Unbeatable Comp

Unbeatable Comp

in PvP

Posted by: igsy.8027


Basically Purple Smokers’ comp…

Thief, Mesmer (the unstoppable force) + Guard, Ele, Ele (the unmovable object)

How on earth do you beat this?

Can’t focus down any player
Has ridiculous mobility on 4/5 players
Crap ton of might stacks
Massive on-point pressure
Massive off-point spike damage
Has Portal to auto-win Khylo against teams with no Mesmer

No insta-res if someone dies…but that’s ok cos Guardian.

Unbeatable Comp

in PvP

Posted by: DrLane.5248


-You are really funny since we beat most team with other team comp as well , we even played the same grp comp than asdf ( war , thief , 2x ele , bunk guard) and still won with even more point than usual.
-We even played with a ranger instead of 2 x ele.
-Then , we re not invicible becuz we lost to Boon ,then TCG ,who are doing really well vs us and giving us a lot of fun + will to improve our gameplay.

Everyone can play our group comp , so why are we one of the few that can use it efficiently ? Well , the answer is really easy to get , most of our players are practicing the game A LOT , we play lot of 1N1 , 2VS2 ,3Vs3 with différent comp that we find in tournaments =scrims.When we find smthing that is dangereous for us , we try to figure out what is going wrong and to correct it.

In fact i could give you ton of tips to take down our Team but after all it would just be a L2P issue.


[SmK]Tapss , pvp and <°)))))><

Unbeatable Comp

in PvP

Posted by: Keksmuffin.1450


Just nerf Drazeh. Drazeh 2 stronk.

Bullet Punch

Unbeatable Comp

in PvP

Posted by: igsy.8027


-You are really funny since we beat most team with other team comp as well , we even played the same grp comp than asdf ( war , thief , 2x ele , bunk guard) and still won with even more point than usual.
-We even played with a ranger instead of 2 x ele.
-Then , we re not invicible becuz we lost to Boon ,then TCG ,who are doing really well vs us and giving us a lot of fun + will to improve our gameplay.

Everyone can play our group comp , so why are we one of the few that can use it efficiently ? Well , the answer is really easy to get , most of our players are practicing the game A LOT , we play lot of 1N1 , 2VS2 ,3Vs3 with différent comp that we find in tournaments =scrims.When we find smthing that is dangereous for us , we try to figure out what is going wrong and to correct it.

In fact i could give you ton of tips to take down our Team but after all it would just be a L2P issue.


Woah defensive.

I’m not saying you guys are bad or even saying that you guys are being carried by your comp as you guys are good players.

I’m just saying the combination of Guard+Ele+Ele and Thief+Mesmer is just ridiculous and has too much of everything with no weakness to exploit.

Unbeatable Comp

in PvP

Posted by: DrLane.5248


Well if the guy cant focus down a mesmer or a thief in a team fight , i think its not only about Drazeh being good at the game , but more like some problems in the other team dps assist :o

[SmK]Tapss , pvp and <°)))))><

Unbeatable Comp

in PvP

Posted by: igsy.8027


I won’t discuss the Thief+Mesmer pairing as that is discussed in another thread.

However, if “focus the thief or mesmer” is what you have to resort to… i think you can see why I said there is no weakness to exploit given how slippery both classes are.

Unbeatable Comp

in PvP

Posted by: XGhoul.7426




Unbeatable Comp

in PvP

Posted by: DrLane.5248


theifs and mesmer are weak to any conditions dmge and ofc direct dmge , i have to admit that they have tools to evade/disengage but they dont have infinite ones.Force the mesmer to use 1 or 2 of his defensive skills ( f4 and blink for exemple) then you know that at any momment the meser can be killed with a root/Stun and your team “jumping” on him.A thief dont really need to be focused down so much becuz he will suffer from the collateral dmge if he is defending his mesmer fella and wont be able to deal so much damage alone ( considering ur pressuring the mesmer so he cant dps a lot).

So the counter is real , its called good/smart team play , and if the group comp you are playing atm doesnt allow you to beat this , you should try to adapt and change when you face meser/thiefs team.

[SmK]Tapss , pvp and <°)))))><

Unbeatable Comp

in PvP

Posted by: igsy.8027


Thank you for your advice.

The issue is that Condi damage on the Thief/Mesmer is pretty much negated by the presence of the Guard/Ele/Ele.

Mesmers and Thieves are hard to constantly pressure because of the Stealth & Ports. While you are definitely right that good/smart team play will kill them, it is not an easy or quick process given you have to wait till they have exhausted their defensive cooldowns. Meanwhile, your damage dealers are likely to be taking much heavier damage.

With the Guard/Ele/Ele combo, your Thief and Mesmer will be receiving enough heals to keep them up long enough to turn the fight against the enemy.

The only viable counter to Thief/Mesmer seems to be another Thief/Mesmer or DPS Guardian while lacks the same amount of disengage.

Unbeatable Comp

in PvP

Posted by: DrLane.5248


THe burning on mesmer is op , and there are so many ways to apply it that even with dispell and good support on the mesmer from the other team , he should have 1 condition dpsing him at any momment.And ele healing a mesmer means ele is busy at healing + mesmer getting safe to get healed = less pressure on you.
On the other hand the on of your team getting focused can play safer , for exemple more on you side, will force mesmer/thief to overextend to get him , and give you an opportunity to kill them (assuming u were not afk during the fight and your enemis used some cds).

Even a moa stealth burst can be countered by some hard rez if it succeed and you can still evade/block /whatever .

Then you cant say that thief/mesmer/Dps guard is the only counter to mesmer , fr exemple ele is countering a mesmer in a team fight (condi+direct dmge) but you still ca nget one shoted by a good assist of the thief/mesmer while pressuring them.SO i think its even , you have ways to take them down while they can take you down as well.

[SmK]Tapss , pvp and <°)))))><

Unbeatable Comp

in PvP

Posted by: vincecontix.1264


I hate vsing a team with competent thief and mesmer duo its a nightmare they burst you down so quickly. Then move on to next target and they are not easy to pin down.

Shikamaru X Thief, Warrior, Mesmer, Engi(FT leader)
Highest ranked reached 28 soloq
Isle of Janthir

Unbeatable Comp

in PvP

Posted by: vincecontix.1264


Oh op I agree with you that comp is possibly the strongest comp in the game.

Shikamaru X Thief, Warrior, Mesmer, Engi(FT leader)
Highest ranked reached 28 soloq
Isle of Janthir

Unbeatable Comp

in PvP

Posted by: hihey.1075


Drazeh should definitely be nerfed. That guy is op

Pillow Cake
Worst Thief EU
One Handed One vs One Videos

Unbeatable Comp

in PvP

Posted by: vincecontix.1264


DrLane.5284 just wondering what in your opinion is the strongest comp assuming the players are skilled enough.

Shikamaru X Thief, Warrior, Mesmer, Engi(FT leader)
Highest ranked reached 28 soloq
Isle of Janthir

Unbeatable Comp

in PvP

Posted by: MarkPhilips.5169


Party composition is important but many times players forget there are players better than others.

Unbeatable Comp

in PvP

Posted by: vincecontix.1264


Party composition is important but many times players forget there are players better than others.

But assuming that players and all competitively highly skilled what is the best comp?

Shikamaru X Thief, Warrior, Mesmer, Engi(FT leader)
Highest ranked reached 28 soloq
Isle of Janthir

Unbeatable Comp

in PvP

Posted by: Anton.1769


What OP want? May be to give 5 turret engies the same chances like subj team? What is unusual at subj? 2 dps roamers + 3 bunkers with a lot of boons. Why it must not be an optimal choise?

Unbeatable Comp

in PvP

Posted by: Frenk.5917


I’m just saying the combination of Guard+Ele+Ele and Thief+Mesmer is just ridiculous and has too much of everything with no weakness to exploit.

Meanwhile, there are 2 topics speaking about how engineers are OP because EVERY team is stacking 2x of them.

Frenk – EU
All is vain

Unbeatable Comp

in PvP

Posted by: Eurantien.4632


Rangers and Engis.

Unbeatable Comp

in PvP

Posted by: igsy.8027


Double Engie or Double Ranger is just an NA thing… it would never work against the top EU teams with all the condi cleanse by Ele/Guards and the lack of disengages on an Engineer. The Thief/Mesmer would melt an Engie as soon as the Elixir S is up.

Anton – Yes please, 5 turret engies to dominate so I can get my eFame cos im a scrub.

Seriously though, I want for the Ele/Ele combination to be toned down and for the Thief/Mesmer synergy to be reduced. I feel there is way too much damage on offer which keeps a lot of builds out of viability.

Unbeatable Comp

in PvP

Posted by: Elitist.8701


LOLOLOLOLOLOL Eles are soooo easy to focus just go sidepoints, a mobile bursty comp can just wreck whichever 2 points the bunker guard isnt on, all you really need is a thief that can 1v1 the other teams thief, cuz after that thief basically hardcounters all other zerkers. Also good DP thieves can 1v1 eles pretty fast, and thief warrior combo or engi necro combo can 2v2 everything.

-Teef Teef Teef Teef Master Thief

Best Multiclass NA. RIP my beautiful Necromancer, such a shame. Retired, April 2015. GG Anet,
I’m not coming back, not that you care.