Top tPVP Classes from rank ladders

Top tPVP Classes from rank ladders

in PvP

Posted by: xiv.7136


Here it is, taken from

Top tournament classes:

Guardian 8
Mesmer 7
Elementalist 6
Thief 6
Engineer 4
Necro 3
Ranger 1
Warrior 1

I like pizza

Top tPVP Classes from rank ladders

in PvP

Posted by: Raltay.7613


As an almost exclusive Warrior player, his position in top tpvp somehow doesn’t suprise me.

Now let’s wait for Ranger/Necro/Etc. players explanation on why <sarcasm> definitely OP class in the game, the pet class of AN, the class which never gets nerfs etc. </sarcasm> is on the same position as “useless” Ranger.

Boy this will be a good laugh.

Top tPVP Classes from rank ladders

in PvP

Posted by: BlusterWolf.2103


This doesnt mean a lot, most players class choice remained N/A, we need an overall class usage graphic among top ranking matches.

^ Then we will see if warrior is on the same spot as ranger.

Forty Milliseconds…rangers who remember…know…

(edited by BlusterWolf.2103)

Top tPVP Classes from rank ladders

in PvP

Posted by: samo.1054


Seems like I’m always after the “kittened classes”, since my most played classes go this way:

Haven’t even rolled Ele yet, only did a few games with mesmer and haven’t rolled Thief and Guardian yet… just out of prejudice. I can’t get myself to roll classes that are by majority considered to be OP.

Top tPVP Classes from rank ladders

in PvP

Posted by: Coopers.4376


I would take this with a grain of salt as most teams switch out classes depending on the map eg. you will see more necros on the first two maps then on the last one or more staff eles on the last map then the first two.

Top tPVP Classes from rank ladders

in PvP

Posted by: Vandal.8029


I know this list doesnt mean much because most of the players are listed as N/A or they play multiple classes, but when I watch some top tier teams stream, I rarely see any warriors. Its kind of discouraging for me because my warrior is one of my favorites. I wish banners would get a little love lol.

Top tPVP Classes from rank ladders

in PvP

Posted by: Killyox.3950


Here it is, taken from

Top tournament classes:

Guardian 8
Mesmer 7
Elementalist 6
Thief 6
Engineer 4
Necro 3
Ranger 1
Warrior 1

I can show you there 4 people that have completely no idea how to play this game and yet got 20 QP+.

Top tPVP Classes from rank ladders

in PvP

Posted by: Dardamaniac.1295


Ok the results are not 100% accurate…But still we see a huge different between the first 4 classes and the last 2..

Top tPVP Classes from rank ladders

in PvP

Posted by: ilJumperMT.4871


Lol people switch in mid tournament. Example is everyone using Warrior on Foefire due to Bladetrail bug