Turret Engi ruins SPVP
I like that trait
- Reduce damage taken by turrets by 33%
I agree that turret engis can be tough, but they are not unbeatable. Tips for dealing with Turret Engis:
-ALWAYS try to engage a turret engi off point. If you see one coming. Run to them. Force them to drop their turrets far from point and then flee back to the capture point.
-If you are running a condition build focus on the engi first! If he gets his turrets up and survives your burst. Just run. You will die.
-If running a power or tank build focus on the turrets first! A turret engi without turrets is extremely vulnerable. Priority for destroying turrets: Rocket Turret> Flamethrower Turret> Rifle Turret> Net Turret> Thumper Turret> Healing Turret.
-If a turret engi does manage to get to the capture point and drops all of his turrets plus supply crate then you should just run. Odds are you won’t win that 1v1. Go help elsewhere on the map and come back to capture point once engi has left the point or his supply crate is on cooldown.
Ultimate Pro Tip****** Do not feed a turret engi. I have played countless games where one player runs to our home point all game trying to kill a turret engi. The player never decaps. Never wins the 1v1. And always causes the team to lose. DO NOT BE THIS PLAYER!
(edited by SaveTheQueen.3265)
I agree that turret engis can be tough, but they are not unbeatable. Tips for dealing with Turret Engis:
-ALWAYS try to engage a turret engi off point. If you see one coming. Run to them. Force them to drop their turrets far from point and then flee back to the capture point.
-If you are running a condition build focus on the engi first! If he gets his turrets up and survives your burst. Just run. You will die.
-If running a power or tank build focus on the turrets first! A turret engi without turrets is extremely vulnerable. Priority for destroying turrets: Rocket Turret> Flamethrower Turret> Rifle Turret> Net Turret> Thumper Turret> Healing Turret.
-If a turret engi does manage to get to the capture point and drops all of his turrets plus supply crate then you should just run. Odds are you won’t win that 1v1. Go help elsewhere on the map and come back to capture point once engi has left the point or his supply crate is on cooldown.
Ultimate Pro Tip****** Do not feed a turret engi. I have played countless games where one player runs to our home point all game trying to kill a turret engi. The player never decaps. Never wins the 1v1. And always causes the team to lose. DO NOT BE THIS PLAYER!
So my friend in resume your advice is . . .
Run always run
Try to kill turrets . . . and as we explain before . . .. that is not a smart option.
So basically if there is a team of 4 engis . . . there is nothing to do?
Ok, my 2 cents…
I’m not the greatest player. I would rate myself as a little below average. After being frustrated with turret engis, I decided to roll one to see just how cheesy mode it really is. I never won a 1v1, I almost always got reckt hard in almost every encounter, was stuck to the point, and was more of a hinderance to my team, than an asset. Now granted I am not very familiar with the class, and probably did everything wrong. But the assertion that this class/build is low skill cap, and ultra chees mode is (IMO) not true.
@OP while you may play one, and I am sure you are a much better player then me, it still stands to reason that turret engis can be easily facerolled by a more knowledgable and experienced player without difficulty. A team of them can be countered easily with a good team composition. Does it require a different strategy to take on a team of them? yes, but it can be done. I’ve played against teams with 3 engis, and didn’t have too much trouble. AoEs are your friend, and if you can get them away from their turrets, they don’t stand a chance.
So in conclusion, no turret engis are not OP, and don’t ruin SPVP.
It’s the chain I beat you with until you
recognize my command!”
Ok, my 2 cents…
I’m not the greatest player. I would rate myself as a little below average. After being frustrated with turret engis, I decided to roll one to see just how cheesy mode it really is. I never won a 1v1, I almost always got reckt hard in almost every encounter, was stuck to the point, and was more of a hinderance to my team, than an asset. Now granted I am not very familiar with the class, and probably did everything wrong. But the assertion that this class/build is low skill cap, and ultra chees mode is (IMO) not true.
@OP while you may play one, and I am sure you are a much better player then me, it still stands to reason that turret engis can be easily facerolled by a more knowledgable and experienced player without difficulty. A team of them can be countered easily with a good team composition. Does it require a different strategy to take on a team of them? yes, but it can be done. I’ve played against teams with 3 engis, and didn’t have too much trouble. AoEs are your friend, and if you can get them away from their turrets, they don’t stand a chance.
So in conclusion, no turret engis are not OP, and don’t ruin SPVP.
To summarize: “I didn’t do well as a turret engi the first time I played it and so that means the class is balanced”
That is really bad logic. The spec is broken and it needs a nerf. Right now, engis and eles are way too strong and need an adjustment.
Ok, my 2 cents…
I’m not the greatest player. I would rate myself as a little below average. After being frustrated with turret engis, I decided to roll one to see just how cheesy mode it really is. I never won a 1v1, I almost always got reckt hard in almost every encounter, was stuck to the point, and was more of a hinderance to my team, than an asset. Now granted I am not very familiar with the class, and probably did everything wrong. But the assertion that this class/build is low skill cap, and ultra chees mode is (IMO) not true.
@OP while you may play one, and I am sure you are a much better player then me, it still stands to reason that turret engis can be easily facerolled by a more knowledgable and experienced player without difficulty. A team of them can be countered easily with a good team composition. Does it require a different strategy to take on a team of them? yes, but it can be done. I’ve played against teams with 3 engis, and didn’t have too much trouble. AoEs are your friend, and if you can get them away from their turrets, they don’t stand a chance.
So in conclusion, no turret engis are not OP, and don’t ruin SPVP.
To summarize: “I didn’t do well as a turret engi the first time I played it and so that means the class is balanced”
That is really bad logic. The spec is broken and it needs a nerf. Right now, engis and eles are way too strong and need an adjustment.
So apparently you only read the first part and ignored the rest. Lets try this again. It’s really not as afk cheese mode as it’s made out to be. Any decent team, or even player for that matter, can take out turret engis without too much trouble.
As others also have said, there are plenty of counters to turret engis, and it requires a different strategy than getting close and smashing 1. However, while they may not be perfectly balanced, they are still far from being overpowered. I have 1v1’d several turret engis with a necro, staff ele, and ranger (range and melee). If it was so OP then noone would be able to touch them with a 10ft pole.
So I stand by my assertion, that logically, if I can beat them, and can get beat with using one, then they aren’t OP.
It’s the chain I beat you with until you
recognize my command!”
The only thing worse than people actually playing (and probably enjoying) Turret Engineer (or any AI spec for that matter) are people trying to defend their spec on the GW2 boards.
I thought this was a video game. Where people actively play and press buttons. But I guess some people don’t want to learn ability rotations, combos, movement, dodging.
It doesn’t matter if turrets are bad in PvE or WvW. They ruin the one game mode that could bring new and old players to return to the game. Turret Engineers and other cheesy things contribute well to the big cesspool of things that are actually holding this game back from growing/getting more popularity (among with horrible MMR, no leaver protection, terrible matchups).
@ Guy above: If you can’t do well with Turrets and take that as an argument to say “turrets aren’t OP”, then you probably can’t do well with any spec in the game anyways.
Turret engineers also aren’t that immobile, picking up turrets lowers their re-deployment cooldown (careful, this might be too advanced for you people).
The real problem here is scaling, or the lack of it. Turrets don’t scale with anything and Arenanet has already said they never will. So they give them flat values instead, which are too strong. You can bunker up in Soldier or Carrion and your Turrets will do the same amount of largely unavoidable damage.
I’m not using my lack of experience playing a turret engi to say that they aren’t OP. I’m using my experience in killing them, as a below average player to say they aren’t OP.
It’s the chain I beat you with until you
recognize my command!”
Let the thread die stop feeding.
The Dhuumfire thread
Everyone saying “oh but there’s counters” and “you can do x/y/z to beat turret engies” that’s completely besides the point. The fact the build exists is the problem in itself.
Its actually REALLY good for a game to have really simple builds, as they let new players hop in and be effective, without needing a ton of skill, yet not being an optimal strategy at all. Perhaps it could be a little bit less effective so that vets aren’t as drawn to it, but I don’t think it needs to be nerfed into oblivion.
The best news: if you don’t to learn to 1v1 a turret engie, that is fine. The best way to beat them is rotations! Either leave them and win 4v5 on the other 2 points, or bring the teamfight to them where they are 100% useless. In a teamfight, a turret engie is like a guardian that has no stability and can’t stand up to as much focus-fire.
A video for reference – Extra Credits talking about balancing for skill:
I understand how to balance videogames. The problem with this build, imo, is that it’s just completely awful to play against. I don’t want to play against fidgety AI, that’s called PvE. The fact it’s balanced or not has nothing to do with this build, it’s just lazy and poorly designed.
Apparently you do not. You assume your personal opinion as fact. You assume your personal experience defines the whole of the community. You assume to tell everyone what is goof for them in the community. Nothing about any of that says “good video game developer, for the balance team” to me in the least.
Funny how Turrets have been considered useless for years, yet now they start getting played with no major changes from their original form besides some bug fixes and suddenly, every forumite desperate to blame a loss on anything but themselves is crying “nerf”.
Same story every time.
Honest to god, my strat for killing Turret Engineers has always been to run in and just kill the useless kitten because Turrets are slow firing, low dps, dumb as kitten AI.
I play a tankier build though, seems logical that turrets would shred the typical all-or-nothing burst build 1v1.
That’s kind of the point, though.
At some point, strategy has got to become a factor in your positioning about the map, in my opinion. If you’re sure the AI will kill you and you can’t fight from beyond 700 range, take a burst friend with you and kill the Engineer in <2 seconds with a combo because there is nothing they can do to prevent that.
Funny how Turrets have been considered useless for years, yet now they start getting played with no major changes from their original form besides some bug fixes and suddenly, every forumite desperate to blame a loss on anything but themselves is crying “nerf”.
Same story every time.
Honest to god, my strat for killing Turret Engineers has always been to run in and just kill the useless kitten because Turrets are slow firing, low dps, dumb as kitten AI.
I play a tankier build though, seems logical that turrets would shred the typical all-or-nothing burst build 1v1.
That’s kind of the point, though.At some point, strategy has got to become a factor in your positioning about the map, in my opinion. If you’re sure the AI will kill you and you can’t fight from beyond 700 range, take a burst friend with you and kill the Engineer in <2 seconds with a combo because there is nothing they can do to prevent that.
It’s the chain I beat you with until you
recognize my command!”
Turrets ruin solo Q. Teammates suicide 1v1 to turret