Thoughts on pvp (feedback)

Thoughts on pvp (feedback)

in PvP

Posted by: Envy.1679


I had posted this to another thread, but i felt like i wanted to share my thoughts on how the pvp in gw2 is. its not a whining thread although it does contain negative feedback. just keep in mind these are honest thoughts.

i have over a thousand matches played (mostly tournaments) and ive pretty much given up on gw2 serious pvp.

when i first started playing this game, i couldnt wait to discover all the things i could do with the classes and i felt like i could play how i wanted to.

but when it comes down to it the combat system is just too cluttered and seems like it wasnt made for any kind of pvp environment at all

for example people can have multiple boons and multiple conditions on them at once. which that person may or may not be able to cleanse the conditions, likewise, he may or may not get his boons ripped off him. yay a guessing game. sounds fun. not.

imo there are too many conditions and too many boons that can be applied. the emphasis on these types of mechanics is too strong imo. bleeds, poisons, etc, are able to be applied way to often which in turn makes it neccesary to replace a fun skill or 2 with boring conditions removals. (imo when it comes down to it, using a skill to kick someone or to ressurect someone is a LOT more fun than pressing the button simply to remove conditions) and ultimately was just a bad design choice in my opinion. direct damage with a SIDE of damage over time effects should have been the way to deal damage, not how it currently is where someone can build specifically for damage over time effects. sometimes, thats like asking a room full of good tennis players to go play baseball with a room full of good baseball players because you pretty much have to guess if the team youre playing against is going to use conditions or direct damage forms of dps. (and you cant adapt DURING the fight, much like mobas like league of legends offer)

most times, when im fighting i spend as much or more time looking at my conditions area to see if an icon that needs to be cleansed pop up. (remember they promised no wack-a-mole mechanics? they lied.)

conquest is just plain boring. same classes doing the same things every game. youre either a bunker or youre not. its not fun at all standing on a point for the entire game, much of time with out any enemy presence. congrats you stood on a point for 15 minutes straight. did you win? yes. was it fun? no. not at all. you pretty much HAVE to know something is wrong when winning does not equal fun in your game.

so many flashes and sparks and glitter stuff flying around sometimes its hard to see where youre at. this also brings the problem of missing out on visual ques of incoming enemy abilities (warrior final thrust, mesmer magic bullet, thief basilisk poison, guardian banish, etc) which effectively makes it so you cant do anything until its too late.

all in all, it just does not seem like the way this game was designed that itd be capable of competitive, exciting, balanced pvp gameplay and in my opinion will never shine in the esports world.

edit: on a side note, i really think the combat system works great in pve.I believe they NAILED it when it comes to having fun in pve.when i first started playing i was like, “i just poisoned him and set him on fire, thats great, and its fun” but in pvp if i was poisoned and set on fire it is now “i need to use this boring condition removal instead of my fun aoe knock back” Id be willing to play this game for pve content like the living story and such, but the same combat system just doesnt work in pvp imo.


(edited by Envy.1679)