Time to nerf celestial
I thought you were done with this game. How many of these threads are you going to create.
Celestial Team fights are boring to watch
Celestial Team composition are boring to fight against
Celestial Build are boring to use
Celetial is boring
This game is gonna be boring
but they’re a lot stronger
than they will be next year!
I thought you were done with this game. How many of these threads are you going to create.
Nobody asked for your opinion if you’re not interested.
If a Warrior traded his Cele amulet in for a Soldier’s Amulet.. I’m not exactly sure what you expect would change.
If an Engineer traded his Cele amulet in for a Rabid Amulet.. they still kick kitten . Lots of people still prefer Rabid to Cele.
If an Elementalist traded his Cele amulet in for ….. any other amulet, the Ele would be quite nerfed, yes.
(Drake’s Breath is the problem)
New Twitter: @chaithhh
I feel like might-stacking is the real problem. I could be wrong on that I don’t know what the culprit is, but I agree that it’s too efficient to build for both sustain and damage compared to specializing in one or the other.
Engi losing cele actually hurts a lot.
If a Warrior traded his Cele amulet in for a Soldier’s Amulet.. I’m not exactly sure what you expect would change.
If an Engineer traded his Cele amulet in for a Rabid Amulet.. they still kick kitten . Lots of people still prefer Rabid to Cele.
If an Elementalist traded his Cele amulet in for ….. any other amulet, the Ele would be quite nerfed, yes.
(Drake’s Breath is the problem)
Engi on rabid loses survivability, A LOT.
And CCs.
An engi on P/S is a totally different beast than a rifle one: no decaps, no blowout on dead bodies, less condi resistance cuz forced to take condi dmg runes etc…
Saying it won’t matter is silly and u know it.
War on soldier will deal way less damage with burning and bleeds and torment just dodge eartshacker/eviscerate and they go back sucking like they should.
Currently if you die against a war 80% of damage log is burning, then torment, then bleeds then whatever else.
Totally fine, don’t u think ?
The game sux balls right now and it’s all thx to celestial, both on high end and low end ( where there’re also turret engies, totlly gamebreaking).
Wow, what a nice game we have.
Engi losing cele actually hurts a lot.
Depends on how you mean ‘hurt’. Hypothetically, losing celestial closes off the hybrid play style, hurting versatility, but won’t hurt the maximum strength of the profession. Rabid Engineer is just as strong in what it brings to the table, just forces the Engineer into a condi-spam role.
New Twitter: @chaithhh
Engi on rabid loses survivability, A LOT.
And CCs.
An engi on P/S is a totally different beast than a rifle one: no decaps, no blowout on dead bodies, less condi resistance cuz forced to take condi dmg runes etc…
Saying it won’t matter is silly and u know it.
War on soldier will deal way less damage with burning and bleeds and torment just dodge eartshacker/eviscerate and they go back sucking like they should.
Currently if you die against a war 80% of damage log is burning, then torment, then bleeds then whatever else.
Totally fine, don’t u think ?
The game sux balls right now and it’s all thx to celestial, both on high end and low end ( where there’re also turret engies, totlly gamebreaking).
Wow, what a nice game we have.
Going from Celestial Rifle to Rabid P/P or P/S loses survivability, and CC? Wut
Thanks for pointing out the obvious. But my point is that having max condition burn ticks with IP and Balth runes is enough melting power to keep Rabid Engineer on the same tier as the Celestial counterpart. Cry about the Rifle knockback or the Increased Celestial health and healing, and you get burnt..
Also, Celestial Warrior isn’t all that. The poor scaling through healing, and the loss in power makes it kind of a side-grade to Soldier’s amulet for 1v1ing. The top tier Warriors aren’t all on the Celestial train..
My point is that if you’re in tears about how hard the game is for you now that there are Cele builds that you can’t beat, just remember, you weren’t beating these players when they were on Soldiers, or Rabid either. Sorry mate, but it’s the truth.
New Twitter: @chaithhh
Power engi or get out.
Celestial is fine, self high might stack is the problem.
Ele and war can reach easily 20+ stack might! engi celestial, without a fire field, only 10 more or less.
Nerfing sigil of battle could help, but imho finding a way to buff less might by on their own would be better.
Power engi or get out.
That would be dope. Celestial is the closest to power engi viability as we’ve seen since launch.
Pure power Engi, unfortunately, isn’t good due to the inherent strength of the Engineer’s conditions. Hybrid, Condi, or bust – maybe in the far away future there will be a build that is worth building purely for power damage!
New Twitter: @chaithhh
My point is that if you’re in tears about how hard the game is for you now that there are Cele builds that you can’t beat, just remember, you weren’t beating these players when they were on Soldiers, or Rabid either. Sorry mate, but it’s the truth.
ROFL that’s absolutely not true.
First of all
- rabid engi is a way easier target in team fights
- cele war is MASSIVELY stronger than soldier one, especially A/S war, i have no idea what you’re talking about.
Celestial amulet needs to go, period.
Celestial is fine, self high might stack is the problem.
Ele and war can reach easily 20+ stack might! engi celestial, without a fire field, only 10 more or less.
Nerfing sigil of battle could help, but imho finding a way to buff less might by on their own would be better.
^ this response made the most sense in this thread because boon remval is limited on most builds.
The Dhuumfire thread
Celestial is fine, self high might stack is the problem.
Ele and war can reach easily 20+ stack might! engi celestial, without a fire field, only 10 more or less.
Nerfing sigil of battle could help, but imho finding a way to buff less might by on their own would be better.
Maybe give classes more access to boon removal or stealing, would be nice.
This is an mmo forum, if someone isn’t whining chances are the game is dead.
How do you even know, now that I think of it?
Celestial Team fights are boring to watch
Celestial Team composition are boring to fight against
Celestial Build are boring to use
Celetial is boring
This game is gonna be boring
play something else then. grind in archeage for example
ele @ Gf Left Me Coz Of Ladderboard [vain] (EU) / Salty Strategy [PAIN]
Celestial is fine, self high might stack is the problem.
Ele and war can reach easily 20+ stack might! engi celestial, without a fire field, only 10 more or less.
Nerfing sigil of battle could help, but imho finding a way to buff less might by on their own would be better.
Maybe give classes more access to boon removal or stealing, would be nice.
that would be huge nerf to guardians, they would be unplayable probably
[Teef] guild :>
Did anyone notice Shad and Misha vs. celestial eles in the last tourny? It was like <2s kills.
In regards to Celestial/Soldier amulets for Warriors: I think that Celestial is significantly stronger on A/Sw LB than Soldier’s is, but since the patch I’ve noticed that most warriors have gone back to Hambow anyway. I think Soldier’s is the stronger option for Hambow. Hambow is much more prevalent, so Soldier’s amulet is probably used more than Celestial on Warriors nowadays.
Competitive Warrior, Ele, Mesmer, Ranger, Engineer, Thief
In regards to Celestial/Soldier amulets for Warriors: I think that Celestial is significantly stronger on A/Sw LB than Soldier’s is, but since the patch I’ve noticed that most warriors have gone back to Hambow anyway. I think Soldier’s is the stronger option for Hambow. Hambow is much more prevalent, so Soldier’s amulet is probably used more than Celestial on Warriors nowadays.
Yep. Celestial Hammer is … erm, not exactly a winner. And hammer is more common than Axe/Sw.
New Twitter: @chaithhh
Axe/Sword Longbow is really only usable in the 3-point CM-esque comp. Hambow’s stronger in team fights, whereas A/Sw LB is stronger in skirmishes.
Competitive Warrior, Ele, Mesmer, Ranger, Engineer, Thief
celestial amulet is fine.
boon removal options needs a buff.
Might stacking is too strong agreed but I actually like the build diversity celestial creates. 15 Might stacks may be more balanced. Actually celestial hambow is stronger than soldier IMO if you run doom and geomancy sigils on longbow. The instaswap to proc both sigils is too good in duels against our harder matchups (good thief/engi).
Youtube: https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCw1GKG9YRw7lU1Sq3Gk5oyg
rabid engi is as strong as celestial
without celestial, axe/sword would not be as good
dd, staff ele will not be as good.
rabid engi is as strong as celestial
without celestial, axe/sword would not be as good
dd, staff ele will not be as good.
Yep, note that celestial is tied into the viability of eles the most, out of any profession.
New Twitter: @chaithhh
rabid engi is as strong as celestial
without celestial, axe/sword would not be as good
dd, staff ele will not be as good.Yep, note that celestial is tied into the viability of eles the most, out of any profession.
didn’t stop anet to make ferocity changes while certain classesd depended on crit dmg
[Teef] guild :>
rabid engi is as strong as celestial
without celestial, axe/sword would not be as good
dd, staff ele will not be as good.Yep, note that celestial is tied into the viability of eles the most, out of any profession.
didn’t stop anet to make ferocity changes while certain classesd depended on crit dmg
Seeing as you’re posting in the sPvP forums, keep in mind that no changes in power level came from the ferocity changes in sPvP.
New Twitter: @chaithhh
rabid engi is as strong as celestial
without celestial, axe/sword would not be as good
dd, staff ele will not be as good.Yep, note that celestial is tied into the viability of eles the most, out of any profession.
didn’t stop anet to make ferocity changes while certain classesd depended on crit dmg
Seeing as you’re posting in the sPvP forums, keep in mind that no changes in power level came from the ferocity changes in sPvP.
was just an example
[Teef] guild :>