Tutorial Improvements needed

Tutorial Improvements needed

in PvP

Posted by: Greenhill.8710


I like the PvP in this game but the experience overall for like 75% of the games is terrible unless you have like 4 other people with you on team speak or other programs.

I would suggest a better tutorial and introduction to PvP:

1. Tutorials on the different maps even trainings against computers .
2. Tutorials with suggestions about the various role of pvp .
3.Tutorial how TO OPEN THE TEAM CHAT to help communication.
4. Possibility to put different marks on the minimap not just the red one but like different ones like dunno for example , retreat , hold position etc…
5. Better report system for afker and who leaves the game.

I think that would improve the PVP.

Tutorial Improvements needed

in PvP

Posted by: Zietlogik.6208


I agree, I made a thread on this a while ago, but it never got enough bumps to stay visible. Your ideas are beyond a tutorial though, people don’t even know the basics, let alone markers, etc.


Zietlogik [Warrior] Chronologix [Ranger] Ziet The Dreaded [Necromancer] Zietlogic [Revenant]