This matchmaking is a failure
soon, hotjoin will be merged into arena because not enough players
The only exclusive skyhammer stream
soon, hotjoin will be merged into arena because not enough players
I thought that is what they called Unranked? Hotjoin+Arena
This is an mmo forum, if someone isn’t whining chances are the game is dead.
For me, I always enjoy playing against the best of players. Winning doesn’t mean much to me, playing against better players allows you to analyze what they do to be successful and show what you can do. This should allow you to improve as a player. Also, who are these teams going to get matched up against in the better matchmaking scenario? It isn’t like there are a lot of teams on this level.
extra dodges, real stability, mobility skills,
burst skills, sustain, or good support. GG ANET.
What was you’re actual score?
I’ve come up against them as well. Wasn’t a total blowout.
Space Marine Z [GLTY]
I have to say, ive been extremely patient with the matchmaker. it’s been a disaster. matches are almost always blowouts, in favour of one team or the other. skill levels are stacked, profs are stacked, amulets are stacked (double cele ele anyone?) and poorly distributed. I don’t remember the last time I had a good, close game. and no, I don’t enjoy stomping people either.
like many others ive lost hope, and usually end up playing dota 2. im looking forward to pvp’s revival when the xpac hits, not to mention a cele nerf, which must be coming. until then, take pvp for what it is – a big joke. /goes back to dota 2 and other games all sad
(edited by mistsim.2748)
Matchmaking has to be fixed/adjusted, take number of matches played into account or use some other indicator because it happened that i felt absolutely terrible for steamrolling a full guild premade in pretty much their first match ever.
That’s not how you get people to play pvp. If it happens to them more than once, it will eventually discourage them and it’s NOT what experienced pvpers want from their matches either.
This matchmaking is just so flawed for so many reasons as the others above me mention. No competitiveness (therfore no fun for even the winning team), discouraging experiences, cant plan strategies because of the wildly differing skill levels (cele ele dies to thief for example, which would never happen on the same skill level). And the list goes on…
But if we only complain about this, changes will only come slowly or not at all. I suggest we should try to recruit more peeps to play the game. That would solve the player base issue and the resource issue for more development/balance. If we want Anet to do more than it is doing now we gotta make their gemstore stacked with money. Simple as that… Ok, this should be the responsibility of their marketing team; but they are not doing a good enough job, it seems… And until they make enough money to dedicate more workforce to the pvp community all we gonna get are nice PR terms and promises. No money, no game!
And finally lets see my latest example:
(edited by Nimrud.5642)
The people that can’t understand where us in favor of a true solo queue are coming from are either the types of players that love to premade stomp pugs or the type of players that just defend whatever the developers currently have in game no matter what.
I believe there is a circle of influence creating the environment we have now: dev’s implement a really great queue system, dev’s implement a really awesome MMR system, players feel like the games are going good, the players tell their friends about how good things are going, the playerbase grows, the dev’s see what has been working for them and the community and strengthen and refine
It’s a good idea to form a team, if you don’t enjoy losing because you’re uncoordinated and forced to fight with random PUGs.
More solo guys should just team up and give themselves a chance to win.
Or lets do it the other way around:
No more soloq, only full teams. No more QQ as it’s a teamgame after all. Less stress put on the matchmaking.
Would at least create a more competitive scene.
But this won’t happen of course.
Bring back: ‘Gamer’ title + MAT’s!
Throw out: Hotjoin!
i don’t think it’s just a matchmaking issue though. I think I figured out what the problem is…the game is actually balanced around rock, paper, scissors. there are obvious hard counters in the game, thief vs. Mesmer being the most obvious one. it took me a long time to realize this.
so in a system that doesn’t give a hoot about prof/amulet stacking, it’s easy to see how having a bunch of celestial eles and warriors on one team, vs. a bunch of mixed amulets, leads to a blowout. or how having a balanced team vs. a bunch of glassbows and necros (or anything that can’t roam and/or hold a point) on the same team leads to a blowout.
1. eliminate rock, paper, scissors balance and balance around 1v1; i.e. every profession should be able to hold a point as well as cele d/d ele or shoutbow, or roam as well as a thief
2. or allow us to pick our profession and spec AFTER the queue pops, like in dota 2. dota 2 uses the RPS approach perfectly.
TLDR – blowouts don’t occus just because of the matchmaker; it seems devs don’t know which approach to take to balance the game; there are rock, paper, scissors elements but we aren’t permitted to choose our prof and spec after the queue pops, leading to blowouts; celestial specs are obviously the most superior ones in conquest; d/d ele is back to where it used to be in 2013, thieves are as strong as ever and contribute to hardcounters greatly.
(edited by mistsim.2748)
soon, hotjoin will be merged into arena because not enough players
I thought that is what they called Unranked? Hotjoin+Arena
hotjoin = practice button.
Soon, it will be just 1 button to PVP. No more practice/unranked/ranked buttons.
The only exclusive skyhammer stream
Or lets do it the other way around:
No more soloq, only full teams. No more QQ as it’s a teamgame after all. Less stress put on the matchmaking.
Would at least create a more competitive scene.But this won’t happen of course.
You don’t see that this would more than likely kill the pvp scene entirely? a large chunk of the playerbase would not waste the time making teams to wait in line for a match each time. The amount of players would dwindle down to a point where you would only have a few teams fighting at a time all together.
my matches are fairly balanced and hard fought 90% of the time.
rest 10% often enough something went wrong that wasn’t really the que’s fault (like, i might randomly dc once a day)
most of the time the system stacks a full premade against me i also have some kind of premade on my side or they aren’t really good and we can still compete.
extreme cases such as the OPs happened to me as well but they are actually very, very rare (1 in 50 match?), given, i play EU and the screen is obviously from NA i don’t know if there’s such a big difference.
blowout occasionally happen even if the 2 teams had close enough mmr, someone might be trying out a new build and do it in ranked for some silly reason, or just having a day off, or there can be some bad luck and it snowballs from there.
tl:dr: new que isn’t as bad as people -on the forum- say it is
I get really bad matches on the weekend and much better matchmaking during week.
edit: After typing this message I just played a game vs a death blossom condition thief and p/p thief that I could beat 1v1 without going below 100% HP, and the rest of the team was just as bad. I could seriously 1vs5 the entire enemy team(and I’m bad..), the score was like 150 to 500 having 3 nodes all game, they only killed the lord and got some player kills.
; ;
(edited by Shiyo.3578)
Or lets do it the other way around:
No more soloq, only full teams. No more QQ as it’s a teamgame after all. Less stress put on the matchmaking.
Would at least create a more competitive scene.But this won’t happen of course.
You don’t see that this would more than likely kill the pvp scene entirely? a large chunk of the playerbase would not waste the time making teams to wait in line for a match each time. The amount of players would dwindle down to a point where you would only have a few teams fighting at a time all together.
Probably. At this point anyway.
Worked in gw1 though.
Workaround (for a better competitive scene): give us automated tournameeeeents.
Bring back: ‘Gamer’ title + MAT’s!
Throw out: Hotjoin!
Question who do you want them to play? I face premades from guilds like cnk and gasm all the time and we were solo que players and we ended up winning alot of those matches.
Question seriously, would you rather them play a pre-made of very average players or 5 solo que players whos mmr are better then aveage? If you were making matches how would you make it? Just for rhetoric purposes argue it the other way?
These top teams have to play somebody and obviously the mm think there are only a select few who are capable of challenging there pre-made. Even watching the tourneys, the abjured and the dankening ran threw there first few match ups.
I just want to see what people have to say when arguing it the other way ……
Welp, just had a match against a premade as soloqueuing and to make it even better a new guy with 120ish ap was on my team.
…how? did that even work as matchmaking and why was that new guy even put into my team. Sometimes matchmaking is just so stupid.
The horrible truth about terrible matchmaking is simply because there aren’t enough players in spvp which is why it eventually just groups up random people to face whoever else is queuing up.
Please let me have a filter options that I can select for “No new players” “No vs premade”.
(edited by Groonz.7825)
Point of that screenshot?
gw2 is the most frustrating pvp iv ever played.. the teams are mind blowing bad every time.. is not even fun..
the last REVAMP pvp was a total SCAM by anet.. they literally didnt do anything.. matches are as broken as they were when the game started.. literally no improvements.. MMR is a jokein this game.. stack of classes.. penaltys.. everything they lied.. and havent even say anything about it..
It is working as intended. Now I am not saying it is anything close to perfect. I Just want to get people on the record. So the matcher should wait as long as it take to get appropriate matches even if the wait could be to just pull a number out of thin air as long as 30 minutes? Because if that is the case there are many people that would rather put up with occasional pummelings then wait that long. A lot of what we are seeing witht his match making is the result of a small pvp population. I am sure they could tighten things up but there will be an effect on queue times. You can say such and such shouldn’t ever happen until you are blue in the face but I personally will never be happy with queue times longer then about 5-10 minutes. I am here to play the game not sit around waiting.
cant plan strategies because of the wildly differing skill levels (cele ele dies to thief for example, which would never happen on the same skill level).
I agree with you: it’s the case generally. However, I’ve seen Magic Toker take down a cele ele on his own, on point, with every CD up in maybe 40s in the finals of a major tournament. But again, that guy’s crazy…
Welp, just had a match against a premade as soloqueuing and to make it even better a new guy with 120ish ap was on my team.
Just curious, how did you know that this player was new? I have an account with 270 AP which I use exclusively for PvP because I am actually based in NA and can’t get good matches on my EU account when I’m online.
Asura on patrol in defense of Gandara and Bessie!
Administrator of
i don’t think it’s just a matchmaking issue though. I think I figured out what the problem is…the game is actually balanced around rock, paper, scissors. there are obvious hard counters in the game, thief vs. Mesmer being the most obvious one. it took me a long time to realize this.
so in a system that doesn’t give a hoot about prof/amulet stacking, it’s easy to see how having a bunch of celestial eles and warriors on one team, vs. a bunch of mixed amulets, leads to a blowout. or how having a balanced team vs. a bunch of glassbows and necros (or anything that can’t roam and/or hold a point) on the same team leads to a blowout.
1. eliminate rock, paper, scissors balance and balance around 1v1; i.e. every profession should be able to hold a point as well as cele d/d ele or shoutbow, or roam as well as a thief
2. or allow us to pick our profession and spec AFTER the queue pops, like in dota 2. dota 2 uses the RPS approach perfectly.
TLDR – blowouts don’t occus just because of the matchmaker; it seems devs don’t know which approach to take to balance the game; there are rock, paper, scissors elements but we aren’t permitted to choose our prof and spec after the queue pops, leading to blowouts; celestial specs are obviously the most superior ones in conquest; d/d ele is back to where it used to be in 2013, thieves are as strong as ever and contribute to hardcounters greatly.
I strongly believe that MMOs are not for you, DOTA and similar games may be more of your liking, but definitely MMOS are not for you
Agree with OP
I had one 500/500 not so long ago. Never knew who won/lost, but it was exciting and fun so i guess we all won.
Nerfentalist of Augury Rock
I had one 500/500 not so long ago. Never knew who won/lost, but it was exciting and fun so i guess we all won.
u had a 500/500 not so long ago
Matchmaking must be fine, kappa
i have matches end like 498/500 at least once a day
I had one 500/500 not so long ago. Never knew who won/lost, but it was exciting and fun so i guess we all won.
lol. He thinks that one match makes good matchmaking. What’s the expression? Even a broken clock is right twice a day.
The reason the matchmaking fails so often and so much is because there literally just isn’t enough people doing Spvp.
The main reason nobody does it is the same reason near the entire community hates arenas in wow. It’s just too kitten small of numbers.
I think spvp needs to be larger numbers at 10v10 and add a penalty for dropping group even in practice hot join.
The reason the matchmaking fails so often and so much is because there literally just isn’t enough people doing Spvp.
The main reason nobody does it is the same reason near the entire community hates arenas in wow. It’s just too kitten small of numbers.
I think spvp needs to be larger numbers at 10v10 and add a penalty for dropping group even in practice hot join.
you talking like if they didn’t know that pvp playerbase is so low, everyone knows there are very little good players (And more and more are leaving everyday) since more than 1 year ago…they knew it, they just worked on matchmaking and failed every single time..matchmaking always had been totally broken, they just doing it wrong and that’s it, never got any clue on how to balance teams, thinking a good player alone can carry a team of scrubs against an average premade, waiting 10+ minutes and just getting a 500-0 vs clueless randoms, 15 freaking minutes waiting in hom doing nothing for a 7 minutes match, class stacking, dailyes (People not able to play their class and rotate weren’t enough….so they made pve heroes going with random classes just for achievemnt points and getting rekt even harder)…and the list goes on…and on..and on..
and 10vs10 rofl…why not 30vs30 like wvsw chickens then?
just…please…5v5 it’s one of the few things not to be touched..
(edited by Archaon.9524)
i have matches end like 498/500 at least once a day
I wish we had similar matches then. Today was the first time I came close to such a match, every other match I either win or lose by a good 200 points. I’d say a good 90% of my matches the outcome is clear within the first 3 minutes. Kinda wish their was an “i quite”-button sometimes just so I don’t have to waste another 10 minutes of my life in a match that I’m not going to win.
maybe that belief is why you don’t see awesome comebacks
to steal a phrase from yoda “that is why you fail”
Just had a 500 to 422 score game in a 4vs5 where I was vs an axe/axe warrior and death blossom thief. “Oh you must be bad enough to be matched against these people!”, I was 2vs1ing the enemy team all game long.
I was also a full solo queue vs a 2 man team.
edit: Next game 100 to 500 score, almost 3 capped the enemy most of the game.
(edited by Shiyo.3578)
The only factor that made me play more solo, is that even if the matchmaking system messes up, you were guarenteed* a solo vs solo match, after merged queue, I personally care about the game less, I tried to play 1 match yesterday and face an instant tryhard premade after a 1 month hiatus. SYSTEM IS WORKING FINE.