen/be decent but this is to maximize your team’s potential with minimum communication from the random players.
- When the game starts tell your team where to go, even if you’re not the expert in tactics, a slightly more co-ordinated team is better than a completely unco-ordinated team. Failing as a team is better than failing as individuals.
Some of this falls under my next point; be specific.
- You have to be more specific, I learnt this when playing Natural Selection 2 (in the endless hours before GW2’s release). When playing the commander I’d give general orders (ie. “I need some people back at base”) and people started complaining or just ignoring me, assuming somebody else would be that ‘some people’. You have to use names or proffessions if they’re the only one of their class.
Things like “2 Temple” will not prompt a response from any but the best players, you’re not playing with these players so why would you communicate if they were them?
- Tell them things, explain the mid buff is at 11:30 and all buffs at 8:30. Say that there’s 1minute left on these buffs then 30seconds left, tell them who is to go to the buffs. I do this every game, regardless of hotjoin, tpvp on vent, tpvp soloq.
Control Click your skills when using important ones (eg. Stand Your Ground, any snare) so that they can co-ordinate. Even if it means 1 person doesn’t use their stability because you already did. You just gained an advantage.
I hope this helps people, I understand that some people can’t type that fast but you can try. Or copy paste it from notepad.
I used to complain a ton about ANet not fixing the game, but the people who succeed are the ones who adapt to what they’ve developed long enough so that they can fix it. Sucks but it’s either that or lose.
I have had luck just stating a strategy when entering the map. Usually at least one will respond, and the rest follow the 2 that are on the same page, so it works (kinda, its not like a premade with voice).
Rank is meaningless. I have beaten premades with a 4 players all under rank 10 on my team. Some guys get it, some don’t, and the number of matches you’ve played isn’t always the best indicator of understanding. Is more experience better? Of course, but it isn’t the only thing.
People who PvP successfully are generally abrupt in their statements, not because they are rude, but because time is a factor. Try being more direct, because asking tends to burn that precious time that you have before the match starts, which is the best time to get people on the same page.
I don’t think “burning time” is a problem in this case because it’s not as if the rest of them were engaged in some crucial game changing discussion. They were just hanging around doing god knows what.
Personally, I reached rank 20 testing so many different builds, I got proficiency with none. Except with engi bunker.
And again: maybe a low rank may be a veteran in WvW and he knows how to fight.
As a player who’s currently transitioning from WvW to tPvP, I’ve found that my ability to win fight means next to nothing if I’m not positioned correctly on the map.
On TotSS, a player who’s terrible at fighting but knows all of the buff spawn timers is worth much more than a player who knows how to fight but has no idea what Tranquility does.