Turret engi underpowered! Suggested buff
I…good god man…Just think about that… Tripple kit engis with one of them being turrets?…
you would single handedly create the most devistating build this game has probably ever seen.
Completely balance. Yup.
I see no issues with this one.
Rank: Top 250 since Season 2
#5 best gerdien in wurld
(edited by Saiyan.1704)
Oh oh and can we have turret stealth themselves when there not firing? Set em up right and there be no way to know there there until your on point and its too late. Imagine the screams of horror from thieves trying to back cap.
As long as Turret kit #1 spawns rifle turrets with no cap. It’s the only way itll so enough damage to be fair.
Warlord Sikari (80 Scrapper)
Full turret is bad, but one or two turrets in conjunction with a kit (often bombs) can be ruthless.
currently a Boyfriend main :P
Waiting To ReRoll Mystic & Forget About Tyria
Turrets are not op at all. They can die if you and three teammates focus them down. I mean sure one or two of you might die but the turrets might go down. I think it’s important that people understand the real injustice. Spirit Rangers ai moves with them, necro minions do the same. Thus it is unfair that turrets can’t do so as well. I think that turrets should follow the ENGI around, it’s only fair.
Such Kit would be useful in PvE and made engineer more wanted than complained upon.
In PvP it could be quite overpowered unless there would be a significant duration reduction along with HP reduction on some of them.
Remove the turrets from the utilities.
Make new kit : Turret kit.
Every attack skill is a diffferent turret you can place and will just function as a turretThis way engis can atleast get their toolkit and slickshoes to make it a bit decent.
I think this will balance the complete meta
Not sure if troll.
Ash, keep in mind that turrets can essentially scout. If an engineer leaves their turrets on point and leaves that point, they can know who on the opposing team is decapping just by looking at the combat log. Given that turret engi is at a severe disadvantage away from their turrets, that’s borderline acceptable. But imagine if an engineer could lay turrets on two points, and then successfully contest the third. Way overpowered.
If you want to play turret engi, go for it. If you just want to play engi and be a huge benefit to your team, try another build. You can still have access to turrets part of the time with your elite skill, but you won’t be stuck slotting turrets over kits and losing maneuverability. Or try one turret with two kits, see if that gives you the versatility you’re looking for.
Turrets are not op at all. They can die if you and three teammates focus them down. I mean sure one or two of you might die but the turrets might go down. I think it’s important that people understand the real injustice. Spirit Rangers ai moves with them, necro minions do the same. Thus it is unfair that turrets can’t do so as well. I think that turrets should follow the ENGI around, it’s only fair.
of course.. runnin’ turrets. okay if u want some runnin turrets, then give ranger also aoe-bombs and 4 pets. and in the end, we will have 8 professions who are always the same. oh wait, it was just a joke?
made my day!
Imagine the flying turrets engi will get in HoT…
Imagine the flying turrets engi will get in HoT…
With Hammers too! CCs galore!
Turrets need wheels.
Considering that they are not viable and most organized teams just completely shut the build down I would say yes it is underpowered. Same as MM or spirit rager. All are weak and underpowered.
I would like to be able to pickup enemy turrets and move them.
The only exclusive skyhammer stream
That’s exactly how i feel