Tpvp and Pugs

Tpvp and Pugs

in PvP

Posted by: OdinSon.8439



I’m trying my hardest to convince my long time online gaming friends that this game is legit. Seriously, I am. These friends have gamed with me online since Diablo 1 and Warcarft (the very first release). I’m telling you right now, they hate this game and they don’t want to play it and I’m VERY concerned.

I love this game. Love love love it. I have so much fun. I think what you are doing with the PvP max level, the events in PvE, the exploration and questing is wonderful. I hate that I had to play every other game before this.

Now to the VERY bad. And I mean VERY.

-Tpvp is matchmaking is awful. You have to have matchmaking. You are losing playerbase. My friends refuse to come back, refuse to ever play this game until this happens. You CANNOT have a organized team play a random pug. It is just a bad design. I’m sorry, but this is a major failure. I don’t know how you allow this. How do you expect to have a esport player base when random people don’t want to player you game. You cannot, I repeat, cannot only cater to the guilds. You have to let solo players play. You have to, or your game will fail.

Is this a overly passionate post, most likely. The reason I do it because I want my friends to play. I want noobs to come into this game to play and to enjoy your amazing game. Seriously, swallow your pride, or whatever it is, and follow games like SC2 and LOL and make a matchmaking. It has to happen or you will fail to become anymore than ordinary.

Tpvp and Pugs

in PvP

Posted by: Mammoth.1975


Spvp seems like the answer.

If you’re not playing to win, don’t complain when you lose.

Tpvp and Pugs

in PvP

Posted by: Derpastan.8269


Have you considered adding Deathmatch Arenas like in WoW?

They are extremely noob friendly but still competitive and you don’t need a lot of organisation to get 1 or two other to play with..

Tpvp and Pugs

in PvP

Posted by: OdinSon.8439


Spvp seems like the answer.

No, no it is not. Even Spvp you have level 47 players farming glory. I myself jump in to farm in sPvP just for the fact that I know I will run into noobs and it will be 3 second kills as they spam 1, 1, 1, and 5, 5, 5.

L2P? That’s my point. In no game should you have to be potentially matched up with pros as a beginner. What is the point? No one likes to be completely stomped everytime they play a game. That is just bad form.

Tpvp and Pugs

in PvP

Posted by: Mammoth.1975


Spvp seems like the answer.

No, no it is not. Even Spvp you have level 47 players farming glory. I myself jump in to farm in sPvP just for the fact that I know I will run into noobs and it will be 3 second kills as they spam 1, 1, 1, and 5, 5, 5.

L2P? That’s my point. In no game should you have to be potentially matched up with pros as a beginner. What is the point? No one likes to be completely stomped everytime they play a game. That is just bad form.

So increase the bonus for winning. Funny enough, I used to think you got more personal glory by running with the zerg too, but then I realised that’s only on a game by game basis. When you add 20% for winning most of your games, it already averages out to better glory gain than the guys who zerg around and only win 50% due to the law of averages. But yeah, make the difference even more pronounced, problem solved. Also solves bunker issues with low glory, since they’ll actually get reinforced if people are trying to win, allowing them to get some kills instead of steamrolled, although they could still use a tiny boost.

If you’re not playing to win, don’t complain when you lose.

(edited by Mammoth.1975)

Tpvp and Pugs

in PvP

Posted by: shaolin.9716


Spvp seems like the answer.

Absolutely not. sPvP is not taken seriously and people don’t care if they win or lose. Solo players want tPvP where people care and try their hardest to win but in a competitive environment where pugs are matched against pugs.

Tpvp and Pugs

in PvP

Posted by: Mammoth.1975


Spvp seems like the answer.

Absolutely not. sPvP is not taken seriously and people don’t care if they win or lose. Solo players want tPvP where people care and try their hardest to win but in a competitive environment where pugs are matched against pugs.

See post above yours.

If you’re not playing to win, don’t complain when you lose.

Tpvp and Pugs

in PvP

Posted by: shaolin.9716


See post above yours.

I doubt it would work because the intent of players is flawed from the start in hot join. People go there to try builds and tunnel vision their opponents. We need the players serious about winning like those who queue for free tournaments but offer fair matches to these people instead of feeding them to premades.

Tpvp and Pugs

in PvP

Posted by: Rapid.7451


Mammoth you have been arguing on my post too regarding this. You must be one of those premades that thinks that it’s ok to match up premades with randoms, for what reason? So that premades can feed on them just like the post above said? I would really like to know the logic behind matching up randoms with premades.

Tpvp and Pugs

in PvP

Posted by: Tito.3270


Yeah it would be a risky decition separating pugs from premades, meaning that it could lead to hour long queues for premades but with the already very small spvp playerbase there wouldn’t be much they could loose from trying it out.

Tpvp and Pugs

in PvP

Posted by: Rapid.7451


Yeah it would be a risky decition separating pugs from premades, meaning that it could lead to hour long queues for premades but with the already very small spvp playerbase there wouldn’t be much they could loose from trying it out.

I presonally thing that they player base would increas as pvp is loosing players every day. Soon it will be dead as HA in GW1. I know that I won’t play PvP from now on, I really hope that this changes.

Image of what an ordinary pug vs preamde tPvP match looks like:

(edited by Rapid.7451)