~Tamiyo~ ~Lord Mockingbird~
To anet. Pls return solo que with hot.
~Tamiyo~ ~Lord Mockingbird~
Why do you care about qualifying for leagues if you don’t have a team? I mean I want soloq back as well, but I don’t get what you’re saying.
Leagues are exactly why soloq won’t return. It is unlikely that there are enough premades in queue at a given time to keep the teamq popping for all leagues. And that’s without the difficulty of what to do with players who want to run premades of less than 5 players.
Everything works better with largers numbers of players. Hence splitting up your playerbase is something that developers will tend to avoid at all costs.
I don’t mind solo que, just don’t make it have any progression towards pro leagues; like only offer it in unranked.
As far as i understood, there are no plans to return soloq in HoT. Let’s ignore majority of pvp community woohoo.