Sir Noobless | Half God half Titan full king | Chaithhs #1 fanboy
I thought it was the movie ……!
lol, me too.
I just bought gw2 the tutorial is harder than unranked anything to do about this?
And could you possibly elaborate? What tutorial?
So I just bought the game from chaithhs twitch yesterday because I’m his #1 fan, I entered the mists and boom im in this weird map where you have to stomp a bunch of dudes OMG it was harder than stomping backpack and his rapping skills. Then you had to cap two points, Jesus christ longest time of my life a single point takes like literally longer than the time caed spends on downstate. I quit.
Sir Noobless | Half God half Titan full king | Chaithhs #1 fanboy
I read this post drunk and had to stroke my duck after reading. This novel was better than my first rodeo.
Lowjin is my stripper name ;)