Toxic people hurt the game

Toxic people hurt the game

in PvP

Posted by: Huskyboy.1053


This is a problem everyone has. I get on this game to have fun, but even in unranked I see people mocking other players for nothing, and sometimes I even get angry PMs from insecure players who don’t know understand that “bunker home” means no, I’m not going to +1 you at far. Is someone PMing me “go afk, you’re more useful that way” really affecting my life significantly? No. But neither is GW2. It’s a game, and I only keep paying and playing as long as it’s fun.

Instead of the current dishonor system, which basically just says “why yes, you can be a kittenbag again, starting in 12 minutes,” why not instigate a fine? If you harass people, first strike costs 50 silver. Second strike costs 1 gold. The cost rises every time you act up. It’ll keep them quiet and teach some valuable social skills in the process.

Tl;dr people should be fined when they’re reported, and have the ability to appeal fines.*

(edited by Huskyboy.1053)

Toxic people hurt the game

in PvP

Posted by: Ellie.5913


I love this idea, but what happens when they run out of gold? o.o

Toxic people hurt the game

in PvP

Posted by: Ross Biddle.2367

Ross Biddle.2367

I love this idea, but what happens when they run out of gold? o.o

Anet starts collecting “soul points”. Once you hit 100 your life energy is sapped out of your face, and Anet stores your soul in a soul gem.

Soul gems can be purchased from the gemstore for 1000 gems for PvE players who want phat GW2 collectors items, or PvP players looking for the qq memorabilia of their past allies/enemies.

Shipping not included.

Toxic people hurt the game

in PvP

Posted by: Zelulose.8695


LOL perma ban is worth 1 Billion USD in gems

Lucky Leaf, Ángël, Clergyman, Side Kick -Lets make Gw2 a better game

Toxic people hurt the game

in PvP

Posted by: Shivra.2709


Yo, what’s happened in the past couple days? Before the new living story and all the updates dropped, I was grinding unranked pvp for 2 nights straight, trying to complete the Nika reward track so I could have her for strongholds. No ragers were encountered. No rudeness, no kittens, and a few people were even nice and helpful.

Two days later, the game is suddenly massively unbalanced – you either get paired with a team that has no idea what anything is or how to play capture the flag, or you get paired with a team that has that ONE LOUDMOUTHED GUY WHO THINKS HES AMAZING but he really really isn’t and he’s really really rude.

What happened? It’s such an extreme swing. I’m really upset now because I JUST came back to the game and I was enjoying myself and now everything is horrible.

Toxic people hurt the game

in PvP

Posted by: Zynt.5769


Trash talking is something that happens in all online games. When you’re playing with other real people, you’ll find people that behave like that. You can’t change how other people behave, but you can change how you react to it.

I don’t think this “swear jar” system would be the best way to go about it. How would you propose it works? By reporting a player and they have to cough up? People would abuse this and report people for a laugh. Every time you swear in-game you have to pay? What if you’re just having a friendly chat with a friend and you swear, then you have to pay a load of gold?

Just let the mean comments roll off you, like water off a duck’s back. Mean comments only hurt you if you let them hurt you.

Toxic people hurt the game

in PvP

Posted by: Rezzet.3614


swear jar is bad becuase some of us us swear words even as encouragement , for example : lets stun luck this guy and eff him up , or : “da fug was that” when suddenly bursted

but yes if someone actually insults others and stuff you can actually report them for that so do that instead .

Toxic people hurt the game

in PvP

Posted by: Zenith.7301


What this game needs is a council system like League of Legends, with obvious GM reviews of chat logs.

This game should also not allow someone from the opposing team to contact or message you in any way whatsoever, and the block/ignore feature should ignore all forms of chat including say.

Toxic people hurt the game

in PvP

Posted by: Israel.7056


I don’t have this problem. I don’t want a swear jar.

I will tell you my personal system. When someone harasses me, I harass them back but I try to be even meaner or caustic then they were. I never apologize and I never admit fault. So that’s the price for harassing me.

I personally take a great deal of satisfaction from these sorts of interactions and if I’m honest I kind of look forward to them a little.

Toxic people hurt the game

in PvP

Posted by: Huskyboy.1053


Trash talking is something that happens in all online games. When you’re playing with other real people, you’ll find people that behave like that. You can’t change how other people behave, but you can change how you react to it.

I don’t think this “swear jar” system would be the best way to go about it. How would you propose it works? By reporting a player and they have to cough up? People would abuse this and report people for a laugh. Every time you swear in-game you have to pay? What if you’re just having a friendly chat with a friend and you swear, then you have to pay a load of gold?

Just let the mean comments roll off you, like water off a duck’s back. Mean comments only hurt you if you let them hurt you.

Ah I didn’t literally mean a “swear jar” and I agree, I kitten from time to time. But what you’re not taking into account is that reports are (sometimes) reviewed, so not every report will result in penalties. Anet has access to chat logs so you can always appeal penalties and they can double-check to see if the report is corroborated. No, I do not think that swearing in and of itself is harassment, I don’t report it, and I couldn’t care less if someone does it.

Toxic people hurt the game

in PvP

Posted by: Huskyboy.1053


swear jar is bad becuase some of us us swear words even as encouragement , for example : lets stun luck this guy and eff him up , or : “da fug was that” when suddenly bursted

but yes if someone actually insults others and stuff you can actually report them for that so do that instead .

Yeah I do reports. What I’m criticizing is the penalties for harassing or unsportmanlike conduct, which is just a short timeout. It’s a weak and impermanent penalty and it doesn’t do the job.

Toxic people hurt the game

in PvP

Posted by: Huskyboy.1053


I don’t have this problem. I don’t want a swear jar.

I will tell you my personal system. When someone harasses me, I harass them back but I try to be even meaner or caustic then they were. I never apologize and I never admit fault. So that’s the price for harassing me.

I personally take a great deal of satisfaction from these sorts of interactions and if I’m honest I kind of look forward to them a little.

Haha Israel, you are the hero we need but not the hero we deserve. I usually respond by being extra nice and bubbly, it’s actually even more annoying to them.

Toxic people hurt the game

in PvP

Posted by: Ithilwen.1529


The reduction in toxicity is the direct result of EVEN MATCHMAKING. A lot of the anger and frustration were created by players ( like myself) going into a match knowing they were more or less set up to lose.

ANET ought to take note and make even matchmaking a thing again.

Mesmerising Girl

Toxic people hurt the game

in PvP

Posted by: Huskyboy.1053


Agreed, setting people up to lose is BS. It gives them more flexibility in matchmaking, which is good when you only have a small pool of players, but b/c it’s not a good solution it chases the existing players away.

Toxic people hurt the game

in PvP

Posted by: Zenith.7301


Being “set up to lose” does not entitle you to throw a tantrum and abuse people.

If you want to win, get a team. No game is under the obligation to hand you possibilities to win as a PUG.

Toxic people hurt the game

in PvP

Posted by: Ryou.2398


Remember when we use to think it was cool to curse and trash talk? Well apparently they think its even cooler now and makes them seem edgy. Humility is good for you.

Toxic people hurt the game

in PvP

Posted by: Wolfey.3407


I personally think it would be better if the following was done on anets side:
-Disable whispers while in pvp
Can’t receive , can’t send
-Disable Map & Say Chat
There is no reason to talk to the other team at all….

Hide player names, just have Red/Blue Class
E.g. Red Guardian
In the event of multiple classes, add a 2 3 4 or 5 at the end.

Disable send mail while in pvp
There is no reason to send mail while in pvp

with all of that done, if someone still messages you after a game then just report them for being a weird stalkerish person.

Former PvP Forum Specialist
Fort Aspenwood

Toxic people hurt the game

in PvP

Posted by: Zynt.5769


I personally think it would be better if the following was done on anets side:
-Disable whispers while in pvp
Can’t receive , can’t send
-Disable Map & Say Chat
There is no reason to talk to the other team at all….

Hide player names, just have Red/Blue Class
E.g. Red Guardian
In the event of multiple classes, add a 2 3 4 or 5 at the end.

Disable send mail while in pvp
There is no reason to send mail while in pvp

with all of that done, if someone still messages you after a game then just report them for being a weird stalkerish person.

That’s not a bad idea. One of the better suggestions I’ve seen.

Toxic people hurt the game

in PvP

Posted by: Changer the Elder.2948

Changer the Elder.2948

Problem is, the biggest kitten talk tends to happen inside your own team. Disabling say chat just prevents you from being polite, too. Or congratulating the other team to victory well-earned.

Keeping it team-only never protects you from “that one guy” who just sits on the base and trashtalks their OWN people, essentially making the game 6v4.

Just block whoever decides to be a rude kittenblister. Easy as that.

Toxic people hurt the game

in PvP

Posted by: Zynt.5769


Problem is, the biggest kitten talk tends to happen inside your own team. Disabling say chat just prevents you from being polite, too. Or congratulating the other team to victory well-earned.

Keeping it team-only never protects you from “that one guy” who just sits on the base and trashtalks their OWN people, essentially making the game 6v4.

Just block whoever decides to be a rude kittenblister. Easy as that.

You do make a good point. Whenever I’ve seen trash talking it’s more often than not, someone in your own team. You might see a kitteny comment from someone in the other team, but yeah it’s mainly “that guy” in your own team that starts saying stuff like “You’re all a bunch of f*****g n00bs.”.

It’s quite amusing when the person doing the trash talking ends up on the enemy team in another game and you end up steam rolling them though =P

Toxic people hurt the game

in PvP

Posted by: Changer the Elder.2948

Changer the Elder.2948

It’s quite amusing when the person doing the trash talking ends up on the enemy team in another game and you end up steam rolling them though =P

And when you do, they just start yelling how you play the “cheese easy class for noobs” so of course they’d lose!

But fun aside, there’s morons everywhere. Nothing can 100% protect you from them. Except growing a tough hide. And a block button x)

Toxic people hurt the game

in PvP

Posted by: Zynt.5769


It’s quite amusing when the person doing the trash talking ends up on the enemy team in another game and you end up steam rolling them though =P

And when you do, they just start yelling how you play the “cheese easy class for noobs” so of course they’d lose!

But fun aside, there’s morons everywhere. Nothing can 100% protect you from them. Except growing a tough hide. And a block button x)

I don’t play Guardian very much, but I was on Guardian and some enemy player attacked me on point. He died to traps and just starts complaining in /say, saying stuff like “Using traps to kill people. How boring.” (That wasn’t word for word what he was saying, but it was basiclly crying about traps). I swear some people just think you should not use any skills against them and you should let them win =P

But yeah, trash talking is a human problem and Anet can’t ever stop it from happening 100%. It’s all a state of mind. Some people seem to take comments really bad and let it get to them, some really don’t care what people say and others find it hilarious and even take advantage when someone starts trash talking, by winding the trash talker up even more.

(edited by Zynt.5769)

Toxic people hurt the game

in PvP

Posted by: Hydrymea.1379


And a block button x)

Unfortunately not even this helps everytime. Two days ago I was in a team that captured mid. I was on mid. Suddenly someone raged in map chat because he didn’t like the weapons I used (but I knew what I was doing and we got mid 3 vs 4) and wrote “we’ve lost already, our dh is a noob! I’m afk!”. He didn’t even try to win, the match just started some seconds ago… I blocked him and anet teamed us up again next fight. He logged out and – next loss.

Toxic people hurt the game

in PvP

Posted by: Ithilwen.1529


In a normal competition scenario, some trash talking is expected and even desirable. Sadly, the unbalanced matches have pretty much eliminated “sportsmanship” from the equation in GW2 pvp.

If anet wants toxicity to go down they have two main options; ban people, which is counterproductive or make the matches fair.

Mesmerising Girl

Toxic people hurt the game

in PvP

Posted by: Huskyboy.1053


I personally think it would be better if the following was done on anets side:
-Disable whispers while in pvp
Can’t receive , can’t send
-Disable Map & Say Chat
There is no reason to talk to the other team at all….

Hide player names, just have Red/Blue Class
E.g. Red Guardian
In the event of multiple classes, add a 2 3 4 or 5 at the end.

Disable send mail while in pvp
There is no reason to send mail while in pvp

with all of that done, if someone still messages you after a game then just report them for being a weird stalkerish person.

I like the whisper and mail disables. I prefer to see enemy names, I use that information when I go up against someone after previously playing with/against them. A way to deal with this would be to have a single PVP-only handle that displays instead of your characters’ names, and to not show people’s account names. That way when you’re in heart of the mists people see your regular toons’ names, but in a match only the PVP handle shows. Disabling whispering at PVP handles would solve the angry PM issue without affecting gameplay.

Problem is, the biggest kitten talk tends to happen inside your own team. Disabling say chat just prevents you from being polite, too. Or congratulating the other team to victory well-earned.

Keeping it team-only never protects you from “that one guy” who just sits on the base and trashtalks their OWN people, essentially making the game 6v4.

Just block whoever decides to be a rude kittenblister. Easy as that.

This is very true. Tbh if someone 1v1s me and wins then I feel like usually I deserve the criticism. What I don’t care for is my own teammates making comments about what’s happening when they can’t see what happened, when I get targeted by 3 ppl at mid and die in 5 seconds, when I bunker and the team can’t take a point without me (seriously, what is so bad about 1 person generating 160+ points in a game?), etc. Usually it’s my own teammates bringing the kitten talk.

I agree with blocking, but it doesn’t solve the problem in the future. They’re still going to act up, just with different people. Dishonor is a joke punishment, people with behavior problems aren’t scared by it nor should they be. Call me kitten Cheney but I like more severe and permanent punishments, short of banning (which is unrealistic since it takes revenue away from Anet).

Toxic people hurt the game

in PvP

Posted by: Changer the Elder.2948

Changer the Elder.2948

I agree with blocking, but it doesn’t solve the problem in the future. They’re still going to act up, just with different people. Dishonor is a joke punishment, people with behavior problems aren’t scared by it nor should they be. Call me kitten Cheney but I like more severe and permanent punishments, short of banning (which is unrealistic since it takes revenue away from Anet).

But should everyone block them, they’ll be left alone, yelling into the eternal darkness, with nobody left to hear them. Worst punishment for people who love the sound of their own voice, to be honest :>

Toxic people hurt the game

in PvP

Posted by: Huskyboy.1053


Haha I’ll start asking people in HotM to block my nemeses. That’ll show them!

Toxic people hurt the game

in PvP

Posted by: Reaper Alim.4176

Reaper Alim.4176

Being “set up to lose” does not entitle you to throw a tantrum and abuse people.

If you want to win, get a team. No game is under the obligation to hand you possibilities to win as a PUG.

Smite, Dota, Lol, Overwatch, CS:GO even. If you are a solo queuer you still have get way more even Match-ups and players ELOs are displayed in those games aswell. So your noncompetitive point of “I’m a player of a team so just because of that, my team deserves to get free wins being going up against teams that have a much lower overall MMR, is just BS.”

GW2 is the only game that I play out of a bunch that allows for such a things. So yall want free wins against players that are not on a team, then you have to deal with even thing else that comes from such inequality.

I think it’s really sad that you can have a group of so called competitive players, that feel they are entitled to win just because they are on a team. Even more sad when the Devs agree with these players. It makes for a sad and highly toxic community more so then LoL.

I maybe a troll with class.
But at least I admit it!
PoF guys get ready for PvE joys

Toxic people hurt the game

in PvP

Posted by: Zynt.5769


GW2 is the only game that I play out of a bunch that allows for such a things. So yall want free wins against players that are not on a team, then you have to deal with even thing else that comes from such inequality.

I believe Neverwinter does it too. Pre-mades getting matched with/against solo players. Funnily enough, Neverwinter’s PvP is also conquest, where there are points on the map that you need to cap/defend.

Toxic people hurt the game

in PvP

Posted by: Reaper Alim.4176

Reaper Alim.4176

GW2 is the only game that I play out of a bunch that allows for such a things. So yall want free wins against players that are not on a team, then you have to deal with even thing else that comes from such inequality.

I believe Neverwinter does it too. Pre-mades getting matched with/against solo players. Funnily enough, Neverwinter’s PvP is also conquest, where there are points on the map that you need to cap/defend.

I forgot about that game. Yeah fair point. So I guess since GW2 is now a F2P game it should follow such doctrines of other crappy noncompetitive F2P games.

But I love how some of these players in these game, speak out about how good they, but on the same hand are soo against going up against equally skill teams. Just because they are a premade. Just funny.

I maybe a troll with class.
But at least I admit it!
PoF guys get ready for PvE joys

Toxic people hurt the game

in PvP

Posted by: Changer the Elder.2948

Changer the Elder.2948

Being “set up to lose” does not entitle you to throw a tantrum and abuse people.

If you want to win, get a team. No game is under the obligation to hand you possibilities to win as a PUG.

Smite, Dota, Lol, Overwatch, CS:GO even. If you are a solo queuer you still have get way more even Match-ups and players ELOs are displayed in those games aswell. So your noncompetitive point of “I’m a player of a team so just because of that, my team deserves to get free wins being going up against teams that have a much lower overall MMR, is just BS.”

GW2 is the only game that I play out of a bunch that allows for such a things. So yall want free wins against players that are not on a team, then you have to deal with even thing else that comes from such inequality.

I think it’s really sad that you can have a group of so called competitive players, that feel they are entitled to win just because they are on a team. Even more sad when the Devs agree with these players. It makes for a sad and highly toxic community more so then LoL.

Whatever the faults of the system are, none of them give anyone the right to just yell random profanities at people, insult them all the way to their mother’s great-grandmother and downright verbally abuse them.

No matter how unfair the game seems to be at times, no matter how angry you are with it, no matter how much you cuss silently to yourself, going out there and just take it out on whoever you picked as the cause for all evil in the world for that particular match can’t be excused.

Christ, it’s basic manners, people. That’s not that much to ask.

Toxic people hurt the game

in PvP

Posted by: Reaper Alim.4176

Reaper Alim.4176

Being “set up to lose” does not entitle you to throw a tantrum and abuse people.

If you want to win, get a team. No game is under the obligation to hand you possibilities to win as a PUG.

Smite, Dota, Lol, Overwatch, CS:GO even. If you are a solo queuer you still have get way more even Match-ups and players ELOs are displayed in those games aswell. So your noncompetitive point of “I’m a player of a team so just because of that, my team deserves to get free wins being going up against teams that have a much lower overall MMR, is just BS.”

GW2 is the only game that I play out of a bunch that allows for such a things. So yall want free wins against players that are not on a team, then you have to deal with even thing else that comes from such inequality.

I think it’s really sad that you can have a group of so called competitive players, that feel they are entitled to win just because they are on a team. Even more sad when the Devs agree with these players. It makes for a sad and highly toxic community more so then LoL.

Whatever the faults of the system are, none of them give anyone the right to just yell random profanities at people, insult them all the way to their mother’s great-grandmother and downright verbally abuse them.

No matter how unfair the game seems to be at times, no matter how angry you are with it, no matter how much you cuss silently to yourself, going out there and just take it out on whoever you picked as the cause for all evil in the world for that particular match can’t be excused.

Christ, it’s basic manners, people. That’s not that much to ask.

True, but neither are even match ups like and most other games out there. It’s basic team A has a total MMR of 3000 so team B also have around 3000 MMR. ANet are the only ones who have such difficulty understanding this. So in turn you get or create some of the most hostile players in all of multiplayer gaming. Which is why other actual successful eSports Dev teams understand the concepts of a equal match maker regardless if you play on a team or is a solo player. Hell some of those games will even lower players actual ELOs when solo queueing so if a organized team does go up against them then they still have somewhat of a chance. PLUS THEY DON’T HIDE PLAYERS MMR OR ELOs, so players know that the matches are fair.

Also all of the successful eSport Dev Teams understands the importants of quick chat commands via keyboard only. A example pressing v then v then b makes the computer tell your team you are returning to base, or pressing v then b then 3 makes the computer tell your team Enemies are in right lane or what ever. These are basic concepts that ANet have forgo in GW2 push to became a successful eSport. Instead pushes very not so fun and highly noncompetitive matches as if that is the answer to making a successful eSport.

I will keep saying it till the cows turn blue, make match maker fair, competitive, and fun regardless if you are a pre made team or a solo player. If they just do that then everyone would notice how much the toxicity in matches would have declined in just a week or two. Because right now there is no such thing as a competitive match or show of skill in GW2’s sPvP Ranked Leagues.

I maybe a troll with class.
But at least I admit it!
PoF guys get ready for PvE joys

Toxic people hurt the game

in PvP

Posted by: Changer the Elder.2948

Changer the Elder.2948

No amount of fair play will make people stop being kittens to one another. Blaming someone else’s poor behavior on the developers is like arresting a teacher for a crime commited by his pupil on behalf being responsible for the crime by giving him poor math grades.

If someone’s an arrogant bum, even the fairest of games will always turn out sour because that’s just the behavior they were enabled and even excused to keep because of the “unfortunate system” developers implanted. Even the match most fair has a losing side, and when you have a moron on the team, they’ll always end up blaming everyone but themselves.

To which, I’d politely call bovine waste.

Toxic people hurt the game

in PvP

Posted by: Ithilwen.1529


The bad manners and hostility have been created by the matchmaking. No one likes to be set up for failure. Does that excuse the behavior? No, not really. Does it matter? No, not really.

Can we resolve the problem by punishing players? No, punishment almost never deters behavior as any psychiatrist could tell you. Beside that, do you really want to have to ban perhaps a majority of the players?

The toxicity exists. Over time, with fair matchmaking, it would reduce. Continued unbalanced matches will simply increase it.

Mesmerising Girl

Toxic people hurt the game

in PvP

Posted by: Ross Biddle.2367

Ross Biddle.2367

Can we resolve the problem by punishing players? No, punishment almost never deters behavior as any psychiatrist could tell you.

Whatever psychiatrists you’ve been seeing, you need to find a better one.

Negative consequences do, in fact, alter behavior XD

Toxic people hurt the game

in PvP

Posted by: Zynt.5769


Can we resolve the problem by punishing players? No, punishment almost never deters behavior as any psychiatrist could tell you.

Whatever psychiatrists you’ve been seeing, you need to find a better one.

Negative consequences do, in fact, alter behavior XD

I agree with Ross on that. Negative consequences make (hopefully) people wiser for the experience, so they (again, hopefully) don’t do it again, because they know what will happen if they do it.

Like when a child misbehaves, the parent punishes them for doing something wrong/bad so that they learn to not do it again.

Toxic people hurt the game

in PvP

Posted by: Huskyboy.1053


Beside that, do you really want to have to ban perhaps a majority of the players?

kitten my post is specifically about a punishment other than permabanning people, and I don’t think anybody here really supports it. I do agree that matchmaking makes people angry though, like I said I play the game to have fun, and unwinnable matches are not fun.

Toxic people hurt the game

in PvP

Posted by: Deihnyx.6318


I’m an average player, in the sense that I got enough wins last season for diamond, but I don’t enjoy pvp enough to try going further, and for only one reason: people’s behaviors.

Sometimes it’s good, whether we lose or not, we have people discuss strategies, hold this and that, or telling someone to do that, okay, that’s actually what it’s supposed to be.
And there is… the other kind of talkative player, the “noobz omg fail team go kill yourself go back to pve etc…” crybaby.
And ultimately today, I had a “go play unranked” after having told someone (who was one of the lowest scores, with that) that whining never help you win a match.

Really? So ranked means people have to show the worst of themselves whenever they lose? This is pathetic and not even remotely true. There’s also a LOT of toxic people in unranked, who believe the world of PVP has to be played by them and only them.

Indeed, if you’re going to waste time talking to players instead of playing, why not giving advices, or telling people what to cap, hold, and stuff? Show that you’re ACTUALLY good and know how to think strategically, rather than brainlessly insulting anyone who doesnt follow your strat (yeah, there are some people who WILL yell at you if you take any opportunity to decap far… only cause you’re not a thief, there’s absolutely no context-thinking with some people and you end up losing because the other team is just smarter and take every opportunity to decap…)

To whiners: You are at least as responsible as everyone else for losing, if not more. Most of the time you don’t even have your own actions to back you up. If you are that good you’re already in legendary division, and probably in a team or in a guild. When you chose to pug, you accept that you’re going to play with random players, good and less good, no matter how good you think you are (or how much you brag about it), it’s never an excuse to ruin something’s else fun.

To Anet: Please enforce your rules, these people are ruining the pvp for a lot of players. It’s a game, and a great one, but having to deal with these people on a daily basis if you choose to pvp is just annoying.
And no, ignoring the chat is not satisfying, it’s an MMO, ignoring toxicity shouldn’t be the rule. Punishing it should be.

Toxic people hurt the game

in PvP

Posted by: Kaijantoo.5796


Insult wars are awesome!

But seriously, some trash talk is OK but the whole “get cancer and I hope your mom gets it too” stuff is a little over the top…

Toxic people hurt the game

in PvP

Posted by: Conaywea.5062


Just report them

Reports for kitten talking, really ban people

Toxic people hurt the game

in PvP

Posted by: Crowley.8761


So who’s gonna be the judge of inappropriate behavior? An automated system picking up on friendly banter and punishing people for having fun sounds a bit… dumb

Toxic people hurt the game

in PvP

Posted by: Azukas.1426


I feel there are certain things that happen in ranked play that deserve all the toxicity in the world.

If you are 1 of 3 thieves in a match and you refuse to switch….You deserve everything you get. Especially if you are running dual pistols…..

If you are running a core power ranger……be prepared for w/e comes your way you deserve it

If you are on a hard counter to a class and die 1v1 to that class you counter…..get ready it’s deserved.

If you dble cap points….guess what? Yup you are entitled to verbal lashing.

If you go for svanir on opening or worse 2 of you go for it……What do you think should happen? Yup a verbal kitten kicking

The problem is this is RANKED SEASON play. You only queue up if you are competing. Everything I named happens in spades during the season, and it’s not fair for the players who have to put up with this on their teams. So if you are a target of verbal toxicity maybe you should think about what you are doing to deserve that, because most of the time the player saying stuff is well within their rights due to you affecting THEIR game.

So queue up for Unranked or jump into HoT join until you learn.

Toxic people hurt the game

in PvP

Posted by: R O C.6574

R O C.6574

I’m i the only one that thinks chat rage is hilarious?

Toxic people hurt the game

in PvP

Posted by: NeXeD.3042


I’m i the only one that thinks chat rage is hilarious?

I fully agree with you here.

Attention Moderators I am not
S P E E D Starr #0 Necro NA or
I Am NeXeD awful d/D ele NA

Toxic people hurt the game

in PvP

Posted by: Ruru.1302


Bad players hurt the game FAR more than toxic players. It’s the sad reality. Although, they aren’t mutually exclusive.

[Mada] Apocryfia

Toxic people hurt the game

in PvP

Posted by: Azukas.1426


Bad players hurt the game FAR more than toxic players. It’s the sad reality. Although, they aren’t mutually exclusive.

Yes I’d rather get yelled at, trolled, and jumped on for my own mistakes than experience 1 game with a complete kitten player

Had a game with a 3 man of complete bads. The warrior was running Hammer/GS. Anet needs to institute a preseason and if you fail you can’t play ranked. The level of kittenation is extremely high

(edited by Azukas.1426)

Toxic people hurt the game

in PvP

Posted by: Kaijantoo.5796


I feel there are certain things that happen in ranked play that deserve all the toxicity in the world.

If you are 1 of 3 thieves in a match and you refuse to switch….You deserve everything you get. Especially if you are running dual pistols…..

If you are running a core power ranger……be prepared for w/e comes your way you deserve it

If you are on a hard counter to a class and die 1v1 to that class you counter…..get ready it’s deserved.

If you dble cap points….guess what? Yup you are entitled to verbal lashing.

If you go for svanir on opening or worse 2 of you go for it……What do you think should happen? Yup a verbal kitten kicking

The problem is this is RANKED SEASON play. You only queue up if you are competing. Everything I named happens in spades during the season, and it’s not fair for the players who have to put up with this on their teams. So if you are a target of verbal toxicity maybe you should think about what you are doing to deserve that, because most of the time the player saying stuff is well within their rights due to you affecting THEIR game.

So queue up for Unranked or jump into HoT join until you learn.


If people actually understood even half of the things you listed, we wouldn’t have that much chat rage…

Toxic people hurt the game

in PvP

Posted by: R O C.6574

R O C.6574

The good thing about the limited time achievements for Capicorn is that all the shiny chasers that aren’t good in pvp will hopefully stay in unranked

Toxic people hurt the game

in PvP

Posted by: Deihnyx.6318


Bad players hurt the game FAR more than toxic players. It’s the sad reality. Although, they aren’t mutually exclusive.

The problem is not whether there are good and bad players. There’s always been good and bad, in every competitive game, be it video game or irl.
But playing in PVP in videogames didn’t feel like playing with children before and it was still fun to play (thanks LoL, thanks rewards!).

- Yelling and insulting never helps winning a game, this is useless no matter what.

- Yes, there are some behaviors that shouldn’t happen in higher divisions, but this is rarely where the worst toxicity happens. When you’re in low division, by definition you will find players that are good and bad, deal with it, if you’re really that good, teach your team what to do and tell them where to go.

- Everyone has to start as a rookie, everyone has to learn. And most importantly: Everyone has the right to play. As stated before, this toxic behavior doesn’t only happen in ranked. “Go back to pve” is pure elitism and just a terrible way to welcome a new player. Rookies can’t leave unranked with the full experience needed for ranked, they need more practice.

- A large portion of the whiners complain whenever they start losing, and not because someone in particular is bad. It’s just how things are, there’s gotta be a loser. But when you lose a fight by a few points, you could just admit this was a good fight and congrats the other team. Fair-play can be nice too.

Insulting is a cheesy way to hide your own lack of leadership (and skill, sometimes). Again, a good player is able to give instructions from the start so that the “not so good players” know where they’re expected. This is infinitely better than flat out insulting them because you think you’re a pvp god.

Toxic people hurt the game

in PvP

Posted by: Azukas.1426


Bad players hurt the game FAR more than toxic players. It’s the sad reality. Although, they aren’t mutually exclusive.

The problem is not whether there are good and bad players. There’s always been good and bad, in every competitive game, be it video game or irl.
But playing in PVP in videogames didn’t feel like playing with children before and it was still fun to play (thanks LoL, thanks rewards!).

- Yelling and insulting never helps winning a game, this is useless no matter what.

- Yes, there are some behaviors that shouldn’t happen in higher divisions, but this is rarely where the worst toxicity happens. When you’re in low division, by definition you will find players that are good and bad, deal with it, if you’re really that good, teach your team what to do and tell them where to go.

- Everyone has to start as a rookie, everyone has to learn. And most importantly: Everyone has the right to play. As stated before, this toxic behavior doesn’t only happen in ranked. “Go back to pve” is pure elitism and just a terrible way to welcome a new player. Rookies can’t leave unranked with the full experience needed for ranked, they need more practice.

- A large portion of the whiners complain whenever they start losing, and not because someone in particular is bad. It’s just how things are, there’s gotta be a loser. But when you lose a fight by a few points, you could just admit this was a good fight and congrats the other team. Fair-play can be nice too.

Insulting is a cheesy way to hide your own lack of leadership (and skill, sometimes). Again, a good player is able to give instructions from the start so that the “not so good players” know where they’re expected. This is infinitely better than flat out insulting them because you think you’re a pvp god.

If you come to an agreement on a game plan and certain players do the opposite……There’s no coaching that stupidity.

Besides I didn’t buy Guild Wars Virtual Coach Edition. I bought regular old GW2.