Upcoming Changes for PvP League Season 2

Upcoming Changes for PvP League Season 2

in PvP

Posted by: Yasi.9065


The configuration limits the size difference between the largest premades. Configured currently at 3, a 5 vs 2 or 4 vs 1 is the largest gap possible. If we lower the cutoff to 2, then 5v3, 4v2, and 3v1 become the largest gaps possible.

So what you basically did there is reverting Season 1.

In Season 1, if you played as a 2 man premade, you got really easy matchups, whereas as a 4 man or 5 man casual premade, you usually got matched against better 5 man teams.

With that decreased queuetime (which btw nobody really wanted…. or even complaint about) you now favor large premades.

Quality > Quanitity !

Id rather wait 2 minutes longer and get a fair matchup, instead of insta matchup in which I end up being one of those "1"s against a 5 man team.

This fixation on reducing queuetime has to STOP. Or at least give us some option to increase our queuetime and get better quality matches. You know, like a controller:

Upcoming Changes for PvP League Season 2

in PvP

Posted by: Dream Shake.8741

Dream Shake.8741

So it’s not ok for premades to have long queue times but it’s ok for soloers to have their time wasted by being in 5v2-1-1-1 almost unwinnable matches?

Unwinnable? I guess you didn’t read the part where solo-queuers had 50% win rate over full premades in season 1. My only complaint is removing the extra pips awarded for beating a 3, 4 or 5-man teams. There were so many newb guilds just queuing for lulz, getting extra pippage for beating them was pretty cool.

Upcoming Changes for PvP League Season 2

in PvP

Posted by: Yasi.9065


Case in point:
Matchup today in < 1 min… and I got matched… with people… that NEVER played pvp before. Me. With 3k games played. Got matched. With people. That stood on close. and waited. for cap. To get. points.

I had to waste 10 minutes of my time, for a matchup so screwed up, its not even funny anymore. Id rather have waited 10 minutes for a good matchup then this kitten.

(edited by Yasi.9065)

Upcoming Changes for PvP League Season 2

in PvP

Posted by: Yasi.9065


So it’s not ok for premades to have long queue times but it’s ok for soloers to have their time wasted by being in 5v2-1-1-1 almost unwinnable matches?

Unwinnable? I guess you didn’t read the part where solo-queuers had 50% win rate over full premades in season 1. My only complaint is removing the extra pips awarded for beating a 3, 4 or 5-man teams. There were so many newb guilds just queuing for lulz, getting extra pippage for beating them was pretty cool.

I guess you didnt read that part either, since it was meant for 5man premade vs 5 soloers. And of course that matchup was 50% winrate, since you had to get 5 really good players to even get matched against a 5 man premade.
Only when they started ambering their premades, you’d loose against them as soloers.

So, only after people started cheating, did the system fail. Think about it.

Upcoming Changes for PvP League Season 2

in PvP

Posted by: Jack Daniels.5270

Jack Daniels.5270

Unranked matchmaking does not work. One team has the worst players 75% of the time,
i think even random will yield better results.

Upcoming Changes for PvP League Season 2

in PvP

Posted by: Jourdelune.7456


… snip …
If you are a diamond-skilled player, you would have been fighting more legendary players in amber during season 1 than you will in season 2. Season 1 gave you opponents based on your MMR so every match would have been tough all the way up the ladder. Season 2 will give you opponents only based on ladder position, so diamond and legendary players will be climbing over the large amount of lower skilled players relatively quickly.

… snip from another Evan post….

We can increase the size restriction, but queue times are a limiting factor. If the number of premades in the queue is healthy, then we can discuss making more strict premade rules.
The configuration limits the size difference between the largest premades. Configured currently at 3, a 5 vs 2 or 4 vs 1 is the largest gap possible. If we lower the cutoff to 2, then 5v3, 4v2, and 3v1 become the largest gaps possible.

Sorry bro, but you need to consider MMR of the same divisions to let good soloq guyz wrekt some of the average premade out there.

If not, many low-tier or new pvper will stop playing being constantly farmed by average premade.

The Season 1 was great in that regard. It was rare to see premade because of the MMR booster 5 man got versus soloq guyz. My avg was 1 premade over 5 matches while trio queuing. This was really good.

Dal Aï Lhama (Tempest), Dal Lahu Akbar (DH), Lord Dhal of Dharma (Scrapper) 12k+ spvp games.
Former Team Captain of ggwp (ESL weekly), GLHF (AG), MIST[CORE] spvp alliance guild.

(edited by Jourdelune.7456)

Upcoming Changes for PvP League Season 2

in PvP

Posted by: pelle ossa.9705

pelle ossa.9705

after 3+ year we still have a crap beta matchaking that probably will be bad even in season 2… good , i can’t understand why 2 years ago matchmaking was pretty good (not perfect , but good) , then after the last feature patch is become totally mess up 1.5 years ago and today you are still here talking about number and stuff , spvp is become somethig like early kitten access….

Upcoming Changes for PvP League Season 2

in PvP

Posted by: Phoebe Ascension.8437

Phoebe Ascension.8437

The prob is, in last league, as soloQ, you could ‘trolltank’ (overpowered mesmer tank build), that even ultra smart good opponents had trouble to kill. All you had to do, is keep up the survival rotations ok, and don’t get stunned. So even the most clever, legendary, whatsoever players, couldn’t ‘burst’ average players down. They were slowed down a lot (often leading into frustration, mistakes, and unexpected losses). Even teamspeak couldnt really (quickly) save them from this fate.

Now we got ‘kill fast or be killed fast’ meta. This means teamspeak will be so crazy important, it’s not even normal. This means a 4man Queue will hugely win out froma 1-1-1-1 queue. Even if all individual players are crazy skilled (and equal enough to be dumped in the same match), this won’t work. The TeamQ skill level will get 30% better due to better response time, on coordination centric situations. But their mmr won’t be ‘seen by the game as’ 30% better.

Conclusion: teamspeak above average teams will ROCK this season, and soloQ’ers will have huge huge huge trouble, unless they finally loose 200 matches to have the game consider them LESS then there skill level, so that that encounts for the 30% mmr diff that is not seen by the game but exist by teamspeak use.

Legendary weapons can be hidden now!
No excuse anymore for not giving ‘hide mounts’-option
No thanks to unidentified weapons.

Upcoming Changes for PvP League Season 2

in PvP

Posted by: fishball.7204


So it’s not ok for premades to have long queue times but it’s ok for soloers to have their time wasted by being in 5v2-1-1-1 almost unwinnable matches?

Unwinnable? I guess you didn’t read the part where solo-queuers had 50% win rate over full premades in season 1. My only complaint is removing the extra pips awarded for beating a 3, 4 or 5-man teams. There were so many newb guilds just queuing for lulz, getting extra pippage for beating them was pretty cool.

But the thing is we aren’t using the season 1 match making system anymore


(edited by fishball.7204)

Upcoming Changes for PvP League Season 2

in PvP

Posted by: skullfaerie.7203


Ah, the problem is that you can voice concerns about as many things as you like until you go blue, Anet will stubbornly go ahead with it and ‘test it out’ without another word. Then about a week or two before the season is over some ‘statement’ will be made and a ‘fix’ might get rolled out. Three years into the game and we continue to get ‘test season’ after ‘test season’.

Upcoming Changes for PvP League Season 2

in PvP

Posted by: brannigan.9831


Changes sound pretty good to me. I think people over-estimate the player base size with some of the queue changes they want A-net to implement and how it would effect queue times. Sounds good for now no more full groups versus all solos but it can always be tweaked further later if that’s not good enough. The mostly solo people need to understand that solo queue is not coming back and make a decision based on that whether they want to stick with the game or not. Seems foolish to me to keep playing and expecting something that’s not coming. If its the big of a deal to you no one is forcing you to play.

Upcoming Changes for PvP League Season 2

in PvP

Posted by: Pandatrice.7183


What if it’s 500:500 tie? Do both teams earn a pip? Does it count as win streak?

If it’s a win for both teams, then people can still farm to the legend…

For those who don’t know how to farm in ranked pvp, here it goes:

1) find 10 players and split them into two premade-5 teams
2) coordinate in TS, start to queue at the same time
3) you will have a very good chance to be matched together, especially when there are few premade teams queueing
4) control the points to make both teams reach 500 at the same time, it’s not hard to do so
5) do (2) – (4) over and over again

I know it’s not fun, but still a lot of people were doing it in season one. At least in the Chinese server it worked well, because
- PVP population is small there
- premade teams are few

Upcoming Changes for PvP League Season 2

in PvP

Posted by: Soul.9280


Matches that end 500-500 still have a winner and a loser. Winner is determined by adding the personal scores of everyone on each team, the winning team is the one with the highest total of the sum of personal scores. So the pip exploit farming that Pandratrice is suggesting in the above comment isn’t possible.

Upcoming Changes for PvP League Season 2

in PvP

Posted by: Pandatrice.7183


I’m not proposing a new farming method, because people have been doing this in season one, at least in the Chinese server.

Maybe the pip awarding mechanism in season one was broken so it was doable. Or I missed the part that they win in turn. Anyways, this was the fastest way to climb on ladder.

I hope the upcoming changes can prevent this from happening again, because it’s destroying the pvp community.

(edited by Pandatrice.7183)

Upcoming Changes for PvP League Season 2

in PvP

Posted by: Chapell.1346


Looks promising, but then again if you wanted me to Compete against people leagues of miles and miles away behind their desk on a Live Server, perhaps we do not share the common knowledge interms of competition.
Changes is always as good, i will probably stick to practice.

Between a master and apprentice, i would love to see the differences.

Upcoming Changes for PvP League Season 2

in PvP

Posted by: Apolo.5942


Here is a novel idea, make solo queuers, fight solo queuers.

You are using different queues to address a population issue, and it is not only not working it is also killing your population.

The term Exploit means nothing in GW2 –
Vials Maize Balm Exploit(Halloween) 2014
Locked out of JP (Wintersday) 2015

Upcoming Changes for PvP League Season 2

in PvP

Posted by: fishball.7204


I think ANet thinks that by making solo unenjoyable, people will group up and run 5 man premades. Well most people instead opt for the other direction, which is not PvPing.


Upcoming Changes for PvP League Season 2

in PvP

Posted by: Valkyriez.6578


I think ANet thinks that by making solo unenjoyable, people will group up and run 5 man premades. Well most people instead opt for the other direction, which is not PvPing.

You find solo queing not enjoyable? I played only 300 matches or so in the last season, ran into a premade less then 10% of the time. It’s not a big deal at all.

Upcoming Changes for PvP League Season 2

in PvP

Posted by: fishball.7204


That’s under the old system where if you did ok you got no pip loss. Now you can be placed into totally futile games against full premades and lose pip for it regardless of what you do, if you find that enjoyable ok.