ToL is an example of why esports won't happen

ToL is an example of why esports won't happen

in PvP

Posted by: Ruru.1302


Outside of balancing issues, bad players, etc, we have the DC. Someone just dced in a high profile match and guess what? The game resumes. Just look at league of legends and their thriving esports scene; everything is played on lan, effectively eliminating DC, and online tournaments have a pause function.

[Mada] Apocryfia

ToL is an example of why esports won't happen

in PvP

Posted by: butch.8136


Bad players… lol can’t blame that one on Anet…

Razor xxxx (Desolation ; Off)
Bring back: ‘Gamer’ title + MAT’s!
Throw out: Hotjoin!

ToL is an example of why esports won't happen

in PvP

Posted by: xantosnightwish.5438


The disconnect was on the side that eventually WON the game in question…

DPS Co-Owner and CEO
Digital Pro Sports
Bear Cavalry of Legend PVP 4life!

ToL is an example of why esports won't happen

in PvP

Posted by: EverythingEnds.4261


I think on PAX, the teams were also on LAN or some kind like this.

The reward for ToL are Legendaries. As long as you don’t sell those on ebay, their “real money” value equals zero.
Thus, making a “real” tournament, with renting a place and stuff seems a little bit too much.

ToL is an example of why esports won't happen

in PvP

Posted by: xantosnightwish.5438


I wont argue against having LAN set ups! That would be sweet.

DPS Co-Owner and CEO
Digital Pro Sports
Bear Cavalry of Legend PVP 4life!

ToL is an example of why esports won't happen

in PvP

Posted by: jebro.6370


I think to compare GW2 Spvp to that of LOL or Starcraft is slightly unfair.

ToL is an example of why esports won't happen

in PvP

Posted by: CntrlAltDefeat.1465


Bad players… lol can’t blame that one on Anet…

Yeah, you can. There is no tutorial, or integrated and progressive arena’s. Your first experience is hotjoin. Hotjoin, although fun and serving a purpose, doesn’t lay down any ground work. Most games will instruct you on what the rules, but not how to win. PvP just throws you in with no instruction..let alone concepts on how to win.

Each profession suffers terrible confusion as to what their purpose or design is. Is there any reason to take an engineer over a necro?, a Ranger or a thief?. It doesn’t help with statements such as, “Ele is the king of versatility..” are made, then a few months later the exact same call is made about engineer. In order to do a good job, first of all a craftsman must have good, well maintained tools. You wouldn’t use a chisel when trying to saw, you wouldn’t use a plane when try to lathe..get where I am going with this? The notion of all profession can play how they like is understandable in a game where PvE is mostly done solo, but in PvP professions need purpose. No craftsman will ever become good if the only tool they use is a swiss army knife.

(edited by CntrlAltDefeat.1465)

ToL is an example of why esports won't happen

in PvP

Posted by: Zietlogik.6208


It was actually a total of 3 disconnects, and it was on the losing team.

Zietlogik [Warrior] Chronologix [Ranger] Ziet The Dreaded [Necromancer] Zietlogic [Revenant]

ToL is an example of why esports won't happen

in PvP

Posted by: EverythingEnds.4261


It was actually a total of 3 disconnects, and it was on the losing team.

Actually actually, the first dc was on temple on the side of TCG and hit tage.

But it still sucks somehow, that on the last match they didn’t restart.

ToL is an example of why esports won't happen

in PvP

Posted by: infantrydiv.1620


Outside of balancing issues, bad players, etc, we have the DC. Someone just dced in a high profile match and guess what? The game resumes. Just look at league of legends and their thriving esports scene; everything is played on lan, effectively eliminating DC, and online tournaments have a pause function.

Hmm, last time I checked Guild Wars 2 was an MMORPG, not a RTS or MOBA. Maybe that’s why it doesn’t have a pause feature currently, since MMORPGs are not designed as specifically competitive games.

Also, I thought today’s tournament had a great turn out and that the competition was surprisingly tough. The last match was unfortunate, but overall, the majority of the tournament so far has gone off without a hitch.

As for ‘bad balance and bad players’, every class was represented well today, and if you think the players are bad, get yourself a team and try and win the next tournament… because no one cares that you were ranked 11 in solo queue.


ToL is an example of why esports won't happen

in PvP

Posted by: Iason Evan.3806

Iason Evan.3806

Bad players… lol can’t blame that one on Anet…

Yeah, you can. There is no tutorial, or integrated and progressive arena’s. Your first experience is hotjoin. Hotjoin, although fun and serving a purpose, doesn’t lay down any ground work. Most games will instruct you on what the rules, but not how to win. PvP just throws you in with no instruction..let alone concepts on how to win.

Each profession suffers terrible confusion as to what their purpose or design is. Is there any reason to take an engineer over a necro?, a Ranger or a thief?. It doesn’t help with statements such as, “Ele is the king of versatility..” are made, then a few months later the exact same call is made about engineer. In order to do a good job, first of all a craftsman must have good, well maintained tools. You wouldn’t use a chisel when trying to saw, you wouldn’t use a plane when try to lathe..get where I am going with this? The notion of all profession can play how they like is understandable in a game where PvE is mostly done solo, but in PvP professions need purpose. No craftsman will ever become good if the only tool they use is a swiss army knife.

Thank you for putting into words what I couldn’t. The first step to fixing PvP is the mentioned tutorials. The other is skill splits. That way you give identities to classes in PvP and still allow WvW and PvE to have their “play how you want” style.

Leader of The Guernsey Milking Coalition [MiLk] Sanctum of Rall

ToL is an example of why esports won't happen

in PvP

Posted by: xantosnightwish.5438


It was actually a total of 3 disconnects, and it was on the losing team.

This is partially true. I can fully explain the disconnects for everyone in the interest of transparency.

1st disconnect: Tage disconnected and couldnt get back in due to a bugg. The server wasnt full. TCG won tho. Then this thread was made and I made my previous post.

2nd disconnect: This one made all of the admins in the room immediately scream “OH NO!”. Two players disconnecting 20 secs in on the same team is never a good situation. Unfortunately, the tourney rules stated that unless it was a mass disconnect, the match wouldnt be restarted. The reasoning for this is that we dont want people faking disconnects if their team has a bad start. So unfortunately, the match had to continue. We are not happy about this situation either, it was a rough way to end a otherwise fairly good day of competition.

I personally want to thank Otist for being graceful about the situation and to thank the EU community for their turn out! See you tmw for semi’s and finals guys!

DPS Co-Owner and CEO
Digital Pro Sports
Bear Cavalry of Legend PVP 4life!

ToL is an example of why esports won't happen

in PvP

Posted by: Mrbig.8019


Bad players… lol can’t blame that one on Anet…

Yeah, you can. There is no tutorial, or integrated and progressive arena’s. Your first experience is hotjoin. Hotjoin, although fun and serving a purpose, doesn’t lay down any ground work. Most games will instruct you on what the rules, but not how to win. PvP just throws you in with no instruction..let alone concepts on how to win.

Each profession suffers terrible confusion as to what their purpose or design is. Is there any reason to take an engineer over a necro?, a Ranger or a thief?. It doesn’t help with statements such as, “Ele is the king of versatility..” are made, then a few months later the exact same call is made about engineer. In order to do a good job, first of all a craftsman must have good, well maintained tools. You wouldn’t use a chisel when trying to saw, you wouldn’t use a plane when try to lathe..get where I am going with this? The notion of all profession can play how they like is understandable in a game where PvE is mostly done solo, but in PvP professions need purpose. No craftsman will ever become good if the only tool they use is a swiss army knife.


And even more, there’s no real way to tell if you’re improving or not.

Conquest is won by rotations, something you can learn only by having a good strategy and there’s no way to tell if you’re improving your strategy.

Usually you lose and you can’t even understand what went wrong.

End scoreboard needs to be a lot more detailed than current one.

It was actually a total of 3 disconnects, and it was on the losing team.

This is partially true. I can fully explain the disconnects for everyone in the interest of transparency.

1st disconnect: Tage disconnected and couldnt get back in due to a bugg. The server wasnt full. TCG won tho. Then this thread was made and I made my previous post.

2nd disconnect: This one made all of the admins in the room immediately scream “OH NO!”. Two players disconnecting 20 secs in on the same team is never a good situation. Unfortunately, the tourney rules stated that unless it was a mass disconnect, the match wouldnt be restarted. The reasoning for this is that we dont want people faking disconnects if their team has a bad start. So unfortunately, the match had to continue. We are not happy about this situation either, it was a rough way to end a otherwise fairly good day of competition.

I personally want to thank Otist for being graceful about the situation and to thank the EU community for their turn out! See you tmw for semi’s and finals guys!

I know there were particular rules, but Otist didn’t have a bad start, teams were absolutely even and they disconnected in the middle of a team fight.

Even if there were rules, it was OBVIOUS that was not premeditated, moreover they happened at the real start of the match.

A rematch could have been allowed.

Whatever, it’s in the past already, just think you can be more flexible in certain obvious situations like this one.

ToL is an example of why esports won't happen

in PvP

Posted by: Zietlogik.6208


Or add spectator/server control with pause functionality for admins…like any company with common sense would do when trying to work towards an e-sports goal

Zietlogik [Warrior] Chronologix [Ranger] Ziet The Dreaded [Necromancer] Zietlogic [Revenant]

ToL is an example of why esports won't happen

in PvP

Posted by: gesho.9468


Each profession suffers terrible confusion as to what their purpose or design is. Is there any reason to take an engineer over a necro?, a Ranger or a thief?. It doesn’t help with statements such as, “Ele is the king of versatility..” are made, then a few months later the exact same call is made about engineer. In order to do a good job, first of all a craftsman must have good, well maintained tools. You wouldn’t use a chisel when trying to saw, you wouldn’t use a plane when try to lathe..get where I am going with this? The notion of all profession can play how they like is understandable in a game where PvE is mostly done solo, but in PvP professions need purpose. No craftsman will ever become good if the only tool they use is a swiss army knife.

i dont think you r looking for char identity in the right place. profession is a very general concept in gw2. most profs can be molded to be ranged or melee, glass or bunker, etc… it is build were identity is formed in gw2 and there are builds with specific purposes.

would you rather prefer cookie cutter situation of wow? where your class choice, or rather absense of choice can be copy/pasted from mr robot? i dont think so.

ToL is an example of why esports won't happen

in PvP

Posted by: TheRuler.1290


Outside of balancing issues, bad players, etc, we have the DC. Someone just dced in a high profile match and guess what? The game resumes. Just look at league of legends and their thriving esports scene; everything is played on lan, effectively eliminating DC, and online tournaments have a pause function.

Online tournaments probably won’t ever be a strong esports scene simply because it’s not a level playing field IMO, you have no control over each players Internet connection (DC, lag issues, etc…,) or the quality of the computer they play on. However you won’t find many groups of five players willing to travel to a location without having a substantial jackpot to lure them. Riot puts a lot of money into their tournaments (infrastructure, event venues, tournament jackpots) that ArenaNet doesn’t have in place yet. Plus tournaments is what LoL is all about, that’s how they make money, which is why they put all of their money into their tournaments.

As for playing on a LAN, the servers are not on site, they’re still hosted in a data center. What they do have are optimized computers on the same network and a business class Internet connection with guaranteed bandwidth to dedicated servers.

I agree, I would like to see a pause ability be implemented into the game.

DPS Event Coordinator – Tech Lead
- Bear Cavalry of Legend

(edited by TheRuler.1290)

ToL is an example of why esports won't happen

in PvP

Posted by: Trigr.6481


Personally I feel that continuing a match after half the team disconnects is one of the worst ideas I’ve ever seen set in a tournament such as this. You might as well encourage teams to hire hackers to d-dos your opponents as each match starts until there is nobody left to face. Nobody outside the game is going to take this seriously with such ridiculous rules currently in place. Personally I enjoy how the casters tried to slide off the dc like it didn’t happen while one team was just face rolling their way to victory while facing half a team. You live and you learn.


ToL is an example of why esports won't happen

in PvP

Posted by: Terrahero.9358


Since when is LOL on lan? Because i remember distinctly a big LOL tournament last year was heavily delayed because the event centre couldnt connect with the RIOT server.

ToL is an example of why esports won't happen

in PvP

Posted by: style.6173


Regardless of whether you agree or not, the no restarts rule was clearly stated in the rules. So, no point arguing about that.

I do like the idea of a pause button though. That could be interesting as long as only the arena owner can use it.

ToL is an example of why esports won't happen

in PvP

Posted by: butch.8136


Bad players… lol can’t blame that one on Anet…

Yeah, you can. There is no tutorial, or integrated and progressive arena’s. Your first experience is hotjoin. Hotjoin, although fun and serving a purpose, doesn’t lay down any ground work. Most games will instruct you on what the rules, but not how to win. PvP just throws you in with no instruction..let alone concepts on how to win.

I’m sorry but playing at a tournament level requires more than a tutorial or even the dismissal of hotjoin (which I’m all for). It depends on the players themselves. Now ofcourse, this is again partially Anets fault as there is no competitive infrastructure and thus no incentive to improve, etc. There is hardly a competitive scene, hence all the baddies.

Razor xxxx (Desolation ; Off)
Bring back: ‘Gamer’ title + MAT’s!
Throw out: Hotjoin!

ToL is an example of why esports won't happen

in PvP

Posted by: Xahz.8406


Plus tournaments is what LoL is all about, that’s how they make money, which is why they put all of their money into their tournaments.

Riot has stated multiple times that they lose money on Esports.

ToL is an example of why esports won't happen

in PvP

Posted by: BlueFrog.3261


league had numerous dc issues even when it was the most viewed esport in the world. sure the gw2 match probably should have been restarted, but you need to set boundaries somewhere, and once theyre set you need to stick by them. league ran into the EXACT same issue.


(edited by BlueFrog.3261)

ToL is an example of why esports won't happen

in PvP

Posted by: NordicNinja.5476


It would have been even worse to restart the match. Once something is in the rules you need to follow it to the letter for everyone. You can live and learn and adjust from there for following tournaments, but the day of the tournament you have to play with what is dealt.

As for teams DDOSing to take an advantage, on the other hand if we just restart it a team with a bad start could simply have 2-3 of their players disconnect. You can take advantage of any system.

As already stated the only real solution to this problem is a pause feature for the admins, but currently that does not exist.

DPS Event Coordinator & Tools Developer
- Bear Cav

ToL is an example of why esports won't happen

in PvP

Posted by: echo.2053


It’s one thing if it’s 1 dc ut having half a team disconnect in the beginning is different. Yeah they may still not have won if it was restarted but we could have at least watched some good fights

That’s fine and dandy if you want to make rock solid rules and all but bring back the / resign function. If I wanted to watch lopsided matches I would of just kept queuing for soloq

Bender the offender – Proud violator of 17 safe spaces –

(edited by echo.2053)

ToL is an example of why esports won't happen

in PvP

Posted by: Erwin.5603



ToL is an example of why esports won't happen

in PvP

Posted by: NordicNinja.5476


Plus tournaments is what LoL is all about, that’s how they make money, which is why they put all of their money into their tournaments.

Riot has stated multiple times that they lose money on Esports.

Actually they do, it’s no different then the money they invest in advertising. There’s no direct return on investment in advertising, yet companies all around the world drop huge portions of their budget on it. And hosting million dollar tournaments is fantastic advertising.

They also recently signed a sponsorship deal with Coke, so they certainly will be reaping in profits from the tournaments themselves now.

That’s fine and dandy if you want to make rock solid rules and all but bring back the / resign function. If I wanted to watch lopsided matches I would of just kept queuing for soloq

Agreed, teams can certainly forfeit in chat and the admins will /gameend, something that should be made more clear in the rules.

DPS Event Coordinator & Tools Developer
- Bear Cav

(edited by NordicNinja.5476)

ToL is an example of why esports won't happen

in PvP

Posted by: Simon.3794


guys, this is an mmorpg, esport is not happening.

ToL is an example of why esports won't happen

in PvP

Posted by: tichorum.2415


Outside of balancing issues, bad players, etc, we have the DC. Someone just dced in a high profile match and guess what? The game resumes. Just look at league of legends and their thriving esports scene; everything is played on lan, effectively eliminating DC, and online tournaments have a pause function.

I can agree a pause function is needed, but bad players? You have to start somewhere and good players will eventually take their spot when the game grows. There really weren’t many balance issues tbh.

Former PvP commentator for ESL & Arenanet.

I used to run the Academy Gaming tournaments for GW2.

ToL is an example of why esports won't happen

in PvP

Posted by: Zirith.6429


Outside of balancing issues, bad players, etc, we have the DC. Someone just dced in a high profile match and guess what? The game resumes. Just look at league of legends and their thriving esports scene; everything is played on lan, effectively eliminating DC, and online tournaments have a pause function.

I can agree a pause function is needed, but bad players? You have to start somewhere and good players will eventually take their spot when the game grows. There really weren’t many balance issues tbh.

Ya the balance atm is actually amazing.

ToL is an example of why esports won't happen

in PvP

Posted by: ShakeItOut.6781


Hi everyone, I am Alice, ancient necro of Otist Team, the team involved in double disconnection in Niflhel against TCG. Maggy (the thief) and I had a disconnection at the same time simply because we share same internet connection, so basically if one of us crashes, the other one will have exactly the same problem at the same time. We knew the rules, so no point to argue.
A bit sad, because in almost 1 year and a half of pvp, it happenned to us only a couple of times and never in an important match like this one. We were just unlucky because this happened in ToL and not in a normal team q for instance.
The only difference between Tage’s disconnection and ours is that our disconnection required around 40 seconds – 1 minute to relog while Tage came in game quite instant in the first one, so it was quite impossible for us to do a good match like the first one.
I think, but it’s just a thought, that if the same would have happened to TCG at the start of the match, my team would have agree to restart the game in order to do things more properly since we are talking about an important European tournament and not an occasional, meaningless match; but it’s ok anyway.
