Thoughts on Skyhammer

Thoughts on Skyhammer

in PvP

Posted by: Huskyboy.1053


This map hasn’t been talked about as much as others in the past due to it being outside of the ranked rotation, but now that it’s being included we all have to start thinking about it. Here’s my observations:

  1. Like Temple, the Z-axis is important on Skyhammer. Unlike Temple it has jump pads, making it easier to get up and down.
  2. Is smaller. Makes AoE that much more useful, and leads to mindless AoE spam at the mid-point
  3. Has limited room for movement on all points. At mid, it’s easy to fall off the sides or down the hole in the middle of the platform. On the sides, the pillars get in the way of escaping (and the camera) and the recessed wall allows well-placed AoE to trap players against the wall.
  4. Jump pads at points allow extra option for escape as well as sniping. For example, at Henge in Forest you need a teleport to get up on the side walls, but in Skyhammer anybody can do it.
  5. Hammer: similar to Tranquility in Temple but does damage and is much more predictable/evadeable.

Thoughts on Skyhammer

in PvP

Posted by: Saiyan.1704


I think they’re adding the map in rotation because comments in general ceased. That’s usually an indication that the map is ‘ok’. Even Spirit still had negative views here and there.

Skyhammer after the platform changes became one of my fav maps so, I definitely have no issues with it in rotation.

aka FalseLights
Rank: Top 250 since Season 2
#5 best gerdien in wurld

Thoughts on Skyhammer

in PvP

Posted by: Liewec.2896


its not too bad now that they reworked it several times to remove everything that made it skyhammer.

its nice to see that they learnt for coliseum,
we don’t want cheesy gimmicks like insta death from fall damage and over the top secondaries like cannons/trebs/skyhammers.

we just want 3 points.
and thats pretty much what skyhammer is now.

Thoughts on Skyhammer

in PvP

Posted by: Stormy Dragon.9210

Stormy Dragon.9210

we just want 3 points.
and thats pretty much what skyhammer is now.

You mean YOU just want 3 points. Because I don’t remember electing you PVP community spokesperson.

I certainly enjoy different twists to the game and am bored to tears with the “just 3 points” maps.

Thoughts on Skyhammer

in PvP

Posted by: Wolfric.9380


we just want 3 points.
and thats pretty much what skyhammer is now.

You mean YOU just want 3 points. Because I don’t remember electing you PVP community spokesperson.

I certainly enjoy different twists to the game and am bored to tears with the “just 3 points” maps.


Thoughts on Skyhammer

in PvP

Posted by: Wargameur.6950


we just want 3 points.
and thats pretty much what skyhammer is now.

You mean YOU just want 3 points. Because I don’t remember electing you PVP community spokesperson.

I certainly enjoy different twists to the game and am bored to tears with the “just 3 points” maps.

Ahaha, that made me laugh. but +1 on this.

main ~ Esper Jace (Thief )/ Ellundril Jiluan
(mesmer ) – EU [Teef]

Thoughts on Skyhammer

in PvP

Posted by: Vicariuz.1605


Now if they could only grin and bear it and add arena 2s and 3s, even just provisionally. itd take all of a day and no animals would be harmed in its making.

Thoughts on Skyhammer

in PvP

Posted by: BrotherBelial.3094


we just want 3 points.
and thats pretty much what skyhammer is now.

You mean YOU just want 3 points. Because I don’t remember electing you PVP community spokesperson.

I certainly enjoy different twists to the game and am bored to tears with the “just 3 points” maps.

I could not agree more, but the I’m getting really bored with conquest. I wish we could have Courtyard back, a little TDM to brake up the same old. Even another stronghold map would be a nice change right about now.

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Thoughts on Skyhammer

in PvP

Posted by: Tiefsee.3647


we just want 3 points.
and thats pretty much what skyhammer is now.

You mean YOU just want 3 points. Because I don’t remember electing you PVP community spokesperson.

I certainly enjoy different twists to the game and am bored to tears with the “just 3 points” maps.

Agree, i loved the old skyhammer as much as i hate the new one

Thoughts on Skyhammer

in PvP

Posted by: NICENIKESHOE.7128


Personally I feel like the z-axis plane and easy jump-pad allows much more maneuvering space for everyone, most notably necro. This is especially true when you can build up your LF from below point B without as much focus fire as in other maps.

Thoughts on Skyhammer

in PvP

Posted by: Archon.6480


I think the three levels to fight on at B can make for some interesting fights. Also, the secondary mechanic in this map is interesting, but not too powerful. I can see it only being useful in certain situations.

The columns on the edge are also great to create LOS issues for opponents. I see this map being one of the most tactical.

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