Toxic community uh?

Toxic community uh?

in PvP

Posted by: Seifer Thalaen.7869

Seifer Thalaen.7869

Ok i’m probably one of those toxic guys yelling around at pve heroes 24/7 and stuff but…

Tell me, if you try to be kind with someone (With legendary gs in pvp so…yeah) suggesting him to drop that crap going for something bit more useful than a rooted dps you’re not going to hit someone with and you get this as an answer so tell me…why am i supposed to be kind with those ppl? Asking you, “toxic community” whiners all over the world…

Btw all started cause he dropped in 3 secs in 2v2, got their engi and tried to stomp him before their ele getting the stomp on this war, no way to rez him up cause 20 might ele just waiting to blow everything on me while ressing…but apparently i was supposed to somehow interrupt (Actually dunno with what lol) the full hp celestial ele stomping him instead of hoping on war interrupting him (He had no stability up when i saw him stomping dunno if he actually tried to interrupt or ele went safe last second)…but…yeah…


(edited by Seifer Thalaen.7869)

Toxic community uh?

in PvP

Posted by: Romek.4201


what should be the problem called “toxic comunity” in your post?

Toxic community uh?

in PvP

Posted by: NonToxic.9185


It is not out of kindness that you start whispering someone to change their build.

Toxic community uh?

in PvP

Posted by: geekanerd.4123


I have a legendary great sword and I also have over 2000 rated pvp matches played. So, yeah, you are one of those toxic guys making silly assumptions about people’s skill levels simply based on gear. Congratulations. My advice? Worry more about what you do and less what others do and you’ll probably make more friends. If you told me what I should run in pvp, I’d probably tell you to go eff yourself, as well. kitten, you should be happy it’s something different. Like the game needs more hambow warriors.

[DIE] – FA
“Is it uplevel ranger season yet?”

Toxic community uh?

in PvP

Posted by: Seifer Thalaen.7869

Seifer Thalaen.7869

It is not out of kindness that you start whispering someone to change their build.

well some days ago i was talking with phd after one soloq and he was telling me not to use shield on celestial even at close, and since he has more experience than me on war i just tried it out and i’m still glad he made me use sword…and for sure i didn’t answer like “Shield is fine, don’t tell me what to use kitten” …i seriously think trying to help ppl out in this game is totally pointless.

Just getting back to toxic behaviour mode.

Toxic community uh?

in PvP

Posted by: Seifer Thalaen.7869

Seifer Thalaen.7869

I have a legendary great sword and I also have over 2000 rated pvp matches played. So, yeah, you are one of those toxic guys making silly assumptions about people’s skill levels simply based on gear. Congratulations. My advice? Worry more about what you do and less what others do and you’ll probably make more friends. If you told me what I should run in pvp, I’d probably tell you to go eff yourself, as well. kitten, you should be happy it’s something different. Like the game needs more hambow warriors.

I have like 5k+ rated tournaments since start out of total 10k and something total matches in 3.5k hours in pvp only…so what’s your point exactly? Because topic was about ppl new to pvp actually refusing to get better calling you kitten while everyone complaining bout old pvp players being bad cuz they don’t want to help them…wanna know why i won’t help those guys? Here you have the reason…and for sure it was not the first one, from trying to explain pu mesmers not to use than in tn to condi engi not to go 1v1 vs condi necros or ppl not to stay 1 minute 1v1 with bunker guards, really few times ppl actually understood but most of them just told me to gtfo and mind my business.

(edited by Seifer Thalaen.7869)

Toxic community uh?

in PvP

Posted by: DaliIndica.9041


Its people like you that annoy me the most, more so than hambows and MM necros, or even the guy losing his rag in map or team chat.

Why oh why do you feel the need to whisper people? Not to mention you open with what could easily be taken as an insult, regardless of how you intended it.

Yes the PVE hero is very annoying, I hate it just as much when they message with nonsense like “play a real class, not engie” (this was from a hambow who failed 4 times to even dent my health, I was x3 kit engie). Don’t be one of “those” types who feel its their job to whisper bash people, its just annoying, and if you will NEVER win against a PVE hero.

(one of the great things about being a PVPer first and foremost is you most likely have no real gear sparklers to speak off, so you can change at will. He most likely grinded out for god knows how long to get that “skin”, so he isnt going to give it up. Plus they are drip feed content, with insane levels of grind and RNG that asking them to give up the tinsel sword is a waste of time.)

Toxic community uh?

in PvP

Posted by: NonToxic.9185


It is not out of kindness that you start whispering someone to change their build.

well some days ago i was talking with phd after one soloq and he was telling me not to use shield on celestial even at close, and since he has more experience than me on war i just tried it out and i’m still glad he made me use sword…and for sure i didn’t answer like “Shield is fine, don’t tell me what to use kitten” …i seriously think trying to help ppl out in this game is totally pointless.

Just getting back to toxic behaviour mode.

If I notice that your driving is poor, and I follow you to the next set of lights, get out, knock on your window and say “hey man, I’ve clearly been driving a lot longer than you, you really need to get rid of this stick shift because you don’t know what you’re doing-” you would have already told me to go kitten myself.

You are not helping him out of the goodness of your heart, he did not ask for help, and all the PvP experience in the world doesn’t make either of those things false. To make the matter even better, you posted it here to shame them.

And you have the balls to say others are the problem.

Toxic community uh?

in PvP

Posted by: Seifer Thalaen.7869

Seifer Thalaen.7869

It is not out of kindness that you start whispering someone to change their build.

well some days ago i was talking with phd after one soloq and he was telling me not to use shield on celestial even at close, and since he has more experience than me on war i just tried it out and i’m still glad he made me use sword…and for sure i didn’t answer like “Shield is fine, don’t tell me what to use kitten” …i seriously think trying to help ppl out in this game is totally pointless.

Just getting back to toxic behaviour mode.

If I notice that your driving is poor, and I follow you to the next set of lights, get out, knock on your window and say “hey man, I’ve clearly been driving a lot longer than you, you really need to get rid of this stick shift because you don’t know what you’re doing-” you would have already told me to go kitten myself.

You are not helping him out of the goodness of your heart, he did not ask for help, and all the PvP experience in the world doesn’t make either of those things false. To make the matter even better, you posted it here to shame them.

And you have the balls to say others are the problem.

Maybe he didn’t ask for help but he actually almost made all team lose that 2v2 (All bless hs and celestial amulet that made me keep up alone vs 2 long enough to get backup), this is a team game and next time i’ll get him in soloq (Thanks god i don’t give kitten to soloq) he’ll still be on gs and maybe he’ll make us lose…so am i not supposed to tell someone how to get better? If someone drives while drunk are you supposed to tell him “Ok np man it’s ok just go..” Really?

And btw all started with HIM saying i should have interrupted (Again on axe/sword LOL) ele instead of trying to stomp the engi…but i’m probably supposed to say nothing right?

(edited by Seifer Thalaen.7869)

Toxic community uh?

in PvP

Posted by: Dahkeus.8243


So…because someone else is a jerk or is bad in PvP, it’s ok to be a jerk in response?

Hmm…can’t say I agree with that one, bud.

Toxic community uh?

in PvP

Posted by: Yujin.1785


Oh the irony of your post and title, OP…

Toxic community uh?

in PvP

Posted by: Seifer Thalaen.7869

Seifer Thalaen.7869

what should be the problem called “toxic comunity” in your post?

Old pvp players raging at pve heroes when they mess up in pvp instead of helping them..pretty much

(edited by Seifer Thalaen.7869)

Toxic community uh?

in PvP

Posted by: Harbinger.8637


If people want to run something other then meta builds more power to them. Sure it may not be the most optimal build, but who are you to tell them what to use. If it bothers you that much just stick with teamq.

Guardian WvW Guide!
Heavens Rage

Toxic community uh?

in PvP

Posted by: Seifer Thalaen.7869

Seifer Thalaen.7869

If people want to run something other then meta builds more power to them. Sure it may not be the most optimal build, but who are you to tell them what to use. If it bothers you that much just stick with teamq.

I obviously already go tq with team (And with this second account too..pug ftw), but getting ganked because your mates run usueless specs even going soloq for fun is not…well…fun at all. I also went PU, rifle war, condition guardian, hb gs war, venom share thief and many other crap specs like those, but i went hotjoin, for sure i won’t get into rated stuff (Even if pointless like soloq) being a cripple for the whole team just because i want to play crap things…even if it’s just soloq i’ll do my best for the team (Like rerolling bunker guard even if it’s boring but we have no guard) and i’m just asking from my team the same effort…if i lose it’s ok, but if i lose because ppl don’t care about winning and about the team (So about me and other 3 players) it’s not ok…at all…they are the ones who should leave rated tournaments being the real “toxic” part of this game.

(edited by Seifer Thalaen.7869)

Toxic community uh?

in PvP

Posted by: Harbinger.8637


If people want to run something other then meta builds more power to them. Sure it may not be the most optimal build, but who are you to tell them what to use. If it bothers you that much just stick with teamq.

I obviously already go tq with team (And with this second account too..pug ftw), but getting ganked because your mates run usueless specs even going soloq for fun is not…well…fun at all. I also went PU, rifle war, condition guardian, hb gs war, venom share thief and many other crap specs like those, but i went hotjoin, for sure i won’t get into rated stuff (Even if pointless like soloq) being a cripple for the whole team just because i want to play crap things…even if it’s just soloq i’ll do my best for the team (Like rerolling bunker guard even if it’s boring but we have no guard) and i’m just asking from my team the same effort…if i lose it’s ok, but if i lose because ppl don’t care about winning and about the team (So about me and other 3 players) it’s not ok…at all…they are the ones who should leave rated tournaments being the real “toxic” part of this game.

Here is where the problem lies. You expect everyone to have the same mind set as you, and hold them to your standards. This isn’t going to happen, especially in soloq. Like I said before if you have that much of a problem with it just stick to teamq, which you said you do, so this shouldn’t be a big deal really.

Guardian WvW Guide!
Heavens Rage

Toxic community uh?

in PvP

Posted by: Seifer Thalaen.7869

Seifer Thalaen.7869

If people want to run something other then meta builds more power to them. Sure it may not be the most optimal build, but who are you to tell them what to use. If it bothers you that much just stick with teamq.

I obviously already go tq with team (And with this second account too..pug ftw), but getting ganked because your mates run usueless specs even going soloq for fun is not…well…fun at all. I also went PU, rifle war, condition guardian, hb gs war, venom share thief and many other crap specs like those, but i went hotjoin, for sure i won’t get into rated stuff (Even if pointless like soloq) being a cripple for the whole team just because i want to play crap things…even if it’s just soloq i’ll do my best for the team (Like rerolling bunker guard even if it’s boring but we have no guard) and i’m just asking from my team the same effort…if i lose it’s ok, but if i lose because ppl don’t care about winning and about the team (So about me and other 3 players) it’s not ok…at all…they are the ones who should leave rated tournaments being the real “toxic” part of this game.

Here is where the problem lies. You expect everyone to have the same mind set as you, and hold them to your standards. This isn’t going to happen, especially in soloq. Like I said before if you have that much of a problem with it just stick to teamq, which you said you do, so this shouldn’t be a big deal really.

And that’s also why competitive side of this game already died long ago…because ppl care bout nothing, from devs to actual playerbase..

Toxic community uh?

in PvP

Posted by: Harbinger.8637


If people want to run something other then meta builds more power to them. Sure it may not be the most optimal build, but who are you to tell them what to use. If it bothers you that much just stick with teamq.

I obviously already go tq with team (And with this second account too..pug ftw), but getting ganked because your mates run usueless specs even going soloq for fun is not…well…fun at all. I also went PU, rifle war, condition guardian, hb gs war, venom share thief and many other crap specs like those, but i went hotjoin, for sure i won’t get into rated stuff (Even if pointless like soloq) being a cripple for the whole team just because i want to play crap things…even if it’s just soloq i’ll do my best for the team (Like rerolling bunker guard even if it’s boring but we have no guard) and i’m just asking from my team the same effort…if i lose it’s ok, but if i lose because ppl don’t care about winning and about the team (So about me and other 3 players) it’s not ok…at all…they are the ones who should leave rated tournaments being the real “toxic” part of this game.

Here is where the problem lies. You expect everyone to have the same mind set as you, and hold them to your standards. This isn’t going to happen, especially in soloq. Like I said before if you have that much of a problem with it just stick to teamq, which you said you do, so this shouldn’t be a big deal really.

And that’s also why competitive side of this game already died long ago…because ppl care bout nothing..

The lack of attention from Anet, and the stagnate state of pvp is what killed any hope of competitive play. Soloq isn’t a competitive game mode, all they did was take hotjoins and slap a broken leaderboard on it. 4v5, Skyhammer, and terrible mmr. People pretty much just play soloq for fun, and I don’t blame them. They also play for the rewards, and it doesn’t matter if you win or lose. You still get progression on the reward track.

Guardian WvW Guide!
Heavens Rage

(edited by Harbinger.8637)

Toxic community uh?

in PvP

Posted by: Bane.5379


2 noobs argueing and bringing it to forums lol please guys.

Toxic community uh?

in PvP

Posted by: SaintSnow.6593


As the old saying goes, two wrongs don’t make a right. Just ignore the guy and move on.


Toxic community uh?

in PvP

Posted by: Seifer Thalaen.7869

Seifer Thalaen.7869

2 noobs argueing and bringing it to forums lol please guys.

You’re not even on ladder bra xD

Toxic community uh?

in PvP

Posted by: geekanerd.4123


I have a legendary great sword and I also have over 2000 rated pvp matches played. So, yeah, you are one of those toxic guys making silly assumptions about people’s skill levels simply based on gear. Congratulations. My advice? Worry more about what you do and less what others do and you’ll probably make more friends. If you told me what I should run in pvp, I’d probably tell you to go eff yourself, as well. kitten, you should be happy it’s something different. Like the game needs more hambow warriors.

I have like 5k+ rated tournaments since start out of total 10k and something total matches in 3.5k hours in pvp only…so what’s your point exactly? Because topic was about ppl new to pvp actually refusing to get better calling you kitten while everyone complaining bout old pvp players being bad cuz they don’t want to help them…wanna know why i won’t help those guys? Here you have the reason…and for sure it was not the first one, from trying to explain pu mesmers not to use than in tn to condi engi not to go 1v1 vs condi necros or ppl not to stay 1 minute 1v1 with bunker guards, really few times ppl actually understood but most of them just told me to gtfo and mind my business.

Good for you. You’re a pvp hero, god bless. But judging people’s skill by what gear they have on is silly. Thing is, the people who want to get better will solicit help. In the forums, in map chat, from friends or people on their team. Save your advice for those guys. And those who don’t? Not your job to bother them. But if that’s your MO and you just gotta whisper people, maybe try to be more constructive about it. Perhaps start with, ‘Can I make a suggestion?’ instead of just, ’you’re a noob, do this.’ Never know. Might get more receptive responses that way.

[DIE] – FA
“Is it uplevel ranger season yet?”

Toxic community uh?

in PvP

Posted by: IrishPotato.6327


I’m not a super pvp player but I can say from any perspective that hearing someone force their way onto another player in any game mode isn’t a “great thing to do” at all. Out of those what 3.5k hours in pvp I’m sure you’ve met many many many players you specifically didn’t like due to your elitist attitude about how people should play. Did you contact every single one of those players too? I hope you realize OP that all you got out of this thread was everyone responding to how much you’re a jerk…..Win win I guess right?

Toxic community uh?

in PvP

Posted by: infantrydivEU.9670


Trying to boss someone into using a different weapon in a video game just means you are a bossy nerd.


Toxic community uh?

in PvP

Posted by: Elfindale.4836


I share you feeling on this topic, I too have endure a lot of matches where u know you team is incompetent from the beginning of the match and when u see they flash out that shiny legendary you just can not stop but sigh," god kitten pve hero."
I personally do believe they got every right to play this mode of game(PVP), but even they might not understand that pvp of this game is quite deep in term of depth and their incompetence might just ruin 4 other people’s game.
I blame Anet for allowing people to join arena with out prerequisite Experiences
I dont think lecture these people about how to play is the right step, first, they wont listen, second, there are just too many of them. the deeper problem and its solution has been brought up quite some time.
so people can be bracketed and we will all live happily ever after.

Toxic community uh?

in PvP

Posted by: Zomaarwat.3912


All is Vain, OP is right, this thread has appeared a billion times, blablabla

It is not out of kindness that you start whispering someone to change their build.

Did you make this account just to rezpond to this thread?

Over a year and the forum search is still broken = /

Toxic community uh?

in PvP

Posted by: Killthehealersffs.8940


He didnt like to equip a gs
You dont have anyhing to interupt healing or stomps
Both your build and attitude sux :P

Toxic community uh?

in PvP

Posted by: Chaotic.9742


Funny because GS can be deadly given a skilled player but I digress. Maybe he’s just trying it out so whatever. No need to flame him for the next 10 minutes. If you really want to “help pvp noobs” maybe try some better wording so you don’t come across as a kitten.

Toxic community uh?

in PvP

Posted by: Zietlogik.6208


I like using my Greatsword thanks

Zietlogik [Warrior] Chronologix [Ranger] Ziet The Dreaded [Necromancer] Zietlogic [Revenant]

Toxic community uh?

in PvP

Posted by: Flumek.9043



When a “good player” makes mistakes, tests new weird build , trolls, or plays something stupidly overpowered, and u pm him a noob/why u do that? , he responds: “i know. sry for playing cheez. yeah this new stuff doesnt work. etc.”

Ignorant badies just bock ppl without listening them 1st.

PvP guild [YUM] -apply- (EU)

Toxic community uh?

in PvP

Posted by: eekzie.5640


The issue here is your attitude Seifer.

If you wan’t to change what people use, you don’t insult them and tell them they suck.
You give them advice. Sway them with knowledge.

Then if they don’t want to, move on.

Toxic community uh?

in PvP

Posted by: NonToxic.9185


All is Vain, OP is right, this thread has appeared a billion times, blablabla

It is not out of kindness that you start whispering someone to change their build.

Did you make this account just to rezpond to this thread?

I have been online as NonToxic since long before toxic became a buzzword for nerds.

Toxic community uh?

in PvP

Posted by: Viking Jorun.5413

Viking Jorun.5413

I have 2 legendaries, I don’t see how that disqualifies me from being decent at PvP. That argument went out the window ages ago.

Toxic community uh?

in PvP

Posted by: Simon.3794


i use gs cuz i feel like using one, both ToL winner wars uses gs setup from time to time cuz they feel like it, i don’t see the problem, it’s soloq.

Toxic community uh?

in PvP

Posted by: Barquiel.5610


I don’t pvp often as I generally prefer wvw roaming. However I have noticed that in most games it’s pretty much a screaming match. I wish it would change but I highly doubt it will.

90% of all hot joins I go into I have combat log on just so I can’t read all the screaming. When I get in a good 1v2 I just say good fight. If I lose a good 1v2 I still say good fight. I think it’s all about how you talk to some one. If you want to give tips then do it politely but if it comes of rude then yes your going to open your self up to hate whispers.

All in All I think the spvp community as a whole is very toxic and really needs to change. Lets do more helping and less screaming.

Potenkon Zombieland [WvW]

Toxic community uh?

in PvP

Posted by: Elxdark.9702


I’ve carried so much in this game, I don’t even bother anymore.

Try to listen chill music while playing, it is a good idea to keep in mind

If people are using wvw builds just ignore them, try to carry your team and win.

And also Remember you’re playing soloQ, it doesn’t worth your rage.

Toxic community uh?

in PvP

Posted by: Zaxares.5419


-shrug- People will play what they wanna play. Just focus on your own performance.

If you’re winning, keep doing what you’re doing.

If you’re losing and you want to get better, ask for advice or do some research.

If you’re losing and you don’t mind losing because you’re having fun anyway, keep doing what you’re doing.

If you’re losing and it’s because you have bad teammates, then play Team Arenas. Getting potentially bad teammates is part of the scene in Hotjoin and Solo Queue. You win some, you lose some.

Toxic community uh?

in PvP

Posted by: Viking Jorun.5413

Viking Jorun.5413

I’ve carried so much in this game, I don’t even bother anymore.

Try to listen chill music while playing, it is a good idea to keep in mind

If people are using wvw builds just ignore them, try to carry your team and win.

And also Remember you’re playing soloQ, it doesn’t worth your rage.

To add to this, when I’m seriously PvPing I turn off all chat, set my status to invisible to avoid the trolls and angry bads, plug in some edgy music and have fun. It’s really only the crap talk that gets to me sometimes. Eliminating that makes my PvP experience so much better.

Toxic community uh?

in PvP

Posted by: gartz.7013


I really hope this idiot got banned…all i said was if he’s just going to run around the whole map then he freaked out on me lol.


solo cheese engi/ex teef

Toxic community uh?

in PvP

Posted by: Zietlogik.6208


I really hope this idiot got banned…all i said was if he’s just going to run around the whole map then he freaked out on me lol.

if you name and shame, there is a higher chance you will be banned than him….try using an ingame report rather than posting drivel here.

Zietlogik [Warrior] Chronologix [Ranger] Ziet The Dreaded [Necromancer] Zietlogic [Revenant]

Toxic community uh?

in PvP

Posted by: gartz.7013


I did report him in game. i was just stating i hope he did so that won’t happen again..i mean i already have only team chat on now when i do ranked matches. why do i have to miss friends whispering me just because i don’t want to see things like this?

solo cheese engi/ex teef

Toxic community uh?

in PvP

Posted by: Mijo.3274


I know it’s really bad, but after the 15 April patch i became one of those toxic screamers too during Solo Q…
The amount of noobishness and stupidity is over the top and people simply dont want to improve, not to mention all the leavers and afkers…

ANet should fix this ASAP:
-no daily cap in hot joins for tracks
-minimum rank for joining arenas
-bigger bans for afkers and leavers

Champion magus, 4 builds i use
R.I.P. my beloved Meh-Mer, the most hated class by ANET itself.
Winner of the first HxH 1v1 tournament! WOOT!

Toxic community uh?

in PvP

Posted by: Ryan.9387


I’ve worked hard to get my leaderboard rank and personal skill up. What frustrates me is when I get matched with people who don’t even know the basics of how to play. My mmr should prevent me from ever seeing those people, but instead I get them every other match, which makes me pretty cranky.

Ranger | Elementalist

Toxic community uh?

in PvP

Posted by: Zietlogik.6208


I’ve worked hard to get my leaderboard rank and personal skill up. What frustrates me is when I get matched with people who don’t even know the basics of how to play. My mmr should prevent me from ever seeing those people, but instead I get them every other match, which makes me pretty cranky.

Step 1: Don’t worry about your MMR or Leaderboard position, it means practically nothing….
Step 2: Rotate yourself to where you are needed, rather than observing your teammates…
Step 3: Start enjoying playing again…

Zietlogik [Warrior] Chronologix [Ranger] Ziet The Dreaded [Necromancer] Zietlogic [Revenant]

Toxic community uh?

in PvP

Posted by: Liewec.2896


i actually have a blast with a full glasscannon greatsword build in hotjoins
theres nothing more hilarious than 1 enemy going down and 2 others running over to rez them while you fire up the 100b blender downing them all! >:-3

Toxic community uh?

in PvP

Posted by: Prince Vingador.8067

Prince Vingador.8067

I’ve worked hard to get my leaderboard rank and personal skill up. What frustrates me is when I get matched with people who don’t even know the basics of how to play. My mmr should prevent me from ever seeing those people, but instead I get them every other match, which makes me pretty cranky.

dude i really understand you , belive me.
its super annoying when there is nothing you cant do , 4 vs 5, people double AND triple capping, players trying to stomp a thief when your are down beside him and almost dead , i mean wtf you are like just rez insted they are trying to stomp that thief .happens a lot also when players go far just after u wipe them at mid so they all respawn kill the players going far , so they tak efar and go mid .gg
problem is they win 10 games get top lederboard and they get paired with vets.
changing starting mmr really needs to change
and pliz some requirement to enter ranked games .

Toxic community uh?

in PvP

Posted by: Seifer Thalaen.7869

Seifer Thalaen.7869

I know it’s really bad, but after the 15 April patch i became one of those toxic screamers too during Solo Q…
The amount of noobishness and stupidity is over the top and people simply dont want to improve, not to mention all the leavers and afkers…

ANet should fix this ASAP:
-no daily cap in hot joins for tracks
-minimum rank for joining arenas
-bigger bans for afkers and leavers

This…even if i’m rank 20 on this account xD Can i take some of my 3kk rank points from the other? Oh nvm…they already deleted 2kk and gave me a godawful r55+ electric dragon

(edited by Seifer Thalaen.7869)

Toxic community uh?

in PvP

Posted by: Seifer Thalaen.7869

Seifer Thalaen.7869

I’ve worked hard to get my leaderboard rank and personal skill up. What frustrates me is when I get matched with people who don’t even know the basics of how to play. My mmr should prevent me from ever seeing those people, but instead I get them every other match, which makes me pretty cranky.

dude i really understand you , belive me.
its super annoying when there is nothing you cant do , 4 vs 5, people double AND triple capping, players trying to stomp a thief when your are down beside him and almost dead , i mean wtf you are like just rez insted they are trying to stomp that thief .happens a lot also when players go far just after u wipe them at mid so they all respawn kill the players going far , so they tak efar and go mid .gg
problem is they win 10 games get top lederboard and they get paired with vets.
changing starting mmr really needs to change
and pliz some requirement to enter ranked games .

yeah another problem are ladders rewarding those with few games instead of someone who has thousands of games…it takes so much to go slightly up on first acc with thousands of matches while i can just win 1 match with second and i’m already around 150 (And that’s bad since it was made mainly for owning ppl in low ranked matches and have fun) xD

Toxic community uh?

in PvP

Posted by: Seifer Thalaen.7869

Seifer Thalaen.7869

The issue here is your attitude Seifer.

If you wan’t to change what people use, you don’t insult them and tell them they suck.
You give them advice. Sway them with knowledge.

Then if they don’t want to, move on.

Actually was him who started yelling in teamchat about interrupting ele (Again with a/s-lb war) after he dropped in 3 secs flat instead of trying to stomp the downed engi to rally him. (Btw he already got a “shut the kitten up noob” straight from our thief even before i could answer him because i was just trying to keep up 1v2) You’re bad…fine. You’re using worthless greatsword (Maybe just because you want to show off your pve legendary noone cares about)…ok…fine. But complaining in chat saying nonsense while i was actually trying to get you rezzed because you sucked so much….no that’s enough. And i was way too kind anyway…just trying to make him realize gs wars are not really suited for decent pvp..

At this point being full toxic is the only way i suppose

(edited by Seifer Thalaen.7869)

Toxic community uh?

in PvP

Posted by: IrishPotato.6327


I know it’s really bad, but after the 15 April patch i became one of those toxic screamers too during Solo Q…
The amount of noobishness and stupidity is over the top and people simply dont want to improve, not to mention all the leavers and afkers…

ANet should fix this ASAP:
-no daily cap in hot joins for tracks
-minimum rank for joining arenas
-bigger bans for afkers and leavers

For #1 ANET has explicitly stated that it’s set that way to prevent botters.

Toxic community uh?

in PvP

Posted by: Seifer Thalaen.7869

Seifer Thalaen.7869

I know it’s really bad, but after the 15 April patch i became one of those toxic screamers too during Solo Q…
The amount of noobishness and stupidity is over the top and people simply dont want to improve, not to mention all the leavers and afkers…

ANet should fix this ASAP:
-no daily cap in hot joins for tracks
-minimum rank for joining arenas
-bigger bans for afkers and leavers

For #1 ANET has explicitly stated that it’s set that way to prevent botters.

Minimum rank…let’s say 20 (Really easy and fast to get expec with post 15th patch rewards) would prevent botters even better