To have the best chance of winning

To have the best chance of winning

in PvP

Posted by: Yigameir.6073


I have found the best way of winning at the moment in pvp ranked is to play in 2 to 3 players.
I lost game after game in solo Q then lost game after game in a 5 man team as we were put up with hard core teams. But if I play with just 3 ppl we seem to win a lot lot more. I played with lots of different ppl from my Guild and the 3 person Q seemed to work the best if this is the same for other people I don’t know but it has worked for me and my Guild.

To have the best chance of winning

in PvP

Posted by: Ghorman.1368


Yes, because Anet doesn’t have a pure solo queue. Their solo queue only stops 5 man teams. There needs to be a pure solo queue with no teams; not even a 2 person team.

So, you are taking advantage of solo players by teaming up. It’s not a fair system in any way, shape or form for a solo player.