Three Reasons GW2 Will Never be an E-Sport

Three Reasons GW2 Will Never be an E-Sport

in PvP

Posted by: Nunganok.4590


I’d just like to say that I don’t find your words credible, No Walking, because you aren’t even on the PvP leaderboards.

^This guy is barely top 200, he wouldnt be on the leaderboards if they didnt extend it. I think hes just the cutest thing to hit the forums since leaderboards came up. He thinks it means something to be in the top 200 on gw2 NA. /golfclap

Three Reasons GW2 Will Never be an E-Sport

in PvP

Posted by: Baam.2493


I’d just like to say that I don’t find your words credible, No Walking, because you aren’t even on the PvP leaderboards.

^This guy is barely top 200, he wouldnt be on the leaderboards if they didnt extend it. I think hes just the cutest thing to hit the forums since leaderboards came up. He thinks it means something to be in the top 200 on gw2 NA. /golfclap

Your not even on the leaderboard…

Three Reasons GW2 Will Never be an E-Sport

in PvP

Posted by: Nunganok.4590


I’d just like to say that I don’t find your words credible, No Walking, because you aren’t even on the PvP leaderboards.

^This guy is barely top 200, he wouldnt be on the leaderboards if they didnt extend it. I think hes just the cutest thing to hit the forums since leaderboards came up. He thinks it means something to be in the top 200 on gw2 NA. /golfclap

Your not even on the leaderboard…

Neither are you, OH WAIT LOL you cried until they extended it to top 1000.

I like how in one thread you acknowledge that I am on the leaderboard on my main account but in this thread you are pretending like you dont know me.

If I were you I would pretend like I didn’t know me either. <3

Three Reasons GW2 Will Never be an E-Sport

in PvP

Posted by: Baam.2493


I’d just like to say that I don’t find your words credible, No Walking, because you aren’t even on the PvP leaderboards.

^This guy is barely top 200, he wouldnt be on the leaderboards if they didnt extend it. I think hes just the cutest thing to hit the forums since leaderboards came up. He thinks it means something to be in the top 200 on gw2 NA. /golfclap

Your not even on the leaderboard…

Neither are you, OH WAIT LOL you cried until they extended it to top 1000.

I like how in one thread you acknowledge that I am on the leaderboard on my main account but in this thread you are pretending like you dont know me.

If I were you I would pretend like I didn’t know me either. <3

Your still not even on the leaderboard…

Three Reasons GW2 Will Never be an E-Sport

in PvP

Posted by: pot.6805


GW2 can become an Esport however it lacks many of the features needed to become one. Three examples of successful esports that come to mind are Starcraft 2, Dota, and Counter Strike.

snipped for length

Until Guildwars 2 includes all of these it will never become an e-sport.

Great post man!

Beast mode

Three Reasons GW2 Will Never be an E-Sport

in PvP

Posted by: google.3709


GW2 have to face 3 major problems before it can actually become an Esport

  1. Making PvP more rewarding, currently the sPvP community is REALLY small. Even on weekends there is normally only 15-20 servers.
  2. Class balance, No one will take the game seriously when the game is so strongly dominated by some classes.
  3. More game modes, people want annihilation but until balance is reached they can’t add it (PvP would be 50% thief 50% mesmers otherwise )

GW1 was a lot closer to being Esport. it has more game modes, better meta’s and flexibility.. some people are gonna argue “BUT THEY HAVE MONKS”! but i do not agree that’s the reason, it’s all about balance, i do understand some classes are entitle to have more burst, but i do not agree they should kill so much faster compared to other classes, and then have easy aces to unstoppable finishers.

Also, gw1 PvP have more depth which GW2 Lacks. there is not interrupting critical skills such a ress. and no down state is not the same since every class is different. a ranger can ress himself even with 20+ stacks of bleeds and players constantly attacking them etc while other classes like engi have a completely useless down state.

there is no meta.. like hexway, RaO etc. in gw2 there is not team structure of specific roles, specially since some classes can do everything themselves and have an innate advantage Vs most classes.

but yea.. the curret gw2 meta revolves around and explicitly around damage. if you can deal damage and survive, you’re golden. and some class mechanics make it easier such a stealth, clones, which grants the user survival while at the same time allowing them to spec for more damaging builds. thats why these classes are currently considered strong i think

but yea im bored.. haha

(edited by google.3709)

Three Reasons GW2 Will Never be an E-Sport

in PvP

Posted by: Zoose.1640


This was news in August 2012 brah.

Three Reasons GW2 Will Never be an E-Sport

in PvP

Posted by: Swagger.1459


  1. Leavers being allowed at all in tournaments, the “hardcore pvp” option.
  2. No rating system at all besides leaderboards (useless), and glory (can get through casual pvp).
  3. downing 3 people, then having them all rally off of a single kill, the biggest failing of this pvp system.

Sorry, but GW2’s dreams as an e-sport are long gone. Maybe we’ll have better luck with TES:O

here is me list…

1. profession designs not good.
2. combat designed around these professions not good.
3. rewards not good.

esport stuff was for pr buzz. yes long gone so go buy some legendaries (don’t forget your riding gear so you can look stylish on a flying broom!) then zerg dynamical events in orr and walls in wvw. eb jp can be fun after happy hour though

New Main- 80 Thief – P/P- Vault Spam Pro

221 hours over 1,581 days of bank space/hot pve/lion’s arch afk and some wvw.

Three Reasons GW2 Will Never be an E-Sport

in PvP

Posted by: Calae.1738


The gaming community will decide whether GW2 sPVP is an esport or not.

In the meantime; try to get at least 10 spectators “willing” to watch a game.

Three Reasons GW2 Will Never be an E-Sport

in PvP

Posted by: Lukin.4061


Your not even on the leaderboard…

The leaderboards are not well made, so why do you think that a persons opinion does not count or is somehow inferior to ranked players?

Three Reasons GW2 Will Never be an E-Sport

in PvP

Posted by: matjazmuhic.1649


I think custom matches (and maybe observer mode) is the most needed right now so people can make their own tournament ladders and stuff.

Three Reasons GW2 Will Never be an E-Sport

in PvP

Posted by: Forzani.2584


Always neat when a game developer tries to invent new terms.

E-Sport ? lol
Now rather than a boss encounter we have what’s called a “Meta” ..also lol

When someone uses the word ‘Meta’, a kitten dies. Don’t do it.

Three Reasons GW2 Will Never be an E-Sport

in PvP

Posted by: Raaka.9784


TESO’s PvP has been uncovered as a complete failure already.

Oh right, I totally forgot that there are people who can see into the future :/

No, but there are people who have played their PvP in BETA and found it to be poorly implemented almost feeling like an afterthought rather than the primary focus.

Just like GW2 beta then.

GW2 is failure… but they try fix everything but is not possible in this life

Come to say hi!

(edited by Raaka.9784)