Thoughts on warrior
The problem with warrior is that the class dosent belong to this game.
Warrior cant bunker, unlike all the other classes except thief, but thief dont need to be a bunker to succeed with all that stealth, evasion,vigor,teleporting and high burst damage from abilities that has no risk to use, can be spamed at any time, well you can see the picture.
If warrior cant bunker it means that the only possible way to build a warrior is for damage, no matter how tanky you are, armor/toughness in this game dosent matter, other classes with low armor and health can bunker and they are most of the time imposible to kill, and they dont need huge armor to do that nor high health pool.
And that is why warriors dont belong to this game, its a class that is working on other games mechanics where armor and health matters, while the other classes work on guild wars 2 mechanics where armor and health dosent matter.
I don’t think ATM bunker is the role for warrior anyways. They should be a good dps, but I think if you gave them more of a supporting role people would be more likely to use them. That’s why I am saying you give them some kind of reflect…which applies to allies, it would be a good counter to the current condi rollers. a lot of teams are running double necro, warrior having barely any condi removal, would be an easy target. Throw in a reflect and they won’t need condi removal and they would be that much more viable
I don’t think ATM bunker is the role for warrior anyways. They should be a good dps, but I think if you gave them more of a supporting role people would be more likely to use them. That’s why I am saying you give them some kind of reflect…which applies to allies, it would be a good counter to the current condi rollers. a lot of teams are running double necro, warrior having barely any condi removal, would be an easy target. Throw in a reflect and they won’t need condi removal and they would be that much more viable
That wont solve anything, i already mention what is the core problem of the warrior, if he cant bunker it means he has no sustain, im not saying that any warrior should bunker you shouldnt misininterpret, but it should be an option to the class, because warrior is known for tank capabilities in other games, but not only for that, because that way warrior should gain some sustain.
We have a lot of classes that have viable bunker builds…warrior pretty much has no truly viable build. So without completely reworking it, you will not get a bunker build out of warrior. My point was that you have to start somewhere so why not start with dps since the bunker spot can be filled easily. Warriors can mitigate direct damage pretty well but have nothing for condis. Giving them a little more of a supportive/dps role might let them see some more high level play.
Funny thing about Warriors Bunkering. The new Beserker stance combined with the lower recharge of Endure pain, makes them quite good for stalling on a point.
Also warrior has a decent build with mace/shield + GS.
What class would you rather have stalling a point? A warrior or a guardian? A warrior or an engy? A warrior or an elly? A warrior or any other class? I just feel ( like a lot of people) there can be a spot for warrior and I also feel that a more supportive role could get them in the mix quickly without having to completely change your play style or build. With the current condi overload, an the warriors lack in ability to deal with condis, a few simple changes like this could make them more viable and give them sustain. They have a lot of direct damage mitigation with no condi removal? I main elly and I can remove a lot of condis..which allows me to stay in a fight. A net brought up boon hate…we have no class that punishes the boon haters.
Fights don’t last long enough normally for profs like the Warrior and Necro who’d be more confortable being ascending pressure. Simultaneously they don’t last long enough so unless you break them given their telegraphed skills, they’re not choosen over other methods.
They need to bring back Deep wound and ‘+" damage. The simple Dot v. Power split isn’t creating enough variance for everyone to comfortably fit.
(edited by ensoriki.5789)
Warrior seems to do very well when focused on CC and aiding the bursters to bring targets down.
What’s all this lack of ways to deal with condis? I feel like my condi removal is extremely good and I am also very good at stun locking the professions spamming the AOE condis. Necros and Engis both lack reliable stability. Making them targets for stun lock.
Mending, Berserker Stance, Sig of Stamina, Cleansing Ire, and Hoelbrek runes currently. Condis aren’t an issue for me unless I’m focused by 3 different people applying them. Which doesn’t happen bc there are A – more important targets to focus and who will go down faster B – I’m always keeping at least one of them stunned, dazed or knocked down.
[DA] Decisive Actions – Jade Quarry
I’m honestly not a good enough player to make the call that warrior is top tier or bottom tier, but I feel the berserkers stance change has put us in an extremely good place.
I have never had more success as a warrior in solo wvw, solo queue tpvp and hotjoin then I have been having now, while still having more than 1 build that I feel effective on.
Some warriors are doing just fine.
The problem with warrior is that the class dosent belong to this game.
Oh but it does. Not only that, i think is the only well designed class in the game. Too bad they designed other classes around what looked c000l instead of balancing the game.
Some warriors are doing just fine.
Yes, some warriors are doing fine, because they have good teams that build around their weaknesses more than they should have to. Something that shouldn’t have to be done and for the most part doesn’t have to be done with the rest of the classes. Those warriors would also do much better on other classes. They are basically playing with a handicap.
Yes, some warriors are doing fine, because they have good teams that build around their weaknesses more than they should have to. Something that shouldn’t have to be done and for the most part doesn’t have to be done with the rest of the classes. Those warriors would also do much better on other classes. They are basically playing with a handicap.
If telling yourself that makes you feel better then by all means..
You don’t see warrior in high level play anymore because there are other classes that full their roll better. I run a 100 blades warrior in hot join because I can get my kicks by killing people who don’t know what they are doing in about 2 seconds. It’s a lot harder to run warrior against people who actually play together.
You don’t see warrior in high level play anymore because there are other classes that full their roll better. I run a 100 blades warrior in hot join because I can get my kicks by killing people who don’t know what they are doing in about 2 seconds. It’s a lot harder to run warrior against people who actually play together.
Seemed to be do pretty fine.
(edited by Defektive.7283)
You don’t see warrior in high level play anymore because there are other classes that full their roll better. I run a 100 blades warrior in hot join because I can get my kicks by killing people who don’t know what they are doing in about 2 seconds. It’s a lot harder to run warrior against people who actually play together.
It’s alot harder no matter what profession you are playing so thats a silly argument to make.
And you do see warriors.
What class would you rather have stalling a point? A warrior or a guardian? A warrior or an engy? A warrior or an elly? A warrior or any other class? I just feel ( like a lot of people) there can be a spot for warrior and I also feel that a more supportive role could get them in the mix quickly without having to completely change your play style or build. With the current condi overload, an the warriors lack in ability to deal with condis, a few simple changes like this could make them more viable and give them sustain. They have a lot of direct damage mitigation with no condi removal? I main elly and I can remove a lot of condis..which allows me to stay in a fight. A net brought up boon hate…we have no class that punishes the boon haters.
You want a Warrior for every one of those questions, why? Stability. They have so much stability up time it’s ridiculous (20 seconds traited, 25seconds with Rune of Lyssa). Couple that with 10sec immunity to condis (traited), 8 second immunity to direct damage (Shield 5 and Endure pain traited) and cleansing Ire and you’ve got yourself what could potentially be one of the best side point holders in the game.
What class would you rather have stalling a point? A warrior or a guardian? A warrior or an engy? A warrior or an elly? A warrior or any other class? I just feel ( like a lot of people) there can be a spot for warrior and I also feel that a more supportive role could get them in the mix quickly without having to completely change your play style or build. With the current condi overload, an the warriors lack in ability to deal with condis, a few simple changes like this could make them more viable and give them sustain. They have a lot of direct damage mitigation with no condi removal? I main elly and I can remove a lot of condis..which allows me to stay in a fight. A net brought up boon hate…we have no class that punishes the boon haters.
You want a Warrior for every one of those questions, why? Stability. They have so much stability up time it’s ridiculous (20 seconds traited, 25seconds with Rune of Lyssa). Couple that with 10sec immunity to condis (traited), 8 second immunity to direct damage (Shield 5 and Endure pain traited) and cleansing Ire and you’ve got yourself what could potentially be one of the best side point holders in the game.
You make it sound like we can get them all at the same time…
Dude, I don’t talk unless I know.
What class would you rather have stalling a point? A warrior or a guardian? A warrior or an engy? A warrior or an elly? A warrior or any other class? I just feel ( like a lot of people) there can be a spot for warrior and I also feel that a more supportive role could get them in the mix quickly without having to completely change your play style or build. With the current condi overload, an the warriors lack in ability to deal with condis, a few simple changes like this could make them more viable and give them sustain. They have a lot of direct damage mitigation with no condi removal? I main elly and I can remove a lot of condis..which allows me to stay in a fight. A net brought up boon hate…we have no class that punishes the boon haters.
You want a Warrior for every one of those questions, why? Stability. They have so much stability up time it’s ridiculous (20 seconds traited, 25seconds with Rune of Lyssa). Couple that with 10sec immunity to condis (traited), 8 second immunity to direct damage (Shield 5 and Endure pain traited) and cleansing Ire and you’ve got yourself what could potentially be one of the best side point holders in the game.
And that is why everyone mains a warrior in pvp, they are an unstopable beast.
Dude, I don’t talk unless I know.
If you say so, then make a build that uses all of that, and fits all the categories you said, such 20 second stability, 10 second condition immunity (which by the way, doesn’t erase the current conditions if you are talking about berserker’s stance), and all the other things you said.
The funny thing is you guys already know the build but you obviously don’t see its potential.
I saw it in action. Once the stances are gone, when you are focused you melt without being able to heal back enough IMHO.
Or, at least, this is what I saw with warriors: defence is still something you get to complement something else.
because he doesn’t know it himself
The funny thing is you guys already know the build but you obviously don’t see its potential.
… So, you aren’t going to prove yourself and show that you can make a build with the same capabilities you said a warrior can achieve… sighs, and then you say you only talk when you know what you are talking about.
The funny thing is you guys already know the build but you obviously don’t see its potential.
… So, you aren’t going to prove yourself and show that you can make a build with the same capabilities you said a warrior can achieve… sighs, and then you say you only talk when you know what you are talking about.
If you want to see the build you’ll have to wait till next week when I feature it on my guide videos! Check here to see other builds I’ve featured;
Why this kitten ing match over the build?
All it takes to make what he is saying is.
Endure Pain, Balanced Stance, Berserker Stance, Sig of Rage
Lyssa rune will condi cleanse before you pop Berserker stance.
30 points into Defense for Stance duration, Cleansing Ire, and Land Stand.
The other 40 points are free to be spent. It only takes those utilities/runes and 30 defense to do what he said.
[DA] Decisive Actions – Jade Quarry
I saw it in action. Once the stances are gone, when you are focused you melt without being able to heal back enough IMHO.
Or, at least, this is what I saw with warriors: defence is still something you get to complement something else.
This is true. The thing that saves the build though is, even when the stances go down, you still have your stuns and vigor. Without those, it’s pretty much sleepy time.
Why this kitten ing match over the build?
All it takes to make what he is saying is.
Endure Pain, Balanced Stance, Berserker Stance, Sig of Rage
Lyssa rune will condi cleanse before you pop Berserker stance.
30 points into Defense for Stance duration, Cleansing Ire, and Land Stand.
The other 40 points are free to be spent. It only takes those utilities/runes and 30 defense to do what he said.
Why not Defy Pain instead of Last Stand?
However, if you want to hold, you’ll have to invest additional 30 points into tactics for other heals. And then your damage is low, right?
because he doesn’t know it himself
Why this kitten ing match over the build?
All it takes to make what he is saying is.
Endure Pain, Balanced Stance, Berserker Stance, Sig of Rage
Lyssa rune will condi cleanse before you pop Berserker stance.
30 points into Defense for Stance duration, Cleansing Ire, and Land Stand.
The other 40 points are free to be spent. It only takes those utilities/runes and 30 defense to do what he said.
That’s my point though – I said with ALL the categories he said that can be done, yours for example doesn’t have the traited stance duration increase, or the shield mastery trait, making what he said as not possible (read his message if you want to see what I’m talking about), which for me, since he basically said that it is possible all in one build, proved he doesn’t really know what he is talking about.
Now… back to the point, there is still a problem with warrior about sustain – while the other classes have their own ways of sustain even without perks, warrior has to use traits in order to get more survivability, which means it costs him more in other areas then other classes.
Why this kitten ing match over the build?
All it takes to make what he is saying is.
Endure Pain, Balanced Stance, Berserker Stance, Sig of Rage
Lyssa rune will condi cleanse before you pop Berserker stance.
30 points into Defense for Stance duration, Cleansing Ire, and Land Stand.
The other 40 points are free to be spent. It only takes those utilities/runes and 30 defense to do what he said.
That’s my point though – I said with ALL the categories he said that can be done, yours for example doesn’t have the traited stance duration increase, or the shield mastery trait, making what he said as not possible (read his message if you want to see what I’m talking about), which for me, since he basically said that it is possible all in one build, proved he doesn’t really know what he is talking about
Now… back to the point, there is still a problem with warrior about sustain – while the other classes have their own ways of sustain even without perks, warrior has to use traits in order to get more survivability, which means it costs him more in other areas then other classes.
Who said anything about Shield mastery?
Why this kitten ing match over the build?
All it takes to make what he is saying is.
Endure Pain, Balanced Stance, Berserker Stance, Sig of Rage
Lyssa rune will condi cleanse before you pop Berserker stance.
30 points into Defense for Stance duration, Cleansing Ire, and Land Stand.
The other 40 points are free to be spent. It only takes those utilities/runes and 30 defense to do what he said.
That’s my point though – I said with ALL the categories he said that can be done, yours for example doesn’t have the traited stance duration increase, or the shield mastery trait, making what he said as not possible (read his message if you want to see what I’m talking about), which for me, since he basically said that it is possible all in one build, proved he doesn’t really know what he is talking about
Now… back to the point, there is still a problem with warrior about sustain – while the other classes have their own ways of sustain even without perks, warrior has to use traits in order to get more survivability, which means it costs him more in other areas then other classes.
Who said anything about Shield mastery?
Oh… thought when you wrote “shield 5 and endure pain traited”, you meant both, my bad >.<
Still though, I still believe the cost for those things might be too high for a warrior.