Tired of fighting npc's, I want to fight againt players

Tired of fighting npc's, I want to fight againt players

in PvP

Posted by: sami.3801


Please, make a real pvp mode without pets, I dont see the point of this pv(e)p where half of the skills are controlled by the I.A.
I understand that some people will like it but dont call it pvp, cause is not.

Tired of fighting npc's, I want to fight againt players

in PvP

Posted by: Blazer Hellsing.9184

Blazer Hellsing.9184

Battlefield 3 = that way.

GW2 was very clear from the beginning before beta’s even that the game would have a good amount of I.A. with its professions and in PvP. While mesmer phantasm and clones, Engineer turrets, Guardian spirit weapons and Ranger Pets are annoying, they are not broken or overpowered.

The only real bad PvE element in GW2 sPvP are the sharks in Raid on the Capricorn map.

Main: Thief
Alts: Warrior, Necromancer, Mesmer, Elementalist (bunker)

Tired of fighting npc's, I want to fight againt players

in PvP

Posted by: Xaximbo.2763


The sharks have a role, they ensure that it’s more than advisable that you don’t go alone to get that point, while i’d find horrible that some npcs attack you while you are pvping because they give an unfair advantage here it’s important for this. Also makes this point important as once you get it if defended properly makes very unlikely that is contested again,

Tired of fighting npc's, I want to fight againt players

in PvP

Posted by: mouse.1689


The sharks on Capricorn are stupid and should be removed. Ranger/Necro/Mesmer pets are a core part of those classes’ mechanics and you need to get used to them and learn to play around them, because they’re not going anywhere.

Tired of fighting npc's, I want to fight againt players

in PvP

Posted by: Detahmaio.2014


I’d like to see a pvp map with just capture points. No Npcs or usable objects on the map, I’m still waiting for them to add another game mode either TDM or CTF.

Tired of fighting npc's, I want to fight againt players

in PvP

Posted by: kyokara.1867


Sometimes it does feel like pokemon instead of PvP
Saw 2 necros and 2 rangers on a point earlier..more mobs there than all players in the match put together

80 Warrior
2 Mesmer (sPvP only)

Tired of fighting npc's, I want to fight againt players

in PvP

Posted by: GankSinatra.2653


It’s definatly annoying. But its too late to remove mesmer or ranger or necro pets. We can at least remove those kittening rock dogs.

Sometimes i just look at a Graveyard zerg from high up, both laughing and crying at the same time.

Tired of fighting npc's, I want to fight againt players

in PvP

Posted by: Ynna.8769


I like the NPC’s on Forrest, but the sharks on Capricorn are a “win-more” mechanic. I like that they added danger to the water and an added benefit for having the central point, but the sharks are too much. If the sharks would stop attacking you while you’re on the point, that would be an improvement.

“Come on, hit me!”

Tired of fighting npc's, I want to fight againt players

in PvP

Posted by: sami.3801


Perhaps less pets but stronger and with manual control, or a negative vigor condition. I dont find fair to fight against an opponent who has the same dodges than me while his brainless pets are doing the job. And it’s frustrating too when your pets start doing nonesense and you’re unable to control them.
And lag spikes… A.I pets dont seem to be affected by it, but if I’m unable to pop up some skill, it can be the difference between dying or not.

So maybe it’s too late to change “Digimon Wars”, but a slight mechanics change can make the difference.

Tired of fighting npc's, I want to fight againt players

in PvP

Posted by: Knote.2904


Pet’s are too “fire and forget” and don’t require nearly as much input as they should.

Tired of fighting npc's, I want to fight againt players

in PvP

Posted by: BaPanda.4073


first of all, pet builds for necro are insanely weak to AoE. But I do agree, ranger pets are annoying, not sure if they are OP, but their HP pools are insane