Tournament Organization improvments
Didn’t Xeph bypass it by being a student in NA and having to pay flight himself or something like that? I swear i read it somewhere
I’ve read that too, Xeph said it in the topic opened to discuss this fact.
The point still remains, even if he’s a student in NA, he hasn’t the NA citizenship as far I know. Rules has been bended to let him join the tournament, while other players were not allowed.Oh please, like they never played 5 hours straight… And they had plenty of time to rest between the matches.
They played final just after semi-final, so what? When they organize Starcraft 2 tournaments they do it this way, and matches are longer.They are human being. Human being are subject to tiredness, regardless how good they are and it is a crucial factor for the outcome of a competitive match. It lowers the concentration, the ability to take decisions and reflexes.
Fact is that TP were well rested and fresh.
Doesn’t say in the rules you need citizenship tho.
Anyway about the rested part, i’ve seen similar stuff in way bigger leagues/tournaments/sports . not saying it’s right but it’s not too uncommon, sadly
Fact is that TP were well rested and fresh and did not played 4 match before the finals.
One could also say that they weren’t even warmed up and had to play grand finals just like that.
There are two faces on each medal.
BTW, players who play all day long don’t feel tired after 8 matches with plenty of rest in between -.-
Yolo queue FTW [YOLO] – Desolation (EU)
Champion Magus, Genius
common sense that anet balance team is small and weak.
They need help. But they take help of players that are interested not in healthy balance but in invest all resource in winning. No matter how.
Team Rawradigm ;d
As far as I know you’re the guy who advocates playing builds and professions that give you the biggest advantage, so shouldn’t you complimenting them for adapting to the meta rather than bashing them?
I assume and hope you have a bone to pick with one or several of their team members for whatever reason, because it would be even worse if jealousy was the reason for your hypocrisy.
Yeah trooper is a big fan of playing broken professions thats why he plays warrior and thats why [Van] was playing with necro instead of ele a few month ago when 2 ele was Meta.
Well, that argument pales compared to him outright making fun of people for complaining about broken builds and saying people should adapt and always play the strongest classes to win, because winning is all that matters.
We heard that on his 1v1 tournament stream, of which there probably still is a recording, where people were complaining about Phantasm mesmers and I have read it in map chat as well, when discussions about the current meta have arised.
So yeah, I am not criticizing his opinions on the matter, but you probably shouldn’t be insinuating that a certain team is sweet talking developers into balancing the game in their favor, when you are an advocate of the whole “stop whining and just reroll to the new fotm” argument.
Especially when that team still deemed it necessary to adapt and reroll in the first place.
Situations that were settled before the teams played each other—eg. a player’s nationality, having the final the same day, etc—are suddenly called into question again because TP won? Even members of CC have been into this thread saying they were not tired from their previous matches, TP won fairly, etc.
It makes sense the organizers can learn and improve from the first professional tournament, and I’m sure they will. It does not make sense to stir up settled issues because someone’s unhappy about the outcome. Both teams played extremely well, and it was a great match-up. This thread is becoming disgusting.
One could also say that they weren’t even warmed up and had to play grand finals just like that.
There are two faces on each medal.BTW, players who play all day long don’t feel tired after 8 matches with plenty of rest in between -.-
Nobody can’t say that TP did not warmed up before the match. They had all the time to do so.
On the other hand, CC obviously had no time to properly rest. With resting, I mean taking a break from PC, going for a walk, sleep a bit and something like this, not 15 minutes in which you have just the time to discuss the tactics for the next match.
Doesn’t say in the rules you need citizenship tho
Players must reside in the United States, European Union, Iceland, Montenegro, Norway, Serbia, Switzerland, Turkey, Canada, or Mexico to enter the Tournament.
It is all up on which is his official residence (the one listed in his documents). If he’s a student in NA, there is no reason to think that his main residence is in NA.
Situations that were settled before the teams played each other—eg. a player’s nationality, having the final the same day, etc—are suddenly called into question again because TP won? Even members of CC have been into this thread saying they were not tired from their previous matches, TP won fairly, etc.
It makes sense the organizers can learn and improve from the first professional tournament, and I’m sure they will. It does not make sense to stir up settled issues because someone’s unhappy about the outcome. Both teams played extremely well, and it was a great match-up. This thread is becoming disgusting.
This discussion has been brough up again because there was another oddity in favour of TP, which is the change of Bo3 to Bo5 at the last moment.
We are not unhappy for the outcome, I liked the match and I would have been happy if any of the two contenders won. It’s just that I can’t ignore all of these coincidences.
(edited by sorrow.2364)
Again, nothing strange if they take into consideration the opinion of a top player, but what makes me wonder is the time the hotfix came out and the fact that it is, in fact, another TP member listened by the developers. What is even stranger is that KarlaGrey opened a topic some times ago (before the hotfix) saying that ANet had a similiar behavior with the [rawr] guild. That topic was dismissed by the ANet saying it spreaded false informations and then it was deleted. At first, I thought that probably ANet was right, but now… I’m not sure anymore.
I know it is hard for players new to GW and Anet to believe that the devs would apply double standards to certain guilds/players, so I’ll further elaborate on the whole [rawr] incident.
Basicaly, the guild commited clear and gross breach of tournament rules by manipulating a (final, iirc) match with a fellow American guild and forcing a draw, in order to ensure both (American) guilds would enter the top 8 teams of an mAT, which [rawr] ended up winning (it has been disputed whether they’d even be able to qualify for top 8 to start with without that manip).
Now the real issue comes – ANY other guild commiting such an offense would be banned immediately (from the tournament as well as the game), with every trace of their ig existance likely erased.
But no, [rawr] were special. As ‘punishment’ for their gross violation of the rules, Anet decided to temporarily remove their gold trim (oh noes, a whole month without a gold cape after breaking one of the core rules of conduct!).
As disclaimer, I’d like to say I have no personal grudge against [rawr] themselves (although I do not support such conduct), for I have played with them on several occasions long before, and after they started winning mATs.
I however cannot stand and will not let such conduct by Anet go by unnoticed, especially when it comes to players unfamiliar with past Anet practices. And we all know old habits die hard.
Given the general lack of transparency in this genre, much like in rl politics, one is obliged to doubt everything.
3. Then we have the Bo5 situation. I’ve watched the tournament and I knew that the match should have been Bo3 but, after 3 match has been played, Grouch stated it will be a Bo5. It completely surpried me and, in fact, I’ve checked the tournament rules just in case I’ve misreaded something but, oddly, rules said everywhere that the final match is Bo3.
Now, changing the rules on the fly right before the match is not-so professional, but what surprises me is that CC won the Bo3 and, again, such an extraordinary action as been taken again in favour of TP.Now I do now question that TP is a great team formed of great players and they have won because of their efforts, but all of these coincidence can’t be ignored.
If there is nothing behind all of this, then I don’t know what to think.
Team Rawradigm ;d
I lol’ed. Yay for Team Pararising!
(edited by KarlaGrey.5903)
Pop corns and Enjoy!
I know it is hard for players new to GW and Anet to believe that the devs would apply double standards to certain guilds/players, so I’ll further elaborate on the whole [rawr] incident.
I’m not completely new to GW and ANet, but I was not aware of the GvG scene since back in GW1 I played mainly HA, which is completely automated, so those behavior are new to me.
Please, tone down those guardians. I’m sick of seeing how strong they are… ALL team rely on one: it is SO essential, that nobody question it.
Those who think otherwise, ask yourself: if you were to choose between necro, s/d thief, spirit ranger or guardian for your team, what would you take ?
Anyway, well done Azshen and Teldo for saving your team from disaster. Too bad for CC, they deserved victory too.
/discuss :p
(edited by Ara.4569)
While I don’t think CC should whine about losing, I do think it looks bad on the part Anet for the event people to completely change the rules mid tournament like that.
It very clearly states on all the sites that it was BO3, not BO5.
It also is very suspicious how it went down
Natures Ninja and Pain Inverter – Ranger PvP movies
Mist leagues rules… I’m not sure that everyone really read it.
By the way, both team diserved to win. 5 Great games.
(edited by flo.2048)
Please, tone down those guardians. I’m sick of seeing how strong they are… ALL team rely on one: it is SO essential, that nobody question it.
Those who think otherwise, ask yourself: if you were to choose between necro, s/d thief, spirit ranger or guardian for your team, what would you take ?
Anyway, well done Azshen and Teldo for saving your team from disaster. Too bad for CC, they deserved victory too.
/discuss :p
Those classes fill different roles so I’ll chose based on that…
BTW I agree, both guardians did an amazing job at staying alive under extreme burst
Yolo queue FTW [YOLO] – Desolation (EU)
Champion Magus, Genius
Mist leagues rules… I’m not sure that everyone really read it.
By the way, both team diserved to win. 5 Great games.
Yea we read it, But if you think anyone is going to take seriously an “Esport” where a company changes the rules mid tournament to benefit a certain team you’re sorely mistaken.
not that Guild Wars 2 will ever be an Esport, being that SPVP is a giant bag of suck in the first place.
Natures Ninja and Pain Inverter – Ranger PvP movies
Mist leagues rules… I’m not sure that everyone really read it.
By the way, both team diserved to win. 5 Great games.
Rules are clear. Problem is TO changing rules at mid of the tournament. For most of us, feels unfair. I really don’t care much who goes to Pax, since both teams deserve it. But I do care to play an esport game were TO change rules like this. It feels really discouraging.
Mist leagues rules… I’m not sure that everyone really read it.
By the way, both team diserved to win. 5 Great games.
it is rules of mistleague – the event that taking place on there part(season stuff and etc)
but mistleague is a not orginiser here. This is MMORPG event and ANET event(as they stated) – and rules to it stated on gw2 main page.
You guys really need to get laid more often.
Very original. I like how you imply that you cannot be good at a game or care about it and be in a relationship, especially considering some of the best players I know are married with small children.
Way to get defensive.
Have you read the most recent posts? Ranging from conspiracy theories to outright comparing what has happened to a political scandal?
You are free to interpret what I said the way you like, but don’t put words in my mouth. This is a matter of putting things back in perspective.
You guys really need to get laid more often.
ohhh someone runs out of arguments
Oh I must have hit a nerve there, ‘cause I wasn’t making argument other than how silly this discussion has become.
I have a girlfriend so i couldnt care less. Its just funny how ppl always start to flame like “ahhh ur a bad player, get on my lvl noob…” and when they realize that your a good and high ranked player they bring arguments like “get a real life” or “at least im not a virgin”.
You posted multiple times in this thread is that not arguing? now you make yourself look like an idiot.
You guys really need to get laid more often.
Very original. I like how you imply that you cannot be good at a game or care about it and be in a relationship, especially considering some of the best players I know are married with small children.
Way to get defensive.
Have you read the most recent posts? Ranging from conspiracy theories to outright comparing what has happened to a political scandal?
You are free to interpret what I said the way you like, but don’t put words in my mouth. This is a matter of putting things back in perspective.
History speaks for itself, and actions tell a 1000 words.
Moreover, your implications (what you seem to refer to as ’putting words into your mouth) were rather straightfoward and common, and were also quickly dismantled by the replies thereto.
Also, what do recent posts have to do with your comment to start with? Yea, nothing.
Everyone just relax and listen to this:
Ok. So BO5 instead of BO3 that was mentioned everywhere.
Also, how come Xeph took a part in the tournament and why was the exception made for him and not others? (he is from outside EU)
Also as far as I can tell the ones who set roster up were organizators + Menager of TP….
Test Server is also unfair. Some (like TP among others) can play on Test Server, get to know new maps and changes half year before they even go live. How is that fair and in spirit of sportsmanship?
(edited by Killyox.3950)
You guys really need to get laid more often.
ohhh someone runs out of arguments
Oh I must have hit a nerve there, ‘cause I wasn’t making argument other than how silly this discussion has become.
I have a girlfriend so i couldnt care less. Its just funny how ppl always start to flame like “ahhh ur a bad player, get on my lvl noob…” and when they realize that your a good and high ranked player they bring arguments like “get a real life” or “at least im not a virgin”.
You posted multiple times in this thread is that not arguing? now you make yourself look like an idiot.
You seem to take this matter very personal. I hope I didn’t offend you, though I am glad you felt the need to reassure me of your social competence.
I must admit I have never had such a dreadful experience as you describe. I am sure it has helped shape your personality and make you stronger.
You guys really need to get laid more often.
Very original. I like how you imply that you cannot be good at a game or care about it and be in a relationship, especially considering some of the best players I know are married with small children.
Way to get defensive.
Have you read the most recent posts? Ranging from conspiracy theories to outright comparing what has happened to a political scandal?
You are free to interpret what I said the way you like, but don’t put words in my mouth. This is a matter of putting things back in perspective.
History speaks for itself, and actions tell a 1000 words.
Moreover, your implications (what you seem to refer to as ’putting words into your mouth) were rather straightfoward and common, and were also quickly dismantled by the replies thereto.
Also, what do recent posts have to do with your comment to start with? Yea, nothing.
Feeding on drama is next level esports I hear.
You guys really need to get laid more often.
ohhh someone runs out of arguments
Oh I must have hit a nerve there, ‘cause I wasn’t making argument other than how silly this discussion has become.
I have a girlfriend so i couldnt care less. Its just funny how ppl always start to flame like “ahhh ur a bad player, get on my lvl noob…” and when they realize that your a good and high ranked player they bring arguments like “get a real life” or “at least im not a virgin”.
You posted multiple times in this thread is that not arguing? now you make yourself look like an idiot.You seem to take this matter very personal. I hope I didn’t offend you, though I am glad you felt the need to reassure me of your social competence.
I must admit I have never had such a dreadful experience as you describe. I am sure it has helped shape your personality and make you stronger.
You guys really need to get laid more often.
ohhh someone runs out of arguments
Oh I must have hit a nerve there, ‘cause I wasn’t making argument other than how silly this discussion has become.
I have a girlfriend so i couldnt care less. Its just funny how ppl always start to flame like “ahhh ur a bad player, get on my lvl noob…” and when they realize that your a good and high ranked player they bring arguments like “get a real life” or “at least im not a virgin”.
You posted multiple times in this thread is that not arguing? now you make yourself look like an idiot.You seem to take this matter very personal. I hope I didn’t offend you, though I am glad you felt the need to reassure me of your social competence.
I must admit I have never had such a dreadful experience as you describe. I am sure it has helped shape your personality and make you stronger.
Reversing a lost argument by such a subtile answer, is not going to save your fail before. Pretty cheap to take this on such a childish level. I mean everyone can write whatever he wants into the internet, so can you. Well done, you’re a official part of the internet now!
Everyone just relax and listen to this:
I think this song is more relaxing.
What some of you posters clearly refuge to understand and/or intentionally ignore is the way Arenanet has conducted business.
This is not about TP vs CC – TP won fair and square.
This is not about what the average Joe thinks – whether half of the community hates TP and the other half hates CC.
This is an open scandal in which in-game internal affairs were applied with the intention or not of promoting discrimination and favorism by the company of its own game.
CC always wins Ninfhiel. TP almost always wins Khylo. CC very often loses Foefire. TP ALWAYS wins Foefire.
Rules changed to BO5
2x Ninfh
2x Foe
1x Khylo
I dont know why, but the minute I knew they had to play Foefire twice, I knew they would not win this. And so did Grouch and Steppenwolf.There are viedos of TP winning this to zero…
Legendary counter: Twilight, Bolt, Incinerator, Incinerator Nr. 2, Meteorlogicus, The Dreamer
(edited by Zumy.6318)
Is there going to be an asterisk next to team paradigm’s win?
Haha, just joking. Congrats to them. But this does make things much more interesting. If anything, it is setting up a rivalry which is exciting in sports.
Do we have the next Celtics vs. Lakers here?
You guys need get this straight because some of you have a big misunderstanding of this matter.
[CC] is not whining [maybe only Posi :P], we are simply stating what happened and what needs to be improved for next week’s NA tournament. We do not want the same thing that happened to us to happen again. We would never ask for a rematch even if it was allowed. I would have created this topic about Tournament organizing improvment even if we won, I talked to the organizers 2 days before the tournament when the brackets was displayed and we saw that [TP] plays 1 day before us and steppenwolf can prove that, [CC] and [NN] complained about it 2 days before the tournament as we tried to make it more fair so that all teams enters the final rested or both teams enter exhausted [ well not really exhausted but ya drama is drama :P]
TP definitely deserved to win as they changed from their weak class to the most op setup in the current meta 1 week before the tournament and worked kitten them.
As for bo3 and bo5 it is definitely [CC]’s fault for not complaining when it was mentioned.
The final was played on the same day so we had 1 team exhausted and 1 team not, but that can’t be avoided for obvious marketing reasons. So it wasn’t really the organizers fault for that, the only mistake they made is the bo5. And that hopefully won’t happen in next week’s NA tournament.
Teldo, you was terrible in the first 3 match and I know that you know it, you lost every 1v1 to me, but omg that 2v1 in forest, you turned the whole match upside down. that was kitten to the highest level. Also I still remember beating you and phanta 2v1, 2 weeks ago on temple but I couldn’t stomp you. Hopefully i will do it next time like you kitten d me and nag :P, I guess winning every duel against you in that tournament was because of my build or because I just got lucky or I am just OP since I have 300 games on engineer
, I guess that inexperience on my class showed when you killed me 2v1 and I didn’t even drop my elixer or elite since I didn’t think you were that good.
Also Grouch. For god sake, stop saying that [CC] runs a meta comp every time you shoutcast us. Did you even look at [TP]’s comp? it is the exact same but with a spirit ranger which is 10x more OP than ele, This is even more meta comp. We find it very rude and we would like you to stop saying [CC] is the team who runs the meta comp every time, that is unless you start saying [TP] is running the best meta comp in game at the moment. I know you are a [TP] fan but comen man. Also apart from you saying CC runs meta comp every 10 seconds. Great shoutcasting you and steppen wolf are the best <3
Reversing a lost argument by such a subtile answer, is not going to save your fail before. Pretty cheap to take this on such a childish level. I mean everyone can write whatever he wants into the internet, so can you. Well done, you’re a official part of the internet now!
How’s that bandwagon treating you? Doesn’t get any more internet-professional than that.
I will make sure to never bring up the possibility that people don’t get laid enough on these forums ever again, though. ’Cause, clearly, pointing out how the discussion took a turn for tinfoil-hat city in such a pictorial manner is inadequate for this mature audience.
Does anyone else suffer from back pain by the way?
CC always wins Ninfhiel. TP almost always wins Khylo. CC very often loses Foefire. TP ALWAYS wins Foefire.
Rules changed to BO5
2x Ninfh
2x Foe
1x KhyloI dont know why, but the minute I knew they had to play Foefire twice, I knew they would not win this. And so did Grouch and Steppenwolf.There are viedos of TP winning this to zero…
Pretty sure I’ve seen CC beat TP on Khylo, multiple times.
for me personally going in a tournament game region final without playing earlier the same day is a really bad thing, due to warm up.
And to the above poster, TPs weakest map is foefire
for me personally going in a tournament game region final without playing earlier the same day is a really bad thing, due to warm up.
And to the above poster, TPs weakest map is foefire
not with their new comp foefire is the only map where u cant avoid big teamfights and with our comp we cant win vs spirit ranger. All TP had to do was winning one teamfight and then play save on 2 points and thats exactly what they did. Actually they even got a bit greedy and push on our point we killed 2-3 then pushed mid but again spirit ranger can bunker points till the team respawns and with the elite-spirit up the chance to win a teamfight is >10% although we always tried to focus spirit first.
Teldo, you was terrible in the first 3 match and I know that you know it, you lost every 1v1 to me, but omg that 2v1 in forest, you turned the whole match upside down. that was kitten to the highest level
. Also I still remember beating you and phanta 2v1, 2 weeks ago on temple but I couldn’t stomp you. Hopefully i will do it next time like you kitten d me and nag :P, I guess winning every duel against you in that tournament was because of my build or because I just got lucky or I am just OP since I have 300 games on engineer
, I guess that inexperience on my class showed when you killed me 2v1 and I didn’t even drop my elixer or elite since I didn’t think you were that good.
I think you played very very well super, don’t worry man I was watching you fight them Teldo match ups, even if stream wasn’t you don’t get enough credit for your plays, but its just the way things happen. I enjoyed them 1v1’s on off-points, definitely some of my fav fights iv seen in GW2. I look forward to casting your games v Poor Commoners and Made in Meta next week!
I’d like to see what Anet and/or Mistlegaue has to say about this. We havent seen much proof regarding if it was really said “BO5” at the start of the finale.
Mist leagues rules… I’m not sure that everyone really read it.
By the way, both team diserved to win. 5 Great games.
The question is, if the PAX qualification tournament is an official Mist league match or if Mist league is just the executer and Arenanet is the organizer and hoster. I can also link these rules directly from the arena net page:
Only because on the mist league page is mentioned that they provide themselves to change the rules doesn’t make this a legal move because they override the rules from a tournament which they just execute but not host. I think the rules you linked are just valid for the mist league matches and not for the PAX invitational.
Best example might be if grouch had said: “Ok guys we think 3vs3 is the best format for the finals, please choose your players and lets start.” Everyone will agree that something like this would never override the rules determined by Arenanet. So why changing the format to a best of 5 before asking BOTH teams should be… I dont know.
I know why grouch changed it…it was enough time and he wants to show us entertaining matches and i truly believe that there was no ill intent in what he was doing. However from CC point of view its somehow tragic. And I remember a few weeks ago Teldo and Phantaram were discussing which maps are in TP’s favor. They said Foefire is there best and Kyhlo is the worst of the standard rotation. Again I don’t think there was any ill intent (because they also had some roster changes which might have influenced there map preference) and I also think that they deserved to win, but that + they were rested and thus probably more concentrated may have shifted the result in the direction we have now.
(edited by HPLT.7132)
I wonder how many times people are gonna keep saying the same stuff over and over again? ValeV. All teams knew it was BO5 before we started the TP v CC games. CC are a little angry that it was forced and not asked that’s all. There really is nothing else to keep banging on about that we do not know already, everything has been solved, so you can all keep throwing your opinions around if it pleases you.
LMAO, some ppl can’t lose.
I talked to some of the guys yesterday (and despite that thread was opened there were very calm yesterday). They thought best of 5 was intended for the pax qualification final. But after the match they realised that Best of 3 was planned for all qualification matches.
I mean I know it feels like alot of QQ but if you can’t win on a map (expecting same skill level – And yes thats possible because also no one is playing with 5 thiefs or 5 guardians in tournaments and expect to win) or with just alot of luck than you ask yourself why the hell this map is played twice. I mean even symbolic admitted that the spirit ranger saved the game at least on foefire.
There must be a statement from grouch if he asked CC, if he decided it by himself or with whom he decided it.
You guys need get this straight because some of you have a big misunderstanding of this matter.
[CC] is not whining [maybe only Posi :P], we are simply stating what happened and what needs to be improved for next week’s NA tournament. We do not want the same thing that happened to us to happen again. We would never ask for a rematch even if it was allowed. I would have created this topic about Tournament organizing improvment even if we won, I talked to the organizers 2 days before the tournament when the brackets was displayed and we saw that [TP] plays 1 day before us and steppenwolf can prove that, [CC] and [NN] complained about it 2 days before the tournament as we tried to make it more fair so that all teams enters the final rested or both teams enter exhausted [ well not really exhausted but ya drama is drama :P]
Unfortunately nothing could be done about this due to time frame restrictions. As it was, most teams only got to find out about their play times 2 – 3 days prior to stream day 1. If we were to change times between then it would not have worked out. People have jobs and other things on too.
In a perfect world then yes changing would of been fine.
Additionally, Splitting into Group A and B for each region was also the smartest option given our time frame and player reliability. I’m not going to go into depth here because I can foresee the conversation going around in circles.
The final was played on the same day so we had 1 team exhausted and 1 team not, but that can’t be avoided for obvious marketing reasons. So it wasn’t really the organizers fault for that, the only mistake they made is the bo5. And that hopefully won’t happen in next week’s NA tournament.
If there is one thing we have done consistently it’s Improving. We look forward to the NA Prelims and hope to see you there!
As for team Car Crash [CC], they were one of our most cooperative teams and were good sports all day long, regardless of opponents showing up late. Together with TP they put on the best show this game has seen yet..
If you guys enjoyed the stream regardless of hiccups, show your support and lets work together to build Esports! -
(edited by mistleague.5329)
Both of these quotes are from members of CC, this all started when super and posi had a bit of a tantrum and kicked up a fuss.
We lost on niflhel although we played good thats the difference. Niflhel is not a free win for us like foefire is for TP and since everyone is doing mistakes from time to time its was just a matter of time for TP to win niflhel and the whole final.
Yep its all together but it is how it is u cant change things
As Lady Nag Nag says “it is how it is u cant change things”.
In my opinion it was stupid of CC to agree to a bo5 when they had been playing the entire day and therefore as an improvement for the next pax the finals should be held on a separate day. However the only issue with doing this is the number of viewers on twitch.
Mist leagues rules… I’m not sure that everyone really read it.
By the way, both team diserved to win. 5 Great games.
Yea we read it, But if you think anyone is going to take seriously an “Esport” where a company changes the rules mid tournament to benefit a certain team you’re sorely mistaken.
not that Guild Wars 2 will ever be an Esport, being that SPVP is a giant bag of suck in the first place.
Lol totally agree. Even though CC didn’t dispute it; they should still stick to the rules and not change them just because.
On a side note; will CC be able to fight TP @ Pax or will it just be the Winner of NA vs the Winner of EU @ PAX?
Well, everyone knew it’ll be a bo5 RIGHT BEFORE the game has started. So tell me, why do they have to complain about it AFTER they’ve lost the game? If i would have had any Problem with a bo5 i would have screamed something like “STOP, what about the rules?!”.
There’s no sportsmanship at all. You can’t tell me this isn’t a “Q.Q we’ve lost thread”. It is. There wouldn’t be any thread about this topic if they would have won.
You’ve lost. Face the truth.
I said it before no one asked “hey u guys fine with playing bo5” a friend pm me ingame and said “oh its bo5 now” i was like “ahhh no its bo3” and then super and posi told us its gonna be bo5. We didnt dispute cause we just wanted to play the finals instead of arguing with admins. it was the first time we played vs TP with their new comp on foefire so we didnt know that bo5 would turn things into TP favor when the first match begun. Its easy to say no sportsmanship now but we actually won the bo3 and now we lost cause it was bo5.
We didnt dispute cause we just wanted to play the finals instead of arguing with admins.
Well, thats actually your fault. You could have done something about it.
Its easy to say no sportsmanship now but we actually won the bo3 and now we lost cause it was bo5.
I don’t want to hear any excuses why you’ve lost. I don’t want your team to represent europe in Pax anyways. Sorry but i saw your team randomly flaming ppl in spvp and stuff. You lost your courage and you aren’t professional in any way (imo).
(edited by Mouby.7096)
We were both informed by the admins prior to the first match starting; the choice to dispute the admins and explain your situation was open.
I even recall them putting it up on map chat, I doubt that you played all the way to the 3rd match without knowing it was a bo5, and had that been true I would’ve seen you dispute the admins at that point.
This really is quiet strange.
If im really honest; i would be bitter aswell. I think most of us would be, its human nature.
Its quite clear that in an ideal world these rules would be set in stone before a tournament. But its done now so there is no point to overdramatize things and let this overshadow an otherwise enjoyable tournament and series.
With that said i would prefer a best of 5 in a final series aswell. What i would do is alter the way maps are picked. When looking back at the the map picks when i was part of the Esport scene in AoM i remember the map rotation was quite fair in that one. I would use an altered version; something like this.
- Highest ranked team in the tournament gets the first map pick.
- Second team can pick the second map + blacklist one of the maps for the third game.
- First team picks a map for the 3rd game + blacklist a map for the 4th game.
We were both informed by the admins prior to the first match starting; the choice to dispute the admins and explain your situation was open.
I even recall them putting it up on map chat, I doubt that you played all the way to the 3rd match without knowing it was a bo5, and had that been true I would’ve seen you dispute the admins at that point.This really is quiet strange.
1. my team told me its bo5 no admin
2. ofc we knew it was bo5 when the first game started but we are not a professional team with management i bet 95% of the teams that just play for fun wouldnt have disputed we were kind of shorttaken so we just played.
Editing some stuff since I have seen to misjudge a couple things.
Also, personally for me this seems more like a backstab towards TP. You could have easily addressed this issue in private to mistleague instead of posting it on the forums and causing drama. Even after Phantaram said a nice “Thank you !” on the stream towards CC for all the scrims, you still do this.. It was completely unnecessary in my eyes. and some things were just said at that moment strictly out of jealousy and not being able to bear the thought of losing.
Instead of being proud and saying against your team that you fought 5 great matches and gave it everything you had, you decide to make a complaint on the forums how bad the rules of this tournament are. Put your hate, jealously or whatever emtion you’re experiencing now aside and show to the guild wars 2 community that you can be truly a great team.
(edited by Bsgapollo.5364)
I’m not going to try to argue either side here, if I do, then I apologize in advance … but I’m going to say that one thing is for complete certain here.
Mist League’s TO’s is / are about as competent as Arenanet, and that sure as hell isn’t saying very much at all, as I’m sure so very many of you are already aware anyway. My thought on this is that I was only aware it was best of 3, and on top of that, aren’t these matches shoutcasted / streamed as well?
Not only does TP have time to rest up, as some have stated, but the entire time that CC is fighting through, doesn’t it seem as though TP would have all that time to form a tactic against what they’re going up against, while CC is not provided with quite the same opportunity?
On top of changed rules, no similar break period or as much time to mentally / tactically prepare, I’d say this was definitely an extremely amateur move on Mistleague’s / Arenanet’s (? unsure) part, and if this kind of pathetic level of ‘organization’ continues, I sure as hell am not going to keep bothering with this game in any level of seriousness.
(edited by Jesiah.2457)