Tournament Organization improvments

Tournament Organization improvments

in PvP

Posted by: Lordrosicky.5813


for me personally going in a tournament game region final without playing earlier the same day is a really bad thing, due to warm up.
And to the above poster, TPs weakest map is foefire

not with their new comp foefire is the only map where u cant avoid big teamfights and with our comp we cant win vs spirit ranger. All TP had to do was winning one teamfight and then play save on 2 points and thats exactly what they did. Actually they even got a bit greedy and push on our point we killed 2-3 then pushed mid but again spirit ranger can bunker points till the team respawns and with the elite-spirit up the chance to win a teamfight is >10% although we always tried to focus spirit first.

Search your post history and you lol at me in another thread for saying that the spirit res is OP as kitten because:
1, You either focus it and get owned
2, You dont focus it and then it resses anyone you down

So maybe you see it now?

Res spirit = guarenteed win of a team fight when it is up. The things needs a huge nerf

Character: Henry rank million/Duke Henry
Necromancer/Casual Warrior
[Team] Best WvW guild of all time. EASILY.

(edited by Lordrosicky.5813)

Tournament Organization improvments

in PvP

Posted by: Xeph.4513


I’m not going to try to argue either side here, if I do, then I apologize in advance … but I’m going to say that one thing is for complete certain here.

Mist League’s TO’s is / are about as competent as Arenanet, and that sure as hell isn’t saying very much at all, as I’m sure so very many of you are already aware anyway. My thought on this is that I was only aware it was best of 3, and on top of that, aren’t these matches shoutcasted / streamed as well?

Not only does TP have time to rest up, as some have stated, but the entire time that CC is fighting through, doesn’t it seem as though TP would have all that time to form a tactic against what they’re going up against, while CC is not provided with quite the same opportunity?

On top of changed rules, no similar break period or as much time to mentally / tactically prepare, I’d say this was definitely an extremely amateur move on Mistleague’s / Arenanet’s (? unsure) part, and if this kind of pathetic level of ‘organization’ continues, I sure as hell am not going to keep bothering with this game in any level of seriousness.

This is one side of the coin; we had matches the previous day, which CC could’ve watched and made tactics for.
We wish our matches were on the same day, because there were no teams for us to warm up with, so we essentially came into the tournament without any sort of warmup, save for 1 tournament que against a pug, our nerves and lack of warm up show in our first game, I know people are claiming CC was exhausted, but they themselves have claimed no such thing, infact it was advantageous that their mind was already in the game, while we were coming in cold. If you were to ask me, I would say the teams that have already warmed up are at a huge advantage.

But then again that is one side of the coin no ?

Team Paradigm.

Tournament Organization improvments

in PvP

Posted by: Alkaholic.3875


I’m confused, can someone explain the CC had to play through and TP had time to rest. Did the teams not play the same amount of games?

I’m a huge Teldo fanboy but this whole situation is kinda sucky.

Tournament Organization improvments

in PvP

Posted by: Red.3572


It’s a real shame things came to this. Both teams played well. It also seems both sides have a decent case for dispute…

On one side tournament rules should simply NEVER be changed mid-way. It’s pretty disgusting that this happened in the first placed, irrespective of whether or not the teams were told prior to the match. Rules are in place to prevent situations like this… Just makes the whole thing incredibly questionable.

On the flip-side though, one team straight up won the fight. That on it’s own is incredibly compelling. They straight-up won. Sure, tactically the maps aren’t balanced and as luck would have it, map-favor might have gone this way and that, one team being fatigued by hours of play while the other was fresh etc., but there’s still no disputing the simple fact that one team did in fact ‘win’.

So here you we are at the end of all this with bitterness and lots of “…but if this was like that, XY would have happened differently…”

So what I don’t understand is why the TO doesn’t just say. “Okay, guys. Want to settle this? How about a decisive rematch?” One with the correct rules (whatever those end up being), and one with both teams fresh, and map choices known well ahead of time, and no deviations in team build.

Can’t say anyone could really dispute the out-come of that fight, it would solve all this madness, and would probably be the most watched match of the entire tournament…

That’s how I’d settle this. Play again and prove beyond doubt your team is the winner. While probably also being the most anticipated match in the history of the game….

Tournament Organization improvments

in PvP

Posted by: Posi.4251


@Adam , we didnt agree to play bo5. They just said this is bo5, without any chance to reply.

@Xeph you had enough time to warm up, because i saw u all on 1 hour before finals playing on nifhel.

Car Crash [CC]

Tournament Organization improvments

in PvP

Posted by: Lordrosicky.5813


I’m not going to try to argue either side here, if I do, then I apologize in advance … but I’m going to say that one thing is for complete certain here.

Mist League’s TO’s is / are about as competent as Arenanet, and that sure as hell isn’t saying very much at all, as I’m sure so very many of you are already aware anyway. My thought on this is that I was only aware it was best of 3, and on top of that, aren’t these matches shoutcasted / streamed as well?

Not only does TP have time to rest up, as some have stated, but the entire time that CC is fighting through, doesn’t it seem as though TP would have all that time to form a tactic against what they’re going up against, while CC is not provided with quite the same opportunity?

On top of changed rules, no similar break period or as much time to mentally / tactically prepare, I’d say this was definitely an extremely amateur move on Mistleague’s / Arenanet’s (? unsure) part, and if this kind of pathetic level of ‘organization’ continues, I sure as hell am not going to keep bothering with this game in any level of seriousness.

This is one side of the coin; we had matches the previous day, which CC could’ve watched and made tactics for.
We wish our matches were on the same day, because there were no teams for us to warm up with, so we essentially came into the tournament without any sort of warmup, save for 1 tournament que against a pug, our nerves and lack of warm up show in our first game, I know people are claiming CC was exhausted, but they themselves have claimed no such thing, infact it was advantageous that their mind was already in the game, while we were coming in cold. If you were to ask me, I would say the teams that have already warmed up are at a huge advantage.

But then again that is one side of the coin no ?

100% you had the disadvantage not playing that day. I know from playing that getting tired doesnt happen till late in the day after a long day. Whereas starting cold always means your not in the zone. Always takes me a few games to get going. So to win in spite of this is impressive. The Bo5 did suit you because it let you lose one game cold early. But honestly Bo5 is better than Bo3 and it produced some epic matches. It was the right call to be Bo5 and the best team won.

The reason people support TP is because they are good for the game. You watch their streams and even when they win 500-0 they arent rubbing it in the other teams face. They arent saying “omg lol this guy sucks!11!!!” or “These guys are terrible” or “lol this guy did this”. Nah they play respectful of EVERYONE which is why people like them.

CC on the other hand throw every team they face under the bus. They call everyone noobs. Everyone sucks to them. I know from experience if you crush posi then you are a “try-hard” (yet he is the one in a team?) or he had no cooldowns, or you got lucky. Whatever happens you are still a noob to him. And yet if he gets the odd win vs you then you suck and he is the greatest. That isnt the way to make friends or carry yourself. That isnt just CC though, 95% of teams and players have this attitude. They always win because everybody else is a noob and sucks. But when they lose it is lag/luck/try-hards.

Seriously, TP winning was great for the game. But that doesnt mean they were fixed to win. They earnt their win. In spite of having a thief and necro who were clearly inexperienced in comparison to how expert they are with their mains.

CC should act with more respect to the community if they want that community to take their side on an issue such as this. They are all top players and am sure they are all nice people. Just they need to be less rude to others. TP are gd roll models in this respect

Character: Henry rank million/Duke Henry
Necromancer/Casual Warrior
[Team] Best WvW guild of all time. EASILY.

(edited by Lordrosicky.5813)

Tournament Organization improvments

in PvP

Posted by: MoGoW.1875


Say what you want, but do not say that CC didn’t deserve to win, Paradigm deserves absoluement it, and had a behavior which does not deserve a pro players and I hopes that they are going to take pleasur to this Tourny.

(edited by MoGoW.1875)

Tournament Organization improvments

in PvP

Posted by: ExaFlare.1390


CC on the other hand throw every team they face under the bus. They call everyone noobs. Everyone sucks to them. I know from experience if you crush posi then you are a “try-hard” (yet he is the one in a team?) or he had no cooldowns, or you got lucky. Whatever happens you are still a noob to him. And yet if he gets the odd win vs you then you suck and he is the greatest. That isnt the way to make friends or carry yourself. That isnt just CC though, 95% of teams and players have this attitude. They always win because everybody else is a noob and sucks. But when they lose it is lag/luck/try-hards.

Posi. Still the same since N Team.

Server : Vizunah Square [FR]
Chars : Exa Flare | Exaflare | Aurora Wall | Aurora Sword | Azure Flame God

Tournament Organization improvments

in PvP

Posted by: Kesshin.4581


Lol this is still making drama, feel free to keep throwing around your opinions.

Tournament Organization improvments

in PvP

Posted by: Rerroll.9083



Up Rerroll

Tournament Organization improvments

in PvP

Posted by: butch.8136


Well, I was gonna reply on some of the silly arguments thrown around… But then I realized, this is the first time we have a nice big forum post about a tournament match with some drama here and there. GJ guys! <3

Razor xxxx (Desolation ; Off)
Bring back: ‘Gamer’ title + MAT’s!
Throw out: Hotjoin!

Tournament Organization improvments

in PvP

Posted by: SteppenWolf.8136


Okay guys, I want to state my point of view right now. This is just my personal opinion.

So to kick things off first of all congratulations to both teams you did a fantastic job and would love to see you guys scrim again soon to state who is the better team :P (I wouldn’t mind casting it though)

I know that the tournament could have been planned more carefully and definitely in a better way. There were some restrictions in how much time we had and a couple of admins couldn’t do their job because of other problems so we needed to improvise a lot.

So, I promise that I will try to get things rolling more smoothly and more transparent for you guys. Decisions have been made, good ones and bad ones, most of us are currently getting into planning such stuff while having a full-time job in their shoulders as well. I hope you guys understand that we are just humans too and it’s like having two jobs^^ which is pretty exhausting.

I think we improved on our way with the league and with the first prelim. played and we will start improving trying to get the hype

Furthermore I would like to ask you guys for constructive feedback because I will be reading through everything.


Tournament Organization improvments

in PvP

Posted by: Zenith.7301


wtf sorrow
1. it is not important where xeph comes from – he play in an european team
there are reasons why arenanet said only from some countrys and not all – cause not all allow tournaments like this – it has nothing to do when he is arab european american or chinese or whatver

phantarm opened a thread – yes
he did write nothing, he asked for opinions and people gave – it was constructive postings and comunication from arenanet with players was fine so a change in fvour for all could be made
maby check forum there is big athread from xeph too about the meta we have and how bad it is – complain bout too?

3. again wtf
i watched stream too and he said atleast 30 min before the match started it would be bo5 and they even made a extra 15 min break for the teams – and again when the teams dont say tehy have a problem with this and agree with pressing the button " i am ready" than everything is fine and complaining now about is just WHINING

jsut stop this bull….. here . people are not stupid and see whats groing on the jealousy from people like this sorrow guy or mustafa from ulgyteam is insane and dont make you guys looking any better.

and @op from this tread here you dont make your team looking any better with this – atleast people will remember CC as bad losers.

have a nice day

Man, chill out.
There is no reason to get that angry, did I offended you or something?

1. It is important when Xeph comes from when the tournament rules explicitly says that only people resident in EU are allowed to partecipate.

2. The fact that there is a thread by Xeph too proves nothing. You did not get my point.

3. You missed my point again. It doesn’t matter when they said that the match whould have been Bo5, I could have not paid enought attention. The point is that they changed the match on the fly, which is an extraordinary decitions who favoured (casually or causally) TP.

1. Exactly this is the point. his “resident” is not EU. I can go during holidays to spain. I am spain now? No, Xeph still is arabian-resident, even when change location for some weeks.

2. Romek missed the point

3. Even when they told it in chat. It’s unproffessional and bad organized. Organisators should never change rules during a tournament. The most basic failure you can do.

Xeph has a EU account for all intents and purposes. And given there is no involvement of the UAE region, it’d be silly to block off entire sectors of the population despite their active participation in GW2.

Tournament Organization improvments

in PvP

Posted by: Zumy.6318


Say what you want, but do not say that we didn’t deserve to gain, our behavior is can be to wish further to this for finale, Paradigm deserves absoluement not to win, and I hopes that they are going to take advantage of it.

That might be true, but I still want to know how is babby formed.
I mean they need to do way instain mother> who kill thier babbys. becuse these babby cant frigth back? it was on the news this mroing a mother in ar who had kill her three kids. they are taking the three babby back to new york too lady to rest my pary are with the father who lost his children ; i am truley sorry for your lots


How many languages do you speak asides from your own? Making fun of Mogwows english skills is pretty ridiculous.

14yo french boy, killing everything without voicecom as he does not speak english and needs googletranslate still owns team paradigm hard.

Now what did you achieve this weekend?

Thief | Zumy [Buka]
Legendary counter: Twilight, Bolt, Incinerator, Incinerator Nr. 2, Meteorlogicus, The Dreamer

(edited by Zumy.6318)

Tournament Organization improvments

in PvP

Posted by: Ixl Super Ixl.7258

Ixl Super Ixl.7258

Steppenwolf I totally agree with you. You guys are doing a fantastic job. All shoutcasters and ML organizers and we really appreciate it. I really think ANET needs to step up their game and start taking responsibilities with these tournaments. Hopefully they will do in the future!

Tournament Organization improvments

in PvP

Posted by: SteppenWolf.8136


Steppenwolf I totally agree with you. You guys are doing a fantastic job. All shoutcasters and ML organizers and we really appreciate it. I really think ANET needs to step up their game and start taking responsibilities with these tournaments. Hopefully they will do in the future!

Thanks for your kind words =)

Tournament Organization improvments

in PvP

Posted by: Vayra.3290


Okay guys, I want to state my point of view right now. This is just my personal opinion.

So to kick things off first of all congratulations to both teams you did a fantastic job and would love to see you guys scrim again soon to state who is the better team :P (I wouldn’t mind casting it though)

I know that the tournament could have been planned more carefully and definitely in a better way. There were some restrictions in how much time we had and a couple of admins couldn’t do their job because of other problems so we needed to improvise a lot.

So, I promise that I will try to get things rolling more smoothly and more transparent for you guys. Decisions have been made, good ones and bad ones, most of us are currently getting into planning such stuff while having a full-time job in their shoulders as well. I hope you guys understand that we are just humans too and it’s like having two jobs^^ which is pretty exhausting.

I think we improved on our way with the league and with the first prelim. played and we will start improving trying to get the hype

Furthermore I would like to ask you guys for constructive feedback because I will be reading through everything.


The single most important piece of feedback to take from this thread is this: For a competitive event the rules as put down at the start of the tournament are absolute. No changes, only clarifications.

I agree that a BO5 final (and I’d argue even semi finals) is better, but that needs to be in the rules before the tournament even starts. When the rules say all matches are BO3, that includes the final and should never be changed after the event has started.

Other than that I think the tournament went pretty well.

The Unnamed[ThUn] – Desolation
Vayra – Elementalist
Forkrul Assail – Mesmer

Tournament Organization improvments

in PvP

Posted by: Korasi.9140


Steppenwolf I totally agree with you. You guys are doing a fantastic job. All shoutcasters and ML organizers and we really appreciate it. I really think ANET needs to step up their game and start taking responsibilities with these tournaments. Hopefully they will do in the future!

Man.. Teldo just too good… 1v2? NP

Tournament Organization improvments

in PvP

Posted by: MoGoW.1875


And yes i don’t speak a perfect English, i have to keep silent for that reason?
Do not think that we are all little children behind our computers, you will be surprised.

(edited by MoGoW.1875)

Tournament Organization improvments

in PvP

Posted by: viivi.2394


14yo french boy, killing everything without voicecom as he does not speak english and needs googletranslate still owns team paradigm hard.

It’s good to have role models and sticking up for them, but you haven’t understood how tpvp works I am afraid.

I couldn’t care less about mogow’s age, but anybody who thinks one shotting people has anything to do with skill is just not there yet. Look at positioning, movement and pretty much everything else than executing a preset combo of skills and you will understand that there are a dozen elementalists on his level and beyond in this game.

Tournament Organization improvments

in PvP

Posted by: saVdoom.2067


wtf sorrow
1. it is not important where xeph comes from – he play in an european team
there are reasons why arenanet said only from some countrys and not all – cause not all allow tournaments like this – it has nothing to do when he is arab european american or chinese or whatver

phantarm opened a thread – yes
he did write nothing, he asked for opinions and people gave – it was constructive postings and comunication from arenanet with players was fine so a change in fvour for all could be made
maby check forum there is big athread from xeph too about the meta we have and how bad it is – complain bout too?

3. again wtf
i watched stream too and he said atleast 30 min before the match started it would be bo5 and they even made a extra 15 min break for the teams – and again when the teams dont say tehy have a problem with this and agree with pressing the button " i am ready" than everything is fine and complaining now about is just WHINING

jsut stop this bull….. here . people are not stupid and see whats groing on the jealousy from people like this sorrow guy or mustafa from ulgyteam is insane and dont make you guys looking any better.

and @op from this tread here you dont make your team looking any better with this – atleast people will remember CC as bad losers.

have a nice day

Man, chill out.
There is no reason to get that angry, did I offended you or something?

1. It is important when Xeph comes from when the tournament rules explicitly says that only people resident in EU are allowed to partecipate.

2. The fact that there is a thread by Xeph too proves nothing. You did not get my point.

3. You missed my point again. It doesn’t matter when they said that the match whould have been Bo5, I could have not paid enought attention. The point is that they changed the match on the fly, which is an extraordinary decitions who favoured (casually or causally) TP.

1. Exactly this is the point. his “resident” is not EU. I can go during holidays to spain. I am spain now? No, Xeph still is arabian-resident, even when change location for some weeks.

2. Romek missed the point

3. Even when they told it in chat. It’s unproffessional and bad organized. Organisators should never change rules during a tournament. The most basic failure you can do.

Xeph has a EU account for all intents and purposes. And given there is no involvement of the UAE region, it’d be silly to block off entire sectors of the population despite their active participation in GW2.

Wait. I have an EU and NA account. I’ve been in EU for work (i work in an Austrian company), but i live in the beloved land of big booties called Brasil. Does that mean i can participate too?

Me and Ellen might be happy !

Tournament Organization improvments

in PvP

Posted by: TRoopEr.5364


wtf sorrow
1. it is not important where xeph comes from – he play in an european team
there are reasons why arenanet said only from some countrys and not all – cause not all allow tournaments like this – it has nothing to do when he is arab european american or chinese or whatver

phantarm opened a thread – yes
he did write nothing, he asked for opinions and people gave – it was constructive postings and comunication from arenanet with players was fine so a change in fvour for all could be made
maby check forum there is big athread from xeph too about the meta we have and how bad it is – complain bout too?

3. again wtf
i watched stream too and he said atleast 30 min before the match started it would be bo5 and they even made a extra 15 min break for the teams – and again when the teams dont say tehy have a problem with this and agree with pressing the button " i am ready" than everything is fine and complaining now about is just WHINING

jsut stop this bull….. here . people are not stupid and see whats groing on the jealousy from people like this sorrow guy or mustafa from ulgyteam is insane and dont make you guys looking any better.

and @op from this tread here you dont make your team looking any better with this – atleast people will remember CC as bad losers.

have a nice day

Man, chill out.
There is no reason to get that angry, did I offended you or something?

1. It is important when Xeph comes from when the tournament rules explicitly says that only people resident in EU are allowed to partecipate.

2. The fact that there is a thread by Xeph too proves nothing. You did not get my point.

3. You missed my point again. It doesn’t matter when they said that the match whould have been Bo5, I could have not paid enought attention. The point is that they changed the match on the fly, which is an extraordinary decitions who favoured (casually or causally) TP.

1. Exactly this is the point. his “resident” is not EU. I can go during holidays to spain. I am spain now? No, Xeph still is arabian-resident, even when change location for some weeks.

2. Romek missed the point

3. Even when they told it in chat. It’s unproffessional and bad organized. Organisators should never change rules during a tournament. The most basic failure you can do.

Xeph has a EU account for all intents and purposes. And given there is no involvement of the UAE region, it’d be silly to block off entire sectors of the population despite their active participation in GW2.

Wait. I have an EU and NA account. I’ve been in EU for work (i work in an Austrian company), but i live in the beloved land of big booties called Brasil. Does that mean i can participate too?

Me and Ellen might be happy !

only if you are the member of TP.

So basicaly no. – Leagues and tournaments.

Tournament Organization improvments

in PvP

Posted by: viivi.2394


And yes i don’t speak a perfect English, i have to keep silent for that reason?
Do not think that we are all little children behind our computers, you will be surprised.

You are doing fine.

Being called out for not speaking english perfectly when you’re not a native speaker is obviously really lame.

All things considered it’s been working out well for you and your team anyway, I’d say.

Tournament Organization improvments

in PvP

Posted by: saVdoom.2067


wtf sorrow
1. it is not important where xeph comes from – he play in an european team
there are reasons why arenanet said only from some countrys and not all – cause not all allow tournaments like this – it has nothing to do when he is arab european american or chinese or whatver

phantarm opened a thread – yes
he did write nothing, he asked for opinions and people gave – it was constructive postings and comunication from arenanet with players was fine so a change in fvour for all could be made
maby check forum there is big athread from xeph too about the meta we have and how bad it is – complain bout too?

3. again wtf
i watched stream too and he said atleast 30 min before the match started it would be bo5 and they even made a extra 15 min break for the teams – and again when the teams dont say tehy have a problem with this and agree with pressing the button " i am ready" than everything is fine and complaining now about is just WHINING

jsut stop this bull….. here . people are not stupid and see whats groing on the jealousy from people like this sorrow guy or mustafa from ulgyteam is insane and dont make you guys looking any better.

and @op from this tread here you dont make your team looking any better with this – atleast people will remember CC as bad losers.

have a nice day

Man, chill out.
There is no reason to get that angry, did I offended you or something?

1. It is important when Xeph comes from when the tournament rules explicitly says that only people resident in EU are allowed to partecipate.

2. The fact that there is a thread by Xeph too proves nothing. You did not get my point.

3. You missed my point again. It doesn’t matter when they said that the match whould have been Bo5, I could have not paid enought attention. The point is that they changed the match on the fly, which is an extraordinary decitions who favoured (casually or causally) TP.

1. Exactly this is the point. his “resident” is not EU. I can go during holidays to spain. I am spain now? No, Xeph still is arabian-resident, even when change location for some weeks.

2. Romek missed the point

3. Even when they told it in chat. It’s unproffessional and bad organized. Organisators should never change rules during a tournament. The most basic failure you can do.

Xeph has a EU account for all intents and purposes. And given there is no involvement of the UAE region, it’d be silly to block off entire sectors of the population despite their active participation in GW2.

Wait. I have an EU and NA account. I’ve been in EU for work (i work in an Austrian company), but i live in the beloved land of big booties called Brasil. Does that mean i can participate too?

Me and Ellen might be happy !

only if you are the member of TP.

So basicaly no.

I could always create a team called Team Paradigma [TP]….

Tournament Organization improvments

in PvP

Posted by: Lordrosicky.5813


14yo french boy, killing everything without voicecom as he does not speak english and needs googletranslate still owns team paradigm hard.

It’s good to have role models and sticking up for them, but you haven’t understood how tpvp works I am afraid.

I couldn’t care less about mogow’s age, but anybody who thinks one shotting people has anything to do with skill is just not there yet. Look at positioning, movement and pretty much everything else than executing a preset combo of skills and you will understand that there are a dozen elementalists on his level and beyond in this game.

Mogwow is awesome. You are embarrassing yourself.

Character: Henry rank million/Duke Henry
Necromancer/Casual Warrior
[Team] Best WvW guild of all time. EASILY.

Tournament Organization improvments

in PvP

Posted by: viivi.2394


Mogwow is awesome. You are embarrassing yourself.

I’ll take your word for it. Why don’t you go make a thread about reducing a cool down on something to what it already is.

Tournament Organization improvments

in PvP

Posted by: Lordrosicky.5813


Mogwow is awesome. You are embarrassing yourself.

I’ll take your word for it. Why don’t you go make a thread about reducing a cool down on something to what it already is.

Good one. Trust me, I played more with mogwow than almost anyone else in this game and he plays well always. Just because he wasnt in a team before doesnt mean he came out of nowhere. In solo q there are a lot of players capable of dominating. Mogwow is an example of one of them.

Character: Henry rank million/Duke Henry
Necromancer/Casual Warrior
[Team] Best WvW guild of all time. EASILY.

Tournament Organization improvments

in PvP

Posted by: tichorum.2415


Regardless of whether or not CC waited to see if it was to their advantage, rules are rules. The announcer can’t just change them because he’s announcing and wants to see a longer match. The rules clearly stated all matches at BO3. That’s the fault of Grouch…and MistLeague for not correcting it.

Former PvP commentator for ESL & Arenanet.

I used to run the Academy Gaming tournaments for GW2.

Tournament Organization improvments

in PvP

Posted by: Serdoc.7261


Gonna have to side with TP on this one, they were coming in cold and at a disadvantage.

Also, team CC really comes off like a bunch of cry babies with this ‘indecent’, and when you tack on their behavior in-game, I for one am glad CC lost and TP won.

I’m not sure, can you, umm…. do that again? ROM – 2015

Tournament Organization improvments

in PvP

Posted by: Alkaholic.3875


All I want to know is what was Super’s build? A few times they cut to him vs Teldo, they cut away as Teldo was down. They stayed for the now infamous 1v2 though.

Tournament Organization improvments

in PvP

Posted by: Sepreh.5924


Can we substitute the Gnashblade and Kiel representation buttons with TP and CC buttons?

Sorry for the PvE reference :-p

Legendary Sepreh, Necromancer
[SYN] Synyster Legion | Dragonbrand Server
Youtube Necromancer

Tournament Organization improvments

in PvP

Posted by: Zumy.6318


Can we substitute the Gnashblade and Kiel representation buttons with TP and CC buttons?

Sorry for the PvE reference :-p

^ this…

Thief | Zumy [Buka]
Legendary counter: Twilight, Bolt, Incinerator, Incinerator Nr. 2, Meteorlogicus, The Dreamer

Tournament Organization improvments

in PvP

Posted by: OlrunTheBlade.1486


Why not just add Teldo to the ballot? Teldo is god.

Captain of Never Lucky [NL]
Competitive Warrior, Ele, Mesmer, Ranger, Engineer, Thief

Tournament Organization improvments

in PvP

Posted by: Zenith.7301


wtf sorrow
1. it is not important where xeph comes from – he play in an european team
there are reasons why arenanet said only from some countrys and not all – cause not all allow tournaments like this – it has nothing to do when he is arab european american or chinese or whatver

phantarm opened a thread – yes
he did write nothing, he asked for opinions and people gave – it was constructive postings and comunication from arenanet with players was fine so a change in fvour for all could be made
maby check forum there is big athread from xeph too about the meta we have and how bad it is – complain bout too?

3. again wtf
i watched stream too and he said atleast 30 min before the match started it would be bo5 and they even made a extra 15 min break for the teams – and again when the teams dont say tehy have a problem with this and agree with pressing the button " i am ready" than everything is fine and complaining now about is just WHINING

jsut stop this bull….. here . people are not stupid and see whats groing on the jealousy from people like this sorrow guy or mustafa from ulgyteam is insane and dont make you guys looking any better.

and @op from this tread here you dont make your team looking any better with this – atleast people will remember CC as bad losers.

have a nice day

Man, chill out.
There is no reason to get that angry, did I offended you or something?

1. It is important when Xeph comes from when the tournament rules explicitly says that only people resident in EU are allowed to partecipate.

2. The fact that there is a thread by Xeph too proves nothing. You did not get my point.

3. You missed my point again. It doesn’t matter when they said that the match whould have been Bo5, I could have not paid enought attention. The point is that they changed the match on the fly, which is an extraordinary decitions who favoured (casually or causally) TP.

1. Exactly this is the point. his “resident” is not EU. I can go during holidays to spain. I am spain now? No, Xeph still is arabian-resident, even when change location for some weeks.

2. Romek missed the point

3. Even when they told it in chat. It’s unproffessional and bad organized. Organisators should never change rules during a tournament. The most basic failure you can do.

Xeph has a EU account for all intents and purposes. And given there is no involvement of the UAE region, it’d be silly to block off entire sectors of the population despite their active participation in GW2.

Wait. I have an EU and NA account. I’ve been in EU for work (i work in an Austrian company), but i live in the beloved land of big booties called Brasil. Does that mean i can participate too?

Me and Ellen might be happy !

Is your established PvP team, whom you have played with since the beginning, NA or EU?

It’s what community you have belonged to and participated in consistently.

I’m a NA player but I play in EU servers with a EU guild. If GvG’s take place I expect to participate in EU tournaments, not NA ones.

Tournament Organization improvments

in PvP

Posted by: Tyler Durden.2638

Tyler Durden.2638

Furthermore I would like to ask you guys for constructive feedback because I will be reading through everything.


Ofc changing to BO5 on the fly is a terrible idea.
Ofc CC should have said that to the admins.

it is OBVIOUSLY a huge disadvantage if one team can chill and another has some very stressful games before they face each other.
ofc that’s nobodys fault, but TP could just accept it, it doesn’t make their victory any better if they say nothing about it.

I think Super’s idea to make an improvement(!) thread is a great idea, and I hope SOMEONE of the organizers / ANET / admins … will NOTICE the good ideas for future tourneys instead of all the rage here.

MISTLEAGUE ofc u’r doing a great job, and ofc u didn’t have nough time for a separate finals day, but is that worth it?
because I think now we don’t have the best european team :/
(just my opinion!)

CC and TP, i still <3 you

GW2 go ESPORTS gogo

Tournament Organization improvments

in PvP

Posted by: Sathyir.5139


only if you are the member of TP.

So basicaly no.

There were other non eu players who participated this weekend, xeph wasnt exceptional so stop this nonsense pls.

Tournament Organization improvments

in PvP

Posted by: Xeph.4513


only if you are the member of TP.

So basicaly no.

There were other non eu players who participated this weekend, xeph wasnt exceptional so stop this nonsense pls.

Save it Sathyir, he is not worth the words your typing to him; maybe someday he will grow up.

Team Paradigm.

Tournament Organization improvments

in PvP

Posted by: Reevz.2617


Personally, i think it’s an advantage to play a big match after playing a few games because then i feel warmed up, and “in the zone.” Getting over a set of stressful games is a part of being a good player.

Tournament Organization improvments

in PvP

Posted by: Olli.6137


Depends if u have to be avaible 7 hours and cant take a bigger break, facing extrem good teams and than playing finals.

Lady Nag Nag Nag
Team Car Crash [CC]

Tournament Organization improvments

in PvP

Posted by: jmatb.6307


Wait so the guys that deliberately went for a lord rush against Easy when they had them at 0 points the whole match are complaining about something that their own teammates refute?

Tournament Organization improvments

in PvP

Posted by: Tonikor.5637


On a completely unrelated note:

Should players be allowed to MACRO?


Tournament Organization improvments

in PvP

Posted by: dzindzinier.6138


i made ele yesterday just to check combo 1 shooting people
u can put 18 k on heavy golem in 1 shoot,and u dont need makro for it ,u can do much more dmg if u just swap too fire att after ,with this fire i think it could be like 30 k XD in 2-3 ses XD or more …XD
but i dont know how hard this churning earth combo is in high level tourneys

anyway u dont need makro for it ,just fast fingers …….
dont know if mogwow is using makros (i think it is about him) anyway he doesnt have to use them to burst people down

Tonikor to answer ur q : ofcourse no , for this should be ban ban ban,and comunity shouldnt play with such people ……

(edited by dzindzinier.6138)

Tournament Organization improvments

in PvP

Posted by: sorrow.2364


There were other non eu players who participated this weekend, xeph wasnt exceptional so stop this nonsense pls.

I have no informations about those people.
Can you please give us some examples?

Tournament Organization improvments

in PvP

Posted by: Authority.6145


On a completely unrelated note:

Should players be allowed to MACRO?


You guys really think its hard to pull off super fast rotations in this game huh?

God you need to play other games.

Tournament Organization improvments

in PvP

Posted by: Zumy.6318


I would not even know what I would use makros for. I mean you have 10 buttons to press…

Thief | Zumy [Buka]
Legendary counter: Twilight, Bolt, Incinerator, Incinerator Nr. 2, Meteorlogicus, The Dreamer

Tournament Organization improvments

in PvP

Posted by: VictorTroska.3725


Watched Vod’s today and loooooooooooool “Ok guys we have now best of five.” who the hell does that haha. I think Team Paradigm didnt deserved to win even though they did play really good. Because what other team had to go through while TP was chilling and drinking soda. Games need to be replayed tbh. But this aint TP fault though, its just organizers were horrible at their job.

Tournament Organization improvments

in PvP

Posted by: Cyhann.2609


I would not even know what I would use makros for. I mean you have 10 buttons to press…

Some combos maybe, but there are more than 10 buttons…

Tournament Organization improvments

in PvP

Posted by: MoGoW.1875


Give me a break …. i don’t use maccro.
Everybody can ask me about the burst, how and when use, that would be more intelligent than to denigrate players cause of bad rumors.

Tournament Organization improvments

in PvP

Posted by: SunnyLane.9386


This tournament favored team paradigm, just look brackets, and do bo5 after you guys play all day was at least ridiculous, they had better have given the prize directly to tp. And yes nerf spirits.

Tournament Organization improvments

in PvP

Posted by: Posi.4251


Im agree with you SunnyLane at some points. But if Team Paradigm won this was because they deserved it. It is true that they give TP more time than us to play finals. but honestly they deserve it. They were dominating on EU since start of game, and they played better, so they deserve this.
Good luck to them @ Seattle representing EU.
Thanks for play at 100% and give people most amazing games ever.
Good luck to Paradigm from all Car Crash members.

Car Crash [CC]