(edited by Firelysm.4967)
Tired of one combo burst
I got screwed by a thief and mesmer combo yesterday in stronghold
they spawn campped me to stop me helping my team since we were slaughtering them all together..
I dunno what everyone else was running but they came after me specifically..
every time I downed one or close to it they would spam me with clones and stealth.. heal up within a few seconds then ambush me again before I had time to get away..
it was such an infuriatingly cheap tactic that really does show just how Op and cheap both stealth and illusions are in Pvp.. and have always been..
both mes and thief are annoying classes to put down 1v1 most of the time but combine the two of them with a tactic like this and you have the perfect skill less cheap playstyle that just ruins the PvP experience
2v1 in sPvP should be difficult…
And let me get this straight, so basically 5v5 you won, but 2 versus you while rest of your team was fighting the 3 was a problem?
sounds like you should have accomplished a lot keeping those 2 busy… But again, you are talking about 2 people facing you, and you were still downing them? Perhaps you are the op one?
edit: As for the original post, is that supposed to be 2 thieves bursting you? I can see that happen if they hit at same time with all skills, but that’s 2v1 again… (or is it 3v1 counting the mes? then for sure you should expect to die, in this ‘new meta’ or the ‘old meta’… What could 2 wars do with eviscerate? Or say oh idk, 2 zerk rangers on even just auto attacks? Or just 1 zerk ranger? Don’t even have to go full zerk to do a lot of damage.
as for “Still get full bursted even if you dodge, because in next 10 sec you’ll get new full burst.”
How do you think people feel about ranger longbow?
(edited by Lunacy Solacio.6514)
Anyone 2v1 in PvP is going to get exploded. I just “love” getting wrecked by a necro and engie or 2 engies even. Really, it doesn’t matter the combo, chances are even if you’re specc’d to deal with one of them, the other will have a build to exploit your weaknesses.
It sucks, but that’s the reality.
That being said, I HATE fighting mesmers in PvP. They are just way too much work and can usually tie you up long enough for the rest of their team to dogpile you if you aren’t watching.
Soraya Mayhew – Thief
Melissa Koris – Engie – SF for Life!
yea that happened to me too. A Thief and a Mesmer were just instantly deleting me with no opportunity for a reaction on my part. No amount of Toughness and Vitality could save me from those cheap tactics.
Maybe a possible solution is to make Tanky builds better? I don’t know, maybe something that makes toughness very noticeable when you build that way. Right now it doesnt seem to do a whole lot of good. I do ok with just about any other class because I can see them coming. But those perma-stealth, insta-burst classes seem unfair to me.
I got screwed by a thief and mesmer combo yesterday in stronghold
they spawn campped me to stop me helping my team since we were slaughtering them all together..
I dunno what everyone else was running but they came after me specifically..
every time I downed one or close to it they would spam me with clones and stealth.. heal up within a few seconds then ambush me again before I had time to get away..it was such an infuriatingly cheap tactic that really does show just how Op and cheap both stealth and illusions are in Pvp.. and have always been..
both mes and thief are annoying classes to put down 1v1 most of the time but combine the two of them with a tactic like this and you have the perfect skill less cheap playstyle that just ruins the PvP experience
that has a lot to do with your personal choices though, depends what I play when stuff like this happens I range their kitten from spawn or stealth past, etc. if you play something liek a war you could just pop your stances and nike through without breaking a sweat, many things many professions can do about this.
The lack of thought on the part of the people that let themselves be camped is most often their own fault, though there are exceptions.
Nobody lets themselves be camped. If you’re camped, it’s because you can’t overcome what’s camping you. I always find people that say things like that to be a little arrogant. And the next thing that will come out of their mouths is surely the … what, you can’t take 2v1? You must suck dude.
If I had a nickel for every time I’ve listened to the tired boastings of a player talking about all the great kittenz they can do to defeat 2 opponents with no sweat, I’d be really, really rich by now.
In reality, when you’re camped, you’re beat down. If you are exceptionally talented and can out perform 2 other players or they make a mistake and you can get up or get away, that’s LUCK.
There’s good luck and there’s bad luck. Good luck is you aren’t spawn camped by 2 opponents. Bad luck is you’re spawn camped by 2 opponents and outskilled.
yeah there is no point to play a bunk class right now. when thieves can heart seek you for over 10k when you have over 3k armor(main reason i stopped playing bunk guardian). or being burned by a burst guardian for over 45k burn, even with a class for condition removal. you can not manage it. or ele with stability and can not be crit in earth form. Is crap, and anet should of prolly tested this stuff, armor means nothing in pvp as it stands. It is the internet people will be kittens and get away with it. Ruining games for people. Either learn to be the kitten or hope to what ever Jebus you believe , anet will learn to balance.
Grand Warden of I Crit Under Pressure.
message me for an invite ^_^
that has a lot to do with your personal choices though, depends what I play when stuff like this happens I range their kitten from spawn or stealth past, etc. if you play something liek a war you could just pop your stances and nike through without breaking a sweat, many things many professions can do about this.
The lack of thought on the part of the people that let themselves be camped is most often their own fault, though there are exceptions.
So I should be punished because I don’t play a warrior or a thief? because I don’t have access to null dmg skills and stealth?
and its also my fault that 2 other players both with access to Stealth which has NO!!! counter in PvP deliberately choose to specifically bully me and stop me from participating in the game by camping my spawn point
please do tell me how that was my fault.. and the fact that even when I did down one of them they would simply stealth and tp away somewhere and revive in a matter of seconds.. which would guarantee that it would be impossible for me to actually kill either of them.. putting me in a constant no win scenario situation with no way out..
sorry but no.. using tactics like stealth rezing/finishers etc is just cheap..
but deliberately spawn camping someone specifically so they can’t even play the kitten game is no different than bullying
Unfortunately the only viable build for theif at the moment is dagger dagger glass cannon which relies on bursting targets down ASAP. I’ve been forced to remove utility for might generation just to keep up. We don’t like it either.
yeah there is no point to play a bunk class right now. when thieves can heart seek you for over 10k when you have over 3k armor(main reason i stopped playing bunk guardian). or being burned by a burst guardian for over 45k burn, even with a class for condition removal. you can not manage it. or ele with stability and can not be crit in earth form. Is crap, and anet should of prolly tested this stuff, armor means nothing in pvp as it stands.
Yeah, Guild Wars 2 has to be the only MMORPG I have ever played (and I have played a LOT of them) where armor means absolutely nothing other than how it affects your appearance. It is ironic I think that two of the light armor classes (Elementalist and Mesmer) have better survivability and sustain than the two heavy armor classes do.
“You can get more results with a kind word and a big stick,
than you can with merely a kind word.”
This meta is more kitten then ever.
2 hit combo thiefs
1 combo mesmer3,2k armor and 25k hp
Still get full bursted even if you dodge, because in next 10 sec you’ll get new full burst.
This meta is total kitten.
Don’t wear full offensive gear then. I wear mostly gear with some of the stats are defensive. Such as rabid, pvt, or celestial, and I never get one shotted, esp if having the onddisabled trait and a solid stunbreaker Ready, a condi cleanse, I’ve beaten many of those one-shot ponies.
It does mean you have to abandon the full offensive mentality, though.
If you aren’t playing full offensive I don’t know what to tell you. Even with celestial gear no one has one shotted me. World of hurt, sure, but I always had a chance. Maybe you need a couple defensive skills and traits.
Imho only cloakers and extremely long range attacker such as Longbow rangers can afford to go 100% offensive With impunity.