Tpvp Needs an Overhaul

Tpvp Needs an Overhaul

in PvP

Posted by: Bryker.5719


In my opinion the current system of how paid tournaments work is never going to work in favor of increasing the competition/interest of gw2 Pvp to an e-sport level. The guilds that are already among the top in skill can place high enough to continue re-entering paids with no effort, while other teams have to constantly farm free tournaments to get tickets to re-enter. Teams that are only average in skill level are forced to stomp PuGs and maybe face the occasional guild groups in free Tpvp, which becomes boring quickly meaning more players spend less time playing organized Pvp or stop playing altogether.

First, the ticket system to enter needs to go. I don’t see the point in making a Pvp area in a game require time “grinding” to play at a higher level when they already have that in place with WvW. With tickets gone and now there is no difference in Paid/Free tournaments, Paid needs something to actually make it interesting leads to my second point.

Even though there is already a ranking system in place it does nothing to help promote playing as a guild and is also easy to farm in Spvp/Free, making it pretty much a useless unit in measuring how skillful the player actually is. I think the Paid tournaments should use its own ranking system determined by W/L records of a guild as a whole and not individual scoring. Using this matchmaking could actually put into place fairly easily, allowing higher skilled guilds to actually face even competition on a more consistent basis while allowing newer guilds to come in and face other new guilds and arrive in a spot that gives them even matches making it more friendly to those new to pvp or people who like to play competitively but not at the level of those above them in terms of skill/team coordination. The ranking would also be separate for each guild since you are allowed to be in multiple guilds at the same time.

With a matchmaking system in place and the grind of farming tickets gone I’m almost positive there would be a increase in interest of Tpvp. Guilds that originally didn’t want to go through the process of getting tickets from frees can now jump into competitive Pvp instantly and those who enjoy Pugs in free tournament now don’t have to worry about facing guilds and getting stomped on the first map (which sucks) or getting stomped on the last map (which sucks even more). With matchmaking in place you could even get rid of the 8 team requirement to start a paid tournament and allow teams to fight each other in a best of 3 series fighting on each map dropping the time spent idle waiting for the tournament to start by a large amount.

Morte Novella – Necromancer | Bryker – Guardian
(Jade Quarry) Team Savvy

Tpvp Needs an Overhaul

in PvP

Posted by: Khyras.8021


They want people to spend real money to buy tickets to play pvp.Kinda obvious and utterly pathetic if you ask me.You need 5 tickets to enter paid tournament.Not one.Five.Why ? Because they sell them for real money.Shameful.

Tpvp Needs an Overhaul

in PvP

Posted by: Bryker.5719


With the population in tournaments now I highly doubt they are making a significant amount of money off ticket sales that couldn’t be made up from increased popularity of the game if a ranking system brought the pvp to an e-sport level which is what they wanted in the first place.

Morte Novella – Necromancer | Bryker – Guardian
(Jade Quarry) Team Savvy

Tpvp Needs an Overhaul

in PvP

Posted by: Aga.8641


They will never, ever, ever hit e-sports if they keep this pay2pvp business model. I think it’s only going to get worse with rentable servers. I don’t understand why there can’t be free private servers, where you go in and it’s invite only, like every other game has…including gw1.

Tpvp Needs an Overhaul

in PvP

Posted by: MindlessRuff.1948


I hate how people think you have Pay to pvp. Just because it is called Paid tournament doesn’t mean you have to drop real money in addition to what you paid for the game to buy tickets. You get a free ticket every day from the daily achievement and 10 more for the monthly. You can also get tickets from chests, free tournaments, and if you don’t win a paid, you can get compensation tickets if you pass the first map at least. I have never paid for a ticket myself.

Tpvp Needs an Overhaul

in PvP

Posted by: SAtaarcoeny.8476


i agree with you that trying to throw new ppl into paid is a REALLY REALLY BAD IDEA you cant go from hotjoin (zergfest) to frees (new ppl no challange) straight into Paid (really good ppl)

there is a few reasons you cant do this
1 ppl do not have enough tickets so they go in once against real teams lose everything then have to farm frees again.
2. they stand zero chance in a paid due to lack of strats and synergy and experience in great game situations.

the only solution is the advanced playlist were they can gain what they need to enter paid. please go to this link i link and post that you want advanced

now for your idea of getting rid of paid i would advise against it. reason
1. the best ppl need a place to stut our kitten
2. when there is 5-600 teams playing we really do want a place for the greats we dont want it how it is now were the good ppl play the news in free. eventually the grerats need to be in paid only not farming the goods.

good job on the post it seems like the majority of the community is useing our brain lets keep it up and monday we will hear from the devs.



Tpvp Needs an Overhaul

in PvP

Posted by: Coopers.4376


now for your idea of getting rid of paid i would advise against it. reason
1. the best ppl need a place to stut our kitten
2. when there is 5-600 teams playing we really do want a place for the greats we dont want it how it is now were the good ppl play the news in free. eventually the grerats need to be in paid only not farming the goods.

good job on the post it seems like the majority of the community is useing our brain lets keep it up and monday we will hear from the devs.

You don’t get it. Why would you keep paid and have matchmaking it would make the que times even longer. What the OP is suggesting is getting rid of the paid tournies and putting everyone in the frees, this way the matchmaking would have a larger pool to choose from, and you wouldn’t play easy teams because you would be pooled with other good players.

Tpvp Needs an Overhaul

in PvP

Posted by: baerly.7204


the real problem is the whole tournament system
remove the tournaments

a (rated) matchmaking system would be so much better, and solve many issues like unfair matches, motivation, long queue times

Tpvp Needs an Overhaul

in PvP

Posted by: Rythgar.2896


I hate how people think you have Pay to pvp. Just because it is called Paid tournament doesn’t mean you have to drop real money in addition to what you paid for the game to buy tickets. You get a free ticket every day from the daily achievement and 10 more for the monthly. You can also get tickets from chests, free tournaments, and if you don’t win a paid, you can get compensation tickets if you pass the first map at least. I have never paid for a ticket myself.

When did you play tournies last time?
The old “4 ticket reward if you get to round 2” is gone, and we get 20(!!!) gems for going to round two now. That is about..slightly more than 1 ticket..

Before a team that won more or less every single paid tournament would go +tickets, a decent team that won some, got second a bit more and always got to round 2 could more or less go around. But a new team that joins paid and get to round 2 more rarely than get beaten out in round 1, will in NO way be able to do paids in any kind of way that is efficient (and I am not counting being able to do 1-2 paid tournaments/week being efficient).

Bottom line, It is either “Be a top tier team” or “buy to play PvP” at the moment. And I agree with the consensus that ArenaNets systems (especially the new one) will just scare away people, and fast at that!
They just need to think: “We want to do this, but we should do the complete opposite if we don’t want the game to fail hard”.

Tpvp Needs an Overhaul

in PvP

Posted by: Syko.3726


They want people to spend real money to buy tickets to play pvp.Kinda obvious and utterly pathetic if you ask me.You need 5 tickets to enter paid tournament.Not one.Five.Why ? Because they sell them for real money.Shameful.

This post seems to be the most revelant imo.. Sadly

Tpvp Needs an Overhaul

in PvP

Posted by: Ammandril.9150


The game will simply be dead until they remove the ticket system and implement arenas. This game has such a potential in combat that it doesn’t need any crappy conquest to make it a game, but to spice it up once upon a time, not everyday. Too much spice can make your stomach hurt, ANet.

Tpvp Needs an Overhaul

in PvP

Posted by: Rika.7249


They want people to spend real money to buy tickets to play pvp.Kinda obvious and utterly pathetic if you ask me.You need 5 tickets to enter paid tournament.Not one.Five.Why ? Because they sell them for real money.Shameful.

This post seems to be the most revelant imo.. Sadly

The amount of people who haven’t even entered SPvP once in this thread is very high.

You get tickets everywhere. You can’t do anything in SPvP and not get a ticket for it.

Tpvp Needs an Overhaul

in PvP

Posted by: ryston.7640


I don’t think anet is evil enough to intend on sucking money out of people for paid tournaments.

For one, the revenue from this probably isnt very high compared to the lost expansion sales due to people having a poor pvp experience.

For two, anet was a pioneer in the no subscription mmo model. Before a cash shop for cosmetics even, this company was dedicated to making games affordable and available. I wonder sometimes how many of the prominent voices behind gw1 are still on the team, but this ethic seems to still be running strong.

Tpvp Needs an Overhaul

in PvP

Posted by: Bryker.5719


The amount of people who haven’t even entered SPvP once in this thread is very high.

You get tickets everywhere. You can’t do anything in SPvP and not get a ticket for it.

Even though your getting a ticket for seemingly everything you do, it’s not nearly enough to keep up with the amount you need to enter paids unless your constantly winning, which is unreasonable for most guilds to actually do. 10 from monthly 1 from daily and 1 from rank up. Great now just win 3 free tournaments and you can do 3 paids. Hope you win those becuase if you dont you now have to buy more tickets or farm free tournaments again. Tickets aren’t as easily available as you seem to think.

Morte Novella – Necromancer | Bryker – Guardian
(Jade Quarry) Team Savvy