Upcoming seasons, a concern

Upcoming seasons, a concern

in PvP

Posted by: Forsty.7968


Note this is not a complaint about the start of this season, just a concern for upcoming ones.

Kinda looking for a dev response here. How are upcoming seasons placements going to be handled? Will there be a full reset in rating (all last seasons uneffective) or such? If the system ends up working out, having a really volatile rating at the start of upcoming seasons seems a bit unnecessary.

Just trying to make sure the same incident that happened with overwatchs starts of seasons 1 and 2 wont happen in here. Having to play the first few weeks of ranked with somewhat unbalanced matchups due to the placements being so meaningful isnt really fun for anyone in the long run. Its less meaningful for a very good player since theyll win most of their games anyway but thats a very small percentage of the players. People below that can get unlucky/lucky streaks that can throw them all across the scale.