Unable to queue for 24+ hrs

Unable to queue for 24+ hrs

in PvP

Posted by: joshmossas.6542


Hey so it seems like I’m trapped in a bug of sorts. Basically I am perma-stuck waiting for a queue that I can’t leave. I’ve tried logging and re-logging, changing characters, changing maps, and restarting the game, but nothing has fixed it.

Every time I enter a map (even immediately after starting gw2) I get a “queue pop” that I can’t accept. When I dismiss it I’m stuck “waiting for queue” but can’t leave the queue no matter what I do. I figured this was just a little glitch that would go away, but it’s been like this for more than 24hrs even after logging and re-logging multiple times.

I’ve attached two images of the “queue pop” that appears whenever I enter a new map. Each photo I’m on a different character. I’ve also attached images of the pvp menu. You’ll see the “leave queue” option is greyed out. I can’t select it.

I’ve submitted a report but it’s been a while with no fix so I thought maybe bringing it here would bring more visibility to the issue.

Anywho Thanks!


Click for dumb PVP videos and probably some other nonesense :D

Unable to queue for 24+ hrs

in PvP

Posted by: beatthedown.2651


Seems really broken to me. Probably only a GM or a hotfix can help you out. The only thing I can think of is clearing your cache, but this has very likely nothing to do with your error.


Unable to queue for 24+ hrs

in PvP

Posted by: Ithilwen.1529


There’s a sticky’d thread for that above. “Stuck in a PvP match.”

Mesmerising Girl

Unable to queue for 24+ hrs

in PvP

Posted by: joshmossas.6542


Does this fall in that category?
Since I’m not really stuck inside of a pvp match. I’m just trapped outside of the matches q-q

@beatthedown I’ll give it a shot. Thanks

Click for dumb PVP videos and probably some other nonesense :D

Unable to queue for 24+ hrs

in PvP

Posted by: joshmossas.6542


Oh it looks like people have posted in that thread for a similar issue to mine. I’ll make a post there as well thanks!

Click for dumb PVP videos and probably some other nonesense :D

Unable to queue for 24+ hrs

in PvP

Posted by: Shaogin.2679


I’m not sure but I think someone had posted that if you go into a WvW map it fixes that.

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Unable to queue for 24+ hrs

in PvP

Posted by: joshmossas.6542


@shaogin I already tried that. Feelsbadman.

I actually went into wvw for the first time in months in order to get my pvp fix.

Click for dumb PVP videos and probably some other nonesense :D

Unable to queue for 24+ hrs

in PvP

Posted by: Ray Patrick

Ray Patrick

PvP Server Programmer

@joshmossas.6542, you should be able to queue now. Apologies. I’m looking into that issue.

Slings and Arrows
Vox Machinum, 80
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Unable to queue for 24+ hrs

in PvP

Posted by: joshmossas.6542


Yeah it’s working now!

Thanks fam ;D

Click for dumb PVP videos and probably some other nonesense :D

Unable to queue for 24+ hrs

in PvP

Posted by: ano nimo.3948

ano nimo.3948

I have the same issue now, stuck in Queue outside of a match. Can you fix it for me too please?

Unable to queue for 24+ hrs

in PvP

Posted by: ano nimo.3948

ano nimo.3948

now i got removed from the Queue, all seems fine again…
nope not fine, now i get removed from the Queue without any reason again and again after few secs. also no “in mtachmaking Queue” Symbol in the middle of the upper end of my Screen.

update: now i can Queue again lol

(edited by ano nimo.3948)