Thoughts on how to nerf engineer

Thoughts on how to nerf engineer

in PvP

Posted by: Lordrosicky.5813


Hi people, Henry back again.

I had some interesting thoughts on how to nerf engineer in a way that is fair, balanced and creates counter play.

I have run my changes past many of the best engis in game and they all said my ideas were amazing. So I thought I would share it here.

1, Slick shoes Super speed cd increased to 45 seconds
2, Incendiary power – Make 2 seconds of burn every 20 seconds.
3, Gear shield now has a 35 second cool down
4, Healing turret cast time increased to 1 second to be more in line with ranger and necro heals – this is to promote counter play to interrupt heals and make clutch plays
5, Grenades direct damage nerfed by 20% across the board – to promote counter play becuase currently engi nades are a joke.

As I said, I know these ideas are amazing and have had good feedback from my research. Just thought I would share it and invite ideas from people here.

Many thanks,


Character: Henry rank million/Duke Henry
Necromancer/Casual Warrior
[Team] Best WvW guild of all time. EASILY.

Thoughts on how to nerf engineer

in PvP

Posted by: Supreme.3164


I think i can leave the rest …as long as they increase the CD of gear shield, 3s block every 16s it’s over the top…rest won’t kill me instantly in any case, highly problematic but every profession deserve a fair share of fun

Thoughts on how to nerf engineer

in PvP

Posted by: insanemaniac.2456


these ideas suck

you didnt run this by any engis. you just took everything you saw in the qq threads around this forum and magnified the nerfs.

JQ: Rikkity
head here to discuss wvw without fear of infractions

Thoughts on how to nerf engineer

in PvP

Posted by: Lordrosicky.5813


these ideas suck

you didnt run this by any engis. you just took everything you saw in the qq threads around this forum and magnified the nerfs.

How dare you doubt the integrity of my post. I spent ages researching these changes

Character: Henry rank million/Duke Henry
Necromancer/Casual Warrior
[Team] Best WvW guild of all time. EASILY.

Thoughts on how to nerf engineer

in PvP

Posted by: Wolfey.3407


We really need a Thread called “Nerf Please” for all of these threads to go into….

Former PvP Forum Specialist
Fort Aspenwood

Thoughts on how to nerf engineer

in PvP

Posted by: Lordrosicky.5813


We really need a Thread called “Nerf Please” for all of these threads to go into….

That would clutter up the important discussion that I start with these threads. Would be a terrible moment for gw2 pvp as a whole if this happened. I am carrying the community currently with my ideas. Sounds stupid to say that but I have been getting many messages telling me that I have done a great job with my ideas and to keep it up. One guy even said I was a hero to him

Character: Henry rank million/Duke Henry
Necromancer/Casual Warrior
[Team] Best WvW guild of all time. EASILY.

Thoughts on how to nerf engineer

in PvP

Posted by: Sube Dai.8496

Sube Dai.8496

Are lordrosicky and supreme the same person? They seem to troll together.

John Snowman [GLTY]
Space Marine Z [GLTY]

Thoughts on how to nerf engineer

in PvP

Posted by: insanemaniac.2456


these ideas suck

you didnt run this by any engis. you just took everything you saw in the qq threads around this forum and magnified the nerfs.

How dare you doubt the integrity of my post. I spent ages researching these changes

how about you just switch to terrormancer instead of downsmancer? seems like less effort.

JQ: Rikkity
head here to discuss wvw without fear of infractions

Thoughts on how to nerf engineer

in PvP

Posted by: Wolfey.3407


We really need a Thread called “Nerf Please” for all of these threads to go into….

That would clutter up the important discussion that I start with these threads. Would be a terrible moment for gw2 pvp as a whole if this happened. I am carrying the community currently with my ideas. Sounds stupid to say that but I have been getting many messages telling me that I have done a great job with my ideas and to keep it up. One guy even said I was a hero to him

Ok so what about a thread called:

Lordrosicky’s Nerf Threads

Former PvP Forum Specialist
Fort Aspenwood

Thoughts on how to nerf engineer

in PvP

Posted by: Oslaf Beinir.5842

Oslaf Beinir.5842

your research is terrifyingly deep!

Ohh….No rifle 4 cast time increase/visual tell?

get your kitten outta here


these ideas suck

you didnt run this by any engis. you just took everything you saw in the qq threads around this forum and magnified the nerfs.

Get In The Van Yo[PR] -Play on Far Shiverpeaks/Gunner’s Hold/Vabbi

“Revenant is actual proof that devs read the necromancer forum” – Pelopidas.2140

Thoughts on how to nerf engineer

in PvP

Posted by: Arken.3725


these ideas suck

you didnt run this by any engis. you just took everything you saw in the qq threads around this forum and magnified the nerfs.

Seriously? Do you honestly believe that if he ran any of these idea’s(ridiculous or not) that any would say that Engineer’s are out of line? Get out of here with that crap.

Thoughts on how to nerf engineer

in PvP

Posted by: Supreme.3164


Are lordrosicky and supreme the same person? They seem to troll together.

You’re too…smart for your own good

Thoughts on how to nerf engineer

in PvP

Posted by: Laraley.7695


I vote for creating a special subforum that will have all the space for Henry to qq about every single profession in the game but necro.

Thoughts on how to nerf engineer

in PvP

Posted by: Reborn D.2769

Reborn D.2769

No more qq on mesmer :o

Thoughts on how to nerf engineer

in PvP

Posted by: Nova Stiker.8396

Nova Stiker.8396

Here’s a better idea:

  • Healing Turret, add a 1/4 casting time cleansing burst, reduce the number of conditions removed to 1, fix the bug that doesn’t have Healing Power affect it.
    Sorry spamgineers, you can no longer command your turret if you are flat on your butt. But hey, it can heal a little more now, why have a bug is because “bugs = okay in meta. ESPUURTS guyz, lets have tournament” ~ ArenaNet
  • Overcharged Shot: Remove the condition cleansing, increase the recharge by 5 seconds, change it to a targeted direction.
    Why the hell is this not a targeted direction?
  • Blunderbuss: Increase the damage by 20%, remove bleeding, add an actual animation.
    Is it really that hard to animate what appears to be a person loading his gun?
  • Gear Shield can only block 3 attacks, add the ability for it to reflect projectiles, after 3 blocks it breaks and bleeds nearby foes. Recharge stays the same.
    I hate to be a total kitten , but this skill is better for no reason, why leave it alone for over a year? I cannot think of a single good reason.
  • Pry Bar: Reduce damage by 25%, reduce amount of confusion to 3 stacks, increase confusion duration by 2 seconds. reduce recharge to 10 seconds.
    I’m okay with confusion, I’m not okay with it’s high damage with celestials.
  • Box of nails: reduce casting time to 1/2 a second, now a ground targeted projectile, add a 600 range. Your character now throws a box of nails.
    It’s a weaker caltrops. Nearing 3 years, having skills that look and behave the same is not okay developers.
  • Remove the ability to throw projectiles BEHIND the player
    That also includes warrior arrows. Engineers are not NBA players, thus chucking grenades 50 feet behind them while running away and hit the target should not be an option.
  • Slick Shoes, add a targeted direction the player will dash very fast (like Whirling Blade) knockdown anything in the way for 2 seconds. Remove the oil slick duration. Reduce casting time by 5 seconds.
    Look at that, that looks fun and it’s skill based. Seriously, combat team, we need to talk

(edited by Nova Stiker.8396)

Thoughts on how to nerf engineer

in PvP

Posted by: BlackTruth.6813


Grenades are fine. Engi deleting counterplay which is focus-fire is NOT. Slick shoes or gear shield needs a nerf. Oh, and Vampirism is just stupid for ALL CLASSES, doesn’t matter what it is. Please delete those runes, if you get caught you should stay caught and not get a free jail-card rune to back you up.

OR we can all just wait for HoT and maybe REAL balancing will happen and that each and every class will be at the same level of effort. JK I don’t think ANET has the talent for that to happen.
Schwahrheit, #1 Fuhrer NA, Just your everyday typical rager

Thoughts on how to nerf engineer

in PvP

Posted by: choovanski.5462


Grenades are fine. Engi deleting counterplay which is focus-fire is NOT. Slick shoes or gear shield needs a nerf. Oh, and Vampirism is just stupid for ALL CLASSES, doesn’t matter what it is. Please delete those runes, if you get caught you should stay caught and not get a free jail-card rune to back you up.

OR we can all just wait for HoT and maybe REAL balancing will happen and that each and every class will be at the same level of effort. JK I don’t think ANET has the talent for that to happen.

you run with endure pain at 25% hp. hypocrite much?

. Engi & Warr . Beta > 2017 Death of PvP
currently a Boyfriend main :P
Waiting To ReRoll Mystic & Forget About Tyria

Thoughts on how to nerf engineer

in PvP

Posted by: Shylock.4653


Ok so what about a thread called:

Lordrosicky’s Nerf Threads

We definitely need that!

And please merge all of his nerf threads there.

Thoughts on how to nerf engineer

in PvP

Posted by: robertul.3679


Oh look it’s this garbage again!

Thoughts on how to nerf engineer

in PvP

Posted by: Tao.1234


Am I the only pvp player that has no problems with all classes and their skills and builds?

Suspended for telling Like it is.
Anet gave birth to Gw2 – Anet killed Gw2.
Murican law 2015.

Thoughts on how to nerf engineer

in PvP

Posted by: TheBlackLeech.9360


I’d personally like to see slick shoes toned down a bit…

The puddles on the ground should be gone by the time you have slipped and recovered from your first slip.

Slipping, getting up, slipping, getting up and slipping again is broken.

…and it tears right through stability like you didn’t even have any on.

Thoughts on how to nerf engineer

in PvP

Posted by: Rym.1469


Lordrosicky, man, you’re relentless. You should get your own subforum ;3.

As for changes, give us Profession Balance subforum back.

Regarding the Engineer, I would personally point at Grenades. But again, nerf them, Engineer PvE presence would phase out.
And obvious stuff like IP.

But give me preview of Engineer stuffs in the next patch, what ANet does to sigils, then we can talk about balance.

[rude]Antagonistka – Revenant, EU.
[SALT]Natchniony – Necromancer, EU.

Thoughts on how to nerf engineer

in PvP

Posted by: YourFriendMarvin.4127


Here’s a better idea:

  • Healing Turret, add a 1/4 casting time cleansing burst, reduce the number of conditions removed to 1, fix the bug that doesn’t have Healing Power affect it.
    Sorry spamgineers, you can no longer command your turret if you are flat on your butt. But hey, it can heal a little more now, why have a bug is because “bugs = okay in meta. ESPUURTS guyz, lets have tournament” ~ ArenaNet
  • Overcharged Shot: Remove the condition cleansing, increase the recharge by 5 seconds, change it to a targeted direction.
    Why the hell is this not a targeted direction?

Engineers already have bad condition cleanse, why hurt it even more? 1 Entangle is an instant death for Engineer if these were to occur.

#MostTeamQueueWins before December 2nd, 2014 Patch
[NA]Rank 71 before April 15th, 2014 Feature Patch OG Moltres, 10k Champion Brawler, Team PZ

Thoughts on how to nerf engineer

in PvP

Posted by: choovanski.5462


I’d personally like to see slick shoes toned down a bit…

The puddles on the ground should be gone by the time you have slipped and recovered from your first slip.

Slipping, getting up, slipping, getting up and slipping again is broken.

…and it tears right through stability like you didn’t even have any on.

i feel like you don’t understand the purpose of the slick shoes. your nerf would gut the skill and make it a single knockdown.. a single knockdown as a utility skill.

. Engi & Warr . Beta > 2017 Death of PvP
currently a Boyfriend main :P
Waiting To ReRoll Mystic & Forget About Tyria

Thoughts on how to nerf engineer

in PvP

Posted by: Tao.1234


And what’s wrong with slick shoes?
Don’t step on it and you’ll be fine.
I see no problems here.

Suspended for telling Like it is.
Anet gave birth to Gw2 – Anet killed Gw2.
Murican law 2015.

Thoughts on how to nerf engineer

in PvP

Posted by: Sagat.3285


And what’s wrong with slick shoes?
Don’t step on it and you’ll be fine.
I see no problems here.

Why does it knock me down if I’m not moving??

Off-topic what if immobilize was the same way? You can’t move but you can still turn to hit a target.

“Revenant is actual proof that devs read the necromancer forum” – Pelopidas.2140
The Dhuumfire thread

Thoughts on how to nerf engineer

in PvP

Posted by: choovanski.5462


And what’s wrong with slick shoes?
Don’t step on it and you’ll be fine.
I see no problems here.

Why does it knock me down if I’m not moving??

Off-topic what if immobilize was the same way? You can’t move but you can still turn to hit a target.

a bugfix is fine, because that’s what slick shoes knocking down you when you stand still is. either that or your latency, or the engineers latency is enough that it thinks you moved in it.

. Engi & Warr . Beta > 2017 Death of PvP
currently a Boyfriend main :P
Waiting To ReRoll Mystic & Forget About Tyria

Thoughts on how to nerf engineer

in PvP

Posted by: Tao.1234


Why does it knock me down if I’m not moving??

Off-topic what if immobilize was the same way? You can’t move but you can still turn to hit a target.

Your character is moving even when idle.
So even normally if you stand on the ice and move only upper part of your body, you’ll eventually slip.

Anyway, it’s hard CC skill. You can escape from it by stun breaking and dodge rolling on the safe side.
Did it loads of times.
Learned the pattern.
Learned how to deal with it.

As if you’ll step on dog’s pop on the street. You’re gonna call for a nerf?
Or start paying attention to not step on that ever again?


Suspended for telling Like it is.
Anet gave birth to Gw2 – Anet killed Gw2.
Murican law 2015.

Thoughts on how to nerf engineer

in PvP

Posted by: Sagat.3285


Why does it knock me down if I’m not moving??

Off-topic what if immobilize was the same way? You can’t move but you can still turn to hit a target.

Your character is moving even when idle.
So even normally if you stand on the ice and move only upper part of your body, you’ll eventually slip.

Anyway, it’s hard CC skill. You can escape from it by stun breaking and dodge rolling on the safe side.
Did it loads of times.
Learned the pattern.
Learned how to deal with it.

As if you’ll step on dog’s pop on the street. You’re gonna call for a nerf?
Or start paying attention to not step on that ever again?


Not trying to get too much into this but but but engis put in a straight line very much don’t they? Just asking a question and checking one of the other nerf threads.

“Revenant is actual proof that devs read the necromancer forum” – Pelopidas.2140
The Dhuumfire thread

Thoughts on how to nerf engineer

in PvP

Posted by: Laraley.7695


Why does it knock me down if I’m not moving??

Off-topic what if immobilize was the same way? You can’t move but you can still turn to hit a target.

Your character is moving even when idle.
So even normally if you stand on the ice and move only upper part of your body, you’ll eventually slip.

Anyway, it’s hard CC skill. You can escape from it by stun breaking and dodge rolling on the safe side.
Did it loads of times.
Learned the pattern.
Learned how to deal with it.

As if you’ll step on dog’s pop on the street. You’re gonna call for a nerf?
Or start paying attention to not step on that ever again?


Oh, come on almost everyone knows that Slick Shoes are broken. If I use my 75 sec stunbreak, I would like to not get knocked down if I don’t move. Every engi with half of a brain will make sure there is no safe spot for you to get out of it.

Not even mentioning engis have immob on 10 sec cd and knockback on 15 second cooldown. It’s not like they can’t make sure you’re get caught in it. It’s not like every class can run stab and have immunity against this kitten.

Thoughts on how to nerf engineer

in PvP

Posted by: TheBlackLeech.9360


I’d personally like to see slick shoes toned down a bit…

The puddles on the ground should be gone by the time you have slipped and recovered from your first slip.

Slipping, getting up, slipping, getting up and slipping again is broken.

…and it tears right through stability like you didn’t even have any on.

i feel like you don’t understand the purpose of the slick shoes. your nerf would gut the skill and make it a single knockdown.. a single knockdown as a utility skill.

Yeah you are right a utility skill that only gives one interrupt is absurd….

Like Bull’s Charge

Clearly those should skills should be buffed so they if they connect, they continuously knock you on your backside for 8 seconds also…. oh and don’t forget to make them disregard any stability your foe had..

(edited by TheBlackLeech.9360)

Thoughts on how to nerf engineer

in PvP

Posted by: choovanski.5462


I’d personally like to see slick shoes toned down a bit…

The puddles on the ground should be gone by the time you have slipped and recovered from your first slip.

Slipping, getting up, slipping, getting up and slipping again is broken.

…and it tears right through stability like you didn’t even have any on.

i feel like you don’t understand the purpose of the slick shoes. your nerf would gut the skill and make it a single knockdown.. a single knockdown as a utility skill.

Yeah you are right a utility skill that only gives one interrupt is absurd….

Like Bull’s Charge

Clearly those should skills should be buffed so they if they connect, they continuously knock you on your backside for 8 seconds, also…. oh and don’t forget to make them disregard any stability your foe had..

if you want to make slick shoes as bad as kick then it needs more than a 25sec cd reduction. not to mention nobody even uses that awful skill. comparing it to bulls rush shows you don’t understand the skill, and im not even going to bother explaining.

you can dodge out of it, and you can port out. you can stunbreak then dodge out too.

. Engi & Warr . Beta > 2017 Death of PvP
currently a Boyfriend main :P
Waiting To ReRoll Mystic & Forget About Tyria

Thoughts on how to nerf engineer

in PvP

Posted by: Tao.1234


Oh, come on almost everyone knows that Slick Shoes are broken. If I use my 75 sec stunbreak, I would like to not get knocked down if I don’t move. Every engi with half of a brain will make sure there is no safe spot for you to get out of it.

Not even mentioning engis have immob on 10 sec cd and knockback on 15 second cooldown. It’s not like they can’t make sure you’re get caught in it. It’s not like every class can run stab and have immunity against this kitten.

So you’re assuming that there are only RifleEngis?
Well okay then.
The moment you stun break and dodge roll instantly, even if he’ll try to immobilize or kb you, you will evade it, because you’re in the middle of dodge roll.
I doubt that he will KB you when you’re kded from Slick shoes, because he’ll kick you out of Slick shoes pop and kb himself anyway.

Also, since you’re aware of Slick Shoes utility and it’s effect…why do you keep chasing Engineer like a bot on auto follow?
Can’t you strafe on left or right a bit?
If he’ll run back to you to hug you, then it’s pretty obvious that he’ll use it, so why not dodge roll through him, or skip it on the other side?

If you really get locked by something like this, then you need to rethink your build.
I can’t imagine to run any class without at least, I repeat, at least one stun breaker.
And I never stun break on every silly hard CC I get.

There is always a way out and always a way to win.
Sure, you will struggle at some times against some classes and their builds, but it’s vice versa as well, some also struggle versus you and your build.

Utility with 45 seconds cooldown. Please…
Almost all stun breakers and stability buffs are on ~30seconds cooldown.


Suspended for telling Like it is.
Anet gave birth to Gw2 – Anet killed Gw2.
Murican law 2015.

Thoughts on how to nerf engineer

in PvP

Posted by: choovanski.5462


i have to run up to you and then run a tight circle around your feet. it looks very distinctive, i don’t hide my intentions i just literally charge you.

here is my advice on what you should do

. Engi & Warr . Beta > 2017 Death of PvP
currently a Boyfriend main :P
Waiting To ReRoll Mystic & Forget About Tyria

Thoughts on how to nerf engineer

in PvP

Posted by: Laraley.7695


i have to run up to you and then run a tight circle around your feet. it looks very distinctive, i don’t hide my intentions i just literally charge you.

here is my advice on what you should do

Yes, you’re right. Rifle engi has no ways to make sure his slick shoes land. You’re making a great point, I mean it’s not like engi can actually cc you several times. We all should learn to play because Slick shoes are really hard to land, like probably the hardest thing in game and running circles around someone is too difficult. And even when you manage to do so, like one of the meta classes run stab, so basically it counters it. Doesn’t even matter the cooldown is 15 seconds higher than Slick Shoe’s one.

Thoughts on how to nerf engineer

in PvP

Posted by: Tao.1234


Then it’s your problem?
I tested all classes, all meta builds along with custom ones.
Every class can escape from it when they walk into it and every class can evade it.

If you can’t do that, that means you’re doing something wrong.

Suspended for telling Like it is.
Anet gave birth to Gw2 – Anet killed Gw2.
Murican law 2015.

Thoughts on how to nerf engineer

in PvP

Posted by: choovanski.5462


i have to run up to you and then run a tight circle around your feet. it looks very distinctive, i don’t hide my intentions i just literally charge you.

here is my advice on what you should do

Yes, you’re right. Rifle engi has no ways to make sure his slick shoes land. You’re making a great point, I mean it’s not like engi can actually cc you several times. We all should learn to play because Slick shoes are really hard to land, like probably the hardest thing in game and running circles around someone is too difficult. And even when you manage to do so, like one of the meta classes run stab, so basically it counters it. Doesn’t even matter the cooldown is 15 seconds higher than Slick Shoe’s one.

if i’ve already cc’d you and you don’t have a stunbreak you are probably going to die regardless of if you get slick’d afterwards or not.

i never said it was hard to land, just that it’s very obvious when the engi is going to use it.

. Engi & Warr . Beta > 2017 Death of PvP
currently a Boyfriend main :P
Waiting To ReRoll Mystic & Forget About Tyria

Thoughts on how to nerf engineer

in PvP

Posted by: Laraley.7695


Then it’s your problem?
I tested all classes, all meta builds along with custom ones.
Every class can escape from it when they walk into it and every class can evade it.

If you can’t do that, that means you’re doing something wrong.

As I said, you’re completely right. No class should be able to use its defensive mechanisms for anything else than Slick Shoes. It’s not like there are any other cc skills in the game. I apologize greatly and I’m going to learn how to play because obviously playing cele engi is very very very hard and me getting caught in Slick Shoes just means I’m a noob.

Thoughts on how to nerf engineer

in PvP

Posted by: Nova Stiker.8396

Nova Stiker.8396

Here’s a better idea:

  • Healing Turret, add a 1/4 casting time cleansing burst, reduce the number of conditions removed to 1, fix the bug that doesn’t have Healing Power affect it.
    Sorry spamgineers, you can no longer command your turret if you are flat on your butt. But hey, it can heal a little more now, why have a bug is because “bugs = okay in meta. ESPUURTS guyz, lets have tournament” ~ ArenaNet
  • Overcharged Shot: Remove the condition cleansing, increase the recharge by 5 seconds, change it to a targeted direction.
    Why the hell is this not a targeted direction?

Engineers already have bad condition cleanse, why hurt it even more? 1 Entangle is an instant death for Engineer if these were to occur.

This is why I think Engineers are all bad players, being carried by their super fast CC’s, no recharge on skill swapping, powerful blocking and trait proc’s.

I can escape entangle with 1 cleanse, hell, I can escape with no cleanse or teleport on my elementalist as long as I Updraft or Burning Retreat before the second tick. (Yes, I use lava axe)


But you have a point, just that… Entangle is BUGGED. For anyone that plays ranger, you’ll notice immobilize lasting nearly 10 seconds despite the tooltip saying 5.

Bug fix ArenaNet? Hm? What about the mid-air immobilize or just immobilize in general, instead of a stacking cap, how about a 5 second time cap?!

Engineers already have good condition removal in other skills and other heals, not to mention you can self activate swiftness and vigor every 10 seconds and an auto-condition removal every 15 seconds. Learn to dodge and position.

(edited by Nova Stiker.8396)

Thoughts on how to nerf engineer

in PvP

Posted by: Flumek.9043


Hps – healing per second – aka sustain

-backpack regen: while not crazy like turret, its still super passive and has waay too much and too easy uptime.
I dont want to sound like a necro crybaby, but ele/engie hiding behind a corner passively regening full hp, while others need to fullfill “several conditions like its HuneterXHunter” to get the same or weaker effect.

-healing turret – just too much hps half if which is aoe, and against instant compared to a oulsing blood well or ele water field

Low CD spammgineer

- the tool kit blok – nuff said
- rifle 3s CC every 15s(or 12s) , no animation and a same CD no anim. immob to set it up

PvP guild [YUM] -apply- (EU)

Thoughts on how to nerf engineer

in PvP

Posted by: PowerBottom.5796


Hi people, Henry back again.


You sure are busy…..

Cele-Rifle is only strong atm. because a build that has no condition-cleanse can both be in teamfights and roaming without any problems. In both parts, Nade.engi is very strong, but the lack of condition-removal should pose a problem in at least 1 of the areas.

- I can see how in teamfights, it’s acceptable to outsource certain things to other classes and in this case, the Shoutbow offers relieve of those conditions.
- but oh w8: Shoutbow is actually so strong and condition-only builds so bad, that no1 dares to play conditions anymore. ^^’

It’s not entirely a balance-thing either: Ppl don’t punish Engis enough for running no condi-cleanse.

Five-Gauge actually had an interesting flamethrower Engi build with insane burning-durations to punish engis: He’d just stack all the burning on them after they’ve used their turret and they were down. There are also some Engis that run pistol/shield, maybe even with bombs, exactly to punish engis that go for 1v1’s.

If Condis got buffed just a little, or shoutbow nerfed a little, so condition-builds wouldn’t just be completely useless in teamfights, Engi would be perfectly balanced, because their one and only real weakness would actually come into play again.

Thoughts on how to nerf engineer

in PvP

Posted by: Archaon.9524


longer cd on healing turret (Had always been wayyy too short) or just remove water field from it…pick one

and some balance for slickshoes…like engi going in a straight line when activating ss like burning speed instead of being able to run in circles around you (It’s a defensive skill…not a perma cc offensive cd, engi already has way too much spammable cc…no need for more)

Ark 2nd Account

Thoughts on how to nerf engineer

in PvP

Posted by: insanemaniac.2456


It’s a defensive skill…not a perma cc offensive cd,

gods forbid we use a skill for anything but defense…

JQ: Rikkity
head here to discuss wvw without fear of infractions

Thoughts on how to nerf engineer

in PvP

Posted by: Archaon.9524


Hi people, Henry back again.


You sure are busy…..

Cele-Rifle is only strong atm. because a build that has no condition-cleanse can both be in teamfights and roaming without any problems. In both parts, Nade.engi is very strong, but the lack of condition-removal should pose a problem in at least 1 of the areas.

- I can see how in teamfights, it’s acceptable to outsource certain things to other classes and in this case, the Shoutbow offers relieve of those conditions.
- but oh w8: Shoutbow is actually so strong and condition-only builds so bad, that no1 dares to play conditions anymore. ^^’

It’s not entirely a balance-thing either: Ppl don’t punish Engis enough for running no condi-cleanse.

Five-Gauge actually had an interesting flamethrower Engi build with insane burning-durations to punish engis: He’d just stack all the burning on them after they’ve used their turret and they were down. There are also some Engis that run pistol/shield, maybe even with bombs, exactly to punish engis that go for 1v1’s.

If Condis got buffed just a little, or shoutbow nerfed a little, so condition-builds wouldn’t just be completely useless in teamfights, Engi would be perfectly balanced, because their one and only real weakness would actually come into play again.

yeah nerf shoutbow tf support so rabid engis can come back spamming nades 24/7

…no thanks, engis passed like 1 year being meta while afking offpoint randomly spamming nades on ppl from indecent range…think that was more than enough

Ark 2nd Account

Thoughts on how to nerf engineer

in PvP

Posted by: YourFriendMarvin.4127


Here’s a better idea:

  • Healing Turret, add a 1/4 casting time cleansing burst, reduce the number of conditions removed to 1, fix the bug that doesn’t have Healing Power affect it.
    Sorry spamgineers, you can no longer command your turret if you are flat on your butt. But hey, it can heal a little more now, why have a bug is because “bugs = okay in meta. ESPUURTS guyz, lets have tournament” ~ ArenaNet
  • Overcharged Shot: Remove the condition cleansing, increase the recharge by 5 seconds, change it to a targeted direction.
    Why the hell is this not a targeted direction?

Engineers already have bad condition cleanse, why hurt it even more? 1 Entangle is an instant death for Engineer if these were to occur.

This is why I think Engineers are all bad players, being carried by their super fast CC’s, no recharge on skill swapping, powerful blocking and trait proc’s.

I can escape entangle with 1 cleanse, hell, I can escape with no cleanse or teleport on my elementalist as long as I Updraft or Burning Retreat before the second tick. (Yes, I use lava axe)


But you have a point, just that… Entangle is BUGGED. For anyone that plays ranger, you’ll notice immobilize lasting nearly 10 seconds despite the tooltip saying 5.

Bug fix ArenaNet? Hm? What about the mid-air immobilize or just immobilize in general, instead of a stacking cap, how about a 5 second time cap?!

Engineers already have good condition removal in other skills and other heals, not to mention you can self activate swiftness and vigor every 10 seconds and an auto-condition removal every 15 seconds. Learn to dodge and position.

You can’t just assume every engineer player is bad, but really where was slick shoes and rifle back 2 years ago? No one really complained about it until Meta Shifts. Try running any rifle build or any elementalist build without Celestial Amulet. D/D ele was dead for a while until Celestial came back. Majority of the time, any rifle build not using celestial amulet will get 100-0’d by a Necromancer, but with the meta now you have the sustain from stats to keep up with Necromancer. Sure you can probably beat bad or sub par tier players, but at a higher level most people will be patient (not really) and time everything.

Yes we have condition removal options, but using different condition removal in other skills means giving up a better utility. I would use rocket boots, but you lack a stun breaker. You can use a stun breaker with rocket boots, but that means give up toolkit. Elixer C? Terrible condition cleanse with no stun break. Buff Med kit, so we have different healing options. Which is why I run E-Gun over Slick Shoes, because it actually takes more positioning and more team support. I know how to positioning lol. Sure I have vigor, but I don’t have blinks or stability unless I have a utility for it. We have ever so many dodges. Why do you think we have short C/D’s on block? Because it makes up for the lack of cleanse. Fast c/d swapping is just engineer mechanics if you took that away engineer is useless. Sure you can escape with updraft and lava axe, but how often do you have that up at the right time lol? Any good player will wait after you leave water to do anything. Elementalists can sustain better than engineer, doesn’t matter if you don’t have a cleanse, the mechanics of the class make it so they can get out of most situation. Doesn’t matter how bad they position. They can fight on point longer, and engineers can only be on for like 5-10, then any coordinated team will focus them.
Buff other options, before nerfing stuff that leaves less options.

I’ll agree to add a cast time to healing turret, but not give it 1 condition cleanse.
I think overcharge that cleanses soft cc is fine, you either have to use it defensively or offensively. If you think all engineers are bad, then it should be predictable to read an overcharge, because most of them have the same habits.

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Thoughts on how to nerf engineer

in PvP

Posted by: TheBlackLeech.9360


I’d personally like to see slick shoes toned down a bit…

The puddles on the ground should be gone by the time you have slipped and recovered from your first slip.

Slipping, getting up, slipping, getting up and slipping again is broken.

…and it tears right through stability like you didn’t even have any on.

i feel like you don’t understand the purpose of the slick shoes. your nerf would gut the skill and make it a single knockdown.. a single knockdown as a utility skill.

Yeah you are right a utility skill that only gives one interrupt is absurd….

Like Bull’s Charge

Clearly those should skills should be buffed so they if they connect, they continuously knock you on your backside for 8 seconds, also…. oh and don’t forget to make them disregard any stability your foe had..

if you want to make slick shoes as bad as kick then it needs more than a 25sec cd reduction. not to mention nobody even uses that awful skill. comparing it to bulls rush shows you don’t understand the skill, and im not even going to bother explaining.

you can dodge out of it, and you can port out. you can stunbreak then dodge out too.

I think you missed the point.

Slick shoes needs a nerf… badly.

The reason you suggested to defend the skill from nerf doesn’t hold any water..

“make it a single knockdown.. a single knockdown as a utility skill”

I wanted to show you there are other utility skills in the game that are exactly that ( a single knockdown as a utility skill) and really pale in comparison to slick shoes.

The skill has always been really strong…. but it has been completely broken ever since the changes were made to stability.

Thoughts on how to nerf engineer

in PvP

Posted by: Extreme.8350


Stop using stability then geez popping stability and run across all cc in the game


Now u see how classes with little to no stability had it all along

Thoughts on how to nerf engineer

in PvP

Posted by: Laraley.7695


Stop using stability then geez popping stability and run across all cc in the game


Now u see how classes with little to no stability had it all along

That seriously does not justify to have something as broken as Slick Shoes in game.

Thoughts on how to nerf engineer

in PvP

Posted by: Extreme.8350


Stop using stability then geez popping stability and run across all cc in the game


Now u see how classes with little to no stability had it all along

That seriously does not justify to have something as broken as Slick Shoes in game.

u cant see giant spouting oil ponds on the ground?
think about how u engage a engineer next time

Thoughts on how to nerf engineer

in PvP

Posted by: Laraley.7695


Stop using stability then geez popping stability and run across all cc in the game


Now u see how classes with little to no stability had it all along

That seriously does not justify to have something as broken as Slick Shoes in game.

u cant see giant spouting oil ponds on the ground?
think about how u engage a engineer next time

So your idea of balance is: You can see it so it’s ok and you can’t see it so it needs to be nerfed?

Stop telling people to think about how they move to or from an engi, that’s not the point at all, engi has enough cc to make sure he will land his Slick Shoes. If eles had similar skill, everyone would be crying how op they are. Somehow many of these forum warriors always leave out engi despite having skills some classes would be based for till ANet would decide to nerf them. Apparently it’s not enough to have immob on 10 sec cd, knockback on 15 sec cd with 0 SEC CAST TIME, 50% burning uptime with no tell, block that’s on 16 sec cd and one of the best heals in the game that’s close to being uninterruptable. They also have to have a skill that will continue knocking you down even though you don’t move and can completely negate any stability. A signle skill on 45 second cooldown which also gives the engi a very short cd stunbreak and superspeed. But hey it’s learn to play because all players should just magically grow wings and fly out of that kitten.