Top3 Changes for the Next PvP Season

Top3 Changes for the Next PvP Season

in PvP

Posted by: philheat.3956


My changes

1. Soloqueue
2. Team queue duo,trio,5men with 5men with a great favor in winning odds
3. Less correlation between division and queue time (for a faster queue)

Top3 Changes for the Next PvP Season

in PvP

Posted by: LordOtto.2650


*2. You mean, that teams who are pre-made 3-5 team mates, should play with other teams, not solo players?! I agree with that.
Imagine when 3-5 players set up a build, who is condi, who is healer/bunker, dps, then end up with solo players, who are all condi, or all dps, or all bunker, it’s insane… It should be changed wright now! I was at 21 pips at ruby, now I have 7 pips, and everyone in solo queue is playing against teams, or I even end up with guilds….

Top3 Changes for the Next PvP Season

in PvP

Posted by: Malediktus.9250


1. Remove loosing tiers (nothing is more frustrating than loosing progress due to bad luck streaks or if you want to try new classes)
2. less of everything (there is too much cc, damage, dodge, blocks, tankiness)
3. All classes need to have a viable build for the meta game

1st person worldwide to reach 35,000 achievement points.

Top3 Changes for the Next PvP Season

in PvP

Posted by: SchmendrickTheMagician.8247


1. Let us play hotjoin and pve again while waiting for a queue pop.
2. Let us play hotjoin and pve again while waiting for a queue pop.
3. Soloqueue

Last of the Red Hot Swamis

Top3 Changes for the Next PvP Season

in PvP

Posted by: DaShi.1368


Don’t have us lose pips. It makes the game unpleasant and is extraordinarily buggy. Make the number of pips we need greater, but having us lose them is a really bad idea.

Top3 Changes for the Next PvP Season

in PvP

Posted by: Phil.8901


My changes

1. Soloqueue
2. Team queue duo,trio,5men with 5men with a great favor in winning odds
3. Less correlation between division and queue time (for a faster queue)

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Top3 Changes for the Next PvP Season

in PvP

Posted by: Kaga.7629


Honestly the way I see it is that while some parts of the season were a success ( mostly at increasing participation) , overall “pro season 1” will be seen as a complete failure on several levels. Until Anet stops hiding, disengages truthiness and starts to get real with us the spvp community will feel rightfully screwed about the whole thing.

1) Anet need to admit they f!@#$ed up . Not only for not doing major balance adjustments before the season, but also for the overall division+MMR weighting involved in the matchmaking, the piploss/win_game_but_losepip bugs, and all the other shenadigans we are all angry about.

2) Anet needs to prove they can finally get a clue and learn from their mistakes. They had 2 “test seasons” with invincible turret engineers ( which forced their hand to nerfbat it because all tournament teams were bringing 15-25 turret builds at that point) and yet didn’t clue in that _imbalances poison the meta_. We all got (rightfully) angry at the start of the season because anet proved ( sadly, once again) that they didn’t learn anything from their test season fiasco. While anet DID do a balance " pass" (mostly because the forumsphere blew up when no balance patch was announced) the pass only barely started digging them out of the hole they are in.

3) There needs to be a better tournament structure. No soloQ. Not resetting/normalising/readjusting MMR pre-season (which screwed the vets) and not adjusting the division weighting was also a mistake. ( lower divisions should count for a much bigger " slice" of the adjusted matchmaking score)

It hurts to say it, but this is what needs to happen for confidence to return.

—Kaga Konikora (aka ze evil frostkeep defense director)
Beware, for Commander Kaga farms j00, ktrainer!
r.i.p [iLL] Maguuma

Top3 Changes for the Next PvP Season

in PvP

Posted by: Absconditus.6804


1) Solo- and Group Queue separation (with the possibility to queue solo into Group Queue, to fill 4+1 scenarios. Group Queue to match 3+2, 4+1 and 5 player teams with one another.)

2) Nerfs across the board. Damage is too high, we’ve all been put into a power creep state. There are way too much CC. It’s not fun to be stun-locked from practically full health to Downed State within mere seconds (—albeit it is somewhat fair when you are focused). There’s perhaps a bit too much blocks/evades going on now too, but at the same time, there is an increased amount of unblockables introduced, making blocks borderline pointless. Basically, the balance patch they said would happen before each League, needs to happen. Because it sure didn’t this time, and claiming an (overall) untested release of Heart of Thorns served as a balance patch is just.. I have no words.

3) I don’t worry about being able to accomplish it personally, so it’s not why I make it a point, but I notice that in order to make the PvP Legendary Back Item, you will need to cross four Divisions at one point. That means in a easiest case scenario, it requires climbing into Diamond from a fresh season (Amber → Emerald (1) → Sapphire (2) → Ruby (3) → Diamond (4)). I do not think the casual crowd (read: the majority) will necessarily be able to do this, and ArenaNet did say that this Back Item should be possible to make for everyone. That it would just take the average player longer than someone who’s more proficient at PvP and/or has more time to invest towards it. This may be solved slightly with the introduction of a separated Solo- and Group Queue (3+2, 4+1, 5) matchmaking, but I think it needs to be reconsidered for the casual players nonetheless. Either Ruby → Diamond allows you to retain tiers, or the criteria could perhaps be altered to require climbing three Divisions, for Part III and Part IV of the achievements.

Obviously, bugs such as getting dishonor on accepting a queue pop, the Map Results screen popping up while mid match after having been stomped, and so on forth, should be fixed.

Vella Absconditus | Human Mesmer
Seafarer’s Rest

(edited by Absconditus.6804)

Top3 Changes for the Next PvP Season

in PvP

Posted by: Valkyriez.6578


2 people in this thread have asked to not lose pips when you lose a match. This would completely invalidate the division structure, it would just be all about rewards with no risk. If you never lose pips, everybody just keeps climbing until everyone is at the top, which makes zero sense to me.

My only suggestions are to allow me to Que ranked whilst in the pve world and to somehow prevent any class stacking, just my 2 cents.

Top3 Changes for the Next PvP Season

in PvP

Posted by: SoPP.7034


This would completely invalidate the division structure

True. Correct me if I’m wrong but I believe this was the issue with similar seasonal PvP activities that ArenaNet has set up in the past.

The people top of the leaderboards were those that simply played more games, rather than those who were actually good at PvP.

A warrior, a guardian, and an elementalist walk into an open field…
The Warrior turns to the guardian and says, “Did you hear something?”
Guardian replies, “No, but how’d the elementalist die?”

Top3 Changes for the Next PvP Season

in PvP

Posted by: Mysticjedi.6053


This would completely invalidate the division structure

True. Correct me if I’m wrong but I believe this was the issue with similar seasonal PvP activities that ArenaNet has set up in the past.

The people top of the leaderboards were those that simply played more games, rather than those who were actually good at PvP.

I think we should lose pips, but there needs to be a more clear reason for WHY we lost a pip when we lost. I want to know what the system expects from us up front before the match begins.

Top3 Changes for the Next PvP Season

in PvP

Posted by: Trevor Boyer.6524

Trevor Boyer.6524

Pip system needs to be based on actual MMR ranking. Then it would mean something.
Gain pips for increasing “actual” MMR, lose pips when MMR lowers.

A revision such as this would encourage players to actually play competitively for their rewards within the pvp scene, rather than expect to farm them with enough time, despite if they are a good player or not. A competitive scene’s rewards should be based on merit of skill, not time spent.

I use the name Barbie on all of my characters.

Top3 Changes for the Next PvP Season

in PvP

Posted by: Stalefish.7615


1. Remove most if not all passive effects that are simply too strong
2. Separate team Q and solo Q. DuoQ at most to mix with. (if absolutely needed for Q times then no pips lost EVER vs premade >2).
3. Bring more viability to NOT running elite speccs.

Top3 Changes for the Next PvP Season

in PvP

Posted by: brannigan.9831


1)reset MMR
2)you can only group with people your league level or 1 league above or below and be put into matches with people your league level or 1 league above or below. So if you were ruby for example you could only play with sapphire, ruby, and Diamond level players. If you were amber you could only play with with Amber and Emerald level players. It could be a little stricter like just your league and 1 above but I worry about queueus.

Most of the nonsense fixed.

(edited by brannigan.9831)

Top3 Changes for the Next PvP Season

in PvP

Posted by: Sarevok.2638


1) Fix MMing so that people cannot team up with lower ranking players to get easier matches, base MM off the highest partied person’s MMR. The highest MMR person takes most of the hit of any loss because they made the choice to team with a lower person, people they got matched with feel less of a hit for losing.

2) Fix the bunker meta. This crap has never been good and now it’s putting the turret engie bunker meta to SHAME. Why can’t we have the glorious days of GW1 elimination PvP?

3) Buff Core specs. The new specs should be an alternate way to play, not THE standard.

Top3 Changes for the Next PvP Season

in PvP

Posted by: Loop.8106


1,2,3, Revenants.

Optimise [OP]

Top3 Changes for the Next PvP Season

in PvP

Posted by: MarkPhilips.5169


1. Soloqueue
2. 1vs1 and 2vs2 training area (not instanced like many pve adventures) in the hotm
3. Less correlation between divisions and time queue (more weight for mmr)

Top3 Changes for the Next PvP Season

in PvP

Posted by: morrolan.9608


1. Better tournament structure having matchmaking and pip structure working against each other is the height of absurdity.
2. Soloq
3. Balance balance balance

Jade Quarry [SoX]
Miranda Zero – Ele / Twitch Zero – Mes / Chargrin Soulboom – Engi
Aliera Zero – Guardian / Reaver Zero – Necro

Top3 Changes for the Next PvP Season

in PvP

Posted by: Ithilwen.1529


Make EVERYONE solo queue in league matches. Team queue exists primarily to allow people to exploit the system at the moment.

Mesmerising Girl

Top3 Changes for the Next PvP Season

in PvP

Posted by: Ajax of Telamona.6974

Ajax of Telamona.6974

1. Remove loosing tiers (nothing is more frustrating than loosing progress due to bad luck streaks or if you want to try new classes)
2. less of everything (there is too much cc, damage, dodge, blocks, tankiness)
3. All classes need to have a viable build for the meta game

I total agree with you!!!!
How true you are!!!

Top3 Changes for the Next PvP Season

in PvP

Posted by: skullfaerie.7203


1. For pvp to be off-limits to the so-called ‘marketing team’ and given to someone who actually cares for providing players with good content. Somehow it feels like they are responsible for this league being pushed out too early. No more rubbish like ‘we suddenly decided HoT counts as a balance patch’. Balance properly, delay if you have to. Good content gives you the positive publicity you want. Some Marketing Gremlin trying to force things doesn’t.
Make leagues fun. If you’re planning to have four of the blasted things a year, occupying almost eight months of our time, it shouldn’t feel like such a chore. It shouldn’t be or feel like a full-time job and it shouldn’t feel like nothing but an endless, pointless grind.

2. Rework the tournament structure. I mean, MMR vs Pips? And someone needs to check whatever algorithm is responsible for distributing pips.

3. Anet owning up to their mistakes, actually following through with the stuff they say (I mean, what happened to the message from the pvp team? Or Chris Cleary’s grandiose claims?). Maybe say sorry at least, idk.

Not sure it even matters anymore though. With this, Anet’s made all the people I play with quit ._.

Top3 Changes for the Next PvP Season

in PvP

Posted by: Spartacus.3192


I agree with those points

Also maybe make it so that if you are soloq you cannot lose tiers regardless of division while 2,3,4,5man premades you can lose tiers.

Solo queuers are always at a disadvantage and should be compensated for it if soloq is not going to be made available .

Your typical average gamer -
“Buff my main class, nerf everything else. "

Top3 Changes for the Next PvP Season

in PvP

Posted by: LordOtto.2650


The game is like this atm, who has more ele and druid in team wins, the team who has 2 ele, or 1 ele, 1 druid, already won. Look at ppl who got diamond and legendary, 80% got there like this, the other 20% in team, or team up low tiers. It is impossible to solo queue ruby…only if you are druid and ele, you can make it to diamond and legendary..
what does that tell, they are so op

(edited by LordOtto.2650)

Top3 Changes for the Next PvP Season

in PvP

Posted by: basz.6129


1. Let us play hotjoin and pve again while waiting for a queue pop.
2. Let us play hotjoin and pve again while waiting for a queue pop.
3. Soloqueue

+1 give pvp queue map SOMETHING to do other than troll one another endlessly. Dueling, sold. Pve while we wait, sold. Try to friggn tempt me with micro transactions, sold. Just so sick of the bull kitten in hotm.

And put another tier in, nix losing pips. Seperate ppl who put in time and those who are more casual, with additional tiers to work through. Make me get 100 pips, just don’t make me lose 3 when someone quits/dc/is lost

Top3 Changes for the Next PvP Season

in PvP

Posted by: Cynz.9437


you forgot: reset mmr….

All is Vain~
[Teef] guild :>

Top3 Changes for the Next PvP Season

in PvP

Posted by: Galandil.9641


Try to friggn tempt me with micro transactions, sold.

As soon as I read this, I envisioned the PvP lobby full of slot machines and blackjack tables run by quaggan dealers.