This last patch = GG

This last patch = GG

in PvP

Posted by: Masternewbz.4953


This last patch showed how clueless Anet is : Buffed things that didnt need a buff, and nerfed things that didnt need a nerf.

Buff GS for mesmer: why? lol…

Nerf Quickness? It was never a problem ….

We were getting little improvements but this is completly absurd. This shows how they dont even know their own game….

They should have buffed useless traits and skills so we would have more build diversity, the common builds were almost all balanced…

This last patch = GG

in PvP

Posted by: chrisk.4320


tl;dr: they nerfed me and buffed others, qq.

This last patch = GG

in PvP

Posted by: Masternewbz.4953


tl;dr: they nerfed me and buffed others, qq.

not really. I main mesmer and ele. ( both got buffed ).

I am not a trash player like yourself lol. only bad players think the patch was good, i havent seen 1 good player like the patch.

Ask the top 100 QP leaderboards what they think about the patch and you will see it.

This last patch = GG

in PvP

Posted by: Doctor Orderly MD PhD DDS.7625

Doctor Orderly MD PhD DDS.7625


Nerf Quickness? It was never a problem ….



Quickness was like the main problem of this game.