Unbalanced PVP

Unbalanced PVP

in PvP

Posted by: Lazybones.3152


Is there anyway to help balance arena pvp when someone decides to leave, and your team is at a 5 to 4 disadvantage?
An increase in toughness and vitality for the team with 4? A decrease for the team with 4?
More points awarded for the team that has to fight with less?
Punishment for the player who leaves? Or maybe allowing for an extra minute or so to look for another player when you have a player that leaves.
Just frustrated over this happening many times. Any positive feedback would be appreciated.

Unbalanced PVP

in PvP

Posted by: nacario.9417


Idk if the system automatically adds more players from the queue, if yes then they should speed it up so new players comes in insta

Power Ranger PvP
I used to be a power ranger, now not sure anymore